View Full Version : Where were you on 9/11?

2004-10-16, 05:44 PM
Thought about this idea for this thread, awhile ago but It just popped into my head again so the question is. Where were you and how did you find out about the events that took place on 9/11.

I just got out of music class and my friend comes in and says two planes hit the world trade center. Me being in the seventh grade at the time and not knowing anything, I didnt know what the World Trade Center was and then I saw the pictures then knew we were at war. Then we saw the reports of when it hit the pentagon, and we spent most of the day watching the news. Also, my friend was worried about his uncle who worked at the pentagon, I eventually explained it to my teacher and we went down so he could call and it turns out everything is fine and his uncle was alright and he was helping with finding people trapped inside debris.

2004-10-16, 05:46 PM
I was sick from school, sleeping, I woke up, turned on the news, and they were relating something to the oklahoma bombing, and im like wtf, I flip channels for like 5 more minutes and finally figured out what happened.

2004-10-16, 05:46 PM
'Twas an interesting thread (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25570&highlight=9%2F11)

2004-10-16, 05:54 PM
I was at school and I didnt really understand what happened. I just saw that every class had tvs on and some teachers were crieing and stuff. I never really learned what happened till I got home at which time I got extremely pissed off at whoever did it and went and punched a whole in my wall. Week later after we had heard the Taliban had been involved and stuff, I took a Take a stand against drug ribbon our school was passing out and make it Take A Stand Burn Afgan .Which resulted in half the school wearing those and doing that too, to this day I have that ribbon hanging in my room to remind me.

2004-10-16, 06:13 PM
I was sleeping.

2004-10-16, 06:15 PM
Haven't we already had this thread?

I woke up at around 6am and my parents were watching the news, being 10 at the time I didn't know what was going on.

2004-10-16, 06:17 PM
Haven't we already had this [discussion]?Like four times.

2004-10-16, 06:29 PM
I was listening to the radio, and those damn people came on and are like: PLANES HIT THE TOWER THE AYPOCALPSE IS COMING RUN FOR IT RUN RUN! or something like that...

2004-10-16, 06:34 PM
It was 6th grade BLOC class. My teaching had the TV and had tears in his eyes. No students really fully understood what was happening. Life went on. :/

2004-10-16, 06:34 PM
I was in chemistry, last lession, when i first can out on the radio but i never heard. got home to see my parents watching sky news live.

(I'm in the uk)

why do you amaricans say 9/11??? to me, you are saying 9th of november??? not dising it, but very confusing

2004-10-16, 06:35 PM
Derail this thread and I will personally hunt you down and fucking kill you. Just making it clear to those who would try.

I was at school. All the sports had been canceled. My idiot/nazi of a principal informed us that "something had happened, but we're not going to tell you." Bitch. Anyway, my friends and I ended up trading a package of "Gushers" and $.50 to find out what had happened. By this time, everything had already happened, but there were rumors of 4 more planes being out there. It felt so wierd.

2004-10-16, 06:36 PM
i was in 4th grade and was in english class.

2004-10-16, 07:20 PM
holy crap so your what like.....11 or 12?

2004-10-16, 08:32 PM
'Twas an interesting thread (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25570&highlight=9%2F11)

Check Said thread for where I was.

EDIT: Hazzer, we americans are crazy, we do the date the other way around for the most part.

2004-10-16, 08:59 PM
'Twas an interesting thread (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25570&highlight=9%2F11)
I posted on page 3.

2004-10-16, 09:07 PM
Think i was in bed when it happened, was one of those days.
I watched it on the news that day though, i felt sick from the loss of so much innocent life.

2004-10-16, 09:50 PM
I was in English when an announcment was made for Student Council (over which I presided) and the 7th and 8th grade teachers to come to the office. We didn't think anything of it at first, we had been practicing for student council installation so we thought it would just be something involving that.

When we got to the office senior Student Council (8th grade) was told to begin moving upper floor classes to the auditorium while the Juniors were instructed to move the lower floor classes to the auditorium... we still had no idea of what really was going on until we walked into the 6th grade classroom, the teacher was huddled in the back of the room listening to the radio about what had happened...

Later, while the teachers were organising everone to leave I watched it all on TV... I was just plain horrified, it would be a big suprise to almost everyone in the auditorium (the teachers decided it would be better to keep most of them in the dark).

