View Full Version : [Images] Post pics of your gf/ex
2004-12-07, 02:07 PM
In this thread we post pictures of our girlfriends, ex girlfriends, boyfriends, ex boyfriends.
We include pic(s), and a brief summary about the person/relationship.
Name: Nikki
Relationship Duration: 2 years dating, 6 years friends.
Status: Ex-Girlfriend
Summary: Cheated on me at party with some guy in his truck drunk, I caught her, you guys know the story.
gogogo :cool:
2004-12-07, 02:21 PM
Name: John, a.k.a. Roland, a.k.a. Martyr
Relationship Duration: Since March 2002, however long THAT'S been
Status: My piece
Summary: I tried to smear cool-whip on his arm the other night and we ended up tackling eachother in my kitchen. We're like that. We can often be found using power-tools to modify our Leet Apartment.
2004-12-07, 02:29 PM
2004-12-07, 02:53 PM
Haha, stop spamming my thread with pics of fatties! :p
2004-12-07, 03:01 PM
(bad picture)
Relationship Duration: 1 1/2 months
Status: Ex gf, not on speaking terms
Summary: Hottest girl at my school, who also is a model, I played my cards right, bam, she was mine. However she turned out to be a moody bisexal whore. Fuck.
Relationship Duration: Over a month of being hook up buddies
Status: Not-yet-official girlfriend
Summary: Met her at a halloween party(same one this picture is from) while drunk, talked to her for about 10 minutes, and then made with her for the next 2 hours. We've tried to get back together but it usually falls through with me being at school and whatnot.
Relationship Duration: 4-5 months consistent, + another 3 months of on-again-off-again.
Status: Unknown
Summary: Things went well over the summer and stuff. Ended up getting into big arguements, and I would get so made I would dump her right there. We usually would be together by the end of the week after, but that time interval is ever expanding. I'm trying to work it out so its either one or the other, based on how she's been acting. If that makes any sense.
2004-12-07, 03:12 PM
Name: Jennifer
Relationship Status: Friends 3 years, then Dated 4 years, now Married 7 months.
Sumary: Classic tale of 2 very icompatable people who were friends, and then figured out that the were compatable and started banging like bunnies. She's a doctor, I'm an uneductaed hick... SCORE!!!!
2004-12-07, 03:24 PM
Dude, you scored a DOC! You're set for life :p
2004-12-07, 03:26 PM
This girl looks SO much like an Ex of mine it's freaky.
You are obligated to make her call you Pilgrim the next time you do it!!!
2004-12-07, 03:54 PM
That Erica chick is hot. Bring her to PSU:MB and let me fuck her a couple times.
2004-12-07, 04:01 PM
I'll be the first one to say when another one of my species is a hottie - Jenny, for example - but I can't see what it is about this Erica girl that's got you all drooling. She looks like a caked-faced tart. The other girls in Jet's post, adorable. But this one just looks kinda skanky. Which, incidentally, fits in with her first encounter with Jet :lol:
2004-12-07, 04:17 PM
She reminds me of a vampire. I have no pics of any of my girlfriends from the last 3 years apart from a couple of grainy ones. A list of the relationships that lasted >1month.
Lucy. 1 year.
Current: Friends.
Summary: I was too flirty for her liking. Had way too many lady friends.
Maria. 2 months.
Current: On "nodding" terms
Summary: She really wasn't my type I guess. Is currently a goth.
Debbie. 1 1/2 months.
Current: Friends.
Summary: We decided it wasn't gonna work, after being together 1 1/2 months and only seeing each other once (despite living <1mile from each other).
Amy. Since February this year - Now.
Current: Dating.
Summary thus far: We're really great. I've met her family, and they love me (everyones family loves me), and shes met my dad, who greatly approves. She's 2 years older than me, and as I'm only 16, some people are like "eugh" but really, it doesn't matter. Go us.
Relationships < 1 month.
