View Full Version : End of the road.
2004-12-30, 10:58 AM
Barring anything unforseen in the near future, PlanetSide Universe will close its doors on January 31 2005 at midnight. I have spent many hours and days considering thsi and it has been a great 3 years running this site, but after all that time I believe it is time that we close the doors. Running this site is an emotional and financial drain on myself and I simply dont have the time or extra money to keep it afloat. The donations from the last drive will last until Feb 1 and thus we will close our doors.
I want to thank everyone who has visited this site over the past years, and all the friends I have made because of it. Me and my wife got to know eachother better via this very site and forum. I have made some amazing real life friends over this time as well and I will miss this forum. So thank you for coming and thank you for being an amazing community, I will miss you.
FYI: The future of PSU:MB is unknown at this time and depends on a variety of things.
2004-12-30, 11:01 AM
2004-12-30, 11:01 AM
What'll happen to the hosted websites? The IRC channel? The TS server?
2004-12-30, 11:12 AM
IRC will be gone, Hosted websites will have to find a new home. I will leave them on until they can find a new one. TS is mostly CDL, thus it wont be going anywhere.
2004-12-30, 11:26 AM
Damn, I'm gonna miss this site. :(
2004-12-30, 11:27 AM
Sorry to see it go
Thanks for all your hard work Hamma.
2004-12-30, 11:32 AM
Sad as I am to see this happen, I know Hamma has done what he came to do: create a wonderful community and place to go for the game of PlanetSide. I personally believe that Hamma's efforts singularly helped PS become the game it is today and his work established the community we know here.
As he is a close friend of mine, I know for a fact this decision was a tough one but one he had to make.
Hamma, you have my utmost respect in the work that you did here and I can honestly say - Mission Complete.
Great work my friend.
2004-12-30, 11:49 AM
Sad to see it go. :tear:
2004-12-30, 11:51 AM
knew it was coming, sad to see it go. Very sad.
2004-12-30, 11:55 AM
:eek: Nooooooooo!
:tear: I can only imagine how tough it was to make that decision, Hamma, but it's one I can understand. PSU will be sorely missed.
Sorry to hear it Hamma. I'm sure it sucks to see your baby go but i'd like to thank you for creating such a great community and good friends. I've had many good times and many good memories here. :love:
2004-12-30, 12:04 PM
2004-12-30, 12:19 PM
Hamma, I can try to get you a new website to host PSU on, free of server charges. It'll have the forums (though they wont be like this) and all the stuff your acustomed to. I can get your post counts back up to what they are now, and we can relaunch PSU.
Sorry to hear it Hamma. I'm sure it sucks to see your baby go but i'd like to thank you for creating such a great community and good friends. I've had many good times and many good memories here. :love:
:love: @ Hamma
2004-12-30, 12:50 PM
Im at a loss for words
2004-12-30, 12:52 PM
Damn.... This is the only site I got to for PS. And the closest thing to a community I feel like I'm part of online (even if you all don't know me =b). Don't make me go to the OF! They scare me!
::runs and hides::
2004-12-30, 12:54 PM
Look, I'm sorry I posted this in Bohica. Some of you guys hate it, alright, I understand now. PMS and caps lock is not required anymore. I thought ahead, I thought some of you would care over there. I was mistaken. Go and delete it if you must.
To any and all PSU members thinking of mischeif against Bohica:
Stop it. It won't do any good, and they'll hate the name of PSU even more. It helps nothing.
2004-12-30, 12:57 PM
:tear: I'll miss you guys.
Red October
2004-12-30, 01:03 PM
Good luck to you all, and may we see each other on the battlefield on the next big MMOFPS that comes out and grabs our attentions spans and discretionary income. My sub ends in Feb for Planetside, but I haven't been playing due to EQII. After that, it will be a month to month thing. Friend of mine is going to get WoW for me, I'll try it out and see how I like it.
2004-12-30, 01:05 PM
God. Well...I respect hamma decsion and have to say good luck to him and jenny. Cya its been good. I still talk to many of you outdside via aim or other things. Hope that contonies made some great freidns here(doop) and some not so great ones(dhark). If it wernt for psu I would have never met a certin person whos names starts with a m and ends with a t who I love(sorry). Good luck guys....LUV YA!
