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2004-11-22, 09:15 AM

It's quiet in here :(

Werner is dying :(

2004-11-23, 05:22 PM
But Werner is a better server than the American servers combined...if only because of the appalling yet cute Pidgin English. :D

2005-01-23, 09:44 AM
we will always be the best!!!

2005-01-31, 11:04 AM
You are all tossers (especially that fragmatic). Planetside is dead

Long live World of Warcraft.

2005-02-01, 05:52 AM
Yeah, if it is quiet on the servers now, wait until WoW goes final.

Well, CYA at the EU WoW servers and thanks for all the
action I had in Planetside.

It was a good ride while it lasted.

-Prinsallan :rolleyes:

2005-03-02, 05:46 PM
Played WoW since US Beta. Bored.

Now back to Planetside.

Give it time and you will be to :).

2005-03-03, 06:00 AM
Actually, I have played WoW since US Beta.
I also played European Beta and now I play the full EU version and
I never found it boring. In fact, the most boring times I had playing
a game was sitting and waiting for a base to turn flags in Planetside.
The action in PS is good... the few times you find a medium battle.
Since the big battles always lagged heavily for me, it wasn�t as fun
as it could have been.

queenen | mr.vuglo

2005-03-07, 10:40 AM
bah, wow hasnt really affected PS subscriber ammount that much, still reasonable sized fights. The people that play PS arent big on level level level quest level level quest, rinse and reapeat, they just wanna kill people

2005-04-02, 08:19 PM
You are all tossers (especially that fragmatic). Planetside is dead

:lol: Wazzock.

2005-04-20, 04:54 PM
!!!n3rf T3h W0rl|) 0f \/\//\r(r4f7!!!11111shift+1!!!!!one!!!!!

HONestly though, why would you want to play it, its exactly the same as all the others, you might aswell play runescape cos it's free

2005-05-23, 07:24 PM
m05t P01nTl3s5 BumP 3v0r�!!!!!!1111!!!1!!11SHIF+1!!!

2006-01-19, 11:27 PM

2006-01-21, 01:16 AM
Markov can slam a revolving door. What can Werner do?

2006-01-27, 10:01 AM
still playing on werner.... still having fun... wow is DIRT...

werner is DEAD between 4a.m. to 10a.m. but there are still alot of ppl after that time

2006-02-17, 05:15 AM
Hey guys...three more peeps on Werner now, me and two friends, play both as NC and TR...
It will be a LOT more players once the fodderthingy goes live....


True Sorrow
2006-02-26, 08:27 PM
WoW is kinda ruining lives... And LAN-parties! I mean, last LAN-party I was on had 3/4 playing WoW and at least 1/4 playing nothing but WoW the whole time. WoW is crappy, stale and repetive. Sure, there is quests, different skills and all that - but it's nothing new. We've all seen axes, swords and lightning bolts in other RPG's and the Warcraft series.

2006-02-27, 08:03 AM
h8 for wow!

2006-03-02, 02:13 PM
But Werner is a better server than the American servers combined...if only because of the appalling yet cute Pidgin English. :D
Let's just say it's because of english, period. First time I went on emerald everyone was talking weird internet language o_O

I do play on emerald more though, now. I'm NC there and I like it better. I don't know if they started talking properly or if I have become that fluent in weird internet language that I don't notice it anymore.

2007-07-27, 05:06 AM
i mis the old days where 5 gals would come flying in.

now it's just 1 tower and 1 base.

2007-07-31, 06:39 AM
I alternate games from Planetside to EVE tryed even all Battlefield games and wow but will keep Planetside and EVE as they are the better once

2007-07-31, 07:59 AM
I've been keeping my eye on PlanetSide for some time now but haven't had much time nor interest to get around to it. It's a real shame that it's population is diminishing at this pace now that i have decided to give it a go...
As for myself, i'm a Half-Life + mod (NS, TS, CS, Dys, SC, VS) fan, Halo and UT2004 player, and have been playing EVE for about 1.5 years now. As you can see PS would fit perfectly in my field of interest, as it's still sci-fi and includes the vehicular combat, first person pew-pew and flight that i love so much in other games... Too bad that i've only just realized that. =/

Waiting 24h for a trial key now... I just hope that i won't be playing alone if i ever get one though.

2007-08-07, 04:28 PM
I'll be there too, awaiting key too, have played EQ1 and 2 Wow of course, many other mmorpgs but also love BF1942 and 2 was a demon at UT original and alright at the others, any idea what faction your going for?

2007-08-13, 09:12 AM
I'm hoping that the EU Server is a bit more populated now as I don't think that I'll be having a decent ping on any of the US Servers. And I neither want to play on an empty nor on a laggy server. Some feedback on pings out of EU Countries or the current status of the population on Werner would be appreciated.

2007-08-13, 02:29 PM
Werner <-> Denmark - 40ms ping at average. Very much playable imo.
Pop is cool enough for me, but i mostly play on peak times like everybody else. Could be a bit low at early morning, can't speak for that though. :P