View Full Version : Your Wrap Sheet
2004-10-23, 01:54 PM
Ok guys. Time to post it all. What have you been charged with in your life time? (Note I said charged not convicted)
1 Case of Bomb Threats to my High School: Not Guilty
3 Cases of Drunken Disorderly Conduct: 1 Guilty, weasled out of 2
2 Speeding Tickets: 1 Weasling, 1 Not known
1 Case of Possesion of Weed: Not Guilty
1 Case of Possesion of an Illegal Fire arm: Not Guilty (WOOOHOOOO)
2 Cases of Possesion of an Illegal Blade: 1 Guilty 1 Not
1 Case of Minor Public Destruction: Guilty
1 Case of Mass Rape and Murder: Guilty
2004-10-23, 01:55 PM
Clean record.
2004-10-23, 01:55 PM
That is all.
2004-10-23, 01:56 PM
umm wow
2004-10-23, 01:57 PM
2004-10-23, 01:57 PM
2004-10-23, 01:57 PM
2004-10-23, 01:58 PM
Clean record.
Well... excpet for a rather stupid incident at school that was later overturned in court...
Assault & Battery - Guilty.
2004-10-23, 02:04 PM
Jesus we have a bunch of goodie two shoes here
2004-10-23, 02:06 PM
most of us are not that old and most of us are not that reckless as to get caught
2004-10-23, 02:10 PM
Jesus we have a bunch of goodie two shoes here
last I checked it was good to not have a wrap sheet...
2004-10-23, 02:14 PM
last I checked it was good to not have a wrap sheet...
Laws are made not to be broken.
2004-10-23, 02:15 PM
Who said I get caught alot? ;)
No but seriously. Being 16 years old means you do things that normaly get you introuble, unless your a shut in. I mean hell, even my g/f has a small record.
2004-10-23, 02:15 PM
Lot's of fights, never been charged.
2004-10-23, 02:23 PM
Got pulled over for speeding - once I was doing 45 in a 35, the other time I was doing 60 on a 55 mph highway. I got a ticket for one (reduced to a parking ticket after I paid the fee and did the ground school thing), the second time the guy let me go.
2004-10-23, 02:28 PM
Got pulled over for speeding - once I was doing 45 in a 35, the other time I was doing 60 on a 55 mph highway. I got a ticket for one (reduced to a parking ticket after I paid the fee and did the ground school thing), the second time the guy let me go.
Let you go? After you showed him the goods eh? :devilwink
2004-10-23, 02:43 PM
might've busted some airspace, but never got called on it
2004-10-23, 02:51 PM
Unless you bust airspace and dont do anything to correct they dont go FAA on your ass.
2004-10-23, 02:59 PM
hehe, depends on whose airspace you bust
2004-10-23, 03:11 PM
police record, or school too?
Police record I'm clean, although I have a pretty bad reputation with cops in some towns. :ugh:
2004-10-23, 03:20 PM
clean school record, clean police record.
i've broken some laws - by mistake - but havent been caught, fortunately.
for example, i forgot to disarm myself once before leaving the apartment to go to school. open-carry is 100% illegal in florida, not to mention that i was 20 at the time.
walked all the way across the parking lot to the car, nobody saw (as far as i know).
firing airguns out of windows is considered sniping and illegal in at least three directions in that city, and my mother had me do that once to save a birdfeeder.
trig's family had me party to smuggling a gross of impatiens across the canadian border.
so yeah, i don't break too many exciting laws, and i've never been caught.
to whoever said 'buncha goody two-shoes': what the hell does that mean, anyway?
besides, i want to go into law enforcement so i can catch the rest of you who like to break laws, then put you in jail. it wouldn't be too good to have a record when i put an application in, would it?
2004-10-23, 04:16 PM
2 Cases of Possession of Weed: Both times guilty...though one of those times was so bullshit and I had nothing to do with it.
What else is there to get caught for really, at 16.
2004-10-23, 04:28 PM
Lot's of fights, never been charged.QFT
School rapsheet to long to list...
Im a rebel ya know?
(one more suspension and I get kicked out of school :( ...)
Damn Im cool. :rolleyes:
2004-10-23, 04:47 PM
Nothing, yet.
2004-10-23, 05:13 PM
I did 85 in a 35 earlier, no dice.
I do 90 on the 215 (65 mph), still no dice.
I did 50 in a 35 and an NHP guy went around me.