2004-10-16, 10:00 PM
I was in 2nd hour in 6th grade, science class. Everybody was just messing around before class like usual, the teacher comes in, and like a minute later, the intercom comes on, the principal says "This is a national security alert," and everybody starts wondering what it is, are we being invaded, what's happening? "A terrorist strike has just occured at the World Trade Center in New York, 2 planes hit it, one to each tower. We'll keep you updated as the situtation unfolds." The class continues for a couple minutes, then the teacher decides it's pointless to try and have a class when everyone's worried about what's going on. So she goes and gets a radio, and everybody's whispering to eachother as this goes on. By fifth hour everyone knew that a plane had hit the pentagon, and that another one had crashed. We didn't really do much except listen to the news and do a minimal amount of class-related stuff.

Several times throughout the year we had assemblies with power-point shots of the attack, and of people helping to look for survivors. By this point "God Bless the USA" was a step short of being the national anthem. My best friend Ryan was saying that he heard some folks in "****-something" were cheering in the streets after the attack. (We were in 6th grade, gimme a break).

2004-10-16, 10:10 PM
what the fuck does this have to do with anything?


no need for random threads, especially ones that can be emotional for some, and hateful for others.

2004-10-16, 10:12 PM
what the fuck does this have to do with anything?


no need for random threads, especially ones that can be emotional for some, and hateful for others.
Blame Bio, he's over a month late, and redundant.

2004-10-16, 10:13 PM
Blame Bio, he's over a month late, and redundant.

sorry. had a rough day.

2004-10-16, 10:51 PM
I was working at the High School, sitting at my desk when my mom called me. I promtly checked out CNN.com. About 5m later she called me again when the second plane hit, I then searched for the nearest TV and spent most of the day in the Maintenance department with the only TV around at the time.

2004-10-17, 01:32 AM
I woke up about when the second plane hit. I was in 6th grade, I thought the Empire States building was bigger than those two buildings. No one at school knew about it, i was the only one in the school who watches tv before i go to school. :/

it was confusing. I got pumped up with army stuff when that happened.

2004-10-17, 02:05 AM
I was in my bomb shelter. j/k

Actually I was in U.S. Government class which was First Period. My senior year in high school. Ms. Brandt,the teacher, had the TV on NBC. I had 19 cans of Coca~Cola that day. And gasoline was $1.54 a gallon. The biggest deal in the news before that was that Gary Condit crap. My gf wore awesome jeans and a top that broke half the dress code, but nobody cared...

People were panicking and the only thing I really thought was that it took a bit longer than I thought it would (just a month earlier I wrote a paper on what would have to happen to 'wake America up') 2 out of the 3 things happened...

By the time we invaded Iraq I was graduated and in boot camp.

2004-10-17, 02:26 AM
I was in bed, my sister called me to say "Turn on the news, a plane crashedin the WTC, its a terrible accident!"

SO I turned it on, thinking I was gonna see a overcast aky with ruddy orange glow comming from the clouds just out of sight. I was thinking of the B-25? Or was it a B-29 that had smacked the Empire States Building years ago due to bad weather. So Fox is showing the crystal clear blue skies, and I turned to my Ex and said "Theres something not right here" No kidding not a minute later the second plane hit and I my stomach just wrneched (didn't puke it or nothing okay)

I'll never forget that.

2004-10-17, 03:06 AM
Was at school, sittin in a room at lunch time, guy comes in and says "And plane just bitch smacked the world trade center!" Naturally I become interested, then watch it on TV at school for rest of lunch and last two classes.

2004-10-17, 04:03 AM
11th grade spanish class

2004-10-17, 10:04 AM
Where were you and how did you find out about the events that took place on 9/11.
I was in the field on a training exercise with the First Cavalry Division at Fort Hood Texas, on a temporary-duty assignment from National Security Agency.

We heard about it when we were ordered to pack up our gear and head back to main post - meanwhile, all of our Avenger Air Defense Artillery vehicles were locking and loading live ammo and our Apaches were in the air.

Shortly after that, the platoon sergeant gathered us around his Humvee and the company commander for the unit I was attached to gave us a brief sitrep without going into too much detail.

I remember thinking, "How the fuck am I supposed to fly home?" Sad, but that was actually my first thought (because I absolutely hated that company and 1st Cav).

PS, MrVic - it was a B25.

2004-10-17, 01:10 PM
I was in Art class 11th grade I believe ..the Teachers knew but werent allowed to tell us ..But our teacher turned on the tv and told us and we watch the coverage.. It was a big shock

2004-10-17, 04:17 PM
I was in Spanish class in 8th grade and the principle came in and said a plane hit the WTC and wouldn't answer any questions more about it. Then they made an announcment that we couldn't turn on the TV or listen to the radio to find out more... they intentionally didn't keep us informed so we would just go through the school day like normal.

2004-10-17, 04:22 PM
At school

2004-10-17, 06:27 PM
I was 8 or 9 or something when it happened, so I was at school...didn't find out what happened until I was in a car being picked up early, I can't believe I was happy that something happened to get me off school those ten minutes before I got picked up.

