View Full Version : Stop The Whining! Now1111111111
2004-12-21, 08:29 PM
Well, just got my fucking credit card back from my bank, took 3 months. Anyways I missed like all the festivities and now that I can almost get back in, have to wait till the 3rd, the stupid whine clan has made it their goal to nerf the BFRs. This pisses me off to no end. I still cant belive the Devs support the fucking whinning and nerf. Wow way to be the bitch of some rabid idiotic, ramboo wanna be, self serving, douche bags....
Ahhh that feels a little better. Why the fuck do you guys let the whinners get away with that shit on the public forum? Obviously the devs are to weak and stupid to be anyone else but followers, doesnt mean they dont deserve some good leadership. Ill be back in a couple weeks, pave the way children, we have strayed far, and we where doing so well!
2004-12-21, 08:45 PM
they want to hear what the majority of the people (the whiners and idiots)
think and want to keep them playing, though I think bfrs shouldnt be removed
2004-12-21, 08:51 PM
Um... am I still in the lounge?
2004-12-21, 09:26 PM
Sadly, yes.
2004-12-21, 09:42 PM
2004-12-21, 10:02 PM
Um... am I still in the lounge?
Hamma needs to re-align the fourm's flux capacitor, there have been recent analmolies fuck it, im to tired to spell you know what the fuck I mean. Analmolies sound like a furry Tamagachi for your bum hole.
2004-12-21, 11:28 PM
Sorry Lusence, the facts speak against you. With the steady downhill fall in participation from launch (Launch had Cont. Locks every half hour it was so bad) and the beta days (which were so much superior to the current version) until now (BFRs suck badly) the community has seen this game's worst days. I'm not saying PS is dead. Hell no, I hope it doesn't die ever! But I think the Devs should take a hands-off approach when adding new and certainly controversial content (BFRs). Take this motto: "Don't fix what isn't broken." Too many complicated things makes this game, and all other games, unenjoyable to play. Take CS and World of Warcraft, for instance. In CS's earlier days, the goal was to capture hostages or plant a bomb or kill the other team using skill and wits and a choice of about 20-21 guns. That's not really alot when you keep using them and using them and using them, but hell it was fun to play because you could do some wacky stuff and see some ass being kicked. World of Warcraft gave you about half as many things to do as Star Wars Galaxies, but it was more refined and there was a huge expanse, there wasn't more stuff, it was just better in WoW. This is what made PS's first days great! You had warp gates and HARTS and Galaxies and Reavers and Vanguards and Infiltrators and I just can't start. No Battle Islands or Caverns or LLUs (but they were a new twist that I kinda liked) or Liberators and Lodestars (but Libs and Lodes added a vital part to the air superiority part), and it was FUN!
This isn't necessarily the Dev's choices or the BFR's implementation that is causing the amount of subscribers to drop off, but a combination. Personally, I was here for the Closed beta, and BFRs have got to go or else because we are on a slippery slope as is! This could still be one of the best MMOs in existance, but the community and the developers and even SOE itself needs to get back to the basics and make this an enjoyable game again.
PS to SOE: Cut funding to EQ2 because WoW utterly owns it and send all that money to PS where it can massacre what EQ2 did.
2004-12-21, 11:57 PM
You really think the developers care what some people on a forum think about the game's balance?
You really think the developers care what some people on a forum think about the game?
If they really did care, they would have raided the idea lab and implemented those ideas long ago. Aka: urban fighting, flying med ships, territory capping, naval ships, the list is endless. The problem is that the devs implement these new ideas (BFRs, Core Combat, etc) without really considering what effect they will have. The test server is not an accurate account of what will happen once it's implemented, Especially with BFRs. (Everyone was just amazed during the playtest, saying how much they loved devs, etc.) They aren't looking at raw statistics and comparing every single weapon and how they will be impacted. I am sorry, but if they don't pull their act together soon, then I'm gone. I think at this point they should start working on PS 2, so they can update the engine (it's horrible) and be able to market it as a new game. They could just transfer over the accounts of people so we don't lose our hard earned work. Wheeew
2004-12-22, 01:39 AM
Warborn, that was completely unnecessary. I really don't care about the idea lab, I was simply citing it. If you have nothing further to contribute, then be quiet. My point was that fan based sites like that are so entirely devoted to getting the devs attention (the forum post on this site is at like 39 pages or something) that it is really sad when the devs pay them no heed. I am just sad that the devs choose to listen to the whiners instead or the people with actual ideas.
