View Full Version : Unofficial PSU Halo 2 Release Party Details
2004-10-29, 09:31 PM
I said a while ago I was going to organize this, go I figure we might as well start planning now.
I would love to start the first hardcore weekend of Halo 2 action on X-Box Live with you guys. Thus, I figure we could all gather the weekend of release to play together.
The time for this event will be Saturday, November 13th, 8:00 PM Eastern. You have until 8:15 to log on before I give your slot away
I will admin the event by leading the party. For those of you who don't know, the "party system" is a way of maintaining a group of players on live in one game so as to avoid confusion as to what game to join.
There are two requirements to join the party:
Your name must be on my XBL buddy list prior (I will update with PSU player names several times before launch and probably a few hours before the event.
You must be signed up here.
I am not going for any preferential treatment, here. It's simply whoever calls slots first. Anybody who dosen't make it in can put their name in anyway, and we'll swap people out if anyone is a no-show / has to leave.
Game style will be totally determined by whatever everyone feels like pre-game. We'll obviously switch it up as time progresses. Anyone consistantly bitching about weapons, gamestyle, or map selection is gonna get kicked if enough people get cheesed off, although you can feel free to comment on what you want to play next.
So there you go. Have at. The limit on people is 16, the maximum in one game / party at a time. As I said, don't be shy to log on if you're not on. People may have been noshows / dropped for the evening. If so, I'll get ya an invite.
And I'd like to reiterate, this isn't PSU eliteism or trying to make anyone feel left out. Just the limit on how many we can have at a time. If it goes well, I'll probably do more in the future.
Current List
Earlydawn [Divine Bovine]
Doop [Giygas]
Biohazzard56 [Biohazzard56]
FearTheAtlas [FearTheAtlas]
LiLKiLLeR [LiLKi11eR]
Everay [Volty]
Standby / Confirmation List
Count me in.
I posted quick. That's how much I love Halo 2.
Gamertag: Giygas
2004-10-29, 09:33 PM
Cant Wait
Gamertag: Biohazzard56
2004-10-29, 09:39 PM
I'm in
Tag: FearTheAtlas
2004-10-29, 09:54 PM
Will there be any other parties like this? I still need money for Live.
2004-10-29, 09:57 PM
Like I said, I'll probably run one the following week / weekend as well.
Maybe, if this one is popular, we could do a bi-weekly or monthly deal.
2004-10-29, 10:07 PM
Bi-weekly would be nice, as long as you all go nice on your friendly foreigner.
2004-10-29, 11:02 PM
Sounds like some fun...throw me down for it...
Gamertag - LiLKi11eR (yea those are 1's in ki11er)
2004-10-29, 11:12 PM
Shit, I need an XBL account. Waiiiit.... I think my XBox came with a free month of XBL when I got it last year... dunno if I used it up or not though.
If I've still got it, I'll be there.
2004-10-30, 12:45 AM
im in
gamer tag is Volty, its my bros account, me and him and possibly another buddy we do "HaloFests" on XBconnect.
2004-10-30, 01:32 AM
im in
gamer tag is Volty, its my bros account, me and him and possibly another buddy we do "HaloFests" on XBconnect.If they're just going to playing on the same box as you, that's alright. But I'm not going to sign up friends of PSUers. That creates friends-of-friends issues and limits the number of <3ed PSUers who get to play.
2004-10-30, 02:09 AM
they will. thats all apart of the HaloFest. anyways, while were at it, we should make a Halo2 Clan and register it.
2004-10-30, 09:08 AM
If I get halo 2 I am in
2004-10-30, 10:59 AM
Count me in...
name is Infernus8288
they will. thats all apart of the HaloFest. anyways, while were at it, we should make a Halo2 Clan and register it.
Already in one. =] (well, not ingame of course)
But anyway, I'm inviting you all to my list. Accept invites from Giygas.
2004-10-30, 12:55 PM
i might be able to play, still have to get XBL.
