View Full Version : [Kids]What do you want to be when you grow up?
2004-12-06, 05:28 PM
What are you future aspirations? Post here.
I want to be a helicopter pilot, either Commercial or Army Logistics. That would rock so hard.
I want to be you.
/me peers through a window at Hezzy with an Axe. :twisted:
2004-12-06, 05:33 PM
I want to be you.
/me peers through a window at Hezzy with an Axe. :twisted:
Oh shit.
* Hezzy runs to go find some pants
2004-12-06, 05:34 PM
Video Game Developer. Planning on double majoring between Physics and Computer Programming through college.
2004-12-06, 05:42 PM
I wanna be a fireman!
Or and AeroSpace Engineer... thats what I plan on majoring in, just like my role-model Triggar (bitch stole MY major! :love: )
2004-12-06, 05:42 PM
Small store owner, Toymaker, or (in my grandest dreams) owner of a prosperous railroad company in America.
2004-12-06, 05:59 PM
Law Enforcement, and later down the line. Either Forensic Technology Field, or a Detective.
2004-12-06, 06:03 PM
Filmmaking, its more of a passion then a realistic profession.
Realistically, maybe get an MBA and set myself up in a 6-figure salary right off the bat.
And if I fuck up in college, the Marines.
2004-12-06, 06:05 PM
I want to play guitar in a rock band.
But I'll probably end up being a programmer. :(
2004-12-06, 06:12 PM
3d animator
2004-12-06, 06:46 PM
Army Rangers or Marine Recon
2004-12-06, 06:49 PM
I have no idea.
2004-12-06, 06:51 PM
3d animatorIndeed. I need to update it actually.
Structural Engineer. I dream of having the power to redesign the buildings in PS, I have many ideas.
2004-12-06, 06:55 PM
Fly Boy (AirForce Pilot) then President... I'm not joking... I'm actually searious
so when I'm on TV giving my acceptance speach I'll remeber all you little people out there... And if PSU is still there(Which we all know it won't) then I will give it the props it deserves..
2004-12-06, 07:11 PM
/me hides all net's posts for future muslinging ammo
2004-12-06, 07:11 PM
I want to own stores, I think I'm going to start doing my administration classes next year and then open a small shop of some sort (probably gaming store) or I'll request funding from game workshop to open a store in my region. After that it's on to more and more shops and eventually being wealthy.
... so when I'm on TV giving my acceptance speach I'll remeber all you little people out there... And if PSU is still there(Which we all know it won't) then I will give it the props it deserves..
LIES! PSU Will nevar die!!!111oneShift+1 :D
2004-12-06, 07:40 PM
I want to be an astronaut.
Infernus, were you aware of the fact that getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering is just one thing that qualifies you for the Astronaut Core for NASA? You need a Bachelor's degree in engineering or medicine or geology, stuff like that (but not anything "aeronautical", wtf) and three year's work experience. Getting your masters (which I will) counts for one year work experience in the field, and getting your PhD counts towards it as well. So theorhetically I could be qualified for the Astronaut Core two years out of college :evil:
2004-12-06, 07:45 PM
Anti-corporate lawyer. Then a Senator. Then President. I'm dead serious. Then I'll nuke Uganda. We all know why.
2004-12-06, 07:50 PM
Fire Controll and Navy Logistics. Going to OCS after College.
Then go in as an officier and launch missiles.
2004-12-06, 07:51 PM
See if you really want to be President, you gotta watch everything you do. Saying things like "I'll nuke Uganda" on a public forum probably would come back to haunt you somehow!
2004-12-06, 07:52 PM
Virology. Ever since I was old enough to know what they are, I've wanted to understand them. Cure them. How they came to be.
As strange as it sounds, there's nothing I'd love more then to work at the deepest level of the CDC bunker in Atlanta on Ebola or the Black Plague or something. Make sure they never hurt anyone again.
Not to mention, there's so much potential for improving the human biological condition through viral engineering. We're approaching the potential to use specifically engineered retrovriuses to cure genetic problems, even after birth. If I'm not mistaken, we already have technology for limited types of this. "Gene Therapy" is the popular term.
Probably gonna minor in Microbiology, Biophysics, or prehaps Biochemistry.
2004-12-06, 07:53 PM
Ok, I have made my decision... Based on Trigger supreme god knowledge, for she is a mod, I have decided... to TO... work at McDonalds... thank you
Anti-corporate lawyer. Then a Senator. Then President. I'm dead serious. Then I'll nuke Uganda. We all know why.
Because they are a known to harbor terrorist splinter cells of Crab People?� 2004-2005 Ivan Technologies.