2004-12-30, 01:14 PM
my forums are open to any and all PSU refugees, i don't want to lose touch with you guys
time to figure out how to relocate my blog. hmm
2004-12-30, 01:19 PM
I also have something to say, if anyone would like to keep in contact through IRC, we have setup something through gamesurge nad the channel is ps-universe. i would hate to lose contact with mnost of you guys, so if you interested, please join this channel now, or post shutdown
2004-12-30, 01:26 PM
Wow, I feel like my puppy died. The fact that I don't have a puppy is irrelevant. PSU is my puppy.
Hamma, I respect your decision, not to mention the incredible amount of time, money and sweet sweet lovin' that you gave to the site. The time, money and sweet sweet lovin' that built up this hell of a community. You should be incredibly proud of the brotherhood that you've built with your own hands - the relationships developed on PSU have proven to be the sort that translates into real life bonds.
As far as PSU:MB is concerned, I wouldn't dream of dissolving the legacy of PSU, so it shall go on (if Hamma says it's okay - it is, afterall, done in honor of both he and his hard work). Martyr and I will work to build forums dedicated to updates, a website devoted to information, and a registration page.
Due to the fact that PSU is closing, I'll go out on a huge limb and make two statements about the Mobilization:
1) It will no longer be called "Planetside Universe: Mobilization". I personally don't think the game Planetside will be around for as long as I plan on doing the annual Mobilizations, so I'm taking suggestions for the new name. I'd like to honor the original site that we all met on, as well as the incredible bonds that we all have with eachother. I'm going to ditch the "Alpha", "Bravo" etc. naming system because what do we name this next year's? We can't very well call it "Alpha", so I'm going to just be Leet and call it "Mobilization 2005" or "Mobilization 2k5". Please send me a PM or an email at
[email protected] if you have any suggestions for the new name, or if you would like to be put on a "mailing list" for Mobilization updates.
2) I'm going to put my own butt on the line here and say that Martyr and I will have a registration page built on Martyr's site,, by March 1st. At this time, I have no final itinerary or cost breakdown. The only information that Martyr and I have set for the Mobilization is that it will be between July 15th and 18th of 2005, the name of the hotel, and the fact that we'll be having dinner at Hard Rock that Sunday night. Forgive me for not having more - a lot of things I need to work out won't reserve space or set menu's or any of that good stuff until closer to the date.
So, Hamma, well done with everything. I think I speak for a lot of people around here when I say that we appreciate every second that you have given to the site and that the impact of your decision to open this site in the first place will live on through us all and we hope that you will headline our Mobilizations for years to come!
2004-12-30, 01:38 PM
Look, I'm sorry I posted this in Bohica. Some of you guys hate it, alright, I understand now. PMS and caps lock is not required anymore. I thought ahead, I thought some of you would care over there. I was mistaken. Go and delete it if you must.
To any and all PSU members thinking of mischeif against Bohica:
Stop it. It won't do any good, and they'll hate the name of PSU even more. It helps nothing.
you dont get bohica at all man.
well hamma, it was a good run. you have gone where few dare to dream.
2004-12-30, 01:41 PM
I can't say I blame you. The petty fights and flames have gotten out of hand, and it was time for it to end. Thanks for a place to just hang out over the past year or so.
2004-12-30, 01:46 PM
You had a good run, PSU, it's unfortunate that you had to leave under such terms.
2004-12-30, 01:50 PM
'tis a sad day indeed. many a good friend have been met through this site. many a good time have been had through this site. This place will be missed very much and I applaud hamma for all his hard work over the years.
much :love: for hamma, jenny, martyr, triggar, all the mods, everyone who contributed in some way, all the people who worked behind the scenes...
:love: :)
2004-12-30, 02:07 PM
I'm realy sorry to see you go, PS(U) was my introduction to the whole of the internet, my first comunity, and i've made a alot of friends.
I just hope that I can find a replacment for PSU someday but it's going to be hard.
2004-12-30, 02:15 PM
you dont get bohica at all man.He dosn't have a clue does he?
Well, the community had a good run and I was sad to see it go down hill and I am even sadder to see it close. I owe both Hamma and PSU alot for many good times and good laughs and for bringing me together with many of my friends here and at BOHICA.