2004-10-30, 01:02 PM
Ah still need to ge me Live hooked up, probably won't have it up and running by the time Halo 2 is out and in my hands. Oh well.
2004-10-30, 01:40 PM
New List, as it won't let me edit anymore. >.<
Current List
Earlydawn [Divine Bovine]
Doop [Giygas]
Biohazzard56 [Biohazzard56]
FearTheAtlas [FearTheAtlas]
LiLKiLLeR [LiLKi11eR]
Everay [Volty]
Infernus [Infernus8288]
firecrackerNC [NightStalker06]
Standby / Confirmation List
2004-10-30, 03:09 PM
Anyone know if the Pistol is still good in Halo 2?...If so...welcome to three-shot hell :evil:
2004-10-30, 03:46 PM
Apparently it's an unshielded headshot kill. Probably gonna be best when coupled with another small weapon for duel-wielding.
I think Pistol + SMG or Pistol + Plasma Rifle will work well.
Anyone know if the Pistol is still good in Halo 2?...If so...welcome to three-shot hell :evil:
The pistol now fires *slightly* faster, power has been cut severely and it has a smaller clip.
2004-10-30, 05:19 PM
Im in. NightStalker06
2004-10-30, 06:26 PM
Anyone know if the Pistol is still good in Halo 2?...If so...welcome to three-shot hell :evil:
Still decent, but nothing compared to the Halo 1 pistol. Nevermind the pistol, welcome to slice and dice hell.
Wort wort wort, damn right.
Ha! Parry! Slash! Hack!
2004-10-30, 06:55 PM
Most of our play will probably be Assault or Capture the Flag, but I intend to have a hugeass Swords match. Level undecided as of yet, although Swords Zanzibar would be interesting. :D
2004-10-30, 07:13 PM
Mind putting me down on Standby too? I should be able to get Live as an early Xmas present.
Mind putting me down on Standby too? I should be able to get Live as an early Xmas present.
It's really only six bucks. You don't *need* the starter kit. All you need essentially is an extra ethernet cable, XBox, and a credit card. The starter kit just comes with a demo, headset and trial.
2004-10-30, 07:35 PM
Yeah but that seems like so much work, and I'm the kind of guy who is getting H2 for the campaign.
2004-10-30, 07:53 PM
Okay. This is really making me mad. It keeps locking me out of editing the old posts. Unless Hamma can override that somehow, I'm just going to keep tabs locally and post it once every two weeks or so.
Yeah, I don't really see the point of that feature.
2004-10-30, 10:43 PM
Apparently it's an unshielded headshot kill.
Good news!
The pistol now fires *slightly* faster, power has been cut severely and it has a smaller clip.
...not so good news!
Maybe what Early said about duel-wielding is the only alternative :(
2004-10-31, 08:21 PM
Yeah, it should be a decent weapon from what I've seen. I think SMG + Magnum is gona be nasty.
2004-10-31, 09:13 PM
Magnum?...Are you talking about the Pistol from H1, or is there literally a MAGNUM in the game... :doh:
2004-10-31, 09:26 PM
The magnum is the new pistol's name.
Good news!
...not so good news!
Maybe what Early said about duel-wielding is the only alternative :(
Obviously there's no way for me to know for sure but I bet dual wielding pistols will be awesome. And, if the plasma pistol is anything like H1 then PP + HP will = win. Shoot the charged shot whilst trying to headshot with the Magnum.
I also bet Plasma Rifle + SMG will be awesome.
Sign me up.
Tag = MasterIvan :)
2004-11-02, 03:27 PM
me too!
2004-11-02, 04:01 PM
Sign me up.
Tag = MasterIvan :)
MicroIvan? :p
2004-11-02, 04:45 PM
Im glad pistol was toned down, it was freakin godly in the first Halo. I could snipe and use it for close up. It made every other weapon except sniper and rocket useless.
2004-11-02, 04:51 PM
Well, the new pistol is the battle rifle. I don't understand why most people don't realize this..