Kate. She'd just been dumped and came to me. We kissed lots. Her ex then beat the living shit out of me. We're now good friends.
Emma. One of the reasons I didn't go out with Kate was because of Emma. Kate and I were hanging round one of the caf� bars we hang out at (the same night we got "jiggy") and then I needed the loo. So off I pop and who else is there but our Emma, pissed out of her head. My conscience got to me, and I spent 2 and a half hours looking after her, and trying to stop her kissing me (even though I had had a crush on her for ~1-2 months) because I knew she'd regret it. After escorting her drunken self home, I realised I'd left Kate at the cafe bar. God, that sucked. :(
2004-12-07, 04:22 PM
I'll be the first one to say when another one of my species is a hottie - Jenny, for example - but I can't see what it is about this Erica girl that's got you all drooling. She looks like a caked-faced tart. The other girls in Jet's post, adorable. But this one just looks kinda skanky. Which, incidentally, fits in with her first encounter with Jet :lol:
The first and third are cute. Girls i'd take home to mom, and have a relationship with.
Erica, looks like exactly that, a cake-faced tart. Probably dumb, probably whorish, but she's hot, and i'd fuck her.
In conclusion, cute smart girls > cake-faced tart's. But I felt like mentioning Erica cause I want to put my penis inside of her at PSU:MB.
2004-12-07, 04:57 PM
There are the wonderful women we love and marry.
And then there are the ones you wanna just Donkey punch.
It's all a part of the complicated Dicotomy that is the be-penised ones
2004-12-07, 05:03 PM
Name: Steph Threat
Duration: Friends for 4 or so years together since June 14 2002.
Status: Chained down. Thats a good thing. Seriously.
Summary: Lets not even go there, unless you have a looooooooong time. Massively long story short - WE OWN.
2004-12-07, 05:09 PM
Triggar, will you be my donkey punchee?
2004-12-07, 05:16 PM
Name: Ashley
Relationship Duration: two weeks
Status: Ex-girlfriend
Summary: Fling! :) We went to the club together all the time, though.
Name: Magan
Relationship Duration: I think it was a week, very short
Status: Ex-girlfriend
Summary: Another fling, very fun one.
Name: Picard
Relationship Duration: Forevuh
Status: Luvah
Summary: :brow:
Name: Melissa
Relationship Duration: Even shorter, it lasted only two days
Status: Friends
Summary: Basicly a longtime crush for each other, finally got the nerve to try things out, but it started out rough and got into a huge argument. Oh, I couldnt find the full original picture of her, but thats one I edited for a school webpage.
Name: Katie
Relationship Duration: nine months
Status: Ex-girlfriend, friends
Summary: Nothing to complain about, really. It ended because of a mistake (one of her friends wanted me for herself, fed me tons of lies with her friends and convinced me that Katie was cheating, which was false) She's a good girl, still feel bad about hurting her.
Name: Cynthia H.
Relationship Duration: Year and a half
Status: Ex-girlfriend
Summary: Long relationship, ended because she wanted to be a slut in college. Ended up regretting the breakup and wanted me back. Denied. Lost all respect for her. She kinda stalks me now.
Name: Elizabeth J.
Relationship Duration: two months
Status: Ex-girlfriend, friends
Summary: College got in the way of things, both decided it was better to call it off because we didnt have time for each other. She wants to get back with me now, but I just want to be friends. Odd, isnt it? Its a pretty crappy picture, there's picture of us on halloween, but she hasnt developed it yet.
Name: Brandey
Relationship Duration: Almost five years
Status: Very close friends, +benifits!
Summary: We're really close, we've made a agreement that if we're not married by 50, that we'll get married. Its that fact alone that I wanted to mention her :)
Name: Christine D.
Relationship Duration: Little over a month
Status: Still friends, getting alot closer
Summary: I'm still working on this one :) Great girl. (The picture was a bit motion blurry, sorry) This is the one I took to DC :brow:
There's more - but these are the only ones I could find pictures of.