Hamma, I wish you (and Jennyboo) all the best in whatever awaits you. Thanks for all your hard work over the years.
- zod
Man, i never thought i'd see this day come, but it could easily be predicted with recent events. Really sorry that it had to turn out like this, but despite some of the bad things, PSU was a great home to me for almost 2 years now. In my book, thats the longest i've ever stayed at a place, and looking back, summarizing the times, it was a very enjoyable one.
Thanks Hamma, for the great site for such a long time. I'll miss it.
2004-12-30, 03:21 PM
Yeah, PSU has held my attention longer than any other website. I've met a lot of great people, including having the honor of meeting many of you in person at PSUMA.
It saddens me that the site is going down. I hope that can all stay in touch afterwards, you are a great bunch.
Thanks Hamma (and PSU staff) for making it all happen, you guys kick ass. I hope to see you open another portal some day. :)
2004-12-30, 03:38 PM
Amazing community of people. I swear. Amazing
2004-12-30, 03:59 PM
Ciao, ragazzi.
I'm just glad I was able to make some very good friends while here and hope that I keep in touch with them.
2004-12-30, 04:11 PM
All good things come to an end, just like to say thanks to everyone and to Hamma for everything.
2004-12-30, 04:23 PM
I know how we can save the site!.........................WE CAN PLAY DODGEBALL!!
I know how we can save the site!.........................WE CAN PLAY DODGEBALL!!
Posts like this, killed PSU.
2004-12-30, 04:38 PM
This is a terrible sign for the actual game's future. One of it's primal fansites is closing, what does that say about the game? Anyway, quite a shame to see this site go. It's quite a piece of work. If anyone's interested (which they probably ain't), I had another guy on here called 6thedition. Ban me again if you want, but 1 month left, I won't miss anything :)
This is a terrible sign for the actual game's future. One of it's primal fansites is closing, what does that say about the game? Anyway, quite a shame to see this site go. It's quite a piece of work. If anyone's interested (which they probably ain't), I had another guy on here called 6thedition. Ban me again if you want, but 1 month left, I won't miss anything :)
2004-12-30, 04:41 PM
What? Why? I'm just saying, 1 month left. Say I were banned, I'm only going to miss one month of stuff. That's all I'm saying, no need to swear.
2004-12-30, 04:42 PM
THE primal fansite is closing.
2004-12-30, 04:49 PM
1024 is kicking asses like Magnum fucking PI.
2004-12-30, 04:54 PM
Great, now I'll have to go back to T14. :scared:
This site has been fun, even through tough times. Sad to see it go.
I don't blame anyone for this, nor the drama, because after all, how long was PS going to last? We couldn't have a fan site if there was no game. The drama conflicts are petty "You are a retard", "He is a retard" conflicts, and I don't think anyone is really to blame for it. Besides, would Hamma really let Dharkbayne win?
PS is in a sad state. Most of the older players have left, BFRs have kicked in, AND World of Warcraft is out. There were times where we couldn't even lock a continent during primetime.
Furthermore, Hamma has a job now ( :lol: ), he's married, and maybe he doesn't have all that cash to burn. Unless we're going for $40,000 every three months, donations alone won't cut it, even with Ivan's help.
So, I'll be at the refugee forum, and here until the end.
Though it would be nice to have one last Hamma Time.
2004-12-30, 05:04 PM
Though it would be nice to have one last Hamma Time.
Agreed. Sort of like a memorial.
2004-12-30, 05:20 PM
You guys did an incredible job with PSU.
Thank you!
2004-12-30, 05:27 PM
Bye PSU :(
2004-12-30, 05:30 PM
It's not like we didn't know this would one day happen.
Salute to Hamma
Salute to PSU
You'll be missed.
2004-12-30, 05:48 PM
It's not like we didn't know this would one day happen.
Salute to Hamma
Salute to PSU
You'll be missed.
Can you possibly not be a fucking dick?
Like, at all? Hmmm?
2004-12-30, 05:54 PM
sad to see it go.
2004-12-30, 05:56 PM
Can you possibly not be a fucking dick?
Like, at all? Hmmm?
I'm sorry, where in that post was I a dick?
Oh wait, I wasn't. You just need attention.
2004-12-30, 06:01 PM
I'm sorry, where in that post was I a dick?