I blew by a Fed at 60 in a 35, and he turned right...
I think I'll have to run a cop down to get caught.
2004-10-23, 05:18 PM
Speeding ticket. Thats about it.
2004-10-23, 05:46 PM
EDIT- douple post srry
2004-10-23, 05:48 PM
School rapsheet to long to list...
Im a rebel ya know?
(one more suspension and I get kicked out of school :( ...)
Damn Im cool. :rolleyes:
Yea same here. Been suspended 4 times this year already, 4 sat schools and 20+ detentions. Police record is pretty clean cept I got caught at a party with alcohol and been out past curfew like 3 times, 3 times caught I mean. Also I tped a house but I gave cop wrong name and ran afterwards. Lucky no juvy for me nor do I plan on going there anytime soon. Oh and I pranked my friend once on phone and his parents picked up(it was a computer voice that said send $1 to *** blank St or else your magic cards will disappear) they looked up my address and I had 4 cops show up at my door. His parents were a bitch about and tried fileing harrassment somehow but after threating from my parents they quit.
2004-10-23, 06:43 PM
Oh gawd here we go.
Possession of an illegal artifact - Guilty.
Evading arrest - Guilty.
Rape - Innocent.
Rape - Innocent.
Possession of B class drug - Innocent.
Thats my lot
2004-10-23, 06:55 PM
Oh gawd here we go.
Possession of an illegal artifact - Guilty.
Thats my lot
2004-10-23, 06:56 PM
Oh gawd here we go.
Possession of an illegal artifact - Guilty.
Evading arrest - Guilty.
Rape - Innocent.
Rape - Innocent.
Possession of B class drug - Innocent.
Thats my lot
Holy shit.
Was that all in one run or spread out? :lol:
2004-10-23, 06:58 PM
Oh gawd here we go.
Possession of an illegal artifact - Guilty.
Evading arrest - Guilty.
Rape - Innocent.
Rape - Innocent.
Possession of B class drug - Innocent.
Thats my lot
You don't by any chance hang around Cheech and Chong?
2004-10-23, 07:03 PM
Darkbayne: Nope, a 14" Combat Knife. I miss it :(
Exosloth: Was during my time at college, my "wild" years as it were.
SobeKeus: I dont think they liked white people mate :P
2004-10-23, 07:19 PM
Chong *is* white. :doh:
2004-10-23, 07:19 PM
Nah, hes black on the inside.
2004-10-23, 07:25 PM
2004-10-23, 07:49 PM
Speeding ticket. Thats about it.
I recall you got busted for spray painting. :D
2004-10-23, 08:11 PM
Case of Mass Rape and Murder: Guilty
I somehow skipped over this.
2004-10-23, 09:41 PM
1: Theft
2: Violation of Leash laws x2
(Dogs off leash only reason it was enforced was they killed a cat.)
If I was convicted of all the things I've done I would most likely be in jail, no joke, that would suck :(
2004-10-23, 10:01 PM
ive never been convicted of anything, nor charged.
2004-10-23, 10:11 PM
Next thread needs to be, what have you done, that you should have been convicted of, but diddnt.
2004-10-23, 10:12 PM
i've never been caught. heh heh heh
2004-10-23, 10:14 PM
Disturbing the peace calls : 4 guilty i guess
Vandilism : 3 guilty
thats it.
[EDIT] School record is one more suspension away from expelltion.
2004-10-23, 10:21 PM
[EDIT] School record is one more suspension away from expelltion.
Hahahaha so i'm not alone.
2004-10-23, 10:33 PM
i was asked to leave my high school four separate times. not really told to, but asked to: like "do you think, perhaps, you should finish your education elsewhere" all the way up to "please, do yourself a favor and leave this school"
2004-10-23, 10:50 PM
i was asked to leave my high school four separate times. not really told to, but asked to: like "do you think, perhaps, you should finish your education elsewhere" all the way up to "please, do yourself a favor and leave this school"
The pricepal thrusday told me to quit school and get a job.....
