2004-11-07, 06:13 PM
Oh yeah, I'm walking down the laggy
streets of supai, me and my buds doing fine, OH NOES,
Everyone scrambles and runs for the hills, as I'm running, its
coming right at me.
full health and armor, BAM
knocked out cold (aka dead)
yeah that needs to be fixed, anyways I'm talking about VR
changes, not that the developers would care or listen.
Take away that fucking "you hurt a friendly, this is VR
but in reality it is not tolerated" very annoying.
Expecially when your trying to try out weapons, shoot
each other, play bfr sccer ect. the fun stuff
I just want to have fun in VR and try out the weapons on others.
Jesus christ please... fix it.
And has anyone noticed that the devs ONLY pay attention to something
when everyone is doing it?
Everyone gets a lightning they "fix" that
Everyone goes to the caves, they "Fix" that too
That means, if we want something to change, we have to do it with our
own dirty hands.
Of course its impossible to get a bunch of players in agme to do something
we all know that for a fact. But if we jsut do something, alot
then the devs will notice that something is majorly wrong
like everytime we drop 2 god maxes into a fully infantry protected CC
with about 20 infantry, they all die.
(same with four jackhammers)
and by the way developers, if you were like asherons calls developers
and added new and interesting stuff every month, welll not every month but
jsut added ALOT of awsome and fun (please balanced) stuff to the game often, A. you'd make a whole lot more money, B. game of the year,
C. Alot of homosxuals after you, and some women, And D. an awsome game.
Please... please... :doh: I'm tired of lazy developers
streets of supai, me and my buds doing fine, OH NOES,
Everyone scrambles and runs for the hills, as I'm running, its
coming right at me.
full health and armor, BAM
knocked out cold (aka dead)
yeah that needs to be fixed, anyways I'm talking about VR
changes, not that the developers would care or listen.
Take away that fucking "you hurt a friendly, this is VR
but in reality it is not tolerated" very annoying.
Expecially when your trying to try out weapons, shoot
each other, play bfr sccer ect. the fun stuff
I just want to have fun in VR and try out the weapons on others.
Jesus christ please... fix it.
And has anyone noticed that the devs ONLY pay attention to something
when everyone is doing it?
Everyone gets a lightning they "fix" that
Everyone goes to the caves, they "Fix" that too
That means, if we want something to change, we have to do it with our
own dirty hands.
Of course its impossible to get a bunch of players in agme to do something
we all know that for a fact. But if we jsut do something, alot
then the devs will notice that something is majorly wrong
like everytime we drop 2 god maxes into a fully infantry protected CC
with about 20 infantry, they all die.
(same with four jackhammers)
and by the way developers, if you were like asherons calls developers
and added new and interesting stuff every month, welll not every month but
jsut added ALOT of awsome and fun (please balanced) stuff to the game often, A. you'd make a whole lot more money, B. game of the year,
C. Alot of homosxuals after you, and some women, And D. an awsome game.
Please... please... :doh: I'm tired of lazy developers