View Full Version : [Official one and only lounge thread] Bush vs Kerry
Yarr! Bush be ahead! Yarr!
2004-11-02, 09:06 PM
2004-11-02, 09:08 PM
Way to early imo to even have any idea what is going on hehe
2004-11-02, 09:09 PM
they both suck. they both have their shitty parts and good vote was for kerry but i don't like him much.
Bush will win, he is the lesser of the two evils. If you actually listen to what Kerry says, he is a fool. Bush's problem is that he can't speak correctly, that's not going to stop him from being president though.
Current Electoral votes
Bush 157
Kerry 117
270 needed
2004-11-02, 09:22 PM
Looks like Bush has Florida, has a lead in Ohio now and totally lost PA. Its ok,PA has Steelers so they suck anyway.
2004-11-02, 09:25 PM
Bush will win, he is the lesser of the two evils. If you actually listen to what Kerry says, he is a fool. Bush's problem is that he can't speak correctly, that's not going to stop him from being president though.
Current Electoral votes
Bush 157
Kerry 117
270 needed
Thats one person's, very biased opinion. If you ask me, I dont think either candidate is evil, but I think Bush is not doing a good job of running his country.
You also need to take into account that we need to wait until the west coast gets their votes counted, which is primarily blue all down the coast, we cant forget florida also, looks like it's going to be close.
2004-11-02, 09:27 PM
i honestly can care less who wins as long as the country doesnt go to shit.
which i doubt will happen either way.
I am not biased at all. I just actually LISTENED to what they had to say instead of focusing on who did what in the army. And I never said they were evil literally(it's a saying), they are both idiots, Bush is just the lesser.
53 to 46 percent in Bush's favor.
I kind of have to stick to my opinion at this point, I made a bet today for 200 dollars today. :rolleyes:
2004-11-02, 09:30 PM
I am not biased at all. I just actually LISTENED to what they had to say instead of focusing on who did what in the army. And I never said they were evil literally(it's a saying), they are both idiots, Bush is just the lesser.
53 to 46 percent in Bush's favor.
Well saying "Bush will win" tells me you arent looking at the big picture. I never looked at kerry's war record, infact I could care less what he did during the war. I do think though that his plans for america will benefit America more than Bush's plans for your country will.
2004-11-02, 09:41 PM
I don't want to get into a debate in the Lounge, but Bush struck me as the one with a better grasp of the situation than Kerry did.
Kerry took a box of policy band aids out of the DNC first aid kit, and hopes they are convincing people the wound is bad.
2004-11-02, 10:18 PM
If Bush can keep Florida like it looks like he will and Ohio hes got this. I was adding it all up and he had 281 with Ohio, florida and his other likely states and thats not counting those he will win on the west. Lets just hope...........
2004-11-02, 10:38 PM
As I just told my sister, don't get too nervous or excited about the status quo.
California, a notoriously blue state = 55 votes.
Oregon, a blue state = 7 votes
Washington, a blue state = 11 votes
We're all glued to CNN waiting to see what's happening with Florida and Ohio - my county is 51% Kerry to 47% Bush, and the Florida elections website had much the same statistics. With about 60,000 absentee ballots needing to be counted, we might not know the result of this election until Thursday.
2004-11-02, 10:57 PM
We'll see...
2004-11-02, 11:00 PM
They both suck.
Bush has over 200 votes now, this election is over. I win 200 dollars. :)
2004-11-02, 11:03 PM
I won't go BOLOLOL BUSH IS LEADING beacuse California hasn't come in yet.
But he does have the edge in Florida and Ohio...if he wins both, there is a VERY good chance he'll keep the White House.
OMG my thread got a sticky! I feel so honored by the admins. Thankyou.
2004-11-02, 11:09 PM
If you think that both people suck, or even if you don't, please watch this video:
Please forgive me for posting rap on these forums. This is simply the best rap video that I've ever seen or heard, bar none.
2004-11-02, 11:12 PM
May as well tack on 55 for Kerry once he gets Cali.
Wont matter, Bush has the rest of em in the bag.
2004-11-02, 11:19 PM
If you think that both people suck, or even if you don't, please watch this video:
Please forgive me for posting rap on these forums. This is simply the best rap video that I've ever seen or heard, bar none.
Emenim is one of those artists where I actually "buy" the cds legally and theres not alot of them around anymore. After hearing this crap on MTV I decided hes not worth my $15 so he just lost my money and instead im aquiring his cd by "illegal" ways. Artists imo should never sing about politics whether i agree with them or not, I listen to them for music not there stupid opinions.