2004-10-24, 12:10 AM
1. Grand Theft-guilty
2. Breaking and Entering-guilty
3. Assualt and Battery-1x guilty, 1x not guilty
4. Possession of an Illegal firearm (on school grounds)-guilty
^ all in one run
4b. Possession of an Illegal Firearm-not guilty
5. Speeding- not guilty
6. Disorderly Conduct-not guilty
7. Indecent Exposure-1x guilty, 1x not
2004-10-24, 12:14 AM
1. Grand Theft-guilty
2. Breaking and Entering-guilty
3. Assualt and Battery-1x guilty, 1x not guilty
4. Possession of an Illegal firearm (on school grounds)-guilty
^ all in one run
4b. Possession of an Illegal Firearm-not guilty
5. Speeding- not guilty
6. Disorderly Conduct-not guilty
7. Indecent Exposure-1x guilty, 1x not
Wow. You're a jerk.
2004-10-24, 12:17 AM
2004-10-24, 12:20 AM
Lots of Random fights but never go caught
Distruction of public property (knocking over road sights in town and out)
Been kicked out of 90% of my towns hotels due to i like to jump off them with a snowboard.
2004-10-24, 12:21 AM
Wow. You're a jerk.
I agree. Those are only the things I've been caught for :evil:
Seriously, unless you know the extenuating circumstances for my actions, you have no right to judge me :)
2004-10-24, 12:24 AM
With the cops: Perfectly clean
With school:
2 detentions, 1 for being late to class to many times and one for not doing a single 5 point homework asignemt (strict teacher)
My town is filled with goodie two shoes like me.
2004-10-24, 12:24 AM
Schoolwise, I've gotten a hell of a lot of detentions for lateness, but that's it.
I got cought for having sex in public :(
2004-10-24, 01:28 AM
Couple of detentions for swearing at an administrator and playing games on my laptop during school. Other than that nothing.
2004-10-24, 02:09 AM
Hehe all i got back in Hs was a office detention for lighting things on fire in a study room.
As for after 18 life: Speeding- one ticket and one off (56ish in a 35) funny story for that one was i was rushing to get to a friends house to play planetside for the first time.
There have been things that i havent been charged for, but nothing that would hurt people, just inanimate objects. Most of it funnay stories.
Done plenty of stuff. Never been charged though. :)
2004-10-24, 09:34 AM
I got cought for having sex in public :(
Or so he wishes :)
2004-10-24, 10:34 AM
I got cought for having sex in public :(
x3 on this end :(
1. In an elevator
2. In the Womens bathroom at hooters (OMFG SHE WAS HORNY)
3. At school, in the womens locker room.
2004-10-24, 12:29 PM
Peace sucks at getting caught.
I don't have one because I rule at not being a fucking sketchball unlike some among us who really rule at...Mass Rape?
2004-10-24, 02:04 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Cant forget the murder!
2004-10-24, 04:25 PM
Neither Charged Nor Convicted
Just got my first detention ever last week. From a gym teacher, no less. Fucksocks.
2004-10-24, 04:28 PM
Neither Charged Nor Convicted
Just got my first detention ever last week. From a gym teacher, no less. Fucksocks.
WTF? First detention ever?!
If onyl I could've had a record like that...
2004-10-24, 04:30 PM
Haha, a gym teacher gave you detention? What'd you do, throw like a girl? Wear tennis shoes to play basketball? How retarded, I feel bad for you :lol:
2004-10-24, 04:32 PM
Haha, a gym teacher gave you detention? What'd you do, throw like a girl? Wear tennis shoes to play basketball? How retarded, I feel bad for you :lol:Left class and went to lunch early on a long period Gym day. :rolleyes:
2004-10-24, 04:38 PM
That's the gayest reason to get a detention, ever. I'd fight it. Or else I'd fight your gym teacher :evil:
2004-10-24, 04:40 PM
I got caught raping a homeless guy in a cardboard box.
2004-10-24, 04:42 PM
My stupidest detention was the whole "Kiss my rings" incident with the cardinal...
my most "I don't care I have detention, it was worth it" was from an arguement I got into with my theology teacher because I 'break the laws of the church' and am a 'foolish sinful boy'.
2004-10-24, 04:42 PM
Sputty, I get the feeling you just want attention ? ;)
2004-10-24, 04:59 PM
I only got in trouble at school when I got caught beating someone up...
Which was never =/
2004-10-24, 05:17 PM
Somehtign funny happened to one of my friends yesterday.
He and a couple of guys were playing airsoft in thier neighborhod, and apperantly some passerby called the cops.
A cop car passed on of my friends and threw it in revers squeeling the tires. Teh officer jumped out of the car while it was still moving and told my friend to put down the weapon (gun drawn) he did and got on teh gournd and the police officer cuffed him while he had a gun to his head.
