View Full Version : *NOOB!* Downloading PlanetSide atm
2004-12-27, 12:45 AM
Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. I'm Jeffey, long time EQ player. I've played alot of Rogue Spear and America's Army on the side. Lately I'm finding EQ pretty boring so I decided to give PS a whirl.
I'm downloading the game right now off D2D. I just got done reading over most of the information on the SoE site, now I'm hoping to get some info from you guys about the game.
So I guess I'm asking if you have any advice for a noob? Any speculation to the community of the game right now? (Things are everything but happy on EQ right now) Any information you think I should know, thanks!
2004-12-27, 02:12 AM
Alright, first off
Where are you from?
East Coast, West Coast, or Europe
Second off
Download TEAMSPEAK (
Download Ventrillo (
Since you will be required to have atleast one of these to play with any good "Guild", or as we call them Outfits.
Second and a Half
Download this movie, and watch it when your done reading this:
Third off
Watch this movie. Now.
Should get ya going.
Especially check out that part where it flashes up a bunch of roles.
Fourth off
The "Training" button on the launchpad is worthless
Fifth off
The building where you spawn at, walk around the side of it.
Should be 3 doors. Walk in there and go to the shooting range.
What you need to do is pull out every weapon (no need to fire, but couldn't hurt)
Use every gun, item, and armor type.
Step into the thing in the middle of the room, and go to the vehicle training area.
Sixth off (You could skip this if it's too complex)
Walk up the the vehicle terminal
Buy a "Router" vehicle.
Press B when it comes to a stop
Press G to get out of the vehicle
Press I to open your inventory, drop the pistol on the ground
Walk around the side this vehicle while looking up at it.
One of the sides should allow you to aqquire a teleportation pad
Walk back to the vehicle pad, and then deploy that teleportation pad near to the vehicle terminal
Seventh off
Likewise, use every vehicle, and make sure to hop in the gunner seat for every vehicle.
Press M to check the map, there should be a slightly larger vehicle pad sorta near to the middle south of the map
Thats an air vehicle pad
Eighth off
Use every air vehicle
The Liberator for instance has 2 gunner positions
Ninth off
Leave the VR area, and look at everything with a shiny grey PlanetSide logo.
This includes lockers, terminals, and even TOWER which you can locate on your map.
Tenth off
NOW you should have atleast battle rank 3, allowing you 6 cert points to spend however you like.
What I would suggest are Medium Assault, and AirCavalry
What this allows you is access to a variety of the most common weapons
It also allows you to pilot 2 of the fastest vehicles in the game, giving you lots of mobility
This allows you to solo a bit while you rake in some XP to get more battle ranks.
Twelth off
Make some inventory FAVORITEs using the inventory terminals:
For instance, heres a good one with agile armor
Make another one with standard armor, that has 4 of those brown packs
You can switch to the standard armor favorite to regain your health using the brown packs.
Switch back to agile armor to regain your armor.
Thirteenth off
Learn how to use your keys
Some simple changes I can suggest to you:
Press Escape, K, then change the dropdown menu up top to from GLOBAL to HUD
Then go down to "Toggle Inventory"
Change that to the TAB key
or basically
Escape, K, Toggle Inventory --- TAB
Escape, K, Use Quickslot 1 --- Scroll Mouse Down
Escape, K, Vehicle, Bail Vehicle --- J (or something you won't press by accident)
Should be able to see a mouse icon, suggest ya click it, then set you settings to look sorta like this:
Fourteenth off
Base Capture XP
The way you get XP is by getting near a base, that has a unique number of enemies in it.
It does not matter how long you have been in that base "Sphere of Influence" (Aka colored circles on the map) to gain that experience.
Kill XP
Pretty obvious. You make kills you get XP.
The longer people have been alive, the more XP they are worth.
And yeah, thats about as far as I'll go to start.
PlanetSide, if anything is amazingly complex.
For everyone else:
Can you think of anything I missed?
2004-12-27, 02:16 AM
wow thanks alot! Looks like it will be incredibly helpful.
I live on the east coast, New York, so I plan on starting on the Emerald Server.
