View Full Version : Welp it finnally happened and now i just want my money back
2004-12-20, 02:55 PM
Well, for better or worse, political debate got locked. Or Hamma'd closed, or Triggar'd shut. (low blow penalty points, bad Doppler no cookie). It was fun while it lasted, and an intresting offshoot of a forum for a game i no longer play (Wrote many many dissertations on why i dont play PS anymore). I guess it kind of hurts so soon after the funding drive where I chipped money into the kitty. It especialy hurts as Vics leaving was the efforts of a small cadre of individuals, who were about as transparent in their efforts as a cinder block, trying to remove him.
More often then not on idealogical grounds i disagreed with Vic and the rest of the political right. But certain other people, ah hell i wont be subtle, mostly Trig and to extent martyr basicly tried to take over the forum, and silence anyone who didnt agree with them. When that didnt work, and Triggar was asked to leave the forum alone mod wise a nice (not so)quiet little bunch of Triggerite zerglings started coming over to Pol debate, include Ob frog, and thats when things really started to cook off.
Bottom line I respect most people on this forum because thats how I operate. But Trig and others lost points in my eyes, it was crap to do, and it got the one place on this board I still post regular closed down. Thanks bunches.
2004-12-20, 03:07 PM
If Hama were wise he'd just shut this portion down, as it no longer serves a purpose.
Not once did I post there, but some of the discussions there really fascinated me. It's a shame that some people couldn't keep their humour to the Lounge.
2004-12-20, 03:07 PM
Fuck. The stupid people just plain out made those forums bad. And Triggar, I'm sorry, but alot of that was you. And you, ObFrog. And you, Hezzy. If you can't bring yourself to reply thoughtfully, get away from the posts there.
2004-12-20, 03:07 PM
are you kidding? you want your donation back?
holy hell, it's not like the servers voted for kerry. there's no need to bring the poldeb drama to the lounge just because poldeb is locked. send hamma a PM, but this post is flamebait if i've ever seen it.
you're invited to post in the lounge, but don't be a jerk
2004-12-20, 03:38 PM
1. The act of giving to a fund or cause.
2. A gift or grant.
2004-12-20, 03:42 PM
you're a dumbass. go away.
Take it easy guys. He knows what a donation is. :rolleyes:
Let's let the Pol board go in peace.
:nodrama: :)
2004-12-20, 03:55 PM
The money back comment was mostly in jest, nice deflection though, way to completely ignore the rest of the post in favor of the subject heading. But hey dont hold to even a shred of objectivity.
2004-12-20, 04:04 PM
way to completely ignore the rest of the post in favor of the subject heading.
:thumbsup: No problem. Just doing my job, sir.
2004-12-20, 04:11 PM
I just wish that we had gotten some forewarning on it.
2004-12-20, 04:13 PM
I'd imagine that it'll be opened again, since it wasn't deleted entirely.
2004-12-20, 04:22 PM
just lock this thread before its .... too late...
bum bum bum
I still dont understand how people can fight on the stupidest
crap, and expecially on forums and PS
Interneters have such tempers
Red October
2004-12-20, 04:40 PM
Not too surprised. Topic after topic was being derailed. Mr. Viccho would post, then you get a couple of posts more or less calling him an idiot. You get an intelligent post, then "your an idiot" post. Another intelligent, then more insults and then even more insults. It became forum just to gang up on Mr. V. If he deleted posts, locked threads, etc. then Mr. V. would have been accused of silencing people with opposing views. It was a Lose-Lose situation for him and lose situation for anyone who wanted to have a meaningful exhcange of ideas. You would have to go through a lot of trash in order to find the real dialogue, and who wants to do that?
2004-12-20, 04:43 PM
My only problem with Mr.V were his opinions on Religion, Government, and the effects of one on the other...and they're 'right' to call me names.
2004-12-20, 04:46 PM
I voted for Ross Perot. Cause I think he's a cute old man. Those ears of his are HOTT! They make my ass warm and moist. :D ;)
2004-12-20, 04:51 PM
Oh, it was locked. I thought Trig banned me. But yes, I'll agree with the statement that it was becoming a "gang up on Vic" thing.
2004-12-20, 04:53 PM
Vic isnt such a bad guy, I really hope Hamma opens it up and elects two new moderators because Lexington posted only like twice.
2004-12-20, 07:35 PM
I do agree that the debate forum was getting a little hot.
I also hope that this can be resolved and it can be re-opened, it was a wonderful forum to discuss the topics too sensitive for the general lounge. It was a great place to see all points of view. The topics just got a little too... well, personal.
2004-12-20, 08:12 PM
I attacked Vic maybe once, and that was because he was saying he wanted 'the truth' and linked a story from a blatantly conservative site. Otherwise, he was just fine, in my opinion. Shoey was the real pain when he was around.
2004-12-20, 08:54 PM
This post perfectly illustrates my point.
2004-12-20, 08:57 PM
Which post?
2004-12-20, 08:57 PM
He PM'd me over a deleted post.
I PM's him back with song lyrics and "this means war" in French.
Je suis d�sol�, est-ce que j'ai obtenu une certaine guerre sur vous ?
2004-12-20, 08:59 PM
SO you decided to play along with the plot and be as positively assinine as you could in pol debate? Wonderfull logic.
2004-12-20, 09:02 PM
SO you decided to play along with the plot and be as positively assinine as you could in pol debate? Wonderfull logic.
I'm a man of my word, if nothing else.
2004-12-20, 09:08 PM
I'm a punk with potency issues, if nothing else.
I dont call for it often but basicly you've been given carte blanch to be a jerk, and its a shame the only mod who did something about it, incited your ire, which somehow caused one of the other mods to close the forum. Way to go.
2004-12-20, 09:08 PM
Political Debate was nothing but assinine. There are two things you don't debate on the internet, religion and politics. Since both were 'debated' frequently in that forum, it deserved nothing less than confining to the eternal hellpit. I'll say nothing of MrVic's opinions and the somewhat scewed way he moderated that forum in my view, but as far as I'm concerned Political Debate became nothing more than a violent right-wing circlejerk that these internets could do without. It was no more civilized than the most ridiculous General Chat on the Official Forums, in fact I could take virtually every person on Pol Disc. and give them an OF name, and the personalities would fit perfectly.
I also can't help but notice Doppler that you're transferring you're sillyness over to Lounge.
As a poster and member of Lounge I'd kindly ask you to sod off. :nodrama:
2004-12-20, 09:11 PM
If you want to have fun just gor through the top 3-5 topics in poly debate and you'll understand why it was shut down.
Trig before she had here little cadre of Fans was great there, always with an oppinion backed up. After her little troupe came down if you tried to have an intelligent discussion it was imediatly turned into dancingFetuses on Strings, or some other inane crap. Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of crap In the Lounge, I find it funny, but not when people are trying to have real live adult discussions.
Just too many children, and too many people acting like children.
It's why I thought Hamma Should shut it down. Waste of Bandwidth in it's current state. The real thing is that Poli Debate Needs a true NAZI mod. Axing any post off topic, and banning people from the section if they don't belong there (Hi Frog you pimple faced little fat ass don't post pics of yourself on the internet, it's not flattering) while allowing any oppinion to go.
That is all
2004-12-20, 09:11 PM
I spoke with Hamma, and offered to, if in the future he feels that the Poli-debate forum should re-open, I'm still here for him. Because Hamma is one hell'va guy and I owe him big time.
When he gave US the forum, there were two rules:
1. Don't make it into a problem, or it shuts down.
2. I don't want to have to deal with it, it's yours don't make me have to take action.
I stepped down because the forum was NOT mine, and when I became the focus of a few, who for one reason or another really seemed to not like me, it made the forum a bad place to go.
I hope, that if there is enough desire, it can be re-opened, maybe... one day. I have read everything posted, and thank you to those, especially those that didn't agree with my politics, but understood.. it has never been a power game for me. Never been about me. I was all about that forum, and enjoyed many a good debate.
It's sad, SAD that certain people decided that ruining it for all, was worth it.
ObFrog, didn't run me off, I left because that forum was bigger then me. I'll come back if you guys want me, and Hamma grants it. But this "this means war" crap from the Triggar crowd isn't worth it for anyone.