Oh wait, I wasn't. You just need attention.
That part, you know, where you're like THIS WAS TOTALLY COMING!
If the website is dying, you don't say "fuck yeah dudes this was gonna happen", you just stick to lamenting the fact that the website that has cultivated your close-minded bullshit, rhetorical questions, and baiting for even more attention than me is dying over flame wars like these.
2004-12-30, 06:41 PM
Quiet, both of you.
He wasnt being a dick, he was short and to the point now be quiet.
You have a problem Frog, seek counciling.
2004-12-30, 06:45 PM
Rgr that Hamma.
2004-12-30, 06:55 PM
The quiet was more directed at frog. :lol:
2004-12-30, 07:02 PM
Hehe well I had written a rather scything bit and when it posted you came in and said be quiet, so I had to clear it :)
2004-12-30, 07:14 PM
2004-12-30, 07:31 PM
i'm i have to find something else to do with my time online. anyone else have a website we could all hang out at?
NightWalker XI
2004-12-30, 07:32 PM
Hamma this is a sad day but I thank you for PSU, this place is great and has an amazing community, good times were had here.
2004-12-30, 07:37 PM
i'm i have to find something else to do with my time online. anyone else have a website we could all hang out at?
2004-12-30, 07:50 PM
Martyr stole my chance to shine!
Its been great guys, I suppose I have to lurk on Martyrs forums, since mine are crap.
2004-12-30, 07:55 PM
Yours aren't crap at all... they're very valuable for the flame forums :)
2004-12-30, 08:10 PM
There isnt much I can say that hasnt already been said. Most of you are some of the coolest people ive ever had the pleasure of meeting. I want to personally thank Hamma for his dedication to PSU even after moving on to other MMOs. Since i lost interest in Planetside, my focus was to just talk with people in the community. I will talk to several members of the community about continuing the forums.
2004-12-30, 08:45 PM
Great site man. Sounds like you made out just fine. you have some skills with webdesign im sure you will go on to make bigger and better when you can. Hate to see this site go JUST as I find it. :cheers:
2004-12-30, 08:55 PM
I must say a true good bye.
You guys got me back in to playing PlanetSide after a 9 months of retirement. And I have played with many on PSU, an have had a blast, and have found an outfit i will stick with until PS dies.
I've made many a great friend. If it weren't for that fateful trip home, i would have never known Sterling ran PSU, although having run across it a few times.
Shows how observant I am.
Thank you Sir, and best of luck in your next project.
Keep in touch, and join TU, you son of a bitch.
And do one last Hammatime, and I plan to be up there next month, we could have a drunken send off. COOOOME OOOOON YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!
2004-12-30, 08:58 PM
If it weren't for that fateful trip home, i would have never known Sterling ran PSU, although having run across it a few times.
2004-12-30, 09:05 PM
Well i guess this is goodbye. Seems alot of people had been leaving for various reasons, but now we all have to go.
I can sincerely thank Hamma and all of the PSU staff for putting so much into this site. All the ATD, constant news updates, informative materials, forums for the exchange of ideas about PS and other real life events. This has been my homepage for a long time and its the site that brought me into this game. I have had alot of cool discussions and was always the first to hear or see something funny or entertaining on the internet.
I know i dont post the most, but im always reading it. See you guys some other places on the internet, and also the few that are still in the game. Good luck to all!
2004-12-30, 09:46 PM
Hamma, thanks for a great community. One of the best Ive been in. I hope that someday when your independantly ubar wealthy you can make someone else make another one for you!
2004-12-30, 10:00 PM
I just bought some new socks today.
They are quite comfortable.
2004-12-30, 10:14 PM
God damn, sad to see this place go. I realize I never really got to know a lot of you, I mostly just lurked and read posts, but I wish all of you luck in your future endeavors. After PSU closes down, I'll go find some other boards. Anyone know some boards that are like this. I don't know if I'm going to Martyr's boards. Not unless pretty much everybody goes there. Maybe I'll go hang out with BOHICA, would you guys be cool with that? Dunno about CDL, I might check them out. I think I should go find myself a clan with strong ties to this place, and hang out with them. Or maybe it's time to just leave clans and boards behind, go do my own thing. Any suggestions?
