View Full Version : Best Battlefield 1942 scores.
2003-02-12, 10:57 PM
Earlier in BF1942, I was playing the DC mod, and got a ratio of 106 kills to 32 deaths. I figure that's gotta be some kinda record. Anyway, I thought it'd be interesting to see what everyone's personal bests were. Don't make shit up either, it just ruins the whole thing. Sides, if you make something up, I'll probably challenge you and mop the floor with your ass.
2003-02-12, 11:00 PM
I've gotten a score of like 50:10 but that was on the demo where everyone sucks complete ass and doesn't pay attention to mines and charges.
My most fun score though was -236... I was pissed at my team
2003-02-12, 11:04 PM
On market garden, my favourite map, I was able to get 125 kills to 25 deaths. the 2nd place guy had about 120 kills and a few more deaths. It was a long, but overall, fun battle. Best I've ever done. That was a game when someone was accusing me of using an aim bot...heh..I found that funny.
72-35 on Battle of the Bulge, on the allied team, using only a thompson :)
Getting high scores in DC is hard, as all I ever really do is fly the Apache... it is totally hit or miss. Either I get raped while trying to get a chopper, or shot down a minute off the pad... if I can actually get away and on a roll, then I can finally start getting some kills :p
War Mongrel
2003-02-13, 12:22 AM
I've had so many high kill:death ratios I couldn't tell you. :D
Best I've ever seen by another player though was on Iwo Jima. An allied guy had 109 kills and 0 deaths. All with the ship artillery of course.
2003-02-13, 02:16 AM
Yeah, scores are deceiving in most games. BF1942 alot of the rolls that actually let you win games dont reward points.
Generally i wouldnt like to be in a group when someone has only kills, no matter how high the score. :p
2003-02-13, 02:22 AM
127 kills 25 deaths 137 overall score
Got this playing on a Road to Rome game flying the BF110.
The tickets were way up, somewhere around 1200 so I had alot of time to get em.
I also have a Screenshot of the end results if anyone doubts it.
HRR Raven
2003-02-13, 02:30 AM
One of the guys I play with had 203-6, but he was flying a light bomber. Disgusting;) I'll make sure to be in his squad when this launches so I can have all the BEP's.
2003-02-13, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Led
Either I get raped while trying to get a chopper, or shot down a minute off the pad...
:lol: Nothing is worse than when you are a few feet away from the vehicle you want, you can almost smell the interior from the distance you are at. Then you get a bullet in your head :rofl:
2003-02-13, 02:46 PM
I don't play BF1942, but I topped out over 700 FPH in UT2k3 Instagib bombing run a couple days ago.
2003-02-13, 03:53 PM
I bought BF1942 at lunch today.
Does anybody have any noob guides to keep me from totally sucking?
2003-02-13, 04:09 PM
BF is about teamwork - individual scores don't matter. If you just snipe in a ctf game and rack up the kills, you won't cap the flag. However if you transport people in a jeep, good teamwork, you will get no kills but you will be a good team player.
Hopefully we won't see people bragging about their kill death ratios in ps =(
2003-02-13, 04:23 PM
I no longer play , after the second patch came out I gave up, but I used to whore in a tank ,with good repairs i was able get 60 something to 1 death I dont know who the engineer was but he deserved some of those points to :D
2003-02-13, 05:45 PM
"BF is about teamwork "
Are we talking about the same game? Unless I am playing with someone I know, I have never seen teamwork in that game. Unless you count scouts and artillery.
2003-02-13, 05:49 PM
Occasionally you can accidentilly form a group of troops and if the pilots aren;t asses they can be cool to watch fly to help you with targets.
2003-02-13, 05:51 PM
BF is supposed to be about teamwork but rarely is there any teamwork in public servers. It's all about who can get to the vehicles the fastest and whore someone's airfield. :mad:
2003-02-13, 05:54 PM
so was tribes 2 but people will watch the flag carrier get killed while waiting in line with 5 other people for a vehicle so they can drive to the enemy base kill a couple of people and die
2003-02-13, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Led
72-35 on Battle of the Bulge, on the allied team, using only a thompson :)
Getting high scores in DC is hard, as all I ever really do is fly the Apache... it is totally hit or miss. Either I get raped while trying to get a chopper, or shot down a minute off the pad... if I can actually get away and on a roll, then I can finally start getting some kills :p
Say you aren't also known as TankGirl :O
2003-02-13, 06:53 PM
There is quite a bit more teamwork in Tribes 2 pubs than in BF1942 pubs. In tribes 2 you need some teamwork to be able to cap the flag for the most part. In BF1942 no one really goes after capturing the bases. They want to fly around in planes or drive around in tanks and blows stuff up. Either that or they sit some place and snipe the whole game. Nothing wrong with that but there just isn't alot of teamwork considering it's a team based game.
2003-02-13, 08:14 PM
If I see 'You have been disconnected form the server' one more time I am going to scream.
2003-02-13, 09:53 PM
2 Knife kills, and one was a Sniper. :D
Can't seem to get above 2 knife kills a map though. :(
2003-02-13, 10:09 PM
Engineer and M10 tank combo on Bocage, normal ticket ratio, 64 and 0, NO SPAWN CAMPING OR SPAWN SPAMMING.
Edit: Most people who play BF1942 in pubs suck at it REALLY, REALLY bad though. I need to find a server that has people who don't suck, but don't play in 28 hour practice sessions (people I can beat but not easily ;) )
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