And yeah, I got an email 2-3 weeks ago from one of the more leftist, antiANYTHING I said ppeople, explaining that THIS was gonna happen. I didn't believe them. Well it did, and it sucks.
Long live PSU.
2004-12-20, 09:14 PM
Wait!! I thought the politcial forum was made for people to flame in. Why dont you just do what i was always told it was there for and lock them into nothing but the political forum and let them go at it?
2004-12-20, 09:16 PM
Political Debate was nothing but assinine. There are two things you don't debate on the internet, religion and politics. Since both were 'debated' frequently in that forum, it deserved nothing less than confining to the eternal hellpit. I'll say nothing of MrVic's opinions and the somewhat scewed way he moderated that forum in my view, but as far as I'm concerned Political Debate became nothing more than a violent right-wing circlejerk that these internets could do without. It was no more civilized than the most ridiculous General Chat on the Official Forums, in fact I could take virtually every person on Pol Disc. and give them an OF name, and the personalities would fit perfectly.
I also can't help but notice Doppler that you're transferring you're sillyness over to Lounge.
As a poster and member of Lounge I'd kindly ask you to sod off. :nodrama:
Join Date: 08-09-2004
Wow, i never thought i'd use this phrase, but never has it been more appropriate
Considering i was posting in the lounge well over a year before you even found the site, it seems approrpiate, when i tell you not so kindly to "get dirty wanker." Your miniscule contributions to the forum were some jabs at another peoples culture, and you wonder why they bristle in response. I'm so glad you can wrap yourself in your superiority about civilized debate that you havnt been around long enough to experience.
2004-12-20, 09:20 PM
I haven't been around much recently, so I have not seen what has transpired in that forum, but I am deeply disturbed that Mr. Vic has basically been voted off of a forum that is all about debating and having different opinions for just that, having a different opinion. Good luck to you Vic with your fiance and everything else. Had fun playing with you in CoH, and I hope the forum reopens.
2004-12-20, 09:24 PM
I dont call for it often but basicly you've been given carte blanch to be a jerk, and its a shame the only mod who did something about it, incited your ire, which somehow caused one of the other mods to close the forum. Way to go.
First off, it's indie ***.
Second off, I have been able to maintain a ROCK HARD erection for times upwards of 2 hours (having just woken up to James and the Giant Peach I started the clock)
Third off, he was supposed to be the authority there, dude. The first fucking time something happened against him he left. Seriously. The entire Pol Debate forum was, at it's core, thinly veiled insults against other people's beliefs. I just removed the cellophane.
2004-12-20, 09:30 PM
Even better yet! Hamma can lock them into a single thread in the PD forum and name the thread himself!! 8p
2004-12-20, 09:39 PM
I have a few things I have been thinking over in my head, so here they are:
OOOOOOOOOOH SNAP FROG! He just questioned your penis size. BURNED!
Oh shit. Aital's back.
Wow. Doppler just made an elitist comment. Now he's sure not going to get his money back. Even though it was a donation.
What the fuck is that in Aital's avatar?
I wonder what a shaved ape looks like.
EDIT: Just now I thought: "Wow. Doppler's pretty elitist."
2004-12-20, 09:54 PM
we'll have to freeze him in carbonite soon
2004-12-20, 09:54 PM
I just realized that despite his reputation Doppler really is not that great at coming up with contextual insults. And also I thought only 65 year old Catholic men called people "punk".
2004-12-20, 10:02 PM
I have to say that I really enjoyed watching Vic stand up for what he believed (most of which I strongly agree with) and was encouraged by him and have great respect for him. Also, Doppler, I really respect you for making this thread. You have been really elevated in my book. I don't agree with many of your views (that's the best part of the internet/democracies, that we have the ability to disagree) but I sure do respect you now.
People such as ObFrog contributed nothing to that forum (even though I didn't post a lot down there, I read zealously) and if anything, decimated the integrity of it. Yea, we had our shouting matches, but atleast we all had a certain amount of respect for each other until immature people came down and posted arrogant, pointless, agrivating and flat out unneeded posts and pictures screwed everything up. Yea, we had our problems down there, but atleast we had mature conversations where intelligent conversations and information were passed around. A place where opinions were freely expressed and explained. But then certain members of the forums posted immature posts that derailed and murdered the integrity of the forum and the entire point of them. So seriously people, think before you post and have some dignity for other people. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't revolve around you.
I'm sad to see the forum locked and Vic leave. But I must say that I have a ton of respect for Doppler.
2004-12-20, 10:14 PM
I have to say that I really enjoyed watching Vic stand up for what he believed (most of which I strongly agree with) and was encouraged by him and have great respect for him. Also, Doppler, I really respect you for making this thread. You have been really elevated in my book. I don't agree with many of your views (that's the best part of the internet/democracies, that we have the ability to disagree) but I sure do respect you now.
People such as ObFrog contributed nothing to that forum (even though I didn't post a lot down there, I read zealously) and if anything, decimated the integrity of it. Yea, we had our shouting matches, but atleast we all had a certain amount of respect for each other until immature people came down and posted arrogant, pointless, agrivating and flat out unneeded posts and pictures screwed everything up. Yea, we had our problems down there, but atleast we had mature conversations where intelligent conversations and information were passed around. A place where opinions were freely expressed and explained. But then certain members of the forums posted immature posts that derailed and murdered the integrity of the forum and the entire point of them. So seriously people, think before you post and have some dignity for other people. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't revolve around you.
I'm sad to see the forum locked and Vic leave. But I must say that I have a ton of respect for Doppler.
Vicchio's job was to Moderate. Let's goooooo to the videotape!
mod�er�a�tor Audio pronunciation of "Moderator" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (md-rtr)
1. One that moderates, as:
1. One that arbitrates or mediates.
2. One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate.
OK, so, now that that's out of the way:
I did not contribute ANYTHING to the forum, it really was not my intention to, it was my intention to get people riled up because frankly it seemed the concept of openly being as big of an asshole as the rest of the posting population there was shocking (to an almost monocle-popping level).
Instead of moderating (outside of deleting one post), Mr Vicchio threw in the towel. Looking at this like he's a martyr to the Pol Debate forum is sort of irresponsible considering it was his job to deal with dicks like myself.
And Doppler, you fucking gave Hamma the money so he could run the site, dude.
2004-12-20, 10:42 PM
to an almost monocle-popping level
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Holy crap. You rock.
I like this new theshire figure.
2004-12-20, 10:50 PM
I like this new theshire figure.
[03:41:27] [Doop]: i like this new theshire guy
[03:41:27] [Doop]: lol
[03:41:43] ::: Join: (Tannis|{Working}) (
[email protected])
[03:42:49] [jsloan31]: isn't that from ST: Elite Force?
[03:43:09] [Fragmatic]: doop
[03:43:15] [Fragmatic]: it's blatantly you
[03:43:29] [Doop]: it is?
[03:43:30] [Doop]: o_O
[03:43:42] [Doop]: i thought no one would notice.
:nodrama: :ban:
2004-12-20, 10:54 PM
He PM'd me over a deleted post.
I PM's him back with song lyrics and "this means war" in French.
Je suis d�sol�, est-ce que j'ai obtenu une certaine guerre sur vous ?
I don't know who's teaching you french OB but their doing one hell of a bad job at it. What you just said was: "I'm sorry, did I obtain a certain war on you?"
If you wanted to say: "This means war!" you should of said "Je vous d�clare la guerre!".
Anyways, all in all this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion. Vic was viewed as the bad guy because of his highly conservative views and the others were being assholes like they are usually. I don't know where you guys were raised but solving fights by grunting and bashing your heads together because a guy is defending HIS point of view isnt the way to go. Alot of you acted like children over this and ganged up to do like so, you basicly did what childs in school would do to a deformed kid, you gathered all your "friends" to laugh and point.
We would not be in the predicament had we all acted in a more mature way, if PB comes back up I hope Hamma or whoever will manage the damn place make sure everyone is ready to act like civilized beings. This means no one lining pieces of crap like OB consistantly does and defending you point of view like an adult. A.K.A not pulling any shit like "Youz a big dumb dumb!".
