View Full Version : How many anti-bfr people have ever certed in BFR??
2004-12-23, 09:49 AM
I'm just curious becuase I haven't talked to anyone yet that got to feel the awesome power of the BFR yet still wants them to be nerfed... But there could be someone out there...
2004-12-23, 10:00 AM
2004-12-23, 10:01 AM
I should have put that in the poll :/
2004-12-23, 09:03 PM
I'm anti-bfr, but wanted to try it out anyway
it suckzored, uncerted after one day
2004-12-23, 09:21 PM
I think they're good for the game but they can really ruin a fight for us sniping/spec assault people.
2004-12-24, 01:02 AM
You gotta use it for more than a day. BFR's really suck until you get Adv. I originally got the BFR just for the merrit and I was pretty anti-BFR. Once I got Adv. I found how fun it was too use an eagle/sentinal. Good times. I recommend that everyone who is anti-bfr to try it out until they get Adv.
2004-12-24, 03:02 AM
I tried BFR, uncerted it the next day then decided to go for adv BFr...what a waste of time. I got more kills with my Cycler.
2004-12-24, 09:39 AM
Yea ADV BFR is where the fun is to be had, being able to jump into battle, fire, then jump away while shooting is fun to me ^_^
2004-12-24, 11:45 AM
To make sure I was not talking out my ass when saying I think brfs ruin gameplay, I made a brand new char, got it 10 cave hacks and br 11 in 2 days of casual play, certed bfr, went 82/0 and almost fell asleep playing.
Seriously, how can you stand using them? It was not particularly hard to avoid deci drops, there was pretty much no way to die as long as I made proper decisions and wasting everything that moved in front of me in seconds while remaining near-invulnerable made me sick.
I have not used that alt since. And it did nothing but convince me that they have no place in this game and just ruin potentially good fights.
2004-12-25, 03:30 PM
I feel rewarded when I kill a BFR, you get so much exp. and they don't kill me more or less then other vehicles.
2004-12-29, 09:35 AM
i agree that they do get pretty boring after a while. the other day i was 82-2 in my invader. the 2 deaths were from me trying to get to the terminal. once i got it, i cleared the courtyard or tanks, thank god there was few infantry, switched to burster attachment and cannon, cleared the air, repaired and was on my way.
they are pretty overpowered against vehicles whereas i could do that plus the unfair ability for me to be able to stand near the silo and swap between aa and av, jump., kill stuff, land switch, jump rinse repeat. after i got so many kills i just jumped it to max altitude and bailed it over a tower. i felt no challenge anymore.
i only use my invader now against other bfrs. if i want to take armor to the front lines, its a gunner varient or prowler which are more fun. I also rarely use it to attack troops. only target vehicles unless pedestrians shoot at me, then i have no choice. i have many times walked away from a troop battle to wait for a tank.
I am pro bfr but i think they shouldnt be involved in the infantry fight. they should be vehicle on vehicle machines. like they made the TR pounder so weak against infantry so they are only decently effective against what they are made for. Giving bfr's AI weapons promotes killwhoring infantry.
P.S. Sorry for teh long post.
2004-12-29, 10:17 AM
I think it's a damn shame that the BRFs were ever nerfed at all. It shows the negative attitude of the Planetside community. They meet a challenge, and even before trying to beat them, to plan out a way of defeating them, they all rush to the forums and go "Nerf teh BFRS!" If they had remained the way they were, we'd probably have a lot more TEAMWORK and SKILL back in the community. Sure, they were a bit overboard, but I think it's a shame that a tool that can make soldiers revert back to teamwork was just called by all the soldiers to be nerfed. People reading this may think, "Damn you, you BFR Noob!" Yes, I've noobed around in a BFR but I don't do it anymore. I thought it was a hell lot of fun/challenge having a battle with the original BFR.
2004-12-29, 12:48 PM
Nah, they were a tad overpowered when they cam out. Although the nerf bat must be pretty worn by now.
2004-12-29, 02:54 PM
If they had remained the way they were, we'd probably have a lot more TEAMWORK and SKILL back in the community.
How much skill or teamwork was required to run around next to invulnerable with under 1-second ttk's on just about everything? Their armor/driver nerf was well deserved, and forcing them to use gunners first also sets them back into their place. When I first heard of BFRs I was imagining some large multicrew vehicle, not a 1-man flying prowler with higher survivability.
There is no skill requirement for BFRs, a little critical thinking is needed to avoid getting slaughtered by decis maybe, but in terms of teamwork the upper limit of bfr teamwork is standing next to some infantry with HA in case someone deci-drops.
Holding a tower reuires a good deal of skill, tactics and teamwork, so does dropping and taking a tower. 5 aircraft successfully downing 5 enemy aircraft in a straight-up dogfight requires a good deal of skill and teamwork, can you say as much for one solo flight varient launching itself 300m into the air spraying sparrow missiles everywhere? This is a game, and while it is a significant challenge to kill one such FV, it is not fun, nor is it balanced gameplay in the least. A lot of PS's mechanics are based around the idea that certs should not make you win - a br5 should be able to kill a br20/cr5 - you just become more flexable with time. Now how does a 8-cert behemoth that can kill scores of people without breaking a sweat and then run away, while launching itself 200m into the air, as soon as it is <66% HP fit into this game?
BFRs had their nerf more than coming, I am glad they did take them down to a sane level. I wish they could bring back all the people who left through sheer frustration with said noobbots, however it seems we will have to make do.
