View Full Version : Is that your game?
2004-11-01, 07:55 PM
hi folks.
I see you fight together. Against...ok. Ihr wisst ja nichtmal was gr�sste Witz der Weltgeschichte ist.
Computergames are boring, cause... same shit again. Erst bist du der Kleine vor dem grossen Gegner der unbezwingbar erscheint. Biste den Dreh raushast.
Dann kommt was die Levels nennen. Zwar nicht das ist, was ich unter Levels versteh. Also h�her h�her hops. Bis die Levels durch sind. Dann ist der Spass vorbei und du kannst die Scheisse wegschmeissen.
Taugt ja ohnehin nichts.
So wie jetzt.
I thought on another kind of game. Hard to explain now, cause it's bases on a difference in the level function ... thingy.
Can someone imagine?
A game with neverending levels?
2004-11-01, 08:13 PM
WTF are you talking about? I know this isnt like me but WTF!
2004-11-01, 08:24 PM
World Telefon Federation you mean?
2004-11-01, 08:35 PM
omg the nazis are attacking
Ahem. Be nice people.
Thomig, I'm fairly sure one of our German speaking Werner folks will be along shortly to help you out.
Be nice people, thomig knows nothing of Planetside. He found the site looking for someone that has posted here before. Read this thread for reference. >>
2004-11-01, 10:06 PM
Traurig f�r meinen schlechten Deutschen, benutze ich einen �bersetzer.
Leider sind die meisten Benutzer auf diesem Aufstellungsort englischsprechend haupts�chlich amerikanisch, und, also erhalten sie nicht Unterichtsdeutschen. Folglich k�nnen sie nicht verstehen ein Wort von, was Sie schrieben. Ich bin sicher, wenn Sie einen �bersetzer benutzten ( ist handlich), das es es einfacher bilden konnte, damit Leute verstehen, was Sie versuchen, zu sagen. :)
edit - Wizo und Die Aertze sind gro�e B�nder, schicken mir CD's!
2004-11-02, 12:32 AM
omg the nazis are attacking
They've come back for me! Take me away now!
2004-11-02, 12:41 AM
omg the nazis are attacking
Have some class. Don't make fun of Germans. Make fun of the French.
NightWalker XI
2004-11-02, 03:21 AM
Or be a decent person and don't be racist/insulting to anyone just because of something their country did?
2004-11-02, 06:37 AM
Or be a decent person and don't be racist/insulting to anyone just because of something their country did?
So calling somebody German or a Nazi is a racial thing? :lol:
2004-11-02, 08:41 AM
its a political group not a race :rolleyes:
2004-11-02, 10:03 AM
Courtesy of Altavista, here's what he wrote roughly translated.
hi folks.
I see you fight together. Against...ok. You know not times which largest joke of world history is. Computergames of acres boring, cause... same shit again. Only you are the small one before the large opponent that appear uncontrollable. Biste the trick raushast. Then comes which the levels call. That is not, which I by levels understand. Thus more highly more highly hops. Until the levels through are. Then the fun is by and you can the shit wegschmeissen. Anyway nothing is suited. As now.
I thought on another kind of game. Hard to explain now, cause it's bases on a difference in the level function ... thingy.
Can someone imagine?
A game with neverending levels?
2004-11-02, 05:07 PM
Somehow that makes less sense... ;)
2004-11-02, 05:49 PM
if you know a thing or two about german scentence structure it helps alot.
2004-11-03, 04:44 PM
Warborn: :lol: i love putting stuff through translators
2004-11-03, 10:37 PM
Have some class. Don't make fun of Germans. Make fun of the French.
Tu n'insulte pas les Fran�ais!
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