2004-12-30, 10:18 PM
Pity to see this go, have had a great time since I joined.
2004-12-30, 11:16 PM
I knew it was coming, but I didnt expect it to be so soon.
I'll get straight to the point, I am a hermaphrodite. Got your attention? Good!
PSU is without a doubt the single best website on the internet. Why? Because of the people. And regardless of whether or not you guys think i'm bullshitting you, it's the truth.
It makes me giggle thinking about my first days at PSU. I was a tard posting pictures of myself in a black beanie (affectionately deemed my 'pimp hat'). And now i've matured (lol) over the 2 years, into a true veteran of the community. The rides been a good one, trust me. From my humping threads, to catching my brother masturbating on a camera to get my worthless ass unbanned ^_^.
I dont know what else to say. You guys are truly great. Hamma and Jenny, you two rock. And you're the cutest couple in the existance. That title would go to martyr and Trig if they werent such fatties. :p
I feel priveledged to have met many of you at PSUMA, and all of you had no qualms about shaking my hand. They dont call me the masturbator for nothing. I joined the mile high club on the way over....WITH the airplane bathroom. Giggity.
My time as staff for this glorious slice of the internet was also good. I worked countless hours on end to produce the PSU Newsletter, and had over 4,000 subscribers. It was truly awesome. Just kidding :lol:
PSU has also introduced me to great friends. Angela and John are two great people who I dread losing contact with. And my two best friends (Andrew and Doug) I met on this here forum. PSU also helped me lose my virginity. I fucked ultraviolet, and PSU aided me in my ambitious endeavor to put my penis in her vagina. Vulgar? Probably. But I owe PSU a debt of gratitude for all the above.
I really hope Mobilization 2k5 happens. I really do. And I hope Jenny, Hamma, and Mars can attend. Strygun can tag along too ;)
There's not much else to say. If you want to keep in contact with me, please do so.
If any of you are in San Diego, CA / Los Angeles, CA. Gimme a jingle. We can meet up for coffee or something faggy like that. :)
2004-12-30, 11:36 PM
Wow Squeeks, I knew I loved you for a reason, you fat sack of shit :lol:
2004-12-30, 11:45 PM
Goodbyes and sigs are for weeners.
See you all in-game. Or not.
2004-12-31, 02:11 AM
I knew it was coming, but I didnt expect it to be so soon.
I'll get straight to the point, I am a hermaphrodite. Got your attention? Good!
PSU is without a doubt the single best website on the internet. Why? Because of the people. And regardless of whether or not you guys think i'm bullshitting you, it's the truth.
It makes me giggle thinking about my first days at PSU. I was a tard posting pictures of myself in a black beanie (affectionately deemed my 'pimp hat'). And now i've matured (lol) over the 2 years, into a true veteran of the community. The rides been a good one, trust me. From my humping threads, to catching my brother masturbating on a camera to get my worthless ass unbanned ^_^.
I dont know what else to say. You guys are truly great. Hamma and Jenny, you two rock. And you're the cutest couple in the existance. That title would go to martyr and Trig if they werent such fatties. :p
I feel priveledged to have met many of you at PSUMA, and all of you had no qualms about shaking my hand. They dont call me the masturbator for nothing. I joined the mile high club on the way over....WITH the airplane bathroom. Giggity.
My time as staff for this glorious slice of the internet was also good. I worked countless hours on end to produce the PSU Newsletter, and had over 4,000 subscribers. It was truly awesome. Just kidding :lol:
PSU has also introduced me to great friends. Angela and John are two great people who I dread losing contact with. And my two best friends (Andrew and Doug) I met on this here forum. PSU also helped me lose my virginity. I fucked ultraviolet, and PSU aided me in my ambitious endeavor to put my penis in her vagina. Vulgar? Probably. But I owe PSU a debt of gratitude for all the above.
I really hope Mobilization 2k5 happens. I really do. And I hope Jenny, Hamma, and Mars can attend. Strygun can tag along too ;)
There's not much else to say. If you want to keep in contact with me, please do so.
AIM: PSU Squeeky
[email protected]
And honestly, if any of you wanna call me, feel free to do so.