2004-11-02, 04:54 PM
yea the H1 pistol was ridiculous.
2004-11-02, 04:55 PM
So the battle rifle SHOULD be the best and should be the main weapon. Halo1 made no sense in that the pistol was better then an assault rifle.
Well, the new pistol is the battle rifle. I don't understand why most people don't realize this..
Slowly and slowly though it became a new weapon. In E32k3 it was simply the pistol in rifle form, single shots...then a year later it fired bursts when unzoomed...and now, it's bursts, zoom or not. It's a new weapon, for the better. =D Bungie did an awesome job balancing out (from what we can see).
Plus, don't worry. Dual wielding pistols now will probably near the equivalent of using the H1 pistol.
On the Battle Rifle note, the Covenant Carbine looks awesome. I'll probably use that most out of all Covie weapons, save maybe the Brute Shot.
2004-11-02, 05:41 PM
I don't know what the difference between the Covie Carbine and BR is.
Also, I'm speculating that the Battle Rifle can fire single in any mode. You just lightly squeeze the trigger. Full pull = burst.
[Edit: In other news, the ILoveBees saga came to an end, finally: ]
2004-11-02, 08:39 PM ]
Jesus...that is STILL going on?...I stopped watching that a long, LONG time :huh:
2004-11-02, 09:59 PM
how can it be over? Durga and the gang still havent attacked the base Chawalla
2004-11-02, 10:00 PM
BR SHOULD be one of the best, indeed. Needlers have also been enhanced, firing faster and taking less needles to cause an explosion. Can't wait to dual wield those in tight quarters.
Oh, plasma pistol + magnum looks awesome. Take down shields and then headshot.
2004-11-02, 10:07 PM
and according to an interview with a bungie person, the battle rifle is more an evolution of the pistol than the assault rifle and the SMGs are the evolution of the assault rifle.
I don't know what the difference between the Covie Carbine and BR is.
Also, I'm speculating that the Battle Rifle can fire single in any mode. You just lightly squeeze the trigger. Full pull = burst.
[Edit: In other news, the ILoveBees saga came to an end, finally: ]
You could be right about the lightly squeeze thing. I hope so, I don't always want to burst-fire.
The Carbine shoots single in both zoomed and unzoomed. Single green plasma shots that do decent damage. I'm pretty sure it runs on battery. (also it has a scope). I bet a lot the Carbine will be annoying in campaign mode.
2004-11-02, 11:26 PM
Long range plasma pistol, then.
Any functional difference with the Covey beam sniper rifle?
2004-11-05, 02:56 PM
Current List
Earlydawn [Divine Bovine]
Doop [Giygas]
Biohazzard56 [Biohazzard56]
FearTheAtlas [FearTheAtlas]
LiLKiLLeR [LiLKi11eR]
Everay [Volty]
Infernus [Infernus8288]
firecrackerNC [NightStalker06]
Ivan [MasterIvan]
Standby / Confirmation List
Terran Sniper
2004-11-05, 03:28 PM
damn you and your inconvenient timing! i have a festival to go to for band that ends at 8. won't get back until 8:45, won't be HOME till 9. damn you.
2004-11-05, 04:18 PM
I think we'll have room. Could put you on the waiting list if you'd like.
2004-11-08, 06:48 AM
And Early, I forgot I changed my XBL tag, it's now IAtlasI, that's two capital i's.
Sorry for an old bump...
We still doing this? I might have a friend join us. His XBL tag is CK Kume if I remember correctly.
2004-11-09, 09:32 PM
Probably, still good for the occasional bump tho.
Since we can have guests log in with on Live Account I might be able to pull 2 friends if not more to play. I'll have to talk with them.
I Hate Pants
2004-11-10, 03:42 PM
I wanna join up with you guys but I don't have XBL right now. The thing is my Xbox and internet modem are at opposite ends of my house. Is that gonna cause a problem trying to hook up XBL?
2004-11-10, 05:46 PM
I was playing with Early and his friends just now... 'twas quite good.
