View Full Version : All Time Favorite Games
2004-11-24, 12:23 PM
Well, I wanna hear some of your all time favorite games, dont matter how old they are but dont call a new game one of you all time favorites unless your sure you can get entirely sick of it.
Conkers Bad Fur Day, changed my life.
Halo, just cause its... amazing
Halo 2 cause its got all the things halo has but with some nice addons.
gonna take flame for this, Everquest just cause it was the first MMO i played
Starcraft, cause it was my first RTS and first online capable game.
2004-11-24, 12:30 PM
Metal Gear Solid - my favorite game ever.
Final Fantasy 7 - i could play this game over and over. love the story.
Halo/Halo 2 - Can't beat multiplayer
Tiger Woods PGA 2005 - it's digital crack.
The Command & Conquer series (except Tiberian Sun.. ugh)
The GTA series on PS2 (San Andreas is making me so happy)
2004-11-24, 12:39 PM
Command and conqure series (attack dogs nuff said)
FF7 (great story)
FF8 (great story)
Tribes 2 ( gamed owend my life)
Freespace 2 (Great Space shooter)
Super Mario Brothers 3 (cant beat the ratcoon tail of death)
2004-11-24, 12:45 PM
ahh yes, FF7 is the only game ive had a dream about, dammit whats the one chicks name i dreamed about, it was kinda pathetic dreaming about a digital charactor lol.
2004-11-24, 12:45 PM
Resident Evil 2
Half-life and all subsequent mods
Total War series
2004-11-24, 12:49 PM
ahh yes, FF7 is the only game ive had a dream about, dammit whats the one chicks name i dreamed about, it was kinda pathetic dreaming about a digital charactor lol.
i had dreams about that game, too. cuz i played it too fucking much. i had a dream where Red 13 was leading me around and we were trying to find Reno to fight him. yeah, that game was good.
2004-11-24, 12:53 PM
ahh yes, FF7 is the only game ive had a dream about, dammit whats the one chicks name i dreamed about, it was kinda pathetic dreaming about a digital charactor lol.
(spelling) Areal or Tiffa?
2004-11-24, 12:56 PM
Red alert 2 - fist game I ever played online
DN time to kill - just that damn good
Twisted metal 3 - Viper omgomgomg splooge
Vice city- much 80s hair metal...
2004-11-24, 12:57 PM
No clue, it was a good 3-4 years ago.
2004-11-24, 01:29 PM
ahh yes, FF7 is the only game ive had a dream about, dammit whats the one chicks name i dreamed about, it was kinda pathetic dreaming about a digital charactor lol.
I had a dream with Tetris in it once.
It was cool, cause I dreamed I was playing a gameboy... and because Tetris was the only game I'd played on it, that's what I dreamed of... it was cool because I pwned.
2004-11-24, 01:39 PM
Planetside- (prefucked up) I had dreams about it back when I was hardcore into it and it wasn't gay.
Call of Duty- first online FPS, played it for a year now. Rivals PS in many ways.
GTA series
Super Mario 64- amazing game for its time
Star Fox 64- still play it when I want to blow shit up.
Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4
Age of Empires II
Perfect Dark
Granted I went from games I will immediately remember when I'm 50 to games that I had to think a good few minutes to think of just now, but those are the games I've played the most and continue to enjoy.
2004-11-24, 01:43 PM
FPS: GoldenEye 007 for the N64...first true FPS I played that lasted for a year and a half atleast
RPG: Hmm...probably that Super Mario RPG for the SNES
RTS: Blitzkrieg, no doubt.
MMO: Star Wars Galaxies, really, REALLY crappy game now, but I met alot of friends there and it was my first MMO, so meh.
2004-11-24, 01:45 PM
FPS: GoldenEye 007 for the N64...first true FPS I played that lasted for a year and a half atleast
RPG: Hmm...probably that Super Mario RPG for the SNES
RTS: Blitzkrieg, no doubt.
MMO: Star Wars Galaxies, really, REALLY crappy game now, but I met alot of friends there and it was my first MMO, so meh.
Didn't you play PS first?
2004-11-24, 01:54 PM
Return to Castle Wolfenstein. No doubt. And maybe SimCity 4, that game was amazing as well.
2004-11-24, 01:57 PM
half life 2 and uh......and uh.....I cant remember right now.