Edit: This post is now copy writen.
2004-12-06, 08:00 PM
LOL OMG!11! ROFL!! That was so damn funny... ahhhhh!!
Can I post that as a quote on my sig?
LOL OMG!11! ROFL!! That was so damn funny... ahhhhh!!
Can I post that as a quote on my sig?
No! It's copy writen now. :twisted:
hehe I don't care if you want to go for it.
Game Design. You'll all be playing my shit. ...yo.
2004-12-06, 08:18 PM
Game Design. You'll all be playing my shit. ...yo.
Grand Theft Pants?
2004-12-06, 08:19 PM
I want to play Grand Theft Pants
2004-12-06, 08:27 PM
Grand Theft Pants would be fun. I could rob the pants bank with my pants gun, and then blow up the pants mobster's car with a pants bomb. It would so totally rawk.
2004-12-06, 08:28 PM
Okay, someone get on this :lol:
2004-12-06, 08:50 PM
Okay, someone get on this :lol:
2004-12-06, 08:57 PM
Dreadful hijack.
2004-12-06, 08:59 PM
1)Aerospace Engineering
-With any luck end up working for Lockheed Martin
2) Work way up political ladder to attain Governorship of Florida
3) Run for President
I'll nuke Uganda
2004-12-06, 09:16 PM
Rofl!!111!! Hes W@ntz Teh Nukes Uganda 2!!11!#$@! Tghat Roxors My Boxers!@#!@!!
2004-12-06, 10:01 PM
2004-12-06, 10:05 PM
Degree in Psychology
Aide to State Rep.
State Rep.
US Rep.
2004-12-06, 10:10 PM
I also want to be a locksmith or something. Mabey just as a sidejob when im outta military cause right now im learning to pick locks and stuff for a hobby. Its real interesting to learn about it. On a sidenote anyone know good sites showing you how to do this stuff? Ive googled but its mostly pay sites so anyone got free guides? Im still learning and could use some help.
I Hate Pants
2004-12-06, 10:14 PM
Im going to wall street baby! Gonna live in Manhatten.
2004-12-06, 10:14 PM
I wanna be a mix between a Leprechaun, Gnome, Elf, and a Midget....
2004-12-06, 10:15 PM
Computer Programmer (making first person shooter games like Planetside and Halo)
Or possibly and graphic designer
2004-12-06, 11:29 PM
DMD (Digital Media Development)
Law Enforcement
Those are my choices.
2004-12-06, 11:32 PM
Something music-studio related, maybe start up my own minor label and produce for people that I know that are in bands (when I inevitably move to Washington State with my sister to get on K Recs). Also it would be one of the cushier jobs out there, and I'm sure i could find something really sweet that's abandoned to head this effort off in.
Journalist, and see if I can minor in game development.
My dream in life is to play video games, criticize people, and get paid to do that. And, as a video game mag journalist/reporter/whatever, I would be happy.
And plus, if I don't get into the industry, hell, theres no shortage of newspapers or magazines around the 'states...
2004-12-07, 10:32 AM
Something music-studio related, maybe start up my own minor label and produce for people that I know that are in bands (when I inevitably move to Washington State with my sister to get on K Recs). Also it would be one of the cushier jobs out there, and I'm sure i could find something really sweet that's abandoned to head this effort off in.
Sweet, dude! K Records is awesome: I live about a mile away from them :).
2004-12-07, 10:46 AM
Marine Corps, platoon leader is my first choice, then after several years, 5 or so, i will hopefully have had lasik surgery, and then apply for a change of MOS to heli pilot, Cobra.
then go 20 years, retire, mabey teach from there, that or my other dream, conquor the world!!!
2004-12-07, 12:13 PM
A Power Ranger!
2004-12-07, 01:22 PM
Well, next year I'm doing my further mathematics double A Level, as well as Physics and English Language. I'm aiming for something along the lines of an Astro-physicist. I've found my course at Uni (yes, already) - Astronomy and Physics Bsc. Yeah.
2004-12-07, 04:06 PM
Uh... a POLICE CAR! and then a RACECAR! and then a Airplane Taci driver, and then a TAXI DRVIER!
But really? um Game Developer/Designer ( dont know if i wanna be programmer, animation or concept) or a Structural Engineer.
Red October
2004-12-07, 04:47 PM
Currently I'm a Pricing Analyst for an insurance co.......but....
I would like to eventually build a log cabin out somewhere in one of the following places:
Mt. Shasta
Oregon Coast
Eastern Sierra's
Have a job as a Ranger or Writer...but more for fun rather than actual income. What's even better is my wife like's the idea as well.
