View Full Version : Congratulations Markov TR CR5's
Tonight the Markov TR CR imartyr decided to have the zerg defend two bases on Ceryshen, Tootega and Pinga, against an overwhelming force of NC and VS. AT this point we had complete control of Searhus, Hossin and Forseral. All of a sudden the NC zerg move to Searhus, as do 43 TR who realize what they are going to do. They pop lock Searhus and we get maybe 10 more people, despite numerous pleads to the CR in command. Searhus is lost. The NC zerg then moves to Hossin, and again we plead for more troops, but in about 45 mins they take Hossin. At this point I am thinking, wow they must have taken Ceryshen with no trouble. I was wrong, the vs owned it with the exception of Pinga and Igaluk. The people I had been fighting with all night, as well as I, wonder why two bases were more important than two whole conts. I /tell imartyr as he just globaled for more troops to ceryshen and asked him. The response was this: "Those can be re-won, it's just a game." This absolutely pissed me off, it is the oldest excuse there is, and I called him a moron. At that point he said I should talk to him like a human being, to which replied: "Ok then, answer my question." No answer. Now all that the TR has is Forseral, which is next on the list, and the NC and VS each have four conts and two caverns. So, in conclusion, good job imartyr and the rest of the TR CR5's.
2004-12-18, 12:02 AM
he's a friend of mine, one of my alts is in his outfit. we share fame.
also, he's right. it's just a game.
edit: think maybe it's a little bit immature and overreactive to send tells calling people morons? if you want to fight somewhere else, you have freedom to do so whenever you want - or to go 4th empire and play for someone else whose cr5s you don't think are morons (hahahaha)
Martyr, I KNOW it's a game. That is why it is so infuriating when people use that trite excuse so they don't have to own up to their mistakes. I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one that talked to him, and secondly he called me a lowly grunt and a dumbass. I am surprised at your comment Martyr, I though you were better than that.
EDIT: And also, my first /tell to him was the following: "Why are you asking for more troops when we are losing Hossin?" HE elevated the situation and then tried to cover it up, but I used that /report command so he can't hide from what he said.
2004-12-18, 01:12 AM
haha, yeah?
maybe it's just my outfit, but in general, i find planetside's playerbase to be an older, pretty mature group.
we're courteous, understanding, respectful - and don't go around insulting people we don't know beforehand, even if we think they're making a mistake. much the way people act in real life, as it happens.
now, as for addressing CR5 activities - as a cr5 myself, i understand that as a cr4 and less, i never had a complete picture of the reasoning behind the strategic and tactical decisions announced by the command chain.
i also hold some respect for my fellow commanders, new and old, because they've invested the same time and energy into the game as i have. whether we agree or disagree, we have equal rights to our opinions and strategies; we talk them out and decide which ones are best for the empire as we go.
in the end, when we vote for a strike or a defensive posture, we do it with the support of our united outfits and the team of active commanders.
one rogue, angry, insult-hurling cr2 is not going to make an ounce of difference to whichever one commander eventually announces the plan. at that point, provided that that commander would want to take to heart your bitter complaints, he or she is powerless to redirect the movement anyway, and the wisest thing to do is to arrange all assets in a way that best promotes a victory in the planned engagement.
now with that in mind, why would you even bother sending a cr5 a tell like that?
are you trying to make the csr's life more difficult? they don't care that a commander was requesting troops for a losing fight - he's doing his job.
if you're losing in planetside, it's because you need more guns.
you people to carry guns.
we all enjoy winning, of course - but 50% of the time, somebody has to lose.
there's no way around that, but the game is a lot more fun if you try to not lose.
there's also no rule against fighting a losing battle. in fact, it's the best thing you can do for planetside as a whole. if somebody's winning by fighting against you, they're going to feel good about it.
if you pull in more troops and manage to turn back their advance, you're going to feel elated.
if you evacuate in any losing situation, nobody feels good about anything. you ran like a girl, and the enemy gets to ghost hack the rest of the continent.
nobody wins, because you'll just go ghost-hack that continent back when the bad guys move on in 30 minutes.
2004-12-18, 02:11 AM
i was on tonight (char name is cutemurderouskitten) and i belive martyr did the right thing, and you may have not had the full picture of things kam.
Obviuosly I am at a loss as to the reasoning here. So will someone just explain to me why losing two conts for two bases we eventually lost anyway was woth it? Instead of being out two conts we could have crushed the NC zerg with swift push on Searhus and then finished off the VS on Ceryshen with some armor. (They were using BFRs mostly.)
2004-12-18, 06:10 AM
maybe it's just my outfit, but in general, i find planetside's playerbase to be an older, pretty mature group.
You must be joking. Back in the day the outfit was all you could trust pretty much.
2004-12-18, 12:43 PM
Obviuosly I am at a loss as to the reasoning here. So will someone just explain to me why losing two conts for two bases we eventually lost anyway was woth it? Instead of being out two conts we could have crushed the NC zerg with swift push on Searhus and then finished off the VS on Ceryshen with some armor. (They were using BFRs mostly.)
how many people were on hossin, and how were you going to get them to leave?
as i understand it, that fight had been going on for some time, which means a slow advance. if you can rally a fight like that and win a few bases, it's seriously demoralizing for the invasion force. it usually means a squad or two leaves, then you can roll over them.
now, the point i'm trying to make is that you could have handled the conversation with iMartyr better. as i mentioned in the other thread (, this game requires a degree of social skill to be effective in transmitting ideas, information, and suggestions.
something you said to iMartyr obviously wasn't very nice, and he responded in kind.
even if he threw the first insult, by being nice about it, you could easily have overlooked that and replied calmly with the information you wanted to share with him, helping convince him that your plan was worth consideration.