2004-12-07, 05:22 PM
Name: Picard
Relationship Duration: Forevuh
Status: Luvah
Summary: :brow:
:rofl: starbum wins :rofl:
I Hate Pants
2004-12-07, 05:55 PM
2004-12-07, 07:15 PM
for some reason i think the pic of melissa starbum looks like a dude o_O
2004-12-07, 07:29 PM
for some reason i think the pic of melissa starbum looks like a dude o_O
2004-12-07, 08:52 PM
Picture is from my company x-mas party in Dec. 03.
Name: Sherawn Jackson
Relationship Duration:Known her for 7.5 years, dated for last 3.5 Years till May 04
Status: Ex, still friends
Summary: Met her when I was a freshman in high school, when I walked into a Software Etc in the mall across the street, when I noticed a blond chick with glasses reading a Warcraft2 strategy guide :) We were friends after than, and I had gotten the balls to ask her out near the end of our freshman year. Her mom didn't let her date till she was 16 though. We stayed good friends throughout highschool, and things started getting serious near end of senior year. Went to Prom together, that was fun :D
We started going to college together at the local community college, where we dated officially for the next 3.5 years. After she graduated, she left on a mission for her church in June (she'll be on it for 18 months), with which we broke up. When she comes back in Dec. 05, we'll see what happens. I would have married the girl if she would've had me (issue was she's Mormon, I'm Roman Catholic). We'll see what happens when she gets back.
I'm also expecting Sputty's obligatory "your beard is sechy" comment. Carry on.
2004-12-07, 09:02 PM
me: geez, starbum's got quite a list here.
trig: i know, slut!
I'm also expecting Sputty's obligatory "your beard is sechy" comment. Carry on.
Are you offering mustache rides? :brow: :lol: :love:
2004-12-07, 09:31 PM
me: geez, starbum's got quite a list here.
trig: i know, slut!
I'm popular with the ladies :cool:
2004-12-07, 09:38 PM
I'm popular with the ladies :cool:
Rohypnol tbh :groovy:
Name : Rachael Reader
Relationship Duration : 1 year, 5 months
Status : Active, unarmed yet dangerous
Summary : Met over my internet radio station (TB Radio at the time). Got chatting about music etc, talked over MSN. She mentioned that she was taking a gap-year before Uni and that all her friends were leaving so she'd have no-one to go out with etc. Suggested she come down and we could go out with my friends. She came down (none of my friends were back by this point, convinient plotting, possibly deception, but effective), we went out, got pretty plastered, dutch courage did the rest.
Always beats me at Monopoly :(
2004-12-07, 09:42 PM
TB she's a cutie pie.
But I can feel her eating my sanity at the same time, which explains most everything about you, really.
In that pic atleast, she looks like someone I know. It's odd cause I haven't thought about her in years. Now I'm wondering about her, and thinking about trackig her down.
Name: Emily Krueger
Status: Ex. Finally single.
Relationship Duration: 6 months, give or take a few weeks.
Summary: Met her when she was dating one of my friends. Lived pretty close to her for awhile. IMed me once upon a time. We become friends, watch a movie, the rest is history.
Name: Alex Brandi
Status: Ex/Going out with guy even uglier than myself.
Relationship duration: 1.5 weeks.
Summary: I have a soft spot for girls in baggy clothes. Thats pretty much it.
Name: Cherrie Lee
Status: Ex, Single, trying to get me naked.
Relationship Duration: 2.5 weeks.
Relationship Summary: Met her at homecoming, which I hated. I Thought she was cute, and vicey-versa. SHe somehow manages to acquire my telephone number through the grape vine, and starts talking. I go to her house, rest is history.
2004-12-07, 10:45 PM
Name: Chronosphere
Duration: Forever, if I can't have him no one can
Status: Married by minister while he was asleep
Info: I touch him at night, I was able to convince a weird minister type guy to marry us and I sleep in his closet during the day because I love him so much
2004-12-07, 10:52 PM
I think I had a girlfriend when was six.