2004-12-07, 05:02 PM
I have a secret desire
Hiding deep in my soul
It sets my heart afire
To see me in this role
I wanna be a producer
With a hit show on Broadway
I wanna be a producer
Lunch at Sardi's every day
I wanna be a producer
Sport a top hat and a cane
I wanna be a producer
And drive those chorus girls insane!
I wanna be a producer
And sleep until half-past two
I wanna be a producer
And say, "You, you, you, not you"
I wanna be a producer
Wear a tux on op'ning nights!
2004-12-07, 05:06 PM
A father
And I'll cotinue working in Computers untill bored with it then switch to writing again.
2004-12-07, 05:36 PM
I already posted what I wanted to be, but it was pretty bland.. so
After I graduate from Nash Central High, I'm gunning for the Air Force Academy (Jesus, I can never remeber how to spell that..). I'll major in MSS (Military Stategic Studies) and graduate as a 1st Lt. due to my many years as a JROTC Cadet.. (Actually I have heard two different things about that, My major said that I would be able to skip 2 Lt. if I go through JROTC, but then somebody else said that I doesn't matter) Then I would go to (If im accepted) flight training school, learn to fly the A-10 ThunderboltII... After maybe ten or so more years in the Air Force, I will switch to Army or Marines. After they tell me that I'm to old to work, (I would like to retire as a Brig General at least) I will start my political career by running as the Senator, or Governer of North Carolina... our state is so screwed up now.. This all will only happen if I can prove that I didn't rape that girl... I'm 17, I've never had sex, and while sitting in one of my classes a girl yells rape and I get suspended, see how screwed up the State and the schools systems are... If that all fails I'll take up residence under I95 in my nice new TV box.. I even have a dinning room now!!
2004-12-07, 05:41 PM
A father
QFT :)
I wanted to be in charge of a large air force logistics operation. I'd love to be able to command, witness, and experience a large aircraft fleet deployment and convoy. WWII style, baby :)
That and a power ranger. WHITE RANGER 4EVER!
2004-12-07, 05:51 PM
A10 Pilot, or if I'm too big (I heard you have to be sorta small to fly an A10?) a chopper pilot...Chinooks, Blackhawks...whatever. And after my tour probably learn Game Design
2004-12-07, 05:53 PM
Well something to do with physics or something very scientific
A) Doctorate in physics of some kind - reasearch/teaching
B) Computer Engineering
C) Nuclear Medicine(not a doctor, they guy who runs the scans and does complicated stuff with machinery and stuff, big bucks are avalible 6figs++)
2004-12-07, 05:55 PM
Good man, A10's are the best aircraft in the force... But I thought they were talking about taking the A10 out of service... But putting in a redesigned a model
2004-12-07, 06:36 PM
some kinda engineer...prolly mechanical engineer
i will build the rubber duckinator, the greatest ship to sail teh seas :doh:
2004-12-07, 06:37 PM
I wanna be a fireman!
I'm officially a Fireman after tommorow night when I take the state FFI exam, wish me luck...
but that's volunteer, but still who doesn't dream of driving in Big Red Trucks!
~TidPS: I think I need a new sig for the FF thingy, anyone want to donate?
Good man, A10's are the best aircraft in the force... But I thought they were talking about taking the A10 out of service... But putting in a redesigned a model
The JSF really takes it's roll.
2004-12-07, 07:22 PM
Well something to do with physics or something very scientific
A) Doctorate in physics of some kind - reasearch/teaching
B) Computer Engineering
C) Nuclear Medicine(not a doctor, they guy who runs the scans and does complicated stuff with machinery and stuff, big bucks are avalible 6figs++)
You are adorable.
2004-12-07, 07:35 PM
The JSF really takes it's roll.
Meh, well whatever the next Ground-attack plane is in about Two years, that's what I'll be flying. Mainly doing it so I can get money for college.
2004-12-07, 08:41 PM
I mean, I'm wearing glasses that don't do anything, I'm made for the music business.
2004-12-07, 09:10 PM
2004-12-07, 09:15 PM
Lawyer or politician running a gaming store on the side.
2004-12-07, 09:46 PM
OK, new idea.
I want to be Gambit.
OK, new idea.
I want to be Gambit.
He was an ass, be Beast!
2004-12-07, 10:05 PM
Gambit was the man.
2004-12-07, 10:09 PM
Marines. Most likely a Heavy Weapons expert.
I'm going to be a space-pirate.
2004-12-07, 10:49 PM
Let's play guitar in a five-guitar space pirate band.
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