2004-12-22, 09:49 AM
Simma down, please.
He's right. There should be less "OMG PS HAS GONE DOWN THE TOILET! I QUIT" and "OMG BFRS ARE SO OVERPOWERED" posts. I don't care what people think in those respects. I doubt anyone else in the forum does either.
If you're going to leave PS, do it quietly so other people can still enjoy the game. The last thing people need to see is some 10 year old with a basic grasp on the english language going on an angst filled rant about how "Weapons are too powerful" because he sucks so much. That may not be the reason for all those posts, but you can see the basic concept behind it. Accept it. No-one cares whether you leave PS or not.
The BFR issue. I'm sick and tired of seeing posts and threads about this. It's gotten to the point where I couldn't care less about BFRs or balance. I'm sick of the whining about them. I'm sure the devs are too. You might not think they're balanced. Fair enough. There's no need to reiterate that in your posts in every vaguely BFR related thread.
2004-12-22, 10:39 AM
Squeeky wheel gets the oil...
2004-12-22, 11:19 AM
All MMOs have whiners, all MMOs have people who think the devs don't care about the game, all MMOs have "I've quit because I don't like the game... *bash devs*" threads.
You just have to hope the devs have enough sense to ignore such posts and concentrate on the good ideas which are provided by their community, and the posts which provide constructive criticism.
2004-12-22, 02:18 PM
Squeeky wheel gets the oil...
Nope, because the forums aren't an accurate representation of the player-base, being such a small sample of the overall community. Even if people on forums actually knew what was best for the game (which in most cases they don't) people on forums swinging one way doesn't at all signify that the way they're swinging is what would be most popular with players on the whole.
After all, I'm sure we could have easily gotten a few dozen people to post and say they think BFRs should be removed, but removing BFRs would be a huge mistake. There are also plenty of people who want Surge back. The squeeky wheel absolutely does not get the grease.
Sometimes a change occurs that there happened to have been some forum support for, and people balk at the devs "listening to the whiners". But the majority of the time changes occur which nobody ever asked for really, or talked about much at all, and nobody notices.
Warborn, that was completely unnecessary. I really don't care about the idea lab, I was simply citing it. If you have nothing further to contribute, then be quiet. My point was that fan based sites like that are so entirely devoted to getting the devs attention (the forum post on this site is at like 39 pages or something) that it is really sad when the devs pay them no heed. I am just sad that the devs choose to listen to the whiners instead or the people with actual ideas.
You've mentioned the Idea Lab on several occassions. Please, we both know what your opinion of it is.
You also have no idea if the developers have paid it attention. No, they haven't given their job to Hayoo and opted to do whatever he put on the site, but that doesn't mean they haven't seen what he's done and perhaps been influenced by it.
And I think I addressed the whiners point amply in the other part of this post. It's funny, with all the remove BFRs posts, BFRs are still in. With all the "we didn't ask for bailing malfunction! take it out!" posts, bailing is still in. Do I need to continue over the dozens of other changes that nobody asked for, and some people opposed on the forums? Or how about all the posts with many replies asking for some feature or change that was never added to the game after all? And yet people still think the developers only listen to the whiners. Sigh.
2004-12-22, 05:25 PM
This brings up the argument most often used in politics...
Can 59 million people be wrong? Or is the the 52 other million's fault?
We need to unite behind a common banner and quit the whole BFR's suck thing because the more the devs worry about how we're going to complain they less they might do because they're scared they might mess it up worse making an even bigger mess. If we didn't have so much god damn bashing, PS would be owning all. Seriously, Dev's tweak all you wish, but let us know how it's going to work IN GAME in COMBAT situations under HEAVY FIRE. AFter all, that's what modern weapons producers put their products through. The worst possible conditions to see if it can weather the storm.
P.S. Phantasm looks like a great idea.
