View Full Version : best max armor

2003-02-13, 03:27 AM
which race do you think has the best max armor???

2003-02-13, 03:34 AM
NC. Our shield will make us invulnerable for bursts of time. beet that!

2003-02-13, 03:40 AM
Depends what your doing it for, Terran MAXs are the best for defense and sieges, Vanu MAXs are the best for blitz style attacks, ambushes and flanking maneuvers and NC MAXs can do everything with reasonable profency.

2003-02-13, 04:01 AM
I don't know. I'm NC myself, but I kind of like the VS MAX ability. I could see many tactical advantages to that. However, I really do like the NC AI MAX weapon. Gotta love bigass shotties!


2003-02-13, 05:51 AM
The VS MAX allows the user to utilize superior tactics. While the TR MAX can fire more shots, and the NC MAX can take more damage, the VS MAX will be able to maneuver around them and kick ass.

I am a completely reliable and non biased source, just look at my sig/avatar. :D

2003-02-13, 06:14 AM
*wonders when the whole NC shields makes it invulnerable started*

It's a souped up personal shield, there no mention of it making you immune to damage for a fixed period of time.

2003-02-13, 09:59 AM
either nc or tr. the vanu jumping ability just makes me want to blow one out of the sky.

(holy crap i must have missed something, when did u jump on the nc bandwaggon jaged?!?!?)

2003-02-13, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
*wonders when the whole NC shields makes it invulnerable started*

It's a souped up personal shield, there no mention of it making you immune to damage for a fixed period of time.

I believe that all of the damage goes to the shield while it's active; that's probably what they were referring to.

2003-02-13, 02:55 PM
Yeah, but theres a huge difference between invulnerabilty for a set time and a shield that will get worn down absorbing all the damage til it's gone. A shield that gets worn down isn't a fixed amount of time, might seem like nitpicking to some i guess.

2003-02-13, 03:02 PM
You're right Zat, it does sound like nitpicking. :P

2003-02-13, 04:16 PM
i dunno.. seems the like while the NC max shielding ability is cool.. while shielded the rate of fire is decreased... so against a TR max when anchored the abilities will probably negate themselves. The NC armor can take more punishment but shoots slower, the TR can shoot faster. The vanu to me seem like their MAX is seriously out gunned on the battlefield.. however I think using Vanu max jump jet ability to hop over base walls or something to circumvent defense will be nasty.

2003-02-13, 04:23 PM
but the NC max doesn't lose mobility while shielded. The tr max can anchor, and we can fire our stuf at it, doin damage, while the tr max is takin our shield out, not doing damage. Then we get behind him, and while he does the 1-2 second de-anchoring hoohah, we power down and finish him off. That is what I'd do, but since I haven't played I don't know.

Da King
2003-02-13, 04:32 PM
My thoughts on the subjectTR and NC MAXs are about the same like what Incompetent said about the NC MAX being good for anything and the TR MAX for Defense and seiges. But if I had to choose one it would be the TR MAX because I like the "before you hit the ground you will have 16,000,000 bullets in you".

As for the VS MAX, the thing is a (dont mind me saying) peice of shit. The whole point of a MAX suit is a very heavily armerd suit that is off course like all heavy armor slow moving. So the VS MAX sacrifices armor for speed so what anyone with mild aiming skill could hit it because it's still slower than someone in a normal suit.

2003-02-13, 04:41 PM
I think the MAXs are balaced very well. The VS MAX might be at a slight disadvantge, because of the decreased armor, let me try breaking it down like this.

Armor: NC > TR > VS

Speed: VS > TR and NC

Mobility: VS > NC > TR

AA: NC and TR > VS

AV: NC > TR > VS

AI: NC > TR > VS

Any questions/corrections?

UDT Snake
2003-02-13, 05:30 PM
Honestly, all of them seem pretty well balanced. I don't understand why everyone thinks the Vanu weaponry will be so week.

The NC have a shotgun for Christ's sake. How effective can that be, along with the shield, before you get close enough to cause any real damage? The NC have a missile launcher that fires quickly, but causes small amounts of damage. I'm very impressed with the anti-vehicular weapon however. So there is their strongpoint.

The TR Burster can have limited effects, and may be the best anti-air weapon on a MAX. Their Pounder can be effective I suppose, but like the NC shotgun, has a reload and limited application in some cases. They truly shine in Anti-Personnel. Anything will have a hard time against a squad of these things.

The VS have the same idea in Anti-Air, if anyone hasn't already noticed. Nothing truly special here. I think the Anti-Infantry is an amazing capability, homing shots and all. However, in terms of anti-vehicular they have an amazing strength. No sign of grenades which need angles and such, but they have a shot that actually explodes on impact. Normal round to be fired accordingly, and most likely not a horrid reload considering the energy nature.

So, the way I see it is this:

NC: Amazing Anti-Vehicular.
TR: Amazing Anti-Personnel
VS: Surprising Anti-Vehicular.

However, adding in the special abilities, we can see that they are all basically equal.

Vanu has energy weapons which require no reload or change in ammunition type. They also have vastly increased mobility. In my opinion, this leaves the TR and NC looking eye-to-eye with the Vanu.

You must look at the big picture often, and realize that everything evens out.

Most of all, remember that implementation of these abilities, tools, and weapons will be the most deciding factor.

2003-02-13, 05:49 PM
Theres several screenshots if 1st person views of the VS MAX.. all of them have ammo shown in the currently loaded magasine and the total amount of ammo.

2003-02-13, 06:07 PM
One thing you guys forget about the Vanu-their weapons have low recoil (at least that's what the description of their assault rifle says). So yeah, people thinking the Vanu will have low damage per hit are probably right, but I bet they'll hit a HECK of a lot more.

