View Full Version : Funny article about female actors.

2004-12-14, 02:32 AM
I was searching Gomer Squad on google (dont ask why) and I came up with this. Read through, thought it was pretty funny. Take a gander.


2004-12-14, 02:36 AM
no such thing as a female actor.

2004-12-14, 12:17 PM
There is nowadays. If you'd notice, a lot of gender-identifying tags have been removed form job titles. "Stewardess" or "Steward" has been replaced with "Flight Attendant" or "Air Hostess". Et cetera.

Haven't read the article, will do in a bit.

2004-12-14, 12:32 PM
nowadays suck. if i cant make up words, neither can actresses.

2004-12-14, 01:21 PM
True to the legend, the necklace grants Shauna the highly photogenic ability to counter-rotate her breasts while running


2004-12-14, 01:54 PM
There is nowadays. If you'd notice, a lot of gender-identifying tags have been removed form job titles. "Stewardess" or "Steward" has been replaced with "Flight Attendant" or "Air Hostess". Et cetera.

Haven't read the article, will do in a bit.

Hostess carries a gender connotation btw. So "Air Hostess" would infer a female Flight Attendant.

The article was funny, but I didnt make it all the way through. Too long :)

Ill finish it later.