Unless everyone of you guys and gals are ready to act like mature adults then I vote that you don't open it back up.
2004-12-20, 10:54 PM
Your inability to post anything but images amazes me.
[03:41:27] [Doop]: i like this new theshire guy
[03:41:27] [Doop]: lol
[03:41:43] ::: Join: (Tannis|{Working}) (
[email protected])
[03:42:49] [jsloan31]: isn't that from ST: Elite Force?
[03:43:09] [Fragmatic]: doop
[03:43:15] [Fragmatic]: it's blatantly you
[03:43:29] [Doop]: it is?
[03:43:30] [Doop]: o_O
[03:43:42] [Doop]: i thought no one would notice.
:nodrama: :ban:
What drama. What ban. =p
He's not me, seriously, but this guy's awesome.
2004-12-20, 11:02 PM
:stupid: :ban:
2004-12-20, 11:03 PM
This isn't Something Awful or Gen[M]ay, unfortunately, I fear it's turning into one of those forums though. :(
2004-12-20, 11:06 PM
That looks like Jaged's old sig. Without the J that looks like a penis.
2004-12-20, 11:09 PM
I have to say that I really enjoyed watching Vic stand up for what he believed (most of which I strongly agree with) and was encouraged by him and have great respect for him. Also, Doppler, I really respect you for making this thread. You have been really elevated in my book. I don't agree with many of your views (that's the best part of the internet/democracies, that we have the ability to disagree) but I sure do respect you now.
People such as ObFrog contributed nothing to that forum (even though I didn't post a lot down there, I read zealously) and if anything, decimated the integrity of it. Yea, we had our shouting matches, but atleast we all had a certain amount of respect for each other until immature people came down and posted arrogant, pointless, agrivating and flat out unneeded posts and pictures screwed everything up. Yea, we had our problems down there, but atleast we had mature conversations where intelligent conversations and information were passed around. A place where opinions were freely expressed and explained. But then certain members of the forums posted immature posts that derailed and murdered the integrity of the forum and the entire point of them. So seriously people, think before you post and have some dignity for other people. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't revolve around you.
I'm sad to see the forum locked and Vic leave. But I must say that I have a ton of respect for Doppler.
Totally agree.
2004-12-20, 11:18 PM
I don't know who's teaching you french OB but their doing one hell of a bad job at it. What you just said was: "I'm sorry, did I obtain a certain war on you?"
If you wanted to say: "This means war!" you should of said "Je vous d�clare la guerre!".
Anyways, all in all this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion. Vic was viewed as the bad guy because of his highly conservative views and the others were being assholes like they are usually. I don't know where you guys were raised but solving fights by grunting and bashing your heads together because a guy is defending HIS point of view isnt the way to go. Alot of you acted like children over this and ganged up to do like so, you basicly did what childs in school would do to a deformed kid, you gathered all your "friends" to laugh and point.
We would not be in the predicament had we all acted in a more mature way, if PB comes back up I hope Hamma or whoever will manage the damn place make sure everyone is ready to act like civilized beings. This means no one lining pieces of crap like OB consistantly does and defending you point of view like an adult. A.K.A not pulling any shit like "Youz a big dumb dumb!".
Unless everyone of you guys and gals are ready to act like mature adults then I vote that you don't open it back up.
The internet! The internet teaches me french so books don't have to!
2004-12-20, 11:24 PM
I've read posts too, and I see why someone would want to leave. Too many offtopic remarks, half the stuff is just jokes.
When people contributed to PSU, they found out that they could post in PD too. And since their normal "habitat" revolves around being funny, people drove it to PD.
....So I see it....
Doppler's topic was a joke (its the lounge, remember?), he comes to state a point, ok. Good for him, I haven't spent much time in PD untill now to see why it closed and i've come across some good stuff (please to some of my history homework). Dopplers ok.
I'm sad to see MrVic go, he's an oldie I remember seeing back in ps beta when i was a wee little lad. He will be greatly missed. Me tilts my hat for Vic.
mike27's avatar?
Why must you question yourself?
Seriously, it's not him. Someone do an IP check, it's not me =p
2004-12-20, 11:30 PM
Seriously, it's not him. Someone do an IP check, it's not me =p
Do not deny your heritage.
With the FLAVA CREW.
2004-12-21, 06:25 AM
Wow, i never thought i'd use this phrase, but never has it been more appropriate
Considering i was posting in the lounge well over a year before you even found the site, it seems approrpiate, when i tell you not so kindly to "get dirty wanker." Your miniscule contributions to the forum were some jabs at another peoples culture, and you wonder why they bristle in response. I'm so glad you can wrap yourself in your superiority about civilized debate that you havnt been around long enough to experience.
Seriously kid crawl back into your hole, you have no idea who you're dealing with. PSU is a playground in comparison to OF, it's a frickin Elysium. I've dealt with people who make you look like a cuddly wuddly care-bear so if you seriously believe you'll be the one to strike me down with great vengeance and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuurious anger, you'd be sadly mistaken.
Angered empassioned (and overall drama-inciting) responses are not something that interests me in the slightest and by the looks of the complete lack of response to your call for great justice.. no-one else is interested either. In short, your post sucked. I'd have thought that a 'long-serving' member of the community would have been able to come up with something a little more grown-up. Apparently not. It would seem that Pol Disc came to an end not a moment too soon. It has poisoned your mind, as do so many Political Discussion forums online, stinking cesspits of prejudice and blinkered close-minded attitudes.
2004-12-21, 09:40 AM
The political debate forums were created due to the overflow of pol debate that erupted in the lounge. When the forum started Vicchio volunteered to moderate it, at the time it was a godsend as myself or any of my staff wanted nothing to do with such a forum. And so the time began, during the entire time the forum has been running Vicchio has been the moderator. I locked the forum because as I see it, there is nobody else capable of being a moderator of that forum.
Vicchio did an excellent job in his time as a moderator, I do not believe we could have had a better moderator. Everyone had their differences but in the end it ended up being a better place. For one reason or another over the past months things slowly degrated, as with anything I guess people wanted a change? If anything vic should have been given more power to ban some of those who were complete assholes. It's no matter to me, because I run a gaming site. The only reason that forum existed was because I had somoene who I trusted running it the entire time. As such, the only way pol debate will return is if Vicchio returns. This of course is his decision, so if you want him to return persuade him otherwise.
Enough with the bad mouthing and debate in this thread, the fact is the forum is now locked. It's up to those who liked that forum to help bring it back not me. I have no time to be a moderator over there, it requires someone to ALWAYS be watching it and I do not want to be that person, because the topics discussed there usually are of zero interest to me.
2004-12-21, 09:49 AM
I just realized that despite his reputation Doppler really is not that great at coming up with contextual insults. And also I thought only 65 year old Catholic men called people "punk".
Actually good ole' webster says otherwise. In light of 2 and 3 it is perfectly contextual in your case. (I am neither 65 nor catholic but thanks for asking.) When i said potentcy i meant you had concerns about your ability to affect the outside world, if you took it to be masculinity maybe your freeling overly defensive about something. Fun fact, i never knew punk used to be a refrence to the catcher in a gay relationship, learn something ew everyday.
4 entries found for punk.
To select an entry, click on it.
punk[1,noun]punk[2,adjective]punk[3,noun]punk rock
Main Entry: 1punk
Pronunciation: 'p&[ng]k
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1 archaic : PROSTITUTE
2 [probably partly from 3punk] : NONSENSE, FOOLISHNESS
3 a : a young inexperienced person : BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a young man b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian c : a youth used as a homosexual partner
4 a : PUNK ROCK b : a punk rock musician c : one who affects punk styles
2004-12-21, 09:51 AM
2004-12-21, 10:30 AM
Actually good ole' webster says otherwise. In light of 2 and 3 it is perfectly contextual in your case. (I am neither 65 nor catholic but thanks for asking.) When i said potentcy i meant you had concerns about your ability to affect the outside world, if you took it to be masculinity maybe your freeling overly defensive about something. Fun fact, i never knew punk used to be a refrence to the catcher in a gay relationship, learn something ew everyday.
4 entries found for punk.
