View Full Version : Strategy? Anyone? Please?
2004-10-22, 01:30 AM
Ok, we all know that blowing the Gen. on a hackable base is for the Noobtards. (And by the way, it would help if everytime a tard does this on a hacked base EVERYONE TK him repeatedly.)
But usually the intelligent counter would be taking out the tubes right? Maybe not. If you can get enough people into the spawn to take the tubes down, and hear me out here; Don't blow the tubes. Instead, blow the equipment terminals.
Why? because the guys spawning in their pajamas with their cap guns are not a threat to the SA/HA guys waiting patiently right outside the door.
The only possible counter would be the MAX that decons somewhere else to recon here. This, however, will be very few and far between because, honestly; the Zerg aren't that bright. And MAXes can't repair the terminals for everyone else. If they see the tubes and gens are up, they'll chose to spawn right there. Then they'll be pwnt.
All you have to do is have one cloaker with sensor shield warn the guys outside if a engie decon/recons in to try and repair.
Strategy 4 t3h win!
P.S. This technique pwns towers as well, because you don't have to enter the pain field to take out the terminals. Remeber: Pajamas and cap gun 4 t3h lose.
2004-10-22, 02:08 AM
but the zerg doesnt think like thatthey run in, blow up everything including the terms, then move on and leave the CC undefended, going to the next base, only see this MAYBE happening with squad/platoon sized fights though
/agree on the tower part though, very effective, gauss eats jammies for breakfast
2004-10-22, 02:16 AM
Haha...that reminds me of one incident last night. The VS where back-hacking us (Damn, but they really like the back door. Empire of pillowbitters I say) while we were making a push against the NC. Because we couldn't fight on two fronts (especially when both empires outnumber you), we where pushed back to one final base.
And get this:
1.Last base.
2.Lots of zerglings desperately trying to hold off 3x their number.
3.I was the only guy in the CC.
Of coarse we finnaly lost that base, but I'm proud to say it wasn't from the CC hack. Blown Gens.
2004-10-22, 03:38 PM
The only bad time to kill a gen is when you absolutely need it up and can't wait 15 minutes.
2004-10-22, 05:34 PM
this is not strategy, this is greed.
yes, sometimes it's good to leave gen & tubes up... when you've got a sure win and the enemy won't benefit from your soldiers being tied up inside this facility for 15 minutes.
how often does this happen?
i estimate that the above scenario's rate of occurence at about 3-5% of our hacks.
i firmly belive that blowing the generator is completely viable and sometimes necessary, and that blowing the tubes is completely acceptable as an SOP.
that said, i see you logic... and i hope you are (or become) an influential and successful commander and are able to coerce this change in behavior from your troops, and i look forward to defending a facility against you.
2004-10-22, 05:56 PM
I'd have thought blowing the gen is the best tactic for a bio lab. Knocks out everything in one foul swoop.
2004-10-22, 11:25 PM
Come on any good engy keeps a glue gun or two in their locker. 1 cloaker with sensor shield is bound to get killed, the spawn room ain't that big and if a zerg is spawning in there, that cloaker is bound to be discovered.
The ONLY reason people shouldn't blow the gen is to keep the terminals up for hacking. The Only reason a person shouldn't blow an enemy spawn tube is because there is nobody there to fight.
2004-10-22, 11:54 PM
for biolabs the gen should always go down unless you can easily get the tubes down. It's so easy and fast.
normaly i try to get the tubes and tubes only blown, but occasionaly gen blowing beomces nexxicary especialy if a fight has gone to an interior stalemate situation.
2004-10-23, 04:15 AM
You blow the gen and spawn tubes because any asset that you leave available for the enemy is one more weapon he has to fight you with. And there's a guy called MURPHY, and he wants to meet you.
Leaving the generator up on a hacked base allows the enemy a quicker turnaround time if they resecure. It also allows for the enemy to use terminals and such.
Leaving the spawn tubes up allows the enemy to have respawn right there in your area, and campers can be cleared out from their exposed flanks and rear (I've done it before, it's the easiest way to clear campers).
Look at the stats. A majority of the last-second resecures came because the tubes and gens were still operational.
2004-10-23, 11:23 AM
So you only leave one of them operational, the other does not need to go down. killing everything will drain nanites while you are waiting for the hack. This often results in people having to go get ants, which very few do anyway. This also slows the movement of your troops because they must hang back and repair all the blow up stuff. I always question why tanks blow up enemy turrets that aren't shooting them when the base is about to be ours. Conserving nanites should always be a goal because saddly bringing an Ant to a base is far less rewarding then it should be.
2004-10-23, 12:23 PM
take down 2 tubes. put 3 jackhammers on the last one. trishoot whatever spawns.
2004-10-23, 03:20 PM
The best way to conserve NTU is to blow the gen and keep it blown.
2004-10-23, 04:47 PM
So what if they spawn, grab a glue gun from the locker, repair the terminal and then pwn you?
2004-10-24, 03:25 AM
I do what my Squad leader tells me.
Of course I'm in favor or stopping the enemy that I so hate. Not neccessarily killing him, just stopping him.
2004-10-24, 09:54 AM
STRATEGY???? it is simply killwhoring what u suggest. and once a semi organized outfit realizes ur "trick" u`ll have a bunch AI maxes spawn there and pwn u before u can blow the tubes.
Blowing gens? of course. only reason not to do it if u have base secured. i mean REALLY secured AND have a squad in gen ready to take it out asap if necessary
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