Other then that...all alooone.
2004-12-07, 10:56 PM
Name: Samantha C.
Status: Ex; Non-speaking
Relationship Duration: Approximately 3.5 Standard Earth Years.
Summary: Saw her first day in Juinor High Homeroom. Walked up and said hello. Stayed friends for a while, and then dated for a bit. Dumped her because of being generally annoying. Dated again a while later. Cheated on me with girl(s?).
Name: Kirsten L.
Status: Ex; technically solid terms, but rarely talk.
Relationship Duration: 1.5 Months.
Summary: Met at school dance. Dated. Saw her twice in a month and a half, made out once (said dance). Tried to settle dispute between friends because she bitched about it. Preemptively dumped her because I didn't want to hear the "Don't get involved" BS.
Name: Megan C.
Relationship Status: Ex; obsessive stalker.
Relationship Duration: ~3.5 - 4 Months Dating.
Summary: Went out after meeting at a (suprise!) school dance/party thing through a friend. Arguably the best relationship because I didn't really care enough to obsess over it. Broke up over a BS "You don't respect my culture" thing that came from right field.
Stalked me through the phone for a week before I had enough and (due to advice of PSUers), threatened to use an autodialer program to call her house for 12 Hours for every call recieved, with possible parent billing (Which I can't do.). Speculatively tries to be like me. Her musical and game (!?) tastes have shifted signifigantly towards mine since we split.
Earlydawn and Iris
Name: Iris D.
Status: Ex; Publically speaking, but avoid contact if possible.
Relationship Duration: 1 Week, then an ~ 10-Month relationship.
Relationship Summary: Met at mutual friend's sweet 16 party. Danced with her to get her to leave her alone. Was kissing her on the dance floor around 10 minutes later in a scene that is permanently immortalized in one of my bigger victories.
Went out for a long time and tried a lot of "firsts". Good times over the summer. Even came over for the Doom 3 party with the guys. Generally a very cool girl. However, she was incredibly irresponsible with keeping dates, and in retrospect, I took a lot of shit I shouldn't have.
Breakup occured after she ditched me on a day I took off from work to see her to play Dance Dance Revolution with her friend Linda and an ex boyfriend.
Name: Erika H.
Status: Much Older then I; One of my best friends and my assimilated sister.
Relationship Duration: ~ 2 years.
Summary: Worked at a local EB for a while. Without getting into her personal history, she plays games, gives good advice (of any kind :brow: ), and in general, totally rocks faces clean off. The only female I think I've shared any kind of real link with. 85.jpg
Figured I'd post every important non-family female. Not too long of a list.
2004-12-08, 12:02 AM
I'll be the first one to say when another one of my species is a hottie - Jenny, for example - but I can't see what it is about this Erica girl that's got you all drooling. She looks like a caked-faced tart. The other girls in Jet's post, adorable. But this one just looks kinda skanky. Which, incidentally, fits in with her first encounter with Jet :lol:
:lol: she *told* me she just had alot of makeup on for the costume party. The 2nd time I saw her she didn't look as trampy.
That Erica chick is hot. Bring her to PSU:MB and let me fuck her a couple times.
:rolleyes: assuming I'm still with her by then, I'm sure she'd be A-Ok with that :thumbsup:
2004-12-08, 12:58 AM
Holy shit, a couple things.
1. Starbum you're a fucking slut. But if this thread was a contest, yuo = teh winnar!1
2. ChronoSphere, you studly shithead you :brow:
3. I'm honored to be in the presence of men who have graced the vagina's of such goddess's. You guys are P.I.M.P's :cool:
I Hate Pants
2004-12-08, 01:28 AM
Didn't realise I was suppose to write a little blurb about my g/f
Name: Kristen
Relationship Duration: About 3 and a half months
Status: It's hard to say right now. It feels like were really close friends who like to kiss each other alot. I don't see her much but when ever I do see her, she says she loves me. I mean what happens during the time I don't see her?