2004-11-02, 11:24 PM
The GOP has defended the Senate and now has a majority.
2004-11-02, 11:31 PM
Assuming Bush loses Ohio, he loses the election, according to Yahoo- I've added up the other states values, and it's going to suck to be W if he loses it.
(all values according to Yahoo)
Bush has 210.
AK-3 (GOP carries AK)
All added gives us...264.
Candidate | Vote % | Electoral vote
Bush (R) | 51% | 210
Kerry (D) | 48% | 206
Woot! Kerry '04!! Hes catchin up!
2004-11-03, 12:28 AM
Bush 246
Kerry 206
Bush declared winner of Florida, and Colorado!
Bush '04!
2004-11-03, 12:47 AM
Bush TAKES OHIO!!! (according to Fox News)
Bush 266
Kerry 211
Goodbye Kerry, 4 more years!
2004-11-03, 12:52 AM
Bush has NM and Alaska too. so w00t
Fox is pretty rightist remember. CNN ain't callin' it yet.
And IMHO, a McCain vs. Dean election would have been the best election EVAIRE. I would have no clue who to vote for in that case.
2004-11-03, 12:54 AM
Its 83% precinct, and Bush just went from a 135,000 lead to a 140,000 lead. Bush won Ohio.
2004-11-03, 12:57 AM
Holy shit my homeTOWN is decideing the election. Not homestate but homeTOWN. Jesus thats crazy. Cmon Cleveland dont let me down!
2004-11-03, 01:34 AM
Nevada still ain't picked a are we always going to be grey?
CNN ain't calling Ohio still, and neither are the Kerry folks. Still something on the order of 250,000 ballots to be counted before they do the provisionals.
The situation at 1:30AM is indisputably grim for Kerry, however.
2004-11-03, 07:05 AM
Ugh. Lord, if Kerry wins I'll donate 20% of all my income to church! Please God!
2004-11-03, 07:23 AM
We're doomed....
17% of people 18-21 voted..... 17%... wtf people why would you not vote.
Bush has 269 votes... I think we have our president.
2004-11-03, 10:24 AM
It's not over yet, however following his usual practice of Jumping the gun Bush has already claimed victory for something that isnt really over :rofl:
2004-11-03, 10:37 AM
It's not over yet, however following his usual practice of Jumping the gun Bush has already claimed victory for something that isnt really over :rofl:
I think he needs like 1 electoral vote to win. sorry liberals. I think we'll be fine if bush has another 4 years if you ask me.
Yeah... some kind of miracle could occur in Ohio and Iowa still, but Bush has a comfortable lead in the popular vote. It's fair enough to say he won.
2004-11-03, 11:01 AM
Ain't over yet. Kerry's still got hope, be it slight.
2004-11-03, 11:15 AM
Apparently, Kerry can only win if he gets 80% of the provisional votes from Ohio. The TV tells me he has no chance of doing this.
2004-11-03, 11:18 AM
He just gave up Ohio, Bush wins the 2004 election.
NightWalker XI
2004-11-03, 11:32 AM
Why does everyone jump the gun and say what happens when, wait till it finishes or at least say I THINK before...sheesh
EDIT: Ya even tho it seems its over now but ya, what I said still stands.
2004-11-03, 11:39 AM
John Kerry will be making a speech today at 1PM EST.
2004-11-03, 11:47 AM
Why does everyone jump the gun and say what happens when, wait till it finishes or at least say I THINK before...sheesh
EDIT: Ya even tho it seems its over now but ya, what I said still stands.
He conceded the only state that gave him a chance and the only state that push needed to keep himself in office... it was by no means premature.
2004-11-03, 12:02 PM
Sen. Kerry phoned President Bush today to concede the presidential election, a White House aide said. Kerry is expected to make a public statement at 1 p.m. ET and Bush is scheduled to speak at 3 p.m. ET. Bush has 254 electoral votes to Kerry's 252, according to CNN projections, with 270 needed to win. Key state Ohio, with 20 electoral votes, hasn't completed its vote tally.
According to the front page of
NightWalker XI
2004-11-03, 12:02 PM
I am very very upset that the 18yr olds and so on of America are as ignorant as to not vote (not meant as an offense because I know around about 17% did vote but the rest...)
Come on, please!