Also I see theres an expansion for PS, now on EQ, it's pretty much essential that you have all the expansions in order to play, otherwise you won't be able to do much at all, is Core Combat a 'must have' or can I play the game to it's fullest for a while without CC, or will I be mostly left out if I don't have it?
2004-12-27, 02:29 AM
Core Combat is NOT a must have
All you get is access to a few extra weapons, few extra vehicles, and access to a few extra zones that you don't really need to go to.
2004-12-27, 02:31 AM
right o!
Well Grey, I can't thank you enough for this massive noobie write up, going to be my bible for the rest of the night =P
Oh, also on EQ the common chat commands are /g for group chat, /rs for raid say, /ooc for out of character, etc etc.
what are the basic chat commands for PS? Namely squad, platoon, ooc (zone wide), and outfit?
2004-12-27, 02:55 AM
PS is a little slow to start, with limited certs and whatnot, but once you get around BR8ish you'll be at a satisfying level.
Well thats just the feeling I get when I make new characters and go through all the early BRs again.
-don't TK
-If you see a BFR, run for cover, fast
-don't be overly aggresive. You'll just die alot.
-Find a squad and contribute.
-Be nice.
-carry jammers you can destroy mines and fuck up enemy spitfires/vehicles, saved my life a billion times
-Do VR training. You'll be *almost* to BR3 by the time you use everything.
2004-12-27, 02:58 AM
whats a BFR =(
2004-12-27, 03:13 AM
Big Fucking Robot
For some twisted reason they gave one version of them the ability to FLY at 80kph
Trying to get that one removed from the game.
2004-12-27, 12:38 PM
thats a BFR. you have been warned.
2004-12-27, 12:52 PM
thats a BFR. you have been warned.
Speaking of BFRs, Jet I play Markov if I get a chance I'll run over and step on ya sometime.
2004-12-27, 01:03 PM
okay, I played all last night, i had a blast =P Few simple questions I have now...
When I join a squad, is there a way to have my voice macros not go to squad chat ( pressing V V D and all that)?
Once I train to repair vehicles, how do I repair them in the field?
This could just be me speaking - but I didn't seem to notice much unity among my empire, outfit, or squad. I was invited into squads and I could hardly even find my squad members, much less execute attacks with them. People were just throwing invites to squads and platoons and outfits without much care at all, am I missing somthing?
And the most mega noob question of them all - how do I skip the two long ass cinema scenes when I load PS!!!
2004-12-27, 01:08 PM
okay, I played all last night, i had a blast =P Few simple questions I have now...
When I join a squad, is there a way to have my voice macros not go to squad chat ( pressing V V D and all that)?
Once I train to repair vehicles, how do I repair them in the field?
This could just be me speaking - but I didn't seem to notice much unity among my empire, outfit, or squad. I was invited into squads and I could hardly even find my squad members, much less execute attacks with them. People were just throwing invites to squads and platoons and outfits without much care at all, am I missing somthing?
And the most mega noob question of them all - how do I skip the two long ass cinema scenes when I load PS!!!
When you're in a squad, and you do a voice macro, everyone in your squad can read your voice macro in chat. However, you're voice macro still echo's locally, so everyone who would be in range normally will hear it normally.
Once you get Engineering, you'll be certified to use... the glue gun. I don't even remember it's normal name. It takes up a rifle slot, and all you have to do is take it out, point at a vehicle, and be within range, and hold on the fire button. A bar will come up indicating how much longer until it is fully healed. Also, the vehicle you are attempting to heal and you must be completely stationary.
2004-12-27, 03:52 PM
As for not being coordinated
Yeah... PS has been like that for a while.
Heres a term for you:
"The Zerg"
Basically any soloers, or people not in your guild. People just running around in a disorganized crowd doing whatever.
Well, you get a lot of Zerg in the game. Even squads formed of Zerg, just so that the "leader" can leach some command XP off of em.
However to run a GOOD organization, you need voice communication.
Thats why I told you to download Teamspeak and Ventrillo
It's a very different exxperience playing with a GOOD outfit on voice coms, than it is with the Zerg.