If any of you are in San Diego, CA / Los Angeles, CA. Gimme a jingle. We can meet up for coffee or something faggy like that. :)
0mg its like the last episode of M*A*S*H all over again ;)
long, spiffy, good post.
2004-12-31, 03:47 AM
i don't know what to say. i am going to miss this community so much. everyone in this forum has been great to me ever since i joined the site and the friendships i've developed here have been some of the best i've ever made, even though i've never met any of you in person (unfortunately :( :() i'm going to miss this site and you all very much.
and hamma, i just want to say, for as taxing as it may have been on you to maintain this site, you certainly have done one hell of an impressive job. this is by far the best forum community i've ever belonged to. good luck in all your future endeavors, buddy. ;)
and..well.. i'll be on IRC and TS and what not occasionally to talk to everyone before the place shuts down.. i'm gonna miss the antics and the craziness. love you guys. <3 <3
2004-12-31, 06:38 AM
Life goes on i suppose :(
I love you all :love:
2004-12-31, 06:47 AM
Im Sad to hear this i liked this site and will miss it.Sooo see you in game WERNER TotalOblivion we want you to have fun :spam:
2004-12-31, 06:49 AM
I must say a true good bye.
You guys got me back in to playing PlanetSide after a 9 months of retirement. And I have played with many on PSU, an have had a blast, and have found an outfit i will stick with until PS dies.
I've made many a great friend. If it weren't for that fateful trip home, i would have never known Sterling ran PSU, although having run across it a few times.
Shows how observant I am.
Thank you Sir, and best of luck in your next project.
Keep in touch, and join TU, you son of a bitch.
And do one last Hammatime, and I plan to be up there next month, we could have a drunken send off. COOOOME OOOOON YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!
Oh noes... Matt said the "S" word... :eek:
2004-12-31, 11:13 AM
I've waited until page 6 to make a response.
To be honest, I knew this was coming. I was just hoping for a different turn of events, such as leaving the IRC box running or something. Oh well.
Luckily, I will still be with my core group of friends, my team, over at Clan Draconus Lupus. But there are some of you that I will miss smacking around over here.And then again... some of you I wouldn't mind not seeing again ;).
Either way, I am truly saddened that we've got to go. I would like to thank Hamma publicly for doing what he has done. He has spent an unthinkable amount of money on us, and it cannot be repaid. He has spent himself, both emotionally and physically, from dealing with forum jerks and database issues, to having his server boxes "disappear" on him, to having to move colo's, etc etc. I couldn't have done it myself.
Lastly, I want to thank Hamma for bringing me on staff here at PSU. I originally recorded a demo to be an AGN broadcaster. However, I guess because I used to work at Gamespy's Everquest fansite as a news reporter, he saw more in me. I was hired as the first Newsie, and I tried my hardest to do my best. I still do.
So, Hamma, my deepest thank you. To the rest of the PSU Staff - let's not lose touch (even though we still have 1 month.) To everyone else: ad�os amigos.
It's been a good run. Don't go acting like jerks and newbies this last month. Keep it clean, keep it funny... keep it real.
2004-12-31, 02:50 PM
2004-12-31, 03:23 PM
:( :( :( :( :(
2004-12-31, 03:33 PM
I'm going to miss constipated smiley.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-12-31, 03:43 PM
Without a doubt PSU is the best community I've ever seen. Its one of the funniest, and friendliest communities there is. Its so good that I could never leave. I'd always lurk in here even if I felt like I didn't want to be a part of the recent drama.
I hope we can continue PSU at TU.
I think that we can still keep it going though. We could move onto another irc server, get rid of all the planetside stuff, agn, and find our own TS. All we would need is a forum. PSU was never about PS, theres no activity on the in game discussion forum at all.
I hope Hamma considers a way to keep the lounge going.
If not then I'll see you guys at TU.
You all rule.
2004-12-31, 03:58 PM
Check that out.
2005-01-01, 09:42 AM
Always late with the response, thats me. I'm sorry to see this site go, Hamma, Jennybo and all the other admins have done a great job at at keeping the site rolling without killing anyone, and that I seriously applaud. I see from the other thread there is talk of a ressurection of sorts and i'm feverantly hoping for that. I hate to admit what a shmuch i am, (at least i'm in good company right?) but PSU has been a huge part of my life for more then two years now and i'm sad to see it go.