Whats with these people who did not vote, they do not care who rules their own country? not only that but to a degree who owns the world, America is hugely influencial to what happens aroudn the world and still those people do not vote...
very very....annoying.
2004-11-03, 12:03 PM
I'm just glad its over and it's not going to continue for weeks like last time.
I am very very upset that the 18yr olds and so on of America are as ignorant as to not vote (not meant as an offense because I know around about 17% did vote but the rest...)
Come on, please!
Whats with these people who did not vote, they do not care who rules their own country? not only that but to a degree who owns the world, America is hugely influencial to what happens aroudn the world and still those people do not vote...
very very....annoying.
I completly agree, voting should be a requirement. You live in a free country where you can decide the future of that country, yet you sit at home dicking off.
2004-11-03, 12:07 PM
Kerry relied heavily on those young voters, he would have had a better chance, or even won if they voted.
Edit: John Kerry never gave up his seat in the senate, expect to see him back there. As for John Edwards, ouch.
2004-11-03, 12:18 PM
Bush is the leet because of all the Evangilical Christians who voted!
2004-11-03, 12:44 PM
bush pwns.
2004-11-03, 12:56 PM
I completly agree, voting should be a requirement. You live in a free country where you can decide the future of that country, yet you sit at home dicking off.
Negatory, unless you live in a swing state, voting is a waste of time if you oppose the majority. Because of the absolutely retarded electorial college system, and because barely any states split there electorial votes, someone voting democrat in Texas, for instance, is effectively wasting there time. There might be a couple initiatives worth voting on, but thats it. If the election was decided by the popular vote, then that would be a different matter, but it's not.
2004-11-03, 03:30 PM
How can you say voting is a waste of time?
Why don't you move somewhere where voting isnt an option. I do agree however that the electoral college should really be done away with however.
2004-11-03, 04:01 PM
Because, if you live in one of those states where the vote is going to go 80-20, and your on the 20 side, your vote for president is worthless, thanks to the all or nothing system they have set up. If they set up a simple, one person, one vote system, nationwide, where they just counted up everyones vote and declared a winner, I can garantee you a shitload more people would vote, because even if your a republican/democrat living in a heavily democrat/republican state, your vote does not immediately become worthless. Not to mention it would also keep canidates from ramming propaganda down the throats of swing states and having the winner be decided by whos bank account holds out longer/who is able to scare them the most.
2004-11-03, 04:20 PM
Did you know that only the President is elected via EC? Every other election is popular vote.
So yeah, your vote is worthless. :rolleyes:
2004-11-03, 04:42 PM
I am quite well aware of that, there are a couple minor, local initiatives that you might be able to make a difference on, and of course the house/senate reps that are just going to go to the majority anyway so if your state is heavily weighted one way or another your still going to lose (although, in this case, you should.) However, it's the big ticket item that gets people to the polls in the first place, and for quite a few people, it's useless to them. Sorta like driving to the movie theater to sit around and eat popcorn, it's a nice bonus, but without the movie, not to many people are going to show.
2004-11-03, 05:09 PM
I live in Colorado
It's like Texas only with more Californians.
We went something like 54 -46 for Bush or thereabouts.
The Senate seat went to the Democrat
The Colorado House of represenatives and senate will now be controlled by Dems,
so in a pretty heavy Bush state (pun intended) we went most democrat down the line.
That's why oyu vote. You may not get the president, but the other little steps are just as, if not more important.
2004-11-03, 05:20 PM
I voted for Harry Reid (NV-D) and he got elected. Even if Ziser is a fellow Republican, I know Reid will do a good job.
2004-11-03, 06:23 PM
I voted for Harry Reid (NV-D) and he got elected. Even if Ziser is a fellow Republican, I know Reid will do a good job.
And with Daschle's loss, he's now the Senate Minority Leader.
2004-11-03, 06:33 PM
Which is alright with me :D
Well, it is as I called it.
Bush = winar.
Kerry = :doh:
2004-11-03, 10:45 PM
I completly agree, voting should be a requirement. You live in a free country where you can decide the future of that country, yet you sit at home dicking off.
That's called Fascism.
Being forced to do something isn't being free.
2004-11-03, 10:48 PM
Is say instead of forcing you to vote, there should be voting incentives.
2004-11-03, 11:52 PM
I totally agree with Incompetent. The electoral college system is outdated and needs to be reformed or completely done away with. Perhaps in our lifetimes the government will realize this.