2004-11-10, 05:50 PM
Current List
Earlydawn [Divine Bovine]
Doop [Giygas]
Biohazzard56 [Biohazzard56]
FearTheAtlas [IAtlasI]
LiLKiLLeR [LiLKi11eR]
Everay [Volty]
Infernus [Infernus8288]
firecrackerNC [NightStalker06]
Ivan [MasterIvan]
Standby / Confirmation List
Please note that if we lack the critical mass to play any fun team games, I reserve the right to take the party into matchmade games.
Count me in, sorry for the thread bump.
Ingame: 321
XBL: Three21
2004-11-10, 09:39 PM
Bah...your going to have to throw me on the Standby List. I just found out I have a hockey game at 630 so I may not be on until 9 or 10 :(
2004-11-10, 11:39 PM
My pink wearing covenant elite charges proudly into battle...
2004-11-11, 04:30 AM
well..dont know if i can make it to the ol' xbox seeng as my dad prolly will want to get to the zoo or something like that..but ill try ;)
(tag would be QuakCow if it wasnt obvious)
2004-11-11, 07:17 AM
cool I'm in :)
Ingame : Mango
XBL :Aeynite
2004-11-11, 11:51 PM
I will be compiling the final list tomarrow.
2004-11-12, 11:52 PM
Sorry for the double-post.
I'm totally wiped tonight, but the list is prettymuch in order: You're all in.
See you all there.
2004-11-13, 12:21 AM
well.i cant going to the god forsaken desert tomarrow....yay
2004-11-13, 01:24 AM
I have realised that I have an extreme dislike for large games... =/
2004-11-13, 01:52 AM
You suck Inf. You suck hard.
Sorry Early, probably won't be able to play till the next game.
2004-11-13, 07:01 AM
i got my own account, Everay, but i dunno if ill be able to play, it depends, i think im gonna have shit come up.
2004-11-13, 09:43 AM
If there is room still available I am setting up my box for online play with a trial Jet Raiden Gave me. I dont have a mic or anything so maybe we could all log onto teamspeak?
2004-11-13, 12:48 PM
If there is room still available I am setting up my box for online play with a trial Jet Raiden Gave me. I dont have a mic or anything so maybe we could all log onto teamspeak?
Negative... you'll have to go mute. My XBox is nowhere near my computer.
EDIT: Early, please please please don't join any of your friend's parties... game like that get annoying.
2004-11-13, 01:20 PM
Everything will be determined on-scene.
2004-11-13, 01:26 PM
Hood: "Whats a cover-ninner-nat? OH THOSE THINGS! Right... er... kill them, or something. I guess..."
2004-11-13, 01:28 PM
Correct thread? :p
2004-11-13, 01:30 PM
O shit...
Hmm... wtf? How did It do that? I was looking at the storyline thread.
2004-11-13, 08:47 PM
Was on for about 30 mins but the party was full :(
s'alright, I play with you guys later :)
Wanna play ranked game? Come on guys let's go play ranked game. That's offensive, I just wanna know if this is a ranked game. This a ranked game? Let's go play ranked game.
2004-11-13, 10:29 PM
Haha i won ninjanaught game w00t. Ownage
2004-11-13, 11:02 PM
That went pretty well... I had fun, except I think early ignored us all...
2004-11-14, 12:13 AM
Wanna play ranked game? Come on guys let's go play ranked game. That's offensive, I just wanna know if this is a ranked game. This a ranked game? Let's go play ranked game.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Never gonna let Mr Gravgun live that down..
My friends(CK Kume and PurePain) and I had a blast. Thanks guys and lets do it more often.
2004-11-14, 08:25 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My Xbox sucks at life... I could hear eveyone except for Earlydawn for some reason... and he wasn't muted...
I also love the karaoke part of the night were we all starting singing.
2004-11-14, 09:32 PM
:rofl: Yea it was fun
2004-11-14, 10:05 PM
god damnit..i missed all that fun because i had to go to the fucking desert >.<
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