To select an entry, click on it.
punk[1,noun]punk[2,adjective]punk[3,noun]punk rock
Main Entry: 1punk
Pronunciation: 'p&[ng]k
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1 archaic : PROSTITUTE
2 [probably partly from 3punk] : NONSENSE, FOOLISHNESS
3 a : a young inexperienced person : BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a young man b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian c : a youth used as a homosexual partner
4 a : PUNK ROCK b : a punk rock musician c : one who affects punk styles
STFU and GTFO my dictionary quoting bandwagon. You're stinking up the place.
2004-12-21, 10:35 AM
In before the lock.
I posted occasionally in there. I guess politics has a tendancy to heat up, and you just have to either take the heat or let things cool sometimes.
2004-12-21, 11:25 AM
meh. it was too regulated in my oppinion anyways. the point of poldebate is to let it go how it must. the guy who flames and throws insults is the one who is clearly losing the argument, hence why it should just be let go. let the forum patrons decide who's right and wrong and whether or not he should shut up. :nod: i dunno, maybe i'm living in happy dream place land.
at any rate.. buh bye, poldebate.
2004-12-21, 11:35 AM
End thread.
Cut here
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2004-12-21, 11:52 AM
No, the thread should live untill the problem is resolved. I have never posted in the Pol debate forum. EVER! I went there today for about 10 minutes today and took a look at some of the debates over there. Some of them started really really good. And like Doppler and Vic have posted they soon degrated into a spawn of shit.
Pardon me but, Obnoxious Frog, you just admitted to TRYING to circumvent the peace on the forums because you dont like someone. Doppler and Vic are in the right here. I dont agree with their political views but I do agree with one thing. Your little group has been quite the bunch of assholes to them. All I see is a perfectly fine debate ruined by one of ObFrogs "its supposed to be funny" comments. And then someone tells him to knock it off and the rest of the group decends like a swarm to flame the person. I see Triggar, ObFrog, and Hezzy in particular.
Trig, you are a moderator on these forums. You are supposed to be the epitimy of the rules. I dont see that at all. All I see from you is a deep down attention whore. No offence but thats what it looks like to me. You have this little crowd that whorships the ground you walk on. You used to be cool 100% of the time. More and more I see the crap in the Pol Debate forum coming over here. I dont post as much as the rest of you but I can still see what you say.
Hezzy, you of all people I am dissapointed in the most. Ive had more laughs with you than the others. I would think you are of a higher moral standard than to go to a forum just to flame the hell out of a guy for his political ideals.
Conclusion: If you cant debate right you get the fuck off the pol debate forums. Its not the place for all crap and poor attempt to get a laugh. What you do is akin to standing in a room with the family of a man about to be killed and laugh at him for his short comings. You try to be the funny guy in a serious discussion. Whens the last time you interupted a couple people discussing one with cancer with a comment like "Oh? You didnt know? They just cured cancer..." and then when the person begins to gleam with hope you chop them down with "NOT!!!! HAHAHAHHAAA".
If you cant be a mature person on the internet you must be a total fucktard in real life. I ask that Mr. Vic return to mod the forums and keep all of that stuff from spilling into the lounge. I also ask that despite what they might say you just ban the assholes who cant debate with a hint of maturity.
2004-12-21, 12:20 PM
TB:Why do you bring up the official forums? I'm not sure what your trying to prove, its like saying. "I whack myself in the balls every morning with a hammer, so you should be nice to me." Obviously you misunderstood what i was getting at, and thats ok your immaterial to the debate here as you were there.
Hezzy:Because god only knows, your the first person to ever quote a dictionary on the internet or otherwise.
2004-12-21, 12:30 PM
Fuck. The stupid people just plain out made those forums bad. And Triggar, I'm sorry, but alot of that was you. And you, ObFrog. And you, Hezzy. If you can't bring yourself to reply thoughtfully, get away from the posts there.:nod:
2004-12-21, 12:40 PM
yeah.. it wasn't so much the drama but the statements of assery that made the pol-debate forum a toilet.
2004-12-21, 12:48 PM
I have to bring myself to say that I must have around ~10 posts in Pol Deb. The only thing I've ever posted without any provocation is the "LOL HOLLAND" picture. And that wasn't deftly serious. I mean, come on. "Mr Dic". That's one hell of a hardcore insult, isn't it?
I must really be good at wrecking things.
Doppler: I started it in this thread. It's MY bandwagon, bitch.
This is the last thing I have to say on this topic. Good day.
2004-12-21, 03:12 PM
Actually -Hezzy-, it wasn't the pic, I have much thicker skin then that. It was the fact more people that rarely if ever posted there, came in, just to insult ME.
Why did you come down there, what was the point of "insulting Vic"?
It was THAT attittude, NOT JUST YOU, that was overwhelming the forum, ObFrog's openly admitted desire to destroy any debate, the one line insults from a certain mod egging such behavior on, the email I got... Something changed around here, and that ruined what the forum was about.
Before that forum was open we used to debate up here, and Hamma wasn't happy lol. PSU had a robust, if small group of posters that lived down there with me posting our thoughts, bitching argueing, agreeing disagreeing, screaming yelling... but in the end, we kept it to a set level. We had a quiet agreement. If I needed to, I PM'd someone if they were... over the line. And everything was fine.
I think there were 2 people the whole time that forum was up that I EVER trid to ban. 2. Not bad for 15 months.
2004-12-21, 03:36 PM
TB:Why do you bring up the official forums? I'm not sure what your trying to prove, its like saying. "I whack myself in the balls every morning with a hammer, so you should be nice to me." Obviously you misunderstood what i was getting at, and thats ok your immaterial to the debate here as you were there.
Hezzy:Because god only knows, your the first person to ever quote a dictionary on the internet or otherwise.
I can't say it's entirely surprising that you didn't get it on the first pass, so let me send it your way once more. If you still don't get it I'll make sure to provide pictures in crayon for you.
The mention of OF? Simply pointing out that your attitudes are hardly unique and nothing I haven't seen before. If you wish to start a war of words, then that's your business, I'll grudgeingly drag you through the metaphorical streets tied to the back of the donkey-cart of absurdity.. ultimately to dump you lovingly into the pit of failure. Mai Mai, how ruthlessly ludicrious.. am I sounding like ObFrog yet?
You.. are flamebaiting. Blatantly obviously. Your 'stfu newb' crap cannot possibly be interpreted any other way. You're elitist, we've already seen that. That's good, because I don't have to go out of my way to point that out.
My point is, as it always was, Pol Disc was as bad as General Chat on OF. I could give you an OF name, the personality would match. You are not the first to believe you're superior to myself or anyone else, you won't be the last. You won't manage I'm afraid, to be the first to prove that your dilusions of grandeur are in-fact, reality. You demonstrate in yourself just what was wrong with Pol Disc and worryingly large numbers of it's posters. You show absolutely no understanding of what actual constructive rational debate is. It would appear that you know only the ego-polishing circle-jerk that the elitists of the internet call 'debate'. A false concept, a thin-veil (as I believe has already been mentioned) for personally attacking other users with different views and providing yourself with your own twisted form of pseudo-propaganda to make yourself comfortable. Interesting really.. 'potency issues'.. I think you used that phrase.
I'm afraid though, this is rather tiresome. My days of squashing blinkered people over the internet took a brief respite when I left OF, and I don't really wish to start again. If you want a bit of drama though, feel free to continue blundering forward.. I'm sure Hamma will love the opportunity to lock something else.
2004-12-21, 05:30 PM
Wow i cannot believe you put up that trite and then said i have elitist issues. But I'll try once more.
1) You wernt around long enough to get a good grasp of what was going on anyway, yet you continue to insult people who were.
2) You maintain that the entire forum was without merit (see point 1) despite the numerous posters that have come forth to say otherwise.
3) You accuse me of flamebaiting, despite the fairly obvious statements that many invoolved that the posts had some merit.
4) You fail to grasp all three of the of the above points you continue to post, and yet accuse me of blundering about, yet you paint me as the elitist.
In short, i think you have a very overrated opinion of your own mental capabilities. That or if the rest of us "mere mortals" are so far below you why do you continue to come back here? A person is judged agaisnt the caliber of their opponents. If I and others of like mind are so worthless why do you bother with us? Basicly from the tone of your last couple of posts i think i struck a nerve, which is intresting but not suprising. You resort to petty insults, not even clever ones at that, you compare me to OF posters, i compare you to bad cartoon caricatures.