If I had to pick one of the best Emerald outfits to my knowledge would be on the Terran Empire in Emerald.
You can contact Hedron, ObjectiveTruth, etc to join.
Check the movie (
If you like it, let me know and I'll PM you some Teamspeak info.
2004-12-27, 04:07 PM
yeah we use the zerg term on EQ too =P
2004-12-27, 04:15 PM
And the most mega noob question of them all - how do I skip the two long ass cinema scenes when I load PS!!!
That only pops up the first time, you'll never see them again
2004-12-27, 04:28 PM
This could just be me speaking - but I didn't seem to notice much unity among my empire, outfit, or squad. I was invited into squads and I could hardly even find my squad members, much less execute attacks with them. People were just throwing invites to squads and platoons and outfits without much care at all, am I missing somthing?
A lot of coordinated teams will largely communicate via voice (Teamspeak, etc). If you have a pick-up squad in Sanctuary, check the outfit tags under peoples names (hit Alt-N until they pop up). That will tell you if you've joined a pickup squad, which could be led by a moron without a clue, or it could be a squad full of people from an outfit.
There are a handful of outfits on every server, every empire, that are well-known for their coordinated game-play styles. You generally WON'T find them broadcasting in Sanctuary for members (take that as you will). Yeah there are exceptions, but they happen very infrequently.
My recommendation is that you find a cohesive, active outfit that has been around for a while. As you're tooling around Sanctuary, watch for large clusters of people with the same outfit name. They'll probably be grouped up out of the way, with a group of vehicles or aircraft. It would behoove you to work with teammates for the first few battle-ranks, as you'll encounter a lot more experience (and XP) that way, which equals a faster progression - which allows you to obtain more certifications.
2004-12-28, 10:11 AM
Saw you in-game last night Jeffey, here are a few quick tips:
Don't charge up stairs against multiple enemies a la Rambo, especially when you only have agile and medium assault. Leave that to the rexo / heavy assault guys, and then follow them up or down the stairs.
'A' and 'D' are your friends. Strafing instead of running straight forward in combat will help you an unbelievable amount. But don't get stuck strafing in one direction. If you get in extreme close quarters with an enemy, crouch and then jump / strafe. This works almost every time, as it allows you to keep the enemy right in your sights, but really messes up your opponent.
Finally, remember to keep a few spare weapons in your locker for when the base is hacked. That way you wont be charging at me with a suppressor. :p
2004-12-28, 10:47 AM
Looks like you have already gotten alot of help, but if you have any specific questions during the night you can toss me a tell. Looks like you aren't playing VS like me, but if you do a /who Majik you will be able to see if I am online. Been playing since release so I can answer most easy questions :groovy:
2004-12-28, 12:52 PM
I suggest 2 stacks of jammer grenades to replace 2 of those plasma grenades. Its more likely you will use them - they fry mines, screw up BFRs, disable implants and stop turrets and any vehicles from firing. (also right click items in your inventory to hotswap them to their holster quickly.)
2004-12-28, 01:23 PM
Grey what outfit are you in?
2004-12-28, 01:55 PM
I moonlight on TR Emerald KAAOS
But really I'm in VS Markov Bellum Aeternus
Almost got 3 BR20 characters in it :D
2004-12-28, 10:11 PM
Glad to see you pick up PS. Its a great game, and be warned, it can get addicting :)
The other folks are right, getting Teamspeak is a must, since all the major outfits use it. It's mandatory here, and trust me, it makes a world of difference when you're trying to get 30+ people working together.
Also, when you're comfortable with the game, try and find an organized outfit as others have said. It takes this game into a whole new level, and makes it a lot more fun. I probably wouldn't still be plays PS after a year if it wasn't for being in SG. If you have any questions about this game or anything else, feel free to PM me here or send me a /tell in game to ChronoSphere. I play Emerald NC, as does the rest of Sturmgrenadier :D
2004-12-29, 08:16 AM
Pretty sure the last time someone recruited someone from this forum, they were yelled at by martyr.