2004-11-24, 02:25 PM
Gunstar Heroes - Sega Genesis
Total Annillation - PC (Best RTS Ever)
Starcraft - PC
Metal Gear Solid - PS
Unreal Tournament - PC
KOTOR - Xbox
Half Life 2 - PC
2004-11-24, 02:33 PM
MMORPG - EverQuest, played for 5 years, since the beginning of Beta.
MMOFPS - PlanetSide (back in the day)
FPS - Perfect Dark (N64) Halo, Halo 2 (Xbox)
RTS - Starcraft and Starcraft : Brood War
Oh, and the chick you were wondering about, either Aeris or Tifa.
2004-11-24, 03:28 PM
GTA San Andreas
GTA Vice City
HL Mods (TFC,Sven)
Burnout 3
Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow
Far Cry
SSX3 was pretty good
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64, NGC
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - SNES
Halo 2 - XBox
EarthBound - SNES
Super Metroid - SNES
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - GEN
PlanetSide - PC
Halo - PC
2004-11-24, 03:56 PM
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64, NGC
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - SNES
Halo 2 - XBox
EarthBound - SNES
Super Metroid - SNES
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - GEN
PlanetSide - PC
Halo - PC
Sonic 3 sucked.
2 was the best
edit - ESPECIALLY with the Sonic + Knuckles cart.
2004-11-24, 03:59 PM
Gta SA
CoD + Xpan
Evil Genius
Half Life mods
2004-11-24, 04:04 PM
Didn't you play PS first?
Yeah, but I consider PS a FPS :)
2004-11-24, 04:15 PM
half life 2 and uh......and uh.....I cant remember right now.
And that's what HL2 does to you kids...
Counter Strike: Source - I never liked the original CS, but this is over the counter crack. It's amazing. Need more!
Planetside - First online game I ever played. First FPS I played on a PC too.
Black and White - Fear my firey wrath as I send burning cows into your village! Bwuhaha!
Final Fantasy 7 - I wish my mind could be wiped concerning this game, just so I could experience it all over again.
Gran Turismo - First game I played on my Playstation (my first console). I loved the soundtrack. I was such a cool 8 year old.
Mario Kart - Can't believe I'm the first to put this; I expereienced it at my cousins. Ahhh :love:
And last, but by no means least:
Legend of Mana - The first game I ever played, when I was 7. I never completed it because I only ever got to play it at my friends house. But oh god I was addicted. The main reason I bought/ was bought a console.
2004-11-24, 05:34 PM
Well basicaly evey game i've had has been very good, i only get them if i've hear thier great or have a relay big interest in it.
FPS, Single Player - Half Life 2
FSP, Multiplayer - Planetside.
RTS - Total Anihilation w/ expantions
Racing - Gran Turismo, Mario Kart 64
Rpg - Zelda,
Platformer - Sonic 2, 3, Sonic & Knuckles
Misc - Mech Warrior 4(Black Kight, Mercs, MekTek MechPak1, Clan/IS Mech Packs) played this for about a year competitivly in the ALD, and NTB leagues. dirst as Clan Coyote, then Somethign in the Inner Sphere, then Clan Jade Falcon, basicaly up untill PS came out.
2004-11-24, 05:42 PM
Half Life
Monster Truck Madness (Crazy Eights was the best track ever!)
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (We found some downloads for it, the Shaguar sucked)
GTA3 and Vice City
Rise of Nations
2004-11-24, 07:47 PM
This is rough, so Ill pick a few for a few consoles, and PC.
NES - Zelda/Mario 2
SNES - Secret of Mana, the Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past
Genesis - Phantasy Star
Sega CD - I CANT REMEMBER THE FREAKING NAME OF THIS GAME. It was an RPG, Sonic Blue or something similar, they rereleased it for PS1.
N64 - Goldeneye, the ONLY good game on that system
Saturn - Albert Oddessy, Marvel VS Capcom
PS1 - GT Series, RPG Maker, MGS
Dreamcast - Power Stone, Seaman, Quake 3
PS2 - MGS2, GT3, GTA Series, Dark Cloud
Gamecube - Resident Evil remakes
PC - Wolfenstien, Hitman 2, Rainbow 6, C&C, Star Wars Battlegrounds
Theres a bazillion more, but most importantly, the entire Final fantasy Series, with teh exception of that gamecube POS.
2004-11-24, 07:56 PM
the only final fantasy games i've trully liked are Four, Seven, and Eight.
2004-11-24, 08:25 PM
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - This game is so amazing.
Age of Empires 2 - Not only is this probably my favorite strategy game, it's getting me through world history.
Halo/2 - Yum.
