View Full Version : 0-based

2004-10-25, 04:45 PM
i heard from my brother that if one empire seizes every last continent, every base and tower and cave, then the other two empires can't play for 12 hours? I know this sounds rediculous, and I don't even believe it but my question is, what DOES happen if one empire takes everything? Anything special?

2004-10-25, 04:48 PM
Only a warm feeling deep inside :)

2004-10-25, 04:50 PM
lol that all? imagine u cud go onto the other empires home contsif that happened, and weapons are disabled for them and u cud slaughter them like animals muahahaaaha

2004-10-25, 04:53 PM
empires home contsif that happened

really, wow, got to try that

2004-10-25, 04:59 PM
im not sayin u can im saying it wud be cool if u cud

2004-10-25, 05:00 PM
a 'sanc raid' event wud be nice. nic each others sancs, but when u think theres no cc to hack so impossible :\

2004-10-25, 05:01 PM
You can go onto an enemy home continent any time you like :p

Now the Empire Sanctuaries.... well you'd look silly when you took your weapon out and all you got was a little click because the weapons don't work :D

2004-10-25, 05:02 PM
LOl ooops i didnt mean to say home cont before, i ment sanc

2004-10-25, 05:06 PM
one BWG release night the NC got locked in the Sanc it aws a big party untill a cont got unlocked

2004-10-25, 05:39 PM
You can go onto an enemy home continent any time you like

nope, tryed, the wp blocks you

2004-10-25, 06:16 PM
nope, tryed, the wp blocks you
you're thinking of sancs ;)

2004-10-25, 08:29 PM
you're thinking of sancs

sanc wg, yer, walk right up to one, woldent let me in