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2004-10-14, 12:28 AM
Anyone find this as funny as I did
Kerry: "Listening to President Bush lecture on jobs is kinda like listening to Tony Soprano talk about Law and Order"
:rofl: :rofl:
I missed the entire argument i was laughing so hard
2004-10-14, 10:24 AM
Yeah I was pissing my pants, and so were the other 30 or so people who were watching the debate with me.
John Kerry made another funny at the end when he said, "All three of us have something in common - we all married up. Some would say me more than the others!"
I love him, we were hysterical :lol:
2004-10-14, 10:48 AM
i did not see it, but that is pretty funny
2004-10-14, 11:10 AM
Yeah, it was a good debate for both of them.
2004-10-14, 11:16 AM
I also thought it was hilarious that for the first 3rd of the debate, Bush had a drop of piddle in the corner of his mouth :lol:
The split-screen views murdered Bush, imo - the whole time Kerry was talking, Bush was standing with his head cocked, mouth puckered, blinking like a brainless idiot.... if the body language has the effect on voters the way the Kennedy/Nixon debate did back in the day, oh crap son! :lol:
2004-10-14, 01:38 PM
2004-10-14, 04:58 PM
funny, agreed - but not that great.
i thought the bit about the pell grants was the funniest
2004-10-14, 05:50 PM
"Anybody need some wood?"
Pwn3d Shrub.
2004-10-14, 06:41 PM
If we'd been looking for the best president based on image, Carmen Electra'd be on Capitol Hill. Focus on the issues.
2004-10-14, 06:43 PM
Gladly, Aztec. Repression, anyone?
2004-10-14, 06:45 PM
Oh, that was just the disclaimer. I found "D'ya want some wood?" funny as well.
2004-10-14, 07:52 PM
I also thought it was hilarious that for the first 3rd of the debate, Bush had a drop of piddle in the corner of his mouth :lol:
The split-screen views murdered Bush, imo - the whole time Kerry was talking, Bush was standing with his head cocked, mouth puckered, blinking like a brainless idiot.... if the body language has the effect on voters the way the Kennedy/Nixon debate did back in the day, oh crap son! :lol:
Now I wish I saw it! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Bush is pwning himself :doh:
2004-10-14, 08:04 PM
I'm sure you can download it off MSN or CNN or something... I'll look for a link for ye, it was worth the 90 minutes!
Gladly, Aztec. Repression, anyone?
Recession + depression = HELP HELP! IM BEIN REPRESSED!
2004-10-14, 08:57 PM
Main Entry: re�press
Pronunciation: ri-'pres
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin repressus, past participle of reprimere to check, from re- + premere to press �more at PRESS
Date: 14th century
transitive senses
1 a : to check by or as if by pressure : CURB <injustice was repressed> b : to put down by force : SUBDUE <repress a disturbance>
2 a : to hold in by self-control <repressed a laugh> b : to prevent the natural or normal expression, activity, or development of <repressed her anger>
3 : to exclude from consciousness
4 : to inactivate (a gene or formation of a gene product) by allosteric combination at a DNA binding site
intransitive senses
: to take repressive action
- re�press�ibil�i�ty /-"pre-s&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- re�press�ible /-'pre-s&-b&l/ adjective
- re�pres�sive /-'pre-siv/ adjective
- re�pres�sive�ly adverb
- re�pres�sive�ness noun
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