In short, dont bother responding, I've decided to take my own advice and figure you to be not worth my time, but the thread itself has been repeatedly shown to have merit, so I thankyou for continuing to post in it, in the hopes that Hamma will rethink his stance.
2004-12-21, 05:35 PM
'I know you are but what am I?'
Learn that phrase, it takes a lot less time than trying to veil it in 5 paragraphs of drivel.
In short, i think you have a very overrated opinion of your own mental capabilities.
Irony is a wonderful thing.
2004-12-21, 06:11 PM
I agree with great chinchilla!
2004-12-21, 06:14 PM
Wow, i never thought i'd use this phrase, but never has it been more appropriate
Considering i was posting in the lounge well over a year before you even found the site, it seems approrpiate, when i tell you not so kindly to "get dirty wanker." Your miniscule contributions to the forum were some jabs at another peoples culture, and you wonder why they bristle in response. I'm so glad you can wrap yourself in your superiority about civilized debate that you havnt been around long enough to experience.
In the time hes been a member TotalBiscut has been more contributive then you, as far as I've seen.
2004-12-21, 06:37 PM
I've read the PolDeb forum once in a while. Now, Doppler, never having had any contact with you, and reading your post for the first, time, I have to say you sound like an eliteist , one of those kids that brags about him being the first one to get a new toy, and you want to punch him.
You seem to think that just because you made an account before everyone else, let it idle, then post nonsense, that you are more important than anyone else. I have been here since a few months after PSU was first created, and I really haven't posted much here, and I'm not claming to be a member who has added anything to any argument, but nor do I run around claming to be "1337" because I was here before everyone else.
IMO, you need an additude check. There are people here that have added a LOT to PSU without being here longer than you.
2004-12-21, 06:39 PM
Doppler has been here a long time, and been one of PSU's most ardent supporters. I think he is venting at the fact the one forum he really liked here, and one that lead him to help with PSU's finances through donations, was shut down because of a few people that almost NEVER posted down there. They did so with total disreguard for anyone who liked that forum.
He's venting and he's right.
2004-12-21, 06:41 PM
I'm not saying he's not a contributive member, but he seems to think he's better than everyone else, which makes me, and apparently everyone else, angry.
2004-12-21, 06:44 PM
shut down because of a few people that almost NEVER posted down there. They did so with total disreguard for anyone who liked that forum.
May I point out that the forum was shut down because you left?
I know I said I didn't have anything more to say in this thread. I lied.
Ok, I tried my damndest to avoid this particular chunk of dharma, but I'll just say this: I think the pol debate should be reopened in promise that no more shenanigans will happen down there. I'm not saying Obfrog, Triggar and Hezzy are asshats, and they didn't really do too much wrong, and they are indeed right that PSU isn't a serious forum - but Pol Debate is probably the only serious one. It's meant for debate and serious discussion, not shens. It wasn't really clearly stated anywhere, now it's obviously pretty well known.
Both sides hold valid points, but I simply think we can open it back up and live at the same time.
2004-12-21, 06:48 PM
Actually -Hezzy-, it wasn't the pic, I have much thicker skin then that. It was the fact more people that rarely if ever posted there, came in, just to insult ME.
Why did you come down there, what was the point of "insulting Vic"?
It was THAT attittude, NOT JUST YOU, that was overwhelming the forum, ObFrog's openly admitted desire to destroy any debate, the one line insults from a certain mod egging such behavior on, the email I got... Something changed around here, and that ruined what the forum was about.
Before that forum was open we used to debate up here, and Hamma wasn't happy lol. PSU had a robust, if small group of posters that lived down there with me posting our thoughts, bitching argueing, agreeing disagreeing, screaming yelling... but in the end, we kept it to a set level. We had a quiet agreement. If I needed to, I PM'd someone if they were... over the line. And everything was fine.
I think there were 2 people the whole time that forum was up that I EVER trid to ban. 2. Not bad for 15 months.
He's right. I noticed quite a few more people having substanceless posts in the forum. Just senseless bitching and moaning. If you had posted there regularly, a bit of jesting isn't a big deal, but when you're only there to flame Vic, YOU SUCK.
Sorry to see you go Vic....IMO, you did a great job as mod and as far as I could tell you were always fair. Anyway, as long as that forum is closed I'm probably gone too - not that any of you will care as I only really posted in the political forum :p
2004-12-21, 07:03 PM
If it does re-open, it will be with a newer, harder set of rules. Something I was loathe to do before, and something I have to speak with Hamma about. I have gotten a large number of supportive emails and PM's from people sad to see this happen, and well just wait. It might or might not happen.
2004-12-21, 07:13 PM
May I point out that the forum was shut down because you left?
I hope you're not implying that Vic is the selfish one.
I never posted in there, but I usually checked it out and read alot of the threads. Sad to see it go too.
2004-12-21, 07:23 PM
I hope you're not implying that Vic is the selfish one.
One was merely stating.
2004-12-21, 07:52 PM
The only thing ahmina add here is 2 things
1) Vic did a great job, we had some wonderful debates down there, and he even eleted one of my posts when I got a little ot at someone and sent me a nice "Chill out" pm... perfect Moderation in my Oppinion
2) This is mostly Trigs fault, but she's not here to defend herself and will not be till affter the holidays, so honestly lay off her until she's around to speak in her own defense.
That is all
2004-12-21, 08:21 PM
indeed, i've whisked trig away for christmas. she's not around, i've hijacked my grandparents' machine - but i have this to say.
a long time ago trig was involved in poldebate. she and vic were butting heads, she was getting upset over posts and taking things seriously.
it came to a head behind the scenes, unbeknownst to the public, back in our secret mods area. they came to an agreement of sorts, and trig stopped modding the forums. in fact. she stopped butting heads with vic, and nearly ceased posts to poldeb entirely.
i invite you,
the flaw i see in the blame here is that vic _resigned_.
nobody could force him to do that, and she stopped encouraging him to do so quite some time ago.
anyway, stop arguing in the lounge, and have a good holiday!
2004-12-21, 08:29 PM
Once more, my complaint with TB is tht he is both new and disparages a forum he never really experienced other to drop by and sling elitest shit. Anyone who didnt agree with him was wrong and an ignorant american fuck, and you wonder why i tend to respond purposely.
I have never at any point let my account idle, I have been consistantly posting and supporting PSU. I never have been more then on occasional poster in the lounge for a couple of reasons. First off most of the content in there is not in any way shape or form work safe, and most of it doesnt intrest me. Politics intrests me, Planetside used to intrest me, i used to post in that forum regularly and at great length. I have believed in this site, a long time, have supported it both from a patronage and financial standpoint, for a long time and to great length. So at one time i'm forced to post in the lounge because i really want to see PD get re-opened so i can leave you all to your rape-dollar discussions. Thus i get ripped on by those who dont even know me, who try to make this an issue of my character. Honestly i dont care what you or that twat TB thinks, I continue to come here and post because to considerable extent i value the community here, so rounding out to the original point, to have TB trash on what i'm trying to do because what happened in PD was obviously beyond him bothers me.
This has rambled on far enough.
You seem to think that just because you made an account before everyone else, let it idle, then post nonsense, that you are more important than anyone else. I have been here since a few months after PSU was first created, and I really haven't posted much here, and I'm not claming to be a member who has added anything to any argument, but nor do I run around claming to be "1337" because I was here before everyone else.
IMO, you need an additude check. There are people here that have added a LOT to PSU without being here longer than you.
2004-12-21, 08:43 PM
Could you possibly show yourself up to be any more elitist Doppler? I mean don't get me wrong I appreciate this whole digging your own grave thing, but seriously don't you think you should stop for the sake of your credibility?
Once more, my complaint with TB is tht he is both new and disparages a forum he never really experienced other to drop by and sling elitest shit. Anyone who didnt agree with him was wrong and an ignorant american fuck, and you wonder why i tend to respond purposely.
New.. have you ever heard of lurking dear? First rule of proper e-thuggery.. never.. ever.. assume authority over anyone based on join dates.
