View Full Version : Post your collection

2004-12-09, 07:28 PM
almost all of us collect something, be it random interesting things, or 1920's die cast sheep statuettes..its something, so if you do, post what you collect, a picture isnt neccessary, but an inventory would be appreciated.

I collect weird shit
1x 2" peweter elminster statue
1x Kapalui Resort (Maui) Golf Ball
1x small leather bag with the phone number 477-4343 etched in the flap, containing some sort of ash
3x medallions, farious religious/ fake occult symbols
1x Chain I tore off a goths pants
1x 2" peweter sword in the stone statue
1 box of deer bones, almost all of a deer...
4x Prescription glasses I have found/stolen over the years
1x Empty tin of eclipse mints, that used to have weed in it (not mine :/ )
2x Highschool diploma mine and some guy I know (I dont know why I have it)
Lots of dice
1x $200 flyfishing reel
Tons of foreign coins
Tons of flattend pennies (the ones you put in a machine and it presses them with a picture or some crazy shit like that)
1x Dead sea urchin I stole from the monteray bay aquarium
Dozens of pins...yosemite,national air and space museum, polygamy is cool, Hard Rock Cafe (new york, san francisco, timbucto..etc), planethollywood...etc. etc.
2x weird little bells I found on the ground at a celtic festival
1x vial of human blood, embossed with silver pheonix thing. (wiccan memorabelia...ugh)
1x B2 Bomber patch
X x various selections of naturally occuring minerals and types of rock
1x partially assembled peweter black dragon statue (or partially destroyed...was a victim of an over zealous roleplaying season)
1x Fathers highschool class ring
3x Strangers Wallets I have found, (Amanda Esquivas, Jason Woldseth, Mark Kochis)
1x Human Jaw Bone
1x arizona yellow scorpian set in epoxy as a paperweight
3x Newspaper from the middle east
2x Arab style knife thing, the curved ones, one is really nice, the other is..meh
1x .50 cal round found near Beale Air Force Base, CA.
5x mercedes benz hood ornament (you can guess how I got them)
1x second grade report card (apparantly I was only a satisfactory child)
1x rock with wierd marks found at Swinging Bridges state park, Maui, Hawaii
1x dogfish jaw
1x watercolor painting of a Moorish Idol (a fish)
1x baseball used during the 3rd championship game of my little league team.
3x teeth
5x Lost earings (one diamond stud, the others suck)
3x Lost rings (one wedding band, one 5k diamond, one celtic band ring)
1x 1924 Pennie
1x State Quarter set up until june this year
1x Printed Screenshot of my best halo ctf score ever
1x 18XX era bible, leather bound
1x Dictionary of the Occult
1x Leatherbound, VERY old, latin text, Book, title translated as "Fall of Gods Warriors"
3x Pieces of broken glass

and a bunch of other crap, I dont want to pull out my boxes, thats just what is on my shelf

now its your turn

2004-12-09, 07:33 PM
I collect swords and daggers. Got 1 Standard knight sword then one scimitar looking one with a hook at the end. Then I got 3 daggers, 1 Dragon looking one, another standard dagger then Aragorns elven knive. Plus I collect memorys like tickets and pictures and put em in my treasure box to look at when im old.

2004-12-09, 07:43 PM
I collect the souls of babies that I kill, then eat.

2004-12-09, 07:49 PM
I collect the souls of babies that I kill, then eat.

we already know, go away

2004-12-09, 07:51 PM

I collect movie ticket stubs or concert ticket stubs. But I end up throwing them away after I look at the large pile and say, "Why the hell am I doing this?"

But then I start a new pile.

2004-12-09, 08:22 PM
9 x Smirnoff Ice bottle caps
4 x Smirnoff Triple Black bottle caps
5 x Mike's Hard Lemonade Light bottle caps
4 x Mike's Hard Cranberry bottle caps
8 x Beck's bottle caps
2 x Fat Tire Ale bottle caps

2004-12-09, 08:24 PM
Lol i got a whole bunch of bottle caps too cause when im done with em i throw em back in my hiding spot and throw the bottle in the woods so i got alot of em.

2004-12-09, 08:29 PM
well, I just have alot of games.


Those are just modern ones. I have probably 200+ Win95 Games downstairs.

2004-12-09, 08:46 PM
I have a few hundred records/demos/cds, about 100 band shirts, 40 band hoodies, and hundreds of games.

I also collect dust, and have a massive collection.

2004-12-09, 08:47 PM
well, I just have alot of games.


Those are just modern ones. I have probably 200+ Win95 Games downstairs.
That's it? (for the modern ones.)

2004-12-09, 08:49 PM
That's it? (for the modern ones.)

I traded in alot, plus I pay for all of my games.

2004-12-09, 08:50 PM
I traded in alot, plus I pay for all of my games.
You can trade in PC Games? No shit?

2004-12-09, 08:51 PM
plus I pay for all of my games.

?? What? You mean people actually Buy games? Wtf?

2004-12-09, 08:54 PM
?? What? You mean people actually Buy games? Wtf?

2004-12-09, 08:55 PM
I once found a liger, while hunting wolverines in Alaska with a 12 gauge.

2004-12-09, 08:55 PM
I'm in a transitional phase. I used to have a crapload of Magic Cards a distantly-related cousin gave to me six years ago, but they all slowly disappeared or got traded away.
There's this incredibly large pile of old comic books my dad has collexted over the years, with such noteworthy titles as "X-Men", "The Justice League", and "Action Comics" and other stuff ranging from the late 60's to the 80's. He's got some weird Rip Off Comics/Press stuff in that pile, I don't know exactly what.

2004-12-09, 08:55 PM
Jeez, crazy ass people. Next there gonna tell me that they actually Buy music or something :rofl:. Yeah right.

2004-12-09, 09:56 PM
I once found a liger, while hunting wolverines in Alaska with a 12 gauge.

How many did you kill?

2004-12-09, 10:16 PM
How many did you kill?

Hilariously enough, I heard on the news that they actually did breed a tiger and a lion together, creating what they call a Liger.

When I saw it I yelled "Bred for its skills and magic!"

2004-12-09, 10:18 PM
I basically collect paintball guns now.

I have like 6 of em in my house. (2 spyders, a shocker, angel, autococker, and p matrix) :cool:

I'll get a pic up as soon as I get my damn network back up.

combined value of all things paintball in my house: > $3000

2004-12-09, 10:50 PM
hahahahaha :lol:

i collect stuffed animals... :huh:

2004-12-09, 11:24 PM
I collect empty coke cans next to my moniter until my mom makes me take 'em down. My record when I had a CRT (gotta LCD nowadays) was 49 Coke Cans, 17 Gatorade bottles and 3 Dasani bottles. All empty of course.

*Note: Not all the cans/bottles were on teh desk. A large amount where on the floor next to the desk in neat piles. And no pics were taken. I don't have my own camera and we only had an old crappy film camera, not digital, at the time. Quite lame, I wish I had a picture.

2004-12-10, 12:01 AM
I collect cobalt glass stuff.

2004-12-10, 12:08 AM
32x ex-girlfriends.