View Full Version : Incoming Special Event Units

2004-10-21, 09:12 PM
If you want something meaningful to fight over, get ready. If you want opportunities for leadership to pay off, get ready. If you want small squad battles with clear meaningful objectives, get ready.

BFRs will be off for the weekend (starting 10/22) However, an all new crisis will erupt and you can either deal with it, or go cry to momma and come in last. Gentlemen, lock 'n load because you don't want to be last.

Spread the word. Organize your Outfits. Your Empire will need you. I'll see you on the battlefield.

PlanetSide Producer



2004-10-21, 10:25 PM
Wonder what it will be.

2004-10-21, 11:32 PM
They saw the royal fuck up and decided to fix it with something planned.

2004-10-21, 11:46 PM
there were some earthquakes on the server tonight on searhus on emerald. Next thing you know meteors are gonna fall from the sky and we are gonna have another new cont., nah I have no clue what's gonna happen.

2004-10-21, 11:59 PM
there were some earthquakes on the server tonight on searhus on emerald. Next thing you know meteors are gonna fall from the sky and we are gonna have another new cont., nah I have no clue what's gonna happen.

huh, why woudlnt that suprise me... :groovy:

mayb its another event? popcorn: :drools:

2004-10-22, 01:06 AM
10/22/2004 04:24:37 : [Outfit] nforcer: LFS
10/22/2004 04:24:41 : [CSR World Broadcast] EmpireCommand: <incoming Empire Communication>
10/22/2004 04:24:48 : [CSR World Broadcast] EmpireCommand: Soldiers, be on high alert for increased hostilities in the days ahead!
10/22/2004 04:24:55 : [CSR World Broadcast] EmpireCommand: we are receiving increased communication from the Auraxian Core,
10/22/2004 04:25:00 : [CSR World Broadcast] EmpireCommand: and tension over the introduction of BattleFrame systems is coming to a head!
10/22/2004 04:25:07 : [CSR World Broadcast] EmpireCommand: Attunne your communication systems to www.planetside.com for the latest empire announcements.
10/22/2004 04:25:11 : [Global] Motherload: do a /report on empirecommand they keep spamming that is all

2004-10-22, 01:20 AM
They're going to add tactical nuclear weapons.

2004-10-22, 04:29 AM
In response to some questions, Sam said that it would a) not involve super-units controlled by the devs, and b) be widespread and global, meant to defeat the zerg (zerg can't be everywhere) and encourage/reward heroic efforts by small units. The Exploration merit is also involved with this weekend's event.

I'm really interested to not only see what it is, but whether it'll have any significance as the Bending likely did (significance which we have yet to see). Perhaps this is a continuation of the Bending?

2004-10-22, 07:08 PM
Some how all the planets are gonna blow up except for one, wich one I don't know, then they're gonna change the terrain around and teach everyone how to hack. They will call it Planetside: Counterstrike