View Full Version : Paper help! Pfft...

2004-11-09, 10:57 AM
PSU I need a little help....
Im doing this projecy you see...yeah....
On a carer in Computer technolgy. I need some help. Any body is this feild? I know electro said something about going to college for compter seicne, only with better spelling. I just need so sources or refences. :confused:

2004-11-09, 10:59 AM
I know a little about it.

(Sitting in front of 4 servers right now setting up an active directory policy while whoring the forums.)


2004-11-09, 12:18 PM
I know a little about it.

(Sitting in front of 4 servers right now setting up an active directory policy while whoring the forums.)


Oh Hamma you know how hot it makes me when you talk about all those hot hot! servers ;)

Ya ask Hamma he knows so much about it,being a Systems engineer and Tech :) for his company