2004-12-22, 05:29 PM
All MMOs have whiners, all MMOs have people who think the devs don't care about the game, all MMOs have "I've quit because I don't like the game... *bash devs*" threads.
You just have to hope the devs have enough sense to ignore such posts and concentrate on the good ideas which are provided by their community, and the posts which provide constructive criticism.
qf to the fucking t
2004-12-22, 08:12 PM
[edit]I wanna delete what this post...
2004-12-25, 01:24 AM
was it flies with honey or viniger? cant remember.
This convo seems way more constructive when im not slaying everyone....
2004-12-25, 09:31 AM
Go Warborn, it's ya birthday, Go Warborn, it's ya birthday, go war....
(egg nogg, Dayum!)
2004-12-25, 06:42 PM
So let me guess...
The Vanu BFR is going to be nerfed worse than the rest. Im just guessing here.
Seems to me that the people get all hyped up and piss them selves when they sea peeps using briight flashy laser guns. Now imagine some flashy armor and sparky guns on a big ole roobot that can fly. I can hear the shit bricks hitting the ground from here. So is the VS BFR going to get the mag.lash treatment?
This blows, I knew by the time I come back the BFR are really going to be big fucking retards, just like TB. HAHA :p
By the TB you should look for perhaps a job that pays decent, um like perhaps you can write insults on bathroom stalls. You seem very prepared for that type of beef. :eek:
2004-12-25, 07:16 PM
The VS BFR, the one BFR to RULE THEM ALL.
2004-12-26, 09:34 AM
Im getting excited to try out the BFRs! I saw that video on the OF and the way they move is awsome. I really still cant belive how much people whine when the devs add new things. Poor guys are probally afraid of half of the gaming population because they can never do anything right. How about I say YAY devs for taking HUGE steps in the right direction. Im glad I saw the end of the world but still dont want to get back to nerfed BFRs. And I hope the devs keep adding stuff just as impactfull. Like battle cruisers would be hot hot hot.
How about making a sort of mod that allows player to use a new vehicle like a bulldozer and this can make trenches and baracades in certain mapped areas and only certain people can use them. They would be really slow and really hard to destroy because they only make geo changes. Then the INF could utilize the fox holes and trenches etc. It would reset at the end of the day.. Umm due to the debris that we dont see that fill the holes. Ummm all those dead bodies and destroyed vehicles gotta go somewhere ;) jk Also for the poor poor inf how about smoke gernades?
2004-12-26, 09:47 AM
wait... so you've never even seen a bfr ingame, yet you already have an opinion on whether or not they should be nerfed? :huh:
2004-12-26, 09:56 AM
No i have not played them yet. Can you understand where im coming from? Nevermind...
Might as well put a few of you on ignore. I tried to reason, i tried to fight, now im just going to pretend you are what you are. Nothing. No offence, like dont spend your precious time thinking of the all time best come back. If im such and idiot etc then why waste your time talking to me? Wouldnt that make you an idiots jester?
2004-12-26, 11:17 AM
No i have not played them yet. Can you understand where im coming from? Nevermind...
....Nope. :huh:
2004-12-26, 11:20 AM
:rofl: hahaha this is briliant. Absolutly golden. Here we have a person who bases everything they know on the movie and say the BFRs didnt need to get nerfed. Lemmi tell you something. Those god damn things needed to be beat to shit with a nerf bat. I was part of one of the best outfits in the game, I am not a nub or a retard, anyone here who has ever played with me can vouch for that. I normaly had a 3 : 1 ratio when I was ground pounding, and a 5 - 8 : 1 when I did my air cav thing. Then the BFRs came. It gave people an absolutly no skill way to kill everything in the game with ease.
PS has always been based that just because you are 8 years older char that a nub can still rape you. You are still just as easy to kill as he is to you. But suddenly the devs decided that anyone who is more than 3 weeks old (an estimate) and has the cert points can cert in BFRs, then go to the caves, get imprinted and.... WOAH!!!! SKILLESS KILL SPAM. Its akin to a superpowered flying reaver vanguard jachhammer combo. It CAN be killed, but its incredibly dificult to do unless you built your charcter to JUST do that.