As for the rest of that. Feel free to spread your muck all you like. I'm confident that people will realize who to believe here. Who, right now, is refusing to accept the views of other people? Who.. right now, is slinging elitist shit? (Don't believe me? Re-read the already substantial number of 'I'm more intelligent than you' 'You're too stupid to understand' comments in your very own posts. And no, your thin-veil of flowery language doesn't fool me, it never has, which is the very reason I don't particularly like you). Your arguments, oddly enough much like in PolDeb, have virtually no basis in fact. Your elitism is clear for all to see and your arrogance steals our bandwidth. And the best thing is you hold it out in front of you like some child with a new toy, showing it off even. That just demonstrates how poor your debating skills really are. The number of holes in your argument and more importantly, the way you've portrayed yourself to be a close-minded, blinkered, arrogant, elitist pompous arsewipe are the mistakes of an amateur.
Insult me all you like and do keep digging. We had a good laugh at you in the PSU channel and we all agreed you're not worth unleashing squirrely wrath on. Consider yourself bombarded with several metaphorical acorns instead and count yourself lucky.
2004-12-21, 08:58 PM
I keep hearing how your going to unleash the wrath and such but all i keep getting is the same old rehash. Either way your ignore now, a singular honor, and well if the folks on the chan are enjoying I wish them well. You throw acorns because you havnt mastered rocks, most likely will never reach knives. Still to each their own.
2004-12-21, 09:01 PM
I keep hearing how your going to unleash the wrath and such but all i keep getting is the same old rehash. Either way your ignore now, a singular honor, and well if the folks on the chan are enjoying I wish them well. You throw acorns because you havnt mastered rocks, most likely will never reach knives. Still to each their own.
Seriously, adjust your smoking jacket and polish your monocle.
2004-12-21, 09:03 PM
Once more, my complaint with TB is tht he is both new and disparages a forum he never really experienced other to drop by and sling elitest shit. Anyone who didnt agree with him was wrong and an ignorant american fuck, and you wonder why i tend to respond purposely.
I have never at any point let my account idle, I have been consistantly posting and supporting PSU. I never have been more then on occasional poster in the lounge for a couple of reasons. First off most of the content in there is not in any way shape or form work safe, and most of it doesnt intrest me. Politics intrests me, Planetside used to intrest me, i used to post in that forum regularly and at great length. I have believed in this site, a long time, have supported it both from a patronage and financial standpoint, for a long time and to great length. So at one time i'm forced to post in the lounge because i really want to see PD get re-opened so i can leave you all to your rape-dollar discussions. Thus i get ripped on by those who dont even know me, who try to make this an issue of my character. Honestly i dont care what you or that twat TB thinks, I continue to come here and post because to considerable extent i value the community here, so rounding out to the original point, to have TB trash on what i'm trying to do because what happened in PD was obviously beyond him bothers me.
This has rambled on far enough.
You are elitist. TB is not.
You have said "OMG STFU NOOB IVE BEEN HERE LONG THAN YOU". This is elitist. I have never ever ever seen an elitist comment from TB. TB hasn't, to my knowledge, called anyone "an ignorant american fuck".
Explain your "Patronage" to PSU.
You get ripped on because you act like an arsehole. I know several other people that have avoided this thread because of that reason. I could show this thread to one of my friends and ask him what he would think of you. He would say you were an arsehole.
So. You value the community, do you? What community is that? The political debate community? I have yet to see you participate and / or contribute to the whole PSU community.
2004-12-21, 09:04 PM
I keep hearing how your going to unleash the wrath and such but all i keep getting is the same old rehash. Either way your ignore now, a singular honor, and well if the folks on the chan are enjoying I wish them well. You throw acorns because you havnt mastered rocks, most likely will never reach knives. Still to each their own.
And it only took 4 posts to break his spirit, yet I'm the newb ;)
Word to the wise kids, The Official Forums are the 7th level of Hell to PSU's My Little Pony's dream-house. You learn a few things when you have to deal with being flamed on a daily basis by 20+ people at any given time. That was.. naturally the message I was trying to beat into Doppler's skull. Obviously the 'I'm not listening.. but you're wrong anyway' bug has taken hold.
Oh and for the record, BREADCRABS.
2004-12-21, 09:06 PM
Of course the great thing is that untill/if Vic returns the last word i Poli Debate is MINE!!!1
I have power now!
(I feel very sad and alone)
2004-12-21, 09:07 PM
That's just his point Hezzy, he his portion of PSU was assed by a few from outside that. He's pissed. How would oyu feel if the General Forums shut down because of the antics fo those in the political forum comming over and ruining it for you?
I rest my case.
And yes, STFU N00b is rather elitist, I try not to use it, even when its right.
2004-12-21, 09:09 PM
PolDeb was fine till after the election when it lost focus.
2004-12-21, 09:11 PM
Shall I get my e-penis out? I had to use a Cisco Systems warehouse for the mainframe that supports it.
2004-12-21, 09:13 PM
That's just his point Hezzy, he his portion of PSU was assed by a few from outside that. He's pissed. How would oyu feel if the General Forums shut down because of the antics fo those in the political forum comming over and ruining it for you?
I rest my case.
And yes, STFU N00b is rather elitist, I try not to use it, even when its right.
But I'm afraid.. and this really is the cornerstone of debate.. that there are two sides to every coin.
The flipside of said coin is that Pol Deb in the view of some was nothing more than an elitist and prejudiced slanging match, thinly veiled in the guise of 'reasoned debate' (I know reasoned debate.. the Law school does it all the time.. that was not anywhere near....). Some people came in and pointed out the absurdity of it all. I did on occassion, with typical British sarcasm and dry humour. Ofc that got flamed, occassionally in a rascist manner I might add. When it came to posting my views in topics of interest that got flamed as well.. usually by the 'OMG HE'S ANTI-AMERICAN' crowd.
No.. I'm just anti-stupid. Sorry if your country has stupid people in it. Mine does too, but that doesn't mean whoever points that out is Anti-British now does it?
2004-12-21, 09:14 PM
That's just his point Hezzy, he his portion of PSU was assed by a few from outside that. He's pissed. How would oyu feel if the General Forums shut down because of the antics fo those in the political forum comming over and ruining it for you?
I rest my case.
And yes, STFU N00b is rather elitist, I try not to use it, even when its right.
6 or so posts.
1 major thread.
It's not like I fucking razed it.
2004-12-21, 09:15 PM
That's just his point Hezzy, he his portion of PSU was assed by a few from outside that. He's pissed. How would oyu feel if the General Forums shut down because of the antics fo those in the political forum comming over and ruining it for you?
For one, I wouldn't make a thread in game discussion asking for my money back, then procede to post funny things.
Ofcourse I'd post funny things, because that's what I do in my threads. As you have seen in this thread, he argues and gets in a hissyfit because people have the nerve to try to knock him off his high horse.
I contribute. He doesn't.
2004-12-21, 09:28 PM
So you didn't like the Poli-debate forum.. you thought it was BS..
Why did ANYONE ObFrog, Hazzy TB.. why make things ugly for those quite happy. Because you "found it absurd"?
Thats crap. Ya, real adding to PSU, ruin something for others cause you didn't like it.
Right on.
2004-12-21, 09:31 PM
So you didn't like the Poli-debate forum.. you thought it was BS..
Why did ANYONE ObFrog, Hazzy TB.. why make things ugly for those quite happy. Because you "found it absurd"?
Thats crap. Ya, real adding to PSU, ruin something for others cause you didn't like it.
Right on.
That is the typical way to handle things now...weak minds abound.
2004-12-21, 09:35 PM
Mr Vicchio.. don't you find it just a tad odd that you seemingly caved in and resigned, thus bringing Pol Deb to an end, after the actions of a few community members? Was Pol Deb really that fragile?
Sorry but I contributed to that forum before becoming disillusioned with it's self-egostroking rhetoric threads. I thought perhaps some fluke of reality would allow politics to be debated on the internet without degenerating into a slanging match. I was of course, wrong. I stopped posting and made my views on the forum as a whole and your moderation clear to the appropriate parties, including yourself.