FF8 and Legend of Dragoon - Two of my best and only RPG's.
Starcraft, Warcraft 3 - Amazing.
2004-11-24, 11:03 PM
Baldurs Gate Series
Morrowind (+expantions and mods)
Halo (PC)
Infantry online
Mechwarrior series
Diablo 2 (online)
Half Life 2 (omfg)
Goldeneye (n64)
2004-11-24, 11:18 PM
C&C red alert- my first real game
SW:KOTOR- great story
COH- addicting MMO game play
PS- first MMO made me a game nerd!
HALO- ill kik ur ass on multi-player
TRIBES VENGENCE- still a n00b but a great game!
2004-11-24, 11:18 PM
X-Box-Halo 1&2, Elder Scrolls3,Kingdom Under Fire,Ghost Recon
PC-Age of Empires Series, Starcraft,Warcraft3:TFT, Call Of Duty,Empire Earth,Comand and Conquers Generals, Homeworld, Sudden Strike
2004-11-25, 12:03 AM
hmmm Total War games, Morrowind, Starcraft, Halo, The Sims 2, Call of Duty, WoW (despite current problems) Super Mario Bros. on NES, Duckhunt. probably others.
2004-11-25, 01:25 AM
Super mario Brothers/Duckhunt (NES)(I got the gun for still)
StarFox (SN)
Sonic (?, i forgot which system, but i also got it for computer)
StarFox64 (N64)
Mario 64 (N64)
Sonic Adventures (Dreamcast, me and my friend played that game for ages, he rented the system for 3 months before he finally bought it)
Halo/2 (Pc, xbox)
Tribes/2 (PC, good i mapped on that for so fucking long and i was so freakin young)
C&C Red Alert (i still haven't beaten it :o )
GTA3/VC (xbox)
Unreal Tournoment (has anyone said this one yet? PC)
NFS3 (pc/ps1)
Super Smash Brothers/Melee (N64/GC)
Metriod Prime (GC)
Ghost Recon (GC)
Planetside (1 year+ and going)
2004-11-25, 02:14 AM
Kirby all star (SNES) (childhood game,still play it sometimes)
Bomberman 64 (childhood game,still play it sometimes)
Super Mario 64 (childhood game,still play it sometimes)
Super smash brothers/Super smash brothers melee
Goldeneye/Perfect Dark
Half life 2
Opposing force
Team Fortress Classic(hl mod)
Natural Selection 1.04 and 2.0(hl mod)
Sven Co-op (hl mod)
Halo (Cousin's XBox)
Megaman Ledgends/Megaman Ledgends 2
Metal Gear Solid (PS)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GC)
Advance Wars + Advance Wars 2 (GBA)
Metriod Prime (GC) (this one game alone made me want to get all of the metroid games)
The Sims (bought almost all of the expansion packs :doh: )
Starcraft (and mods)
Red Faction (I forgot it!)
2004-11-25, 02:18 AM
Halo 2
One of those really old Mario games on those big fat Gameboys.
Mortal Kombat (from the early 90's)
Half-Life 2
Red Faction (sweet, sweet multiplayer)
That's all I can think of right now.
2004-11-25, 08:29 AM
SW:KOTOR- great story
Yeah, and a lot of plotholes, but that's besides the point (was still a good game, just not a big fan of the story).
I'm fairly surprised at the number of people that put Return to Castle Wolfenstein...
2004-11-25, 08:52 AM
X-Box-Halo 1&2, Elder Scrolls3,Kingdom Under Fire,Ghost Recon
PC-Age of Empires Series, Starcraft,Warcraft3:TFT, Call Of Duty,Empire Earth,Comand and Conquers Generals, Homeworld, Sudden Strike
I dont see how people can play TES3 on the Xbox...
There are so many great mods for the PC version.
2004-11-25, 10:39 AM
Grand theft auto(all)
Super Mario (nitendo 64, mind you when i was much younger)
2004-11-25, 04:27 PM
Planetside (PC)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Counter Strike (XBOX) (LIVE)
Halo/Halo2 (multiplayer)
GTA Vice City (PS2)
The Sims (PC)
Zelda The Wind Waker (GC)
Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC)
Super Mario 3 (NES)
2004-11-25, 05:09 PM
Doh i forgot 1 game.
pokemon blue/red/yellow.
Seriously, it made a big impact on me back then, catching all 150 pokemon then 151. Then they started adding more characters and I got pissed off. I still find it particularrly fun...
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