Summary: Met her at my part-time job at Krispy Kreme. Haven't seen her much since I got fired. Usually meet up at friends places during the weekends and party.
2004-12-08, 03:07 AM
You don't want to know. I was drunk at the time.
Let's just say that I don't date women anymore because of it.
2004-12-08, 04:23 AM
You don't want to know. I was drunk at the time.
Let's just say that I don't date women anymore because of it.
Getting drunk at a party turned you gay? HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I think we found our new anti-drinking campain! To hell with driving drunk and killing someone or getting killed with your car. You now have to fear getting pounded in your ass in your car! :lol:
2004-12-08, 05:25 AM
I didn't say I was gay!
2004-12-08, 05:44 AM
Pfft, I've given up on relationships -
Too much money, hassle and I'm shy :(
2004-12-08, 07:28 AM
Pfft, I've given up on relationships -
Too much money, hassle and I'm shy :(
*Smack*, get some goddamn confidence.
2004-12-08, 08:20 AM
*Smack*, get some goddamn confidence.
ow :(
2004-12-08, 08:52 AM
2004-12-08, 10:15 AM
Name: Ashley
Status: A little more than a friend
Relationship Length: 8 Months
Summary: Was her boss at work. Quickly fell in love. She had a boy friend from the day I met her (Infact the day I met her I let her go home early so this guy could ask her out, per his request). I sit on my hands for months on end waiting for the day. No amount of time is too much. I love her with all of my heart and she has said she loved me, but she loves him to and wont break up with him.... I need a beer. I occasionaly get some from her but I dont like it that way. Just knowing shes cheating on him makes me think she could get caught and be very very sad. I just want her to be happy.
2004-12-08, 10:24 AM
i never seem to make relationships w/ girls last long enough to get pics. :( when the only reason a girl ever calls to hang out with you is for sex you don't find yourself achieving many kodak-moments... oh well.
2004-12-08, 12:33 PM
i never seem to make relationships w/ girls last long enough to get pics. :( when the only reason a girl ever calls to hang out with you is for sex you don't find yourself achieving many kodak-moments... oh well.
one word.....Voyeur! :D
2004-12-08, 12:48 PM
My wife and I went to high school together. We knew who each other was but were never friends. I actually dated three of her close friends, lol. We ended up meeting again at a barbeque seven years ago. We started dating, ended up getting married and now have a gorgeous baby boy. He is seven months old - this picture is from when he was four months old.
2004-12-08, 12:58 PM
I want to put up some pictures but don't know how. Any sites that you guys know of to do this? I'll edit this post when I get a response and put the pictures in. > you.
2004-12-08, 02:38 PM
one word.....Voyeur! :D
one word... eww
NightWalker XI
2004-12-09, 06:54 AM
Errr I already posted pics of my females last time on that other thread so much hassle posting again...but I might who know...
2004-12-09, 10:40 AM
Starbum owns :lol:
Cool thread, neat to see people's signifigant and former signifigant others.
2004-12-09, 11:14 AM
so hamma doesnt post his!?
/me demands the hawt.
2004-12-09, 12:51 PM
If Hamma won't post The Hawt, I will!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Hamma's wife, the Canadian we love to love, Jennyboo:
2004-12-09, 12:55 PM
I was talking about Hamma :brow:
2004-12-09, 12:56 PM
their kids are gonna rock.
2004-12-09, 02:50 PM
their kids are gonna rock.
Hell yes.
They are gonna run around screaming "OMFG BROW INDEED LOLZ" and humping lamps. Of course, Uncle Squeeky will have to come over to teach them the sacred art of inanimate object humping.
2004-12-09, 04:28 PM
oh man the humping thread was good times.
Oh yeha me = no GF's
I'm to shy.
2004-12-09, 10:08 PM
oh man the humping thread was good times.