And again.. we have the flip-side of the coin. Perhaps Pol-Deb was detracting from PSU. I personally found the overbearing pseudo-intellectual hostility in that place very reminiscent of the Official Forums (to those who haven't cottoned on yet.. that's not a compliment). It was in my view not in keeping with the rest of the general community spirit. Gangs of e-thugs, prejudice, discrimination, polarized extremist views and overall a general air of bastard-dom, is not really what PSU is about. Pol Deb could be considered a black mark on the PSU canvas.
As a final note.. as far as I'm concerned, views like 'We should nuke Mecca to stop the terrorists' belong in lunatic asylums, not PSU.
2004-12-21, 09:36 PM
So you didn't like the Poli-debate forum.. you thought it was BS..
Why did ANYONE ObFrog, Hazzy TB.. why make things ugly for those quite happy. Because you "found it absurd"?
Thats crap. Ya, real adding to PSU, ruin something for others cause you didn't like it.
Right on.
I havn't once said PolDeb was bullshit. Yet again you pull facts out of your arse.
I didn't make anything ugly. Give me proof that I did. Quote some posts that you found SO FUCKING HORRIBLE THAT YOU COULDN'T MODERATE, OR EITHER BRING YOURSELF AROUND TO PMING ME A WARNING. I'm guessing that's what my posts did, since you didn't moderate a single one. You didn't even send me a warning.
Why is that? If you had given me a PM warning, I would've promptly stopped posting in PolDeb. I didn't see anyone objecting to my posts either. There was no-one going "OH SHIT, THIS POST OFFENDS ME SO MUCH. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT VIC". There wasn't. Was there? No. Stop bringing my name into this. I'm fucking sick of it.
I'm fucking sick of you.
I'm fucking sick of Doppler.
I'm fucking sick of this PolDeb shens all together.
2004-12-21, 09:38 PM
Mr Vicchio.. don't you find it just a tad odd that you seemingly caved in and resigned, thus bringing Pol Deb to an end, after the actions of a few community members? Was Pol Deb really that fragile?
Sorry but I contributed to that forum before becoming disillusioned with it's self-egostroking rhetoric threads. I thought perhaps some fluke of reality would allow politics to be debated on the internet without degenerating into a slanging match. I was of course, wrong. I stopped posting and made my views on the forum as a whole and your moderation clear to the appropriate parties, including yourself.
And again.. we have the flip-side of the coin. Perhaps Pol-Deb was detracting from PSU. I personally found the overbearing pseudo-intellectual hostility in that place very reminiscent of the Official Forums (to those who haven't cottoned on yet.. that's not a compliment). It was in my view not in keeping with the rest of the general community spirit. Gangs of e-thugs, prejudice, discrimination, polarized extremist views and overall a general air of bastard-dom, is not really what PSU is about. Pol Deb could be considered a black mark on the PSU canvas.
As a final note.. as far as I'm concerned, views like 'We should nuke Mecca to stop the terrorists' belong in lunatic asylums, not PSU.
I just got too god damn frustrated with the seemingly endless pile of ignorance and childish mudslinging that I noticed in there. Meh, 'tis in the past.
2004-12-21, 09:41 PM
oddfish, put simply, those were my reasons for stopping posting.
However, Vic and Doppler's self-styled conspiracy theory that all us malcontent lefty-commie terrorist scum plotted against Pol Deb and brought it crashing down through all manner of henious and evil schemes, is absolutely absurd. Like I said in the first place, I stopped posting, if anything in protest of the ludicrious stuff that was going on in that forum. Next thing I know it's been shut down and Doppler's slobbering all over me with Vic egging him on from the sidelines.
Been a very interesting day, let's put it that way :rolleyes:
2004-12-21, 09:44 PM
that is awesome :fro:
2004-12-21, 09:48 PM
TB, from what I can tell, you're just causing more trouble than anyone else. You aren't contributing to this discussion, you are just causing more problems. Also, I must say you are quite hypocritical. You are saying Doppler is acting all elitest and then you say how awesome you are because you dealt with the OF and are so much better than everyone else because flames don't effect you.And how you are anti-stupid yet you don't even realize your own ignorance in how you are elevating yourself above others because you debated on the OF and our forums are wussy little ones. So just back off man, all you are doing is trying to show off to your little posse of immature members who think it's cool that you are an OF veteran and came over here to tell everyone off. Just back away and don't bother us. If we want to have shouting matches in the Politcal Debate forums, then so be it. Don't come in here yelling at us because we want the forum back and without certain people who think they have the right to come into the forum and screw everything up because they think "it's a black spot on PSU's canvas". Just back off and leave us alone to do our thing. We don't bust into the Lounge posting pointless pictures and useless posts trying to derail threads and with an agenda to get it shut down and the mods to resign. You can keep your comments to yourself about the forum. They aren't helping anyone or getting anything solved. You're only making things more difficult.
Robocop, please don't spam, that is awefully annoying.
2004-12-21, 09:56 PM
I just got this PM.
So whose USA Worker?
good riddance
funny how you paint yourself a victim when in reality your nothing but a loser on a power trip. Moderator Vic, what a joke. Go ahead and tell us who as the right to be married. The only thing you know about marriage is how to fail at it.
2004-12-21, 09:59 PM
Even a little fun teasing has it's limits, people. Seriously.
2004-12-21, 10:01 PM
give her the money back, she donated for a service and now the service has been revoked
as far as vic leaving, good riddance, maybe now he can defend the country instead of posting his constant rightwing drivel while wasting tax payer's hard earned money
2004-12-21, 10:01 PM
with an agenda to get it shut down and the mods to resign.
ObFrog, didn't run me off, I left because that forum was bigger then me.
2004-12-21, 10:03 PM
Bloody hell.
Is this what always happens when I go away? People find the audacity to badmouth?
Tisk, tisk.
I'm still on vacation so I'll be brief.
Assigning blame and talking shit about other people is retarded, for the very simple reason that Mr.Vicchio chose to resign. Despite the popular claim that I "forced him out" (how flattering to think that I have such power over other people), Vicchio is not a man to be swayed by popular opinion, especially the opinion of someone who belongs to the Democratic party. So your implications are not only sleazy, but they are incredibly childish.
People need to stop taking themselves so damned seriously.
And with that, I resume my vacation.
2004-12-21, 10:07 PM
So you didn't like the Poli-debate forum.. you thought it was BS..
Why did ANYONE ObFrog, Hazzy TB.. why make things ugly for those quite happy. Because you "found it absurd"?
Thats crap. Ya, real adding to PSU, ruin something for others cause you didn't like it.
Right on.
The terrorists, ironically, have won.
2004-12-21, 10:07 PM
And with that, I resume my vacation.
Have fun Trig. God knows you've earned it with PSUMA.
2004-12-21, 10:09 PM
The terrorists, ironically, have won.
ObFrog [Headshot] Mr. Vic
2004-12-21, 10:11 PM
Have a good vacation Triggar.
2004-12-21, 10:31 PM
This thread sucks.
2004-12-21, 11:50 PM
Vic was the one person I actually got along with back when PD was civilized, oh wait never mind, it never was.
2004-12-22, 05:55 AM
I'm coming a little late, but whatever...
Several times I wondered about MrVicchio's neutrality, espescially when guys like Shoey were around, and some of his views were for me a little too partisan to belong to a moderator, but overall that's all the bad things I can say about him. His opinion on most subject were driving me nuts, and I would like him to watch a little less Foxnews, but I've also come to realize that a debate without guys like him is boring.
I had little interest with threads like "Don't forget to say Merry Christmas...", because there is nothing more likely to turn into a flame war, and it's mostly based on opinions, not facts, and as such hardly debatable. I hadn't read it before the forum got locked, but I can see how badly those threads had turned.
IMHO, Triggar isn't responsible for it. Her posts were a little less argumentative of late, but weren't that much of personnal attacks.
MrVicchio, I got one question for you: Why haven't you banned the Trolls, rather than quit? They gave you amples reasons for it.
2004-12-22, 06:07 AM
Shadow, I'll tell ya two things:
1. Moderator on that forum was agreed when it started not to mean that I couldn't post in the forum and express my views, it was just to control "out of control" situations and deal with problems should they arise" I never ever moderatored based on someones views.