2004-11-04, 01:07 AM
Wow....ya know we are the United States of America and we were voting for two of the biggest baffoons in the history of mankind. Its embarrassing, I mean I hate Bush and so does many other people, that doesn't mean that just because Bush sucks we got to put up a crappy "war vet" in that wouldn't stand up to Reagan or something. Its real sad. It was a close election, yes, but it wasn't close because both of em are hella good, its because no one wants to vote for a pair of retards.
I dont wanna sound one sided cause for one I'm democrat and hate Bush, but Kerry isn't what I was thinking as a president, he doesn't even look like one. Bush does (sad but he does), but then he's a big loudmouth oil drinker.
I was listening to Howard Stern maybe on Monday or yesterday, he was talking about how presidents just lie. They all lie. Then he brought up Jimmy Carter and said how he just said 'well guess what, i cant do that and it sucks, but i will do this instead of that and we'll get the most we can get out of it'. I dunno much bout Carter but if so good for him, maybe we should have guys like him around.
Then also he was talking about how Presidents are just dropped with shit. Clinton got some good stuff, that made him famous. Bush got some stuff, that made him even worse. Presidents dont make stuff happen, stuff just fall in their laps and then we wait how they deal with it. We just want them to finish that problem. I dont know if you guys are following with this last point, but I guess lets see if Bush can finish his problem.
2004-11-04, 07:37 AM
A lot of people say that Carter was the worst president next to Gerald Ford, that Larry Flynt sounding motherfucker. They label Carter as an Executive Office failure, our country mired in domestic toils like inflation, energy scarcity, the boycott of the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow and the Iranian hostage crisis (which was actually solved, unlike Iraq hostage crises). Carter is often saddled with the reputation of being an idealistic small-town politician, and somewhat of an intellectual light-weight - because he was a peanut farmer...
But the policies that he passed or tried to get passed, and the actions he took as the leader of the free world, are largely ignored because once-more people focus on a man's intelligence and not his accomplishments.
I can only hope that the other cheek is turned, and the rampant idiots that seem to be representative of the populace in this country will soon be judged for their own intelligence, and not what they have accomplished in life.
"Well you gave a dollar to the poor kid down the street so he could buy ice cream with his friends, but you're a mental midget and you can't tie your own shoes, so you're doomed, pal. Have a nice eternity."
2004-11-04, 09:49 AM
That's called Fascism.
Being forced to do something isn't being free.
I'm tired of all the freeloading cocks who dont vote and then have the nerve to bitch about the system. You dont vote imo you dont have a right to bitch.
2004-11-04, 11:38 AM
I'm tired of all the freeloading cocks who dont vote and then have the nerve to bitch about the system. You dont vote imo you dont have a right to bitch.
Oh, im sorry, i forgot the fact that I'm 2 months to young to vote made my opinion worthless compared that of some thirty year old moron who turns on the TV and sees Bush's Wolves=Terrorists commercial and is scared into voting without knowing jack shit about the issues, thus devalueing the votes of people who actually educate themselves.
BTW: Fun fact, my family had to vote absentee this year, so, our votes were counted... just sometime after the consolation/victory speeches were given. So yeah, we vote, not like it matters.
2004-11-04, 12:10 PM
Can't vote and won't vote are two different things, no need to get hot about it.
2004-11-04, 12:12 PM
I'm tired of all the freeloading cocks who dont vote and then have the nerve to bitch about the system. You dont vote imo you dont have a right to bitch.
Most of us are tired about it. But making it mandatory to vote is Fascism plain and simple. Freedoms are just that - free. But then again, freedom isn't free when men and women have died to secure them.
I'm tired of freeloading cocks myself, but like I said - freedom of choice is what makes America what it is. But for the people who don't vote and then bitch, fuck em - tell them to shut the fuck up cuz they didn't do shit about shit.
2004-11-04, 02:37 PM
Oh, im sorry, i forgot the fact that I'm 2 months to young to vote made my opinion worthless compared that of some thirty year old moron who turns on the TV and sees Bush's Wolves=Terrorists commercial and is scared into voting without knowing jack shit about the issues, thus devalueing the votes of people who actually educate themselves.
BTW: Fun fact, my family had to vote absentee this year, so, our votes were counted... just sometime after the consolation/victory speeches were given. So yeah, we vote, not like it matters.
I wasnt referring to you :p I was referring to people who are of age and don't vote.
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