Oh yeha me = no GF's
I'm to shy.
me too
2004-12-09, 10:34 PM
For me, it's not that I'm shy (haven't had a gf or nearly 3 years) it's that the people that I'm interested in dating I am friends with and I'm more interested in preserving the friendship then dating. I think things through almost too much as I dwell on the question but then usually decide against asking out because I don't want to make things akward/ruin the friendship.
For me, it's not that I'm shy (haven't had a gf or nearly 3 years) it's that the people that I'm interested in dating I am friends with and I'm more interested in preserving the friendship then dating. I think things through almost too much as I dwell on the question but then usually decide against asking out because I don't want to make things akward/ruin the friendship.
Yeah I'm pretty much the same way.
I was friends with all the hotties at school. I was pretty much friends with almost everyone really. I wasn't Mr. Popularity, jock, class clown or even "so bad ass he's cool." I was just, I don't know, average. :shrug:
I never really got the guts to ask any of them out cause I felt it was better being friends than going out, breaking up then getting shit on by them and their friends since I was friends with pretty much all them. Hell even a lot of time I set them up with my friends, which kind of sucked. :(
2004-12-10, 08:30 AM
Ivan, that's the trap that many 'nice guys' fall into.
I did for 6 bloody years. Every girl I ever wanted, I ended up being their best friend.
It simply doesn't work. If you really want them, you can't be their best friend. You'll get too attached, they'll get too attached, girls don't tend to date their best friends (althoug their are exceptions.. which usually end quickly and painfully).
I was reading this 'double your dating' newsletter crap. It had a few worthy points. The idea is simple. A best friend doesn't provoke attraction. Being nice doesn't provoke attraction. Being a complete tosser does. But of course that's not the way to go, so taking the good elements of that and using them to your advantage is the trick. Being confident, being very upfront, being a bit childish, teasing them, heck even outright insulting them in a funny manner. Lots of stories of it working really well (although I'm not 100% on their credibility). I tried something similar. Before I started going out with Rach I never got too cosy, too 'I'll listen to your problems, I'm your best friend' friendly.
Since it's the only time I've ever succeeded in getting myself a relationship, I suppose there's some truth to the theory.
2004-12-10, 09:01 AM
Yea, all my buddies tell me that I'm an idiot for becoming good friends with them. But see, I tend to start liking them more and more the more I know about them, and the more I know about them, the better friends we become and as you said, most girls don't date their friends. So me = owned.
2004-12-10, 09:44 AM
Yah, it's a Catch 22.
Sometimes you've gotta take a risk. Friend.. yes.
Super chummy uber-best friend. NO
2004-12-10, 10:06 AM
I didnt post us because I figured you have all seen us enough :p
2004-12-10, 10:10 AM
Lies. We want more :brow:
NightWalker XI
2004-12-10, 11:39 AM
Yea, all my buddies tell me that I'm an idiot for becoming good friends with them. But see, I tend to start liking them more and more the more I know about them, and the more I know about them, the better friends we become and as you said, most girls don't date their friends. So me = owned.
I do that mistake...too often....
2004-12-10, 11:44 AM
2004-12-10, 01:17 PM
Technically, Hamma, Jenny is neither your GF nor Ex. I just found these pics of two of my Ex-Gf's, both friends actually.
2004-12-10, 01:18 PM
Kalta gets all the chicks :(
2004-12-10, 02:42 PM
2004-12-10, 02:46 PM
i'd fuck shona. not bad, kalta. ;)
2004-12-10, 03:37 PM
I was reading this 'double your dating' newsletter crap. It had a few worthy points. The idea is simple. A best friend doesn't provoke attraction. Being nice doesn't provoke attraction. Being a complete tosser does. But of course that's not the way to go, so taking the good elements of that and using them to your advantage is the trick. Being confident, being very upfront, being a bit childish, teasing them, heck even outright insulting them in a funny manner. Lots of stories of it working really well (although I'm not 100% on their credibility). I tried something similar. Before I started going out with Rach I never got too cosy, too 'I'll listen to your problems, I'm your best friend' friendly.