The bitching people do is justified. The BFRs were overpowered cans of shit. They DONT look cool, they have REALLY crappy movement animations, and they ruin the gameplay. Are they cool? Fuck yes. But do they make the game fun? Only for the pilots.
Facts are that the devs do read the forums. They will read this very post, and they most likly will find it hilarious that you havnt played the game yet you thing they people yelling about BFRs are morrons. Play the game, get raped a million times and have no chanse of lifting a siege on your base THEN you can say that they are morrons.
P.S. Read forum labels.
2004-12-26, 11:24 AM
I think the BFRs look cool :(
Bitching is never justified, constructive criticism should be welcomed whenever possible however :)
2004-12-26, 11:25 AM
No i have not played them yet. Can you understand where im coming from? Nevermind...
Might as well put a few of you on ignore. I tried to reason, i tried to fight, now im just going to pretend you are what you are. Nothing. No offence, like dont spend your precious time thinking of the all time best come back. If im such and idiot etc then why waste your time talking to me? Wouldnt that make you an idiots jester?
2004-12-26, 02:17 PM
The only BFR I like to look at is the Colossus...and they are getting rid of it...
2004-12-26, 04:58 PM
:rofl: hahaha this is briliant. Absolutly golden. Here we have a person who bases everything they know on the movie and say the BFRs didnt need to get nerfed. Lemmi tell you something. Those god damn things needed to be beat to shit with a nerf bat. I was part of one of the best outfits in the game, I am not a nub or a retard, anyone here who has ever played with me can vouch for that. I normaly had a 3 : 1 ratio when I was ground pounding, and a 5 - 8 : 1 when I did my air cav thing. Then the BFRs came. It gave people an absolutly no skill way to kill everything in the game with ease.
PS has always been based that just because you are 8 years older char that a nub can still rape you. You are still just as easy to kill as he is to you. But suddenly the devs decided that anyone who is more than 3 weeks old (an estimate) and has the cert points can cert in BFRs, then go to the caves, get imprinted and.... WOAH!!!! SKILLESS KILL SPAM. Its akin to a superpowered flying reaver vanguard jachhammer combo. It CAN be killed, but its incredibly dificult to do unless you built your charcter to JUST do that.
The bitching people do is justified. The BFRs were overpowered cans of shit. They DONT look cool, they have REALLY crappy movement animations, and they ruin the gameplay. Are they cool? Fuck yes. But do they make the game fun? Only for the pilots.
Facts are that the devs do read the forums. They will read this very post, and they most likly will find it hilarious that you havnt played the game yet you thing they people yelling about BFRs are morrons. Play the game, get raped a million times and have no chanse of lifting a siege on your base THEN you can say that they are morrons.
P.S. Read forum labels.
No, the devs would probally marvel at my insight. I dont even have to play them to know the PS forum side public whine more than they play. Well, alot of them. Same ole story. Ive heard it all before with almost every PS weapon and the nerfs have always made them less fun to pilot and use. People wanted better weapons. People wanted heavy tanks. People dont what whinning and nerfing. Period.
2004-12-26, 05:12 PM
This guy seems to be mistaking this forum for the Official Forums.
Someone point him in the right direction will ya? In his infinite wisdom, nubbins here has me on ignore :rolleyes:
2004-12-26, 05:36 PM
Think about it. Think about people. Think about balance.
For example. My kill count on average was about 10-1 and I mainly used UNI AIR CAV and CE. Sometimes Id pop up to 30-1 when i stopped trying. Now translate this over to me using a BFR. Lets say I can hold a 30-1 avg with it. Where as another guy with less experiance with games or PS could only hold half that. Now should I have to suffer cause im better than this guy at playing the FPS? Because when people start nerfing things that is exactly what happens. Cut out the skillfull players and watch them flock the FPS with no monthly charge...
2004-12-26, 05:42 PM
Think about it. Think about people. Think about balance.
For example. My kill count on average was about 10-1 and I mainly used UNI AIR CAV and CE. Sometimes Id pop up to 30-1 when i stopped trying. Now translate this over to me using a BFR. Lets say I can hold a 30-1 avg with it. Where as another guy with less experiance with games or PS could only hold half that. Now should I have to suffer cause im better than this guy at playing the FPS? Because when people start nerfing things that is exactly what happens. Cut out the skillfull players and watch them flock the FPS with no monthly charge...
what in the hell are you talking about
2004-12-26, 05:52 PM
He's talking about being a skilled player and then saying he's a UniMaxer and Rocketspammer.