2003-02-13, 06:25 PM
no one team will be better and creators will make sure of that. All MAX's will be different but equal

2003-02-13, 07:00 PM
Thats the same thing I was thinking.

2003-02-13, 07:11 PM
Hopefull the devs will make all balanced,
but based on what I have read,
NC = best. Uber shotgun is perfect for base storming, which is what infantry is all about in this game. The shield is way cool too, since it regenerates over time.

TR = the ultimate mobile turret. Will be awesome in some situations but it doesn't seem as quite as perfect for base assaults.

VS = :huh: Jumpjets seem like a weird power to give the ultra-heavy armor. Unless it is significantly faster (in base speed and turning) I think this will be the weakest. I bet the Vanu max's mostly use their jumpjets to try escape being killed (like in the gamespot vid).

2003-02-13, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Deadlock
(holy crap i must have missed something, when did u jump on the nc bandwaggon jaged?!?!?)

Lol, yes I did. It was the Gauss that did it for me. I realized that the only reason I liked the TR was the colors. And what is this "nc bandwagon" you speak of? The TR outnumber us acording to the official poles.

2003-02-13, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by veilside61
which race do you think has the best max armor???

Last time i checked they were all humans :p

2003-02-13, 08:59 PM
Well I'm a Pump action pimp so I'd have to go with the New Cons... Love them shotguns!!!!

2003-02-13, 09:10 PM
I think that All are their own version of death =)

NC = sweet, we all know why
TR = sweet, we all know why
Vanu= sweet, reason is what if a dozen of then jumped over the wall of your base, are you going to hit the tanks outside, or the maxes inside? What if they jump past the static gun your in, do you get out? Does your teem let them kill your defenders, or does it lower the amount of fire on the rest of the army trying to get your base? It will be a very big pain to deal with, and thats coming from an NC commander :p

2003-02-13, 09:13 PM
I think it's like most FPS stuff, it'll all be good for a given situation. I'm thinking TR MAX will be best for defense, NC will be best for offense, and VS will be best for outdoor fighting.

I also think they should give MAXes a punch attack, they're pretty screwed if they run out of ammo. I made a thread to that effect, but no one seemed to care. :(

2003-02-13, 09:30 PM
I just want to say something to all the people who say they will just flank a TR MAX, its called combined arms and common sense. If the Terran brings support, your plan is nullified, if the Terran has the common sense to, oh i don't know, retract his clamps when he sees someone outside his arc of fire bearing down on him, your plan is nullified. Nowhere does it say "a Terran MAX has to be anchored to be able to fight"

2003-02-13, 09:31 PM
Yeah, but I remember reading somewhere that they take a few seconds to de-clamp, so a flank would still be a viable strategy.

2003-02-13, 09:46 PM
heh, notice I never said that a tr max had to fight anchored, and yes it does take them a little while to de anchor. That scenarion was in a hypothetical 1 on 1 situation where I was in an NC MAX and he was an anchored TR MAX of the same type. I would turn my big shield on while he begins unloading on me, as any sensible person would, as I am still in his arc. I move towards the outside of his arc, and if he is following me with his sights, he'll probably be too focused trying to get rid of my shield to notice that he is nearing the edge of his arc. When he sees he can't move his reticule any more, he'll begin de-anchoring. by now, my shield is probably down and he is probably wounded. I would activate my implant shield (if available) and/or continue firing on him while he is helplessly de-anchoring. I'll be circle-strafing (assuming maxes can strafe, cuz dey armor) and shooting with a greater speed now that my main shield is down. He will now be able to actually start inflicting damage, which he couldn't have before because of my shield. SO I would have a major health/armor advantage and would prob kill him.

2003-02-14, 12:13 AM
that would work, if the squad of infantry next to him wasn't herding you into his field of fire with a wall of bullets and if you chose to ignore the wall, your predicatable path would get you a Decimator in the face. Terran MAX suits are not line units, they are support units, and should never and after the first few days, probably never be used without a massive infantry escort.

Or he could just de-anchor once you reach a certain distance

edit: i wasnt saying anything specifically to you moloch, "but it has to be anchored to be worth shit" is the standard justification by the other empires.

2003-02-14, 12:51 AM
Vanu Armor w/ personal shield implant and probably some other implants.

2003-02-14, 01:01 AM
ide say that

NC = Shock Troopers (im not dead yet...)
TR = Artillery Troopers (assimilate this!)
Vanu = Mobility/Surprise Troopers (Stand Still so i can kill you!)

so the NC are great for front line, and soak up dmg very well, TR are able to dish out dmg at range better than just about anything else, but are not that good close range (compared to other stuff like the NC one), and the vanu one can run circles around you (for a max) Jump over walls, etc...

2003-02-14, 03:11 PM
i personnally like the VS Max Armor w/ the jump hehe

2003-02-14, 05:05 PM
sigh, if only you could get enemy maxes by hacking enemy equipment terminals. That would be scary, VS maxes in NC or TR colors, but it would defeat the special ability's purpose.

2003-02-14, 08:15 PM
Just a note - the tr max takes hardly any time to lock down, not 1-2 seconds, which is a long time (when you're in the heat of battle it is!).

This was shown on some gamespot videos.

2003-02-15, 09:49 AM
I like the idea of the vs MAX but do not like the fact it has such low armour

2003-02-15, 09:56 AM
It has 6.5 times the armor of a reinforced (or 650 armor points).....

I wouldn't call it lightly armored, i'd call it the lightest armored MAX. Course we don't have anny numbers on the armor values of the other MAXs but i'm guessing the NC MAX is along the lines of 750 points and the TR is along the lines of 800 armor points. Guessing that cause well the TR seem to have the heaviest raw armor (atleast the prowler does).