Since it's the only time I've ever succeeded in getting myself a relationship, I suppose there's some truth to the theory.
I think just having confidence is the main factor. Having confidence in yourself is very attractive to girls. Being a tosser to a girl might be a way to get a fling, but it wont last.
Here is the Starbum's "How To Be A Slut" pointers:
1) Make your first impression a memorable one. For example, my first impression with Liz was to call her a whore. I was playing around, of course, but my trick was to give me an excuse to be super-nice to her afterwards. If she feels you have a reason to suckup - she'll be all over it. I became the uber-gentleman and consoled her later with her problems (ie, agreeing with whatever she says) as she opened up to me. This went a long way that very night I was asked to goto dinner with her later that week.
2) Be seriously interested in them. Find out more about them and probe into what makes them giggle. Remember the fine details to bring up later in jokes. For example, Christine told me she got the nickname 'bugout' for freaking out about assignments at the last minute. I used this nickname occasionally in jokes like "You little bugout, calm down, everything will be ok". It shows them you were actually listening :)
3) Open the goddamn doors for them. This simple gesture goes a long way.
4) Assume you're paying the bill and be prepared to do so. If she insists that she pay for herself, insist that you pay for it. If she argues with you and says she can take care of it (ie, if she says it 3 times or more), let her pay for herself. She'll feel more independant about herself.
5) Dont rush into being physical. However, you need to gradually make being close comfortable. When you first meet her, shake her hand! This is super-important. (This applies to everyone you meet, shaking someone's hand seriously opens someone up to you in ways that still astonish me) If you can, touch her upper arm lightly and breifly. Good timing on this is crucial as you dont want to make her feel like you purpousfully wanted to touch her. Make it innocent and dont draw too much attention to it. The best timing for this varies to person to person and I usually do it to get their attention before saying something funny or asking a question. At the end of the first night, thank her for talking to you and compliment spending time with her. Give her a hug goodbye and be on your merry way. This tactic really does work and helps open someone up to you.
6) Smell nice, be clean, clean your nails, and comb your hair. If you want to pass yourself as being confident in yourself...look confident! Be neat and present yourself as someone who is comfortable with the way you look. Who knows, you might even attract other people and get a few numbers.
7) If you promise something, follow up on it. Dont be 'fashionably' late with her. My brother told me a saying that I hold true to everything I do: "If you're on time for something, you're ten minutes late". Be a little bit early, even if you have to wait 30 minutes for her to get ready. I seriously dont know what gives all women the uncanny ability to start getting ready at the last minute, it must be a power thing.
8) Dont lie. It'll come back to haunt you. Exaggerations in stories are ok because the Klingons do it.
9) Dont overdo this, but make sure you are still active with whatever you do normally. If you present yourself as being important and busy, she'll be a little jealous of your time and want more of it for herself. I do this very lightly in the beginning stages just to make her think about me. She'll wonder what I'm doing and by doing so... she'll start to feel more attracted. However, you have to be super careful with this: There is a high risk factor of her feeling ignored.
10) Notice if she's uncomfortable with something and stop whatever it is you're doing.
11) Be confident in yourself. I know its hard, but give it your best shot.
12) Laughter also goes a long way. Make sure she always has a smile on her face.
13) With all of this in mind, be yourself. Dont change who you are for a girl. If she wont like you if you're being yourself, you're just going to torture yourself.
2004-12-10, 10:05 PM
O'm too much of a loser to ever
get a real girlfriend
my first two relationships werent even relationships..
just big fat mistakes
was quite immature and unknowing at the time,
so yesh
WAY too much of a loser for girls to even think
of me, and My town sucks
every girl that coems into collingswood
has been beaten with a 2 by 4 bat of ugly
and there all jackass's
2004-12-11, 12:00 AM
Picture is from my company x-mas party in Dec. 03.