2004-10-24, 05:21 PM
One more reason airsoft sucks
2004-10-24, 06:40 PM
1 Case of Mass Rape and Murder: Guilty
Care to explain?
2004-10-24, 06:42 PM
Care to explain?
Probably opened a package of Gummy Bears and gave em to the dog.
2004-10-24, 09:15 PM
omg ur all r s0 kewl, u r a b4dboi!!!
Gayest thread ever. Come on... I'd call bullshit on nine-tenths of the horse shit in thread if I weren't laughing my fat ass off over the OD stories.
2004-10-24, 09:19 PM
I told no lies in this thread. But I admit the beating people up post was a spin.
2004-10-24, 10:27 PM
Grafitti......but I admitted it right when they asked cause I was a pussy/truthful.
2004-10-25, 12:20 AM
HFS. This thread exploded!
I got cought for having sex in public :(
Or so he wishes :)oh no, hes not kidding. it was with me.
2004-10-25, 01:34 AM
I got caught raping a homeless guy in a cardboard box.If that was HIS cardboard box, would it be consitered home invasion?
2004-10-25, 05:26 AM
1. Aggravated Assault (Plead no contest, plea bargain for 6 mos. probation)
2. Violation Probation (Leaving county without notification of PO)
A. Consequnce = 3 days (72 hours) custody at the San Diego Juvenille Detention Center. Segregation by sight and sound from all 602 Wards. (Solitary Confinement for my own safety)
3. Violation Probation (Truancy from school, more than 5 unexcused absences for 1 month)
A. Consequnce = 3 days (72 hours) custody at the San Diego Juvenille Detention Center. Segregation by sight and sound from all 602 Wards. (Solitary Confinement for my own safety)
Perfect driving record.
2004-10-25, 06:49 AM
oh yea and I was *almost* charged with a MIP a few times. but still got a clean record :cool:
2004-10-25, 06:53 AM
1 Case of Mass Rape and Murder: Guilty
You've raped and murdered several girls? :doh:
Clean record, except for when I stole a lolly from the shop 4 years ago. I got out of that one easily.
2004-10-25, 10:31 AM
I can't believe how anyone could take the mass murder and rape charge seriously.
2004-10-25, 10:34 AM
You've raped and murdered several girls? :doh:
Did he say he raped and killed girls?
(if he did, my bad, I'm just going on memory here ;))
2004-10-25, 11:07 AM
Perfect driving record, perfect ...erm "life" record.
2004-10-26, 04:36 PM
Ok guys. Time to post it all. What have you been charged with in your life time? (Note I said charged not convicted)
1 Case of Bomb Threats to my High School: Not Guilty
3 Cases of Drunken Disorderly Conduct: 1 Guilty, weasled out of 2
2 Speeding Tickets: 1 Weasling, 1 Not known
1 Case of Possesion of Weed: Not Guilty
1 Case of Possesion of an Illegal Fire arm: Not Guilty (WOOOHOOOO)
2 Cases of Possesion of an Illegal Blade: 1 Guilty 1 Not
1 Case of Minor Public Destruction: Guilty
1 Case of Mass Rape and Murder: GuiltyGeez Peace, you sound like some of our regulars .. /me is a Police Dispatcher
2 Speeding Tickets: 2 Guilty, paid the extra money to keep them off my record. :p
2004-10-26, 04:53 PM
oh no, hes not kidding. it was with me.
2004-10-26, 08:20 PM
let's see:
Countless Minor in possesion and minor under the influence.
DUI (went to jail)
3 Drunk in Publics (all went to jail)
4 Drunk and disorderly (bar fights, no jailtime)
A lot of assault and batterys (not sure how many off the top of my head, it's somewhere around 12, just regular fights on the street, no jailtime)
Doing 135 in a 65 on highway 58 in california (went to jail and car impounded):
-Excessive speeding
-Wreckless endangerment
-Participation in an illegal speed event
The following, all in one pop, on the strip in Vegas:
-Public disturbance (system was too loud)
-Open container
-No seatbelt
-No front license plate
-Contributing to minors (little brother was with me)
-Possesion of Marajuana
-illegal possesion of a concealed weapon (didn't have my license with me)
Possesion of Marajuana with the intent to sell.
Most of these before I joined the military, a couple of the DIP's, A/B's and D&D's
2004-10-26, 08:22 PM
2004-10-26, 08:23 PM
Shit son
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