2. I was in the process of dealing with the trolls, but the moment I began to deal with the issue, in the moderator forum privvy to us mods, a thread was started screaming I was being a Nazi and upsetting the "community". If I did anything, it was used to slam me for being a "nazi" If I did nothing, it got worse. Hamma said from day one, don't bring poli-debate issues up to me, handle them yourselves (there were three of us in the beginning.) I have lived by that as best as I could.
2004-12-22, 06:23 AM
TB, from what I can tell, you're just causing more trouble than anyone else. You aren't contributing to this discussion, you are just causing more problems. Also, I must say you are quite hypocritical. You are saying Doppler is acting all elitest and then you say how awesome you are because you dealt with the OF and are so much better than everyone else because flames don't effect you.And how you are anti-stupid yet you don't even realize your own ignorance in how you are elevating yourself above others because you debated on the OF and our forums are wussy little ones. So just back off man, all you are doing is trying to show off to your little posse of immature members who think it's cool that you are an OF veteran and came over here to tell everyone off. Just back away and don't bother us. If we want to have shouting matches in the Politcal Debate forums, then so be it. Don't come in here yelling at us because we want the forum back and without certain people who think they have the right to come into the forum and screw everything up because they think "it's a black spot on PSU's canvas". Just back off and leave us alone to do our thing. We don't bust into the Lounge posting pointless pictures and useless posts trying to derail threads and with an agenda to get it shut down and the mods to resign. You can keep your comments to yourself about the forum. They aren't helping anyone or getting anything solved. You're only making things more difficult.
Robocop, please don't spam, that is awefully annoying.
As far as I'm concerned if you wish to take my posts that way then that really is your own problem (and it always has been, with you and certain other members of PolDeb). There is no elitism, just a warning. A simple warning that you're dealing with someone who won't back down at the first sign of a flame. Seems Doppler took that advice and got out while he could.
I'm not elevating myself above anyone, but ask anyone and they'll say when it comes to flamewars, debates and general silliness I'm not too bad at it. Doppler apparently wasn't pleased when I didn't bend over and take it at the first sign of a fight, apparently you're not particularly pleased either.
Your post demonstrated the entire tapestry of hypocrisy that was present in PolDeb very nicely. This attitude 'I do not like your views therefore you will be quiet'. Yet you speak of proper debate? How obvious does your own failing need to be before you realize it?
You think people came in there to screw it up? Some kind of amazing terrorist conspiracy? Get a grip! There was no conspiracy. There was no effort to screw that forum up. That forum reached the dizzying heights of complete stupidity and then imploded. MrVic said he resigned of his own accord, therefore there was no 'forcing out' as some crazed people will have you believe. There was no conspiracy, there are no giant space-lizards, so you can drop that particular line of paranoia right now.
You my friend are nothing but arrogant with your 'My views are ok but you should keep yours to yourself, they're helping no-one.. and I'm somehow in a position to dictate that for the rest of the forum'.
BS, that's what I call. You're no better than I am, your opinions are no more or less valuable. You talk of elitism and then practice it yourself. You talk of debate and then attempt to silence the opposing side. Do I have to draw pictures to demonstrate to you just what a stinking web of hypocrisy you've got yourself caught in?
Reader's Digest Version : There was no conspiracy to destroy PolDeb. Those who believe otherwise are paranoid and dilusional. There is no evidence to suggest a conspiracy. MrVic stated himself that he resigned of his own accord. There was no effort to force him out. In reality most of this disillusioned with PolDeb simply stopped posting, myself included. Deep is elitist and a hypocrite, just like Doppler. He believes he can dictate the views of others. He is mistaken.
2004-12-22, 06:43 AM
"The Ringing In My Ears" - Her Space Holiday
Oops, wrong overblown thread.
2004-12-22, 08:59 AM
Sorry about the large text, but I feel that's the only way to get my point across to ignorant cunts, I.E most of the people that have posted in this thread.
2004-12-22, 09:10 AM
Wrong there guy, ObFrog was PM'd and asked to remove one offensive line from a post he made, his response was "This means war Mister" (rough translation from the web of his french)
His reponse was to ignore the PM and instead went to Triggar who subsequently posted a "Nazi Admin" complaint against me in the Mod Forum.
Get your facts lined up guy.
2004-12-22, 09:28 AM
USAWorker, didn't your ass get banned for being a jackoff who even called himself a worker of a nationality that was not his own. I may be getting my leftwingers mixed up, but aren't you from France? If you are (if you aren't I apologize, it's my mistake), why call yourself USA worker, not PCRoFWorker? Just seems a bit odd to me.
It was either you or jacen who got banned for making an extremely offensive comment about Vic's divorce. You both disappeared around the same time, so I can't remember which of you it was.
2004-12-22, 09:29 AM
Wrong there guy, ObFrog was PM'd and asked to remove one offensive line from a post he made, his response was "This means war Mister" (rough translation from the web of his french)
His reponse was to ignore the PM and instead went to Triggar who subsequently posted a "Nazi Admin" complaint against me in the Mod Forum.
Get your facts lined up guy.
So. ObFrog and Triggar were the reasons you resigned? I thought you said they weren't. No, wait. I'm pretty sure you said that they weren't. There's a quote a little bit further down.
This isn't right. You're the one who should get his facts right. You're flying all over the place.
And arn't you forgetting me? After all, I was susposedly part of that "Hardcore Communist Derailing Commando" Cell.
EDIT: I may have misinterpreted. If that's the case: Asking him to remove one line from something isn't really warning him. You gave him a choice. He chose not to. It's your fault in the end. :nodrama:
2004-12-22, 09:34 AM
Ok i think everybody should come down a bit its xmas time so just be nice to other People :love:
2004-12-22, 09:40 AM
Ok i think everybody should come down a bit its xmas time so just be nice to other People :love:
I'd love that to happen, but I don't think it's going to. Sorry.
2004-12-22, 09:58 AM
No Hezzy, it was a long list of issues over time. Hamma and I talked, he knows whats up with why I resigned, and to be honest I was gonna walk away. Never return.
But my email kept getting PM's and stright Emails from people here saying "Vic, this sucks man, you were good gonna mis the forum.."
And well, we'll see what happens.
Don't get a big head, you or ObFrog, it was not any one person, post or issue that caused this. Call it what ever you like, but when people like you, with less then "10 posts in there" BOTHER to come down just to insult me, that took away from the purpose of the forum. To debate politics.
When ObFrog, (25 posts in 12 days) that were little more then non-sense and insults, bothers to make the forum a "miserable" place. Something is wrong.
When the purpose of the forum is being undermined by MULTIPLE people, and when I stepped up to deal with the problem, I got back doored for it, somethings wrong.
I cannot do my job as a Mod if everytime I take any action it's being sent to a non-political debate mod who then brings it up in the closed forum, my hands are tied.
I only brought you up for that Pic Hezzy, not cause it in and of itself bothered me, what bothered me was you and a few others felt it worth your time to come down and insult me for kicks.
2004-12-22, 10:03 AM
No Hezzy, it was a long list of issues over time. Hamma and I talked, he knows whats up with why I resigned, and to be honest I was gonna walk away. Never return.
But my email kept getting PM's and stright Emails from people here saying "Vic, this sucks man, you were good gonna mis the forum.."
And well, we'll see what happens.
Don't get a big head, you or ObFrog, it was not any one person, post or issue that caused this. Call it what ever you like, but when people like you, with less then "10 posts in there" BOTHER to come down just to insult me, that took away from the purpose of the forum. To debate politics.
When ObFrog, (25 posts in 12 days) that were little more then non-sense and insults, bothers to make the forum a "miserable" place. Something is wrong.
When the purpose of the forum is being undermined by MULTIPLE people, and when I stepped up to deal with the problem, I got back doored for it, somethings wrong.
I cannot do my job as a Mod if everytime I take any action it's being sent to a non-political debate mod who then brings it up in the closed forum, my hands are tied.
I only brought you up for that Pic Hezzy, not cause it in and of itself bothered me, what bothered me was you and a few others felt it worth your time to come down and insult me for kicks.
2004-12-22, 10:29 AM
I've had about enough of this, if and when the forums do re-open a select few will be unable to view it.
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