You must be joking. Back in the day the outfit was all you could trust pretty much.
i'm not sure how other empires are distributed, but i know ours is dominated by our old outfits that have developed one major alliance and work together very regularly and democratically. i rarely see a player without an outfit, and they usually get pulled into one quickly, then straightened out.
2004-12-18, 02:29 PM
I was on Ceryshen last night and the Mercenaries, 42nd Fireants, Dogs of War, and FBI all pretty much took igaluk by ourselves. iMartyr probably didn't want to leave because it's damn hard to move a large force once they are fighting and he also probably didn't want to give up on his hard work. the way I see it, as long as your fighting in a farily large battle you should be happy.
I was on Ceryshen last night and the Mercenaries, 42nd Fireants, Dogs of War, and FBI all pretty much took igaluk by ourselves. iMartyr probably didn't want to leave because it's damn hard to move a large force once they are fighting and he also probably didn't want to give up on his hard work. the way I see it, as long as your fighting in a farily large battle you should be happy.
That is a legitimate answer, finally. I guess I had forgotten how unorganized the TR are.
And yes, the fight had been going on ALL day, and there was no advancing involved. We lost ground for three hours and then I went to Searhus with about 40 other people.
2004-12-18, 04:01 PM
Martyr, I KNOW it's a game. That is why it is so infuriating when people use that trite excuse so they don't have to own up to their mistakes. I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one that talked to him, and secondly he called me a lowly grunt and a dumbass. I am surprised at your comment Martyr, I though you were better than that.
EDIT: And also, my first /tell to him was the following: "Why are you asking for more troops when we are losing Hossin?" HE elevated the situation and then tried to cover it up, but I used that /report command so he can't hide from what he said.
i think its time you tell these nice people the truth and exactly what you said to me last night.
heres a little run down with his speil, and yes... he was, indeed, the only one that talked to me about this situation.
he called me a moron, yes...
i told him to talk to me in a mature adult manner like a human being should.
and no i did not call him names
he replies with, "omg, now your going to say this is just a game right?"
and being a little peeved i calmy mention "oh right, this isnt a game"
"omg" he states
yadda yadda, he says some nice things, i tell him im not going to read his /tells anymore and he says some more nice things, then after that i don't remember.
amazing he had such a hard on for the continents that we're being taken, i told him that i was looking out for the majority of the force and i didn't want to take the most % off of a good fight that very well could change any minute (and it did) to a ghost continent.
but, my main priority was geting people together, you wonder why we lost that fight at ceryshen? was because of people like you who chose not to follow the messages and join the main force, we had half the pop, and did EXTREMELY well,the galaxy populations were ALMOST equal accross the board, NC having a bit more, whatever.
but if you (and the others, you say who wanted hossin [wich btw i received no /tell and or sitrep about anything reguarding that]) decided to even once help out your empire when asked, we wouldn't be in a struggling situation, people like you wont send hate tells, we'd make ground, and once again the playerbase is happy.
i then told him that those continents can be won back (mind you hossin was a VS controlled continent before someone went in to ghost hack from TR - then NC showed up), after all there is no winning at planetside, or is there? i logged on this morning and guess what continents we had? we didn't have ceryshen, but oh well right? we did have searhus hossin and forseral red.. yesterday was one of the best fights i ever had and TR worked extremely well together i might add.
and might i remind you that a cr5 is not equipped to control their empire... cr5 is basically the messenger. all i can do is tell you what is going on, its your choice to do with it what you want.
get over yourself and act your age im tired of the ignorance this player base has. before you know the ENTIRE story/problem/ and solution, just help us out by informing us of activity. thank you and have a nice day.
2004-12-18, 06:08 PM
Well, you see its people like you who discourage me and iMartyr from leading.
You complain, and whine, send us tells about stupid crap, or just plain gripe up the command chain till it reaches us, and boy does it make our day.
You CANNOT win at Planetside, for it is an on-going game with no end....EVER . Period.
All that matters for most cr5's....and I say for us to give you a battle you will enjoy, and won't desert our empire playerbase since we focus on ghosting continents instead of delivering you massive heated battles.
You don't like the current global situation? Don't send a cr5 a tell, tell your outfit about it...odds are they're a mini-zerg in themselves and can help you out.
2004-12-18, 06:19 PM
id also like to add that if this fight was 3 months ago... we'd have enough resources to do that type of thing... we'd have pop lock and extra's over flowing into another continent etc. but we don't now, all we can do is focus one thing at a time and hope that everyone can cooperate together to get the job done.
2004-12-18, 08:42 PM
How anyone could have been NC and not understood the idea behind 'turf dont matter' is beyond me.
2004-12-20, 09:17 AM
id also like to add that if this fight was 3 months ago... we'd have enough resources to do that type of thing... we'd have pop lock and extra's over flowing into another continent etc. but we don't now, all we can do is focus one thing at a time and hope that everyone can cooperate together to get the job done.
For us VS I think that battle was the first pop lock since the BFRs came out
Red October
2004-12-20, 12:56 PM
I've squaded with iMartyr a couple of times and he seem's a pretty cool cat. Plus, I like it when he's the man in charge. He tends to concentrate on battles that are fun, not gain. It annoys the hell out of me when an outfit/platoon/squad jumps a hugely contested cont. You don't jump unless your so overwhelmed that you can't even hold the CC for a minute.
We all pay a monthly fee to enjoy ourselves. Anything else will just lead to burn out. I'd get really frustrated if I was chasing ghost hacks all day, its only fun for the hacker, trust me, I know.
2004-12-21, 09:55 AM
He osed my CY and I barely made it away today >_<
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