View Full Version : Anyone use Hammer [CS:S map problems]

2004-12-04, 06:23 PM
Recently I've been playing around with Hammer, and making some rough CS: S maps with my friends. My first attempt is going well, but I keep coming along a problem when someone tries to play it. They get a "memory read error". This happened to all three of my friends that tried it. I haven't been able to try it as my "run" command is borked, and as such it makes it very hard to see what the prob is itself. I tried using the Show Bugs tool, but it just has a couple of things to do with my glass (which won't break :( ) and a ladder, and the fact that I don't have a player spawn point working, but that was fixed by my friends when I gave it to them. So, has anyone else come across this problem and know how to solve it?

They all have PCs easily capable of running CS: S.

If it helps, here is a link to the .vmf of the game, for anyone who might wanna find the error in Hammer. http://mr-paul.co.uk/ABlock.vmf :love:

2004-12-05, 04:55 AM

This could be the problem, or it might be something else. Isn't the map leaking now? The whole thing should be enclosed, even outdoors (skybox).

The "void" (big black part) should be non-viewable from anywhere within the game world. I'm compiling the map now, with a hollow box around it, just to see. Will check on the glass later.

Hope this helps, for now.

EDIT: Wow, Hammer is taking a hella long time :p.
EDIT2: OK, Hammer keeps crashing on me :(. Will keep trying, though.

2004-12-05, 11:20 PM
I wasn't aware Hammer could make HL2 maps at all.

2004-12-06, 02:39 AM
It's the Source Hammer :p.

Sorry, by the way, Hammer doesn't compile it. Everything is fine, then it just takes a uber long time to compile a certain part.


2004-12-06, 10:01 AM
Hrmm, I removed the glass, and changed the ladder, and added a valid spawnpoint. But still no luck. Is there anyway to reset Hammer's configuration, because the manual way (it says to do it manually somewhere on the valve ERC site) seems to have borked it, and won't let me run maps.

EDIT: Oh, I just added a skybox, but I'vew not tested that yet...

2004-12-08, 01:00 PM
The void would be causing the leak.