A quick rundown of the places i've logged on over the years.
Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, England, the united states, and a few more.
Everytime i was on a trip i tapped a interweb line somewhere to log into PSU, it's without a doubt that this site has been a huge part of my life long after my intrest in the game waned, even if i was only posting on pol deb and browsing the general forums.
Thanks again.
Whoa, this should teach me to go on vacation. Sorry I haven�t been around much guys life has been busy and what not this time of the year. I�ll be here till the end. PSU is the first fan site community that I can say I love and have even been honored to become a moderator of. Thank you all for some great times and I�m sure a lot of us will keep in touch one way or another.
Oh and Hamma, I know I said this after PSU joined MMOHell after a fund raiser, and I got to say it again, I want my money back bitch! ;) j/k :D :love: Hamma
2005-01-01, 11:44 AM
PSU also helped me lose my virginity. I fucked ultraviolet, and PSU aided me in my ambitious endeavor to put my penis in her vagina. Vulgar? Probably. But I owe PSU a debt of gratitude for all the above.
Dice el.
2005-01-01, 11:45 AM
By the way, for the contact book:
Cell: (786)402-5312
[email protected]
AIM: AztecWarrior045
2005-01-01, 02:35 PM
Maybe PSU closing won't be so bad after all. Face it, most of us are on our computers far too long. Maybe when PSU goes we will all start getting out more!
No, I'll just go back to Tribes 3 and WC 3. I'm sad, Planetside is dead and PSU is dieing. Thanks for the long run guys, I will miss this site.
2005-01-01, 06:08 PM
Sad to see it go.
Probably my twentieth post or so in three years of hanging around, but the site's been a big player on the phone bill.
Good job with the whole thing, Hamma and co. and um, good luck with the next one :)
2005-01-01, 06:21 PM
Wow this is a shocker. I just got back from vacation to hear this. :(. Really was a great run, and I understand why it's closing. I'm really going to miss everyone here. Thanks for the times Hamma and everyone else who helped with this site.
If anyone wants to contact me, my aim is Lilbird243122 and my xfire is kikinchikin. Hope to talk to some of you some time.
2005-01-01, 07:59 PM
PSU also helped me lose my virginity. I fucked ultraviolet, and PSU aided me in my ambitious endeavor to put my penis in her vagina. Vulgar? Probably. But I owe PSU a debt of gratitude for all the above.
God, if you really fucked her cut it off... NOW!
2005-01-01, 11:23 PM
This sucks. :doh:
I am not one of the better members here, but I liked PSU. I probably will slip into the shadows, since I don't really do anything with any of you, but :love: ya'll anyway.
PS: If you really do want to find me ... :lol: ... my email is
[email protected] or you can look for Draco on ( (yes I like TR, shutup :p ).
2005-01-01, 11:40 PM
I thought hamma was threatening, but now its true.....bummer.....
Ive been around awhile, and i assume i'm ignored by a lot but eh. Everyone here made me laugh. This site was a relief zone, where i could just sit and read. Most of it was funny, some of it was just plain stupid, but aye we aint all perfect.
Ha squeeky you caught my attention in your post. Hehe, and you didn't have to say it out loud, it was pretty easy to tell. ;)
This site has been far most one of the best I have ever visited and stayed. Wow. Good job hamma. I give you a round of applose and bad spelling for what you have done. Thanks. :clap:
Ha now one last request.......can I see my post count? :D
AOL Messenger (dont laugh): Wazzupkid3
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (crie)
:hug: everyone
2005-01-01, 11:42 PM
I dunno, most people seem willing to try the new idea.
Thank you, PSU. While I've been here, You brought teh funnay on a damn consistant basis. And, while I dont come here often anymore, I feel as though I should bid a fond farewell to a damn good site.
Thank you Hamma. Ya did a Hell of a Job keeping this site running.
Ha now one last request.......can I see my post count? :D
3,018 as of 11:34am EST 01/02/2005
2005-01-02, 05:09 PM
:tear: PSU is the best site I've ever been to, seems like a small town to me, everyone knows everyone else. There are no strangers here. I'll probably also fall into the shadows since I haven't talked to any of you much here but I hope u all farewell none the less...
