View Full Version : Should I start a New Thread?

2004-12-29, 03:16 PM
i see in this tread http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?p=506499#post506499


I won't start a new thread for only saying Hello

2004-12-29, 03:18 PM
I was joking :p You shouldn't have made a new thread, I was just stating the opvious with that picture, that it was an old thread.

2004-12-29, 04:03 PM
Ah. Thats the same I understood. :-))

I like that other thread and sometimes I write something there. More I don't want. Now I have finally some days on net. I was away two months. Without internet connection only with my notebook. And I wrote a story. But I'n not shure if I should cencor myself...

Errm. What is this thread about?