Name: Sherawn Jackson
Relationship Duration:Known her for 7.5 years, dated for last 3.5 Years till May 04
Status: Ex, still friends
Summary: Met her when I was a freshman in high school, when I walked into a Software Etc in the mall across the street, when I noticed a blond chick with glasses reading a Warcraft2 strategy guide :) We were friends after than, and I had gotten the balls to ask her out near the end of our freshman year. Her mom didn't let her date till she was 16 though. We stayed good friends throughout highschool, and things started getting serious near end of senior year. Went to Prom together, that was fun :D
We started going to college together at the local community college, where we dated officially for the next 3.5 years. After she graduated, she left on a mission for her church in June (she'll be on it for 18 months), with which we broke up. When she comes back in Dec. 05, we'll see what happens. I would have married the girl if she would've had me (issue was she's Mormon, I'm Roman Catholic). We'll see what happens when she gets back.
I'm also expecting Sputty's obligatory "your beard is sechy" comment. Carry on.
Sweet Jesus
2004-12-11, 12:04 AM
thats odd mine looks quite similar
2004-12-11, 04:05 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
me= single
been a few years since i had a GF
2004-12-11, 03:06 PM
Technically, Hamma, Jenny is neither your GF nor Ex.
actually, since jenny was once but no longer is hamma's girlfriend, the _must_ be hamma's ex-gf.
2004-12-11, 03:19 PM
actually, since jenny was once but no longer is hamma's girlfriend, the _must_ be hamma's ex-gf.
You sly devil :brow:
2004-12-11, 11:17 PM
John and I actually had a conversation that amused him quite a bit. He said once we get married, he's not going to refer to me as his wife, but instead he'll call me his "ex-girlfriend".
2004-12-12, 12:03 AM
John and I actually had a conversation that amused him quite a bit. He said once we get married, he's not going to refer to me as his wife, but instead he'll call me his "ex-girlfriend".
:lol: :lol:
I'm not sure how people would comprehend that.
"John! What are you doing? Get back to work!"
"Sorry boss, but I'm on the phone with my ex-girlfriend who's pregnant."
2004-12-12, 12:10 AM
I would beat him, it would never happen :rofl:
2004-12-12, 12:10 AM
I would beat him, it would never happen :rofl:
I'd pay to see that.
2004-12-12, 12:21 AM
How much :brow:
2004-12-12, 12:28 AM
20 Np.
2004-12-12, 12:51 AM
2004-12-12, 12:54 AM
Kalta gets all the chicks :(
Indeed, he's such a pimp
...I think just having confidence is the main factor. Having confidence in yourself is very attractive to girls...
...11) Be confident in yourself. I know its hard, but give it your best shot...
I'm sure that's where I fall short. The thing is once I've became friends with the girl I feel more confident but by then it's usually too late and I've already dug myself deep into the "too close of friends to date" hole. :shrug:
2004-12-12, 11:20 PM
I'm sure that's where I fall short. The thing is once I've became friends with the girl I feel more confident but by then it's usually too late and I've already dug myself deep into the "too close of friends to date" hole. :shrug:
Same here.
2004-12-12, 11:48 PM
You wanna know the secret?
You don't have to be an asshole.
And you don't have to pretend to be someone else.
All you have to do is make her think that she is not the most important thing in your life.
Trust me.
Then once she falls for you, you must pretend that she is the most important thing in your life :lol:
2004-12-12, 11:49 PM
Another way is to show her $100,000 in cash.
Itsa joke.
2004-12-12, 11:51 PM
Showing her isn't good enough.
Showing her and taking her to 5th Avenue in New York will do the trick :lol:
2004-12-13, 12:10 AM
You wanna know the secret?
You don't have to be an asshole.
And you don't have to pretend to be someone else.
All you have to do is make her think that she is not the most important thing in your life.
Trust me.
Then once she falls for you, you must pretend that she is the most important thing in your life :lol:
super true.
at first just seem like youre not really going out of your way to talk to her or anything, then once she falls she falls for you, she has to be your world.
Depending on how casual things go.
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