What a joke :rofl:
2004-12-26, 07:33 PM
Not only does nerfing cut the skill lvl. It placates the populace into thinking they are tougher and smarter than they are. :stupid:
2004-12-26, 07:35 PM
I get it now, you are someone who reged a new account here to get a rise out of us...
2004-12-26, 07:38 PM
Not only does nerfing cut the skill lvl. It placates the populace into thinking they are tougher and smarter than they are. :stupid:
what the hell are you talking about?
2004-12-26, 07:42 PM
my friend,
got a rise out of me.
Nah I just like to speak my mind on matters and talk shit to the shit talkers, untill the square dance gets old i guess.
If i wanted to be a pest id go to other peoples threads and just talk shit completly off topic and never speak my mind on inventions concerning making PS a better game for U and Me. But thats just me. I live to create as well as destroy.
2004-12-26, 08:42 PM
My Idea: Go to the OF, because the devs never even read these threads, nor these forums. If you want to make a point, go there.
2004-12-26, 11:54 PM
I like this site alot. So i post here. I would post on the OF forum, but i thought i already said this a few times, i cant play untill the 3rd of next month... :cheers:
2004-12-27, 12:54 AM
Well obviously you have been yourself in a bad spot by insulting everyone that even makes a harmless joke to you. You may not care what we think, but the Mods care what you post, just a warning though, keep going in this direction and you'll be seeing banstick.
But, welcome to the community, buttsechs?
2004-12-27, 09:28 AM
No i have not played them yet. Can you understand where im coming from? Nevermind...
Might as well put a few of you on ignore. I tried to reason, i tried to fight, now im just going to pretend you are what you are. Nothing. No offence, like dont spend your precious time thinking of the all time best come back. If im such and idiot etc then why waste your time talking to me? Wouldnt that make you an idiots jester?
Lusence I hate you, words can't describe my feelings, you have the dumbest posts I have ever had the displeasure to read, why do I waste my time on you? because I have nothing better to do and you are getting on my damn nerves. You want to be the center of attention even if that means flamming but all that will get you is ignored... I've never done this to anyone, mainly because everyone here has atleast SOME logic behind their posts and complaints but you... you just talk shit to talk... leave now and unsubscribe ps or better yet destroy your computer now....
2004-12-27, 05:54 PM
Lusence I hate you, words can't describe my feelings, you have the dumbest posts I have ever had the displeasure to read, why do I waste my time on you? because I have nothing better to do and you are getting on my damn nerves. You want to be the center of attention even if that means flamming but all that will get you is ignored... I've never done this to anyone, mainly because everyone here has atleast SOME logic behind their posts and complaints but you... you just talk shit to talk... leave now and unsubscribe ps or better yet destroy your computer now....
"somones a negative nancy. turn that frown upside down."
If you hate me for what ive posted in like 1 day you need to get outside more. Im actually pretty tame and my soul, only slightly leperese.
2004-12-27, 06:06 PM
ive only ignored a handfull of you. big deal. try ignoring people.
Monthly World population figures:
07/01/04 6,372,797,742
08/01/04 6,379,026,080
09/01/04 6,385,254,418
10/01/04 6,391,281,842
11/01/04 6,397,510,180
12/01/04 6,403,537,604
01/01/05 6,409,765,942
02/01/05 6,415,994,280
03/01/05 6,421,619,875
04/01/05 6,427,848,214
05/01/05 6,433,875,637
06/01/05 6,440,103,976
07/01/05 6,446,131,400
2004-12-27, 06:10 PM
talking to some of these guys cant be health. weak shit man. weak shit. :D
2004-12-27, 06:10 PM
2004-12-27, 08:23 PM
Why hasn't someone banned/locked this post yet?
2004-12-27, 08:29 PM
It's a joke so far inside, Hamma thinks it is a forum function he turned on last week.
2004-12-28, 08:35 AM
Why hasn't someone banned/locked this post yet?
I intend to answer this now....
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