2004-12-29, 03:36 PM
What I'm saying is that BFRs, the original ones, broughta new challenge to the opponents. In order to defeat one, a squad would really have to work together, and think out how they are going to pull it off. That would have been fun. Also, instead of the nerf, people could have considered other things. This list would have helped the problem that BFRs were just everywhere, the only vehicle that was ever used -
-BFRS only availible to a certain BR/CR
-BFRS only availible after a lot more cavern captures, and with lots more XP in them.
-A player has to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes in between purchasing BFRs
-Adv BFR Merit: 300 kills overall, 50 in 1 hour.
Applying those to the original unnerfed BFRs would have seriosly brought some balance in, and would make any pilot a proud man, since they truly earned it. Also it would have been a fun challenge to get the imprinting if it was much more cave fights.
If forum whiners thought the above to be unacceptable, I'd the absolute PERFECT solution to the original BFR - Take away the shield + take away 10% of armour. The thing worst about them was that it took a poplock on one nme BFR shooting for 5 hours with decis to destroy it. The weapon critirea staying in place would still make it a special thing, but it's dureability was OTT.
All In all to you people who can't read, here's what I think - original BFR aquiration for the original unnerfed BFR should have been made a lot harder to get, as with the merit. If not that, shields+10% of armour should have been removed from the original BFR to balance things out. Instead of all that, the forum whiners destroyed something that could have found a cooler place in the game.
2004-12-29, 04:16 PM
-A player has to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes in between purchasing BFRs
I think this one alone would take care of it, maybe chop it down to an hour or somthing
2004-12-29, 04:29 PM
ye. The thing that annoys me most with the release of the BFRs is indeed how many there are. Ever tried defending a tower durin a moderate+ zerg? not easy is it? WITH TEN BILLION BFRS out there. Suggestion: Take away half the nerfs, double the difficulty of aquirition.
2004-12-29, 08:30 PM
Got 4 left
And Raising the requirements won't do crap
That just gives BFR users a sence of entitlement and justification for crap gameplay.
What you need are solid restrictions.
I'm actually almost pleased with new speed on the Gunner Varient.
35kph is slow.
Now if only they were only availible at Sanc, they might actually have a logistically hard time fielding them.
Flight Varients, are still screwing over the game.
But atleast when they get stupid they aren't near invincible.
But when they have a better chance of escaping a half platoon of armor, thats just screwed up
Infantry? Die quick, and can never get in range
Air? Dual AA fries em pretty quick.
While you can field armor as a direct strategic counter to GVs....
Flight Varients really hav no solid strategic counter.
2004-12-29, 09:32 PM
Maybe they could change it so that the shield goes off-line in flight
2004-12-29, 10:00 PM
There is no real solution other than to remove the Flight Varients.
2005-01-03, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Ridetehlightnin
-BFRS only availible to a certain BR/CR
-A player has to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes in between purchasing BFRs
These would be awesome. I was very anti-bfr when they came out because of how overpowered they were. I got them at one point to try them out for a while. But... I dropped them the next day (can you blame me?). Later on, I decided to bring my BFR back... And I did. I got Adv. BFR after about a week and had some fun. But another week after I got Adv. BFR, I decerted. After the nerf, I decided to try them out one last time. I was so sick of them, I logged, played my alt, slept, went out, did ANYTHING until I could decert. Thank god it didn't take 2 weeks to decert like it did the first time around. :bang:
But even if these changes were made, I still wouldn't recert my old BFR. Sure, I'd have the stripes to show off and I'd certainly be able to, but theres a good 7 reasons I'd never want to use a BFR EVER AGAIN...
BTW each reason is a cert point that I could spend on something else. Something useful. BFR and getting 30 kills in 50 minutes isn't a good use to my empire. Getting 60 kills every hour is. And it goes into a building too!!! =P
Second to lastly, only br20's should be able to purchase a flawless BFR. Anyone under br20 should be able to do so as well, but with those weird malfunctions (from the mayhem). Either way, you'd need the 10 cave caps first.
Lastly, as far as the ADV BFR merit goes, I think that Sony should just get rid of it. Instead, triple the re-purchase timer on flight BFRs. So, say you get a standard (gunner) BFR, it'll only take 50 minutes to get another one afterwards. But, you get a Flight BFR, you have to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes to get another BFR (of any type). That would give something for those pilots to think about.
2005-01-03, 03:44 AM
Basically, this is what I think should be done:
-BFRs restored to when they came out without malfunctions
-No more standard BFRs (already done)
-Gunner BFRs have slower speed (already done)
-Flight BFRs have a "batterdown" time on the flight capacitor. I.E. like the shield. When it goes empty, it takes a while to start charging again.
-Gunner weapons buffed big time (already done)
-The screen shaking to everyone else around the BFR REMOVED
-Increase the cost of basic BFRs to 4 cert points
-Only BR20's can buy flawless BFRs. Anyone who's certed can buy them however. But anyone under BR20 will have "malfunctions" like in the mayhem (but less frequently).
-Increase the "batterdown" time on the shield. (when shield goes down, make it take longer to start charging again)
-No Advanced BFR Merit
-Instead of requiring a merit, Flight BFRs simply give you a longer repurchase timer. (instead of 50 minutes, an hour and 30 minutes)
This is simply how I think BFRs should've been made in the first place.
When BFRs were first released, these could be considered nerfs. But now, they're more like buffs. If I could take this to the official forums, I would. But for some reason my browsers really screwed up and it won't let me log in there.
2005-01-07, 02:02 AM
You know what I don't see anymore? Peeps taking out BFRs with Phoniexs. Or peeps using Phoniexs at all...
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