2004-12-29, 12:48 PM
I moonlight on TR Emerald KAAOS
But really I'm in VS Markov Bellum Aeternus
Almost got 3 BR20 characters in it :D
Thought i saw you on the roster...
2004-12-29, 01:19 PM
what empire do you play?
2004-12-29, 04:21 PM
I play TR, and sorry I got recruited in game by someone else =P Now, after a few days of feeling this game out - I LOVE IT! I'll be around for a while =)
But as I play on my noob questions keep coming, how do you make hotkeys and for what purpose. So far the only hotkey I have and use is med kits, but that was there when I made my character. Someone mentioned you use them for switching holsters - would there be a hotkey for switching the glue gun with my primary rifle for example?
2004-12-29, 08:33 PM
Actually there is none if it's in your pack
However the best seqeunce you can use is to setup
Escape, K, HUD, Toggle Inventory --- TAB
Then you can do:
TAB, Right Click on Glue Gun, TAB, 2
Switches it nice and fast when you get it going.
Tab, LeftClick, Tab
That drops items.
2004-12-29, 09:23 PM
For fast item switching, imo the best way is changing the open inventory key to something like "f" or a mouse button, that way you can tap it, then right-click (this auto-equips) whatever you want to switch.
2004-12-30, 01:12 AM
Oh, I know about that, I mean the buttons down at the bottom, where med kit is put as F1, and theres multiple pages of empty buttons
2004-12-30, 02:51 AM
Oh that
Escape, K, HUD
Scroll all the way to the bottom and a little up
Use Quickslot 1
Set that to scroll Mouse down
2004-12-30, 03:16 AM
I'm asking what can you put down there besides med kits, also how do you put somthing else there
Oh, and what exactly happens when these LLU's spawn
2004-12-30, 06:27 AM
When you get br 6, 12, 18 you get implants, they go there. :p
You can also make text macros to go there.
/macro <3-letter name> <message>
My favorite for those extra spots is who tr/nc/vs macros so for those small fights I can keep an eye on the numbers.
2004-12-30, 07:55 AM
LLUs are used to capture certain bases. When an LLU base is hacked one will spawn somewhere in the base in a little LLU dispenser. Instead of waiting the 15 minutes to complete the hack, the attacking team must take the LLU to a connected base (indicated by a flashing latice link) and up to it's CC. The base will then be captured, more often than not in less than 15 minutes.
2005-02-04, 02:23 AM
Oh yeah, I should update that image
2005-02-04, 10:18 AM
Jeffey, i got a warning for you, this game is highly adictive. Earlier this week, i was mad at the devs, i cancelled my subscription, and here i am, re-subbing only a few days after cancelation...
2005-02-04, 11:10 AM
6th off is pretty useless
Edit: 5 fucking med packs jeebus, you find a MAX and you're screwed, mine or CE will also screw you over, should have some AP.
2005-02-04, 02:12 PM
Mmmmm maybe I should come back to Emerald VS and unleash hovering death once again...
Back in the day where Ahriman corps used to not be a bunch of ass', we used to ride around in Magmowers and clean out entire bases wich quite frankly... KICKED ASS! I remember lasting some odd hour on a siege just running over TR and NC that were both fighting for our last base... that was fun as hell.
2005-02-04, 05:51 PM
-If you see a BFR, run for cover, fast
LOL, good advice
- Just get with a active outfit
- use air cav
- dont go in as front line troops
- Try and be gunners for vch
- DON'T destroy the gen unles told by a +cr4
- listen to your superiers
- have fun
- aim and fire, never hesistate
Yer, stay away from BFR's. You will be an easy target to them. Learn their weakness, or later in life, become a BFR pilot (need core combat to do that)
2005-02-05, 06:09 AM
lol check the post dates, this thread is over a month old, I've got pretty much everything down and I've been averaging a 1.25/1 kill death ratio lately.
BR15 and counting!
2005-02-27, 01:07 AM
2005-02-27, 02:23 AM
Congrats man, glad to see another person really getting into this game :P
2005-02-27, 03:19 AM
stop bumping my noob thread lol
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