View Full Version : Paintball

2004-12-07, 01:13 PM
Hey guys I've decided to get a paintball gun for Chirstmas and since I've seen some topics on it, I figured theres some experts out there.

I want a gun that has a little bit of tinkering needed but also has a "coolness" factor. But mainly I'll need something of good quality and in the range of $100 to $300 CAD. Since I live in Ottawa, ON I'd need something in this area. I found one site that has a large selection: http://www.ottawapaintball.ca/ And I'd also like your opinion on the accessories I would need.

Thanks for any advice guys.

2004-12-07, 01:35 PM
Now if your starting out in paintball and this is your first marker, or just another marker. you can't go wrong with a Tippmann 98 custom, or a Tippmann A-5...both of those markers are very reliable, and durable. you can "tinker" then a decent amount as well. to start off, an after market barrel...they need one....both markers can be found at good prices through dealers (AKA paintball fields) in your area, or online.