2004-10-17, 07:16 PM
I live in Staten Island, my wife works in NYC. I was home sick (worked in Brooklyn) when it happened. Wife was working in Times Square. Read the old post for more info. Don't really feel like going into it again, but it was one of the worst days ever for me.

On a related note - my cousin was a firefighter with one of the F.D.N.Y. Rescue Squads. We lost him that day, along with 13 others from his unit. The only remains they ever found was a helmet from his squad. Nothing else, no bunker gear, no remains, not other helmets, no badges, patches, identification or anything was ever found. Over the past weekend we had a Remembrance Barbeque in his honor and donated the proceeds to his old H.S. Football Program. His jersey was retired by them in the past and he played on the F.D.N.Y. Football Team. Over 500 people attended (actually number was around 590). The park where we had it (they hold large functions there) said that this was the largest gathering they ever had. We raised over $8,000 for the H.S. It was a great day. Lots of beer, lots of food and lots of good memories.

2004-10-17, 07:22 PM
holy crap so your what like.....11 or 12?
13, im like the oldest in my grade

I should be a grade above what i am, but my dad held me back a year from kindergarden cause he wanted me to be bigger in high school.

2004-10-18, 04:43 PM

Well at the time I was still in Bad Aibling, Germany. Little intelligence base an hour south of munich (its closed now, damn you mr. bush), and so on. Seeing there's a drastic time difference, I was already out of school and was heading home. Any ol' regular day. Got home, turned on the TV with some soup, and a ticker on AFN (armed forces network, military tv) saying about america being attacked. The sirens at the base were letting off and I shit you not, the base was under lockdown in no time. MP's with bigass guns at every gate. I had turned on the tube just after the second plane hit, so it was quite supprising. I didnt finish my meal and I was glued to the TV all night. The base didnt reopen for another 2 days.

Ever since then the whole base was under constant guard. Humvees would patrol the streets *all the time*. They closed the main gates and made a secondary gate with a mandatory vehicle inspection station. Since I rode the bus to school, armed MPs would board the bus and search every bag and check every ID. It was crazy. I had heard a rumor that they locked the base down so much because they had caught a few turks or pakistanis before 9/11 inspecting the base's defences and taking pictures. Needless to say they were caught, but it was just all the reason they needed to be so paranoid. But that was just a rumor, I cant verify anything.

Meh, it was an interesting day. And I was having a good day before that. Damnit.

2004-10-18, 05:04 PM
Well at the time I was still in Bad Aibling, Germany. Little intelligence base an hour south of munich
I did a TDY there. What branch are you?

I was Army, 98G (various languages).

2004-10-18, 05:11 PM
I did a TDY there. What branch are you?

I was Army, 98G (various languages).

Haha, high-school branch :) My father is an architect for the us army corps of engineers. I forget what he was in charge of there, but now he's the senior architect and master planner for afganistan and some other areas.

Unfortunatly they closed the base this year, I believe. Took down the maypole and cut it up, giving everyone there a slice. Sad sad.

2004-10-18, 10:01 PM
6th grade right after our "general music" class when someone told me a plane crashed in to the trade centers, like triggar said in the other thread i thought some noob in a cesna(or equivalent) just did somthing stupid

2004-10-18, 10:05 PM
Was at home came out and TV was already on the first plane had already hit.

2004-10-18, 10:06 PM
8th grade Algebra

2004-10-18, 10:28 PM
I was in science.
Hard to forget over the PA
"We have just been notified that a plane has crashed into the world trade center"
Everyone thought it was an accident, a small plane.

2004-10-18, 11:18 PM
I was 11, saw before school and stayed home.

2004-10-18, 11:27 PM
was going to school and was listening to the radio in the car. thought it was just some accidental thing at first, but then after the second plane hit, i knew something was up.

2004-10-18, 11:27 PM
going to school, and this wierd guy came up to me in the hall and said "They colapsed, they colapsed, we are being attacked!" i whose attacking the what, and gave it no more thought because he was prone to making things like that up. and Over exagerating, it wasn't untill 3rd hour i found out waht realy had happened. It was wierd we had a full day of school, and only 3 classes didn't do the normal work.

Then about 2 months later we did this incredibly stupid thing were we(forced to by the administration) walked in a circle to this song "Circles Expand" and we were on teh news, we were all like WTF does this have to do with 9-11. It wasn't a fundaraiser, and i other than saying we were showing out support to victims(how the two realate is unknown). Honestly it was a bunch of bull, a totaly false thing to get publicity for the school. It Made me mad.

2004-10-19, 12:44 AM
I was asleep. Sleeping>all