:tear: PSU is the best site I've ever been to, seems like a small town to me, everyone knows everyone else. There are no strangers here. I'll probably also fall into the shadows since I haven't talked to any of you much here but I hope u all farewell none the less...
You won't fall into the shadows, I always liked your posts in the Game Discussion forum.
2005-01-02, 07:19 PM
Dig that avatar of yours :)
Dig that avatar of yours :)
Indeed. :)
2005-01-03, 04:04 PM
TY for the compliments ^_^
I went to martyr's forums, good stuff, I especially enjoy the word association. A post said Hamma might change his mind? I hope he does, btw I thought the MMOHell was supposed to solve the money problems??
TY for the compliments ^_^
I went to martyr's forums, good stuff, I especially enjoy the word association. A post said Hamma might change his mind? I hope he does, btw I thought the MMOHell was supposed to solve the money problems??
MMOHell helped with a large part of the monetary problems, but not all of it completely.
2005-01-03, 09:59 PM
hmm....this isnt totally unexpected, just......terribly sad.
2005-01-04, 02:01 AM
AOL Messenger (dont laugh): Wazzupkid3
no jk, my AIM is wussupwussup248, along with my hotmail...
2005-01-04, 02:16 AM
NOOO!!! I LUV YOU ALL!!!!!! I'LL MISS THIS SITE!!! ITS THE ONLY PS FORUMS THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!! (i cant log into the official forums... :bang: )
Sorry to hear that the end is near.
/salute Hamma and all the PSU staff for the awesome job you guys have done.
Sorry to hear that the end is near.
/salute Hamma and all the PSU staff for the awesome job you guys have done.
Indeed. :)
Neon Apocalypse
2005-01-05, 08:49 PM
so i guess its the end for psu and we arent gonna continue the community on just a little forum somewhere
if its not too much to ask what is my post count?
2005-01-05, 08:57 PM
2005-01-05, 09:41 PM
wtf bio, why would you lie about his post count?
It 3,248.
2005-01-05, 09:49 PM
NOOO!!! I LUV YOU ALL!!!!!! I'LL MISS THIS SITE!!! ITS THE ONLY PS FORUMS THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!! (i cant log into the official forums... :bang: )
and this from someone who's been registered for a week.
Make it a WoW-based fansite.
2005-01-05, 10:05 PM
if its not too much to ask what is my post count?
Please. :p
2005-01-05, 10:38 PM
I bet I have like 1k or so.
2005-01-05, 11:31 PM
I have...
56698549859346593456935743986978349834639693460364 709326032603476085.
I win.
2005-01-06, 12:11 AM
I bet I have more then everyone except squeeky hamma and maybe 1 or 2 others. :p
oh god this is why Hamma hid them.
2005-01-06, 02:55 AM
and this from someone who's been registered for a week.
No been registered longer than that. Just re-registered this new nickname so that ppl would recognize me (somewhat)...
2005-01-06, 03:29 AM
I think I saw you online once in the 666th Spec Ops DEVIL DOGS once.
2005-01-06, 12:19 PM
Sorted by post count (<r=)
WooHoo I'm 26th! :lol:
Do I get a prize? ;)
2005-01-06, 01:20 PM
Haha, I'm way down there, but then again I've been here <1 year. :)
Shame banned members don't show up.
2005-01-06, 01:21 PM
I have visted this forums for about a year now and thought that you guys were pretty cool, although my computer sucks right now I wanted to buy Planetside, I even got my friends to buy it so we could play it all night. I haven't posted any but maybe when I do finally decide to buy the game I can still play with you guys? I really want the forums to still going, and I remember how helpful the site was to me being a noob at first (it was better then I think this site was the only reason I got into planetside the first place and maybe I could see you guys around afterwards? I dunno but the name is Rhemuss and you can find me in WoW Crushridge or Xbox Live right now and eventually Planetside.
2005-01-06, 02:00 PM
woot I'm #5! :cool:
2005-01-06, 04:31 PM
Sorted by post count (<r=)
Haha, you guys fucking suck. #9 STILL baby!
Dio hasn't posted much if at all in a long time and he still beats some of the current whores. Now that's skill... :D :lol:
2005-01-06, 06:20 PM
#4 baby.
#4 baby.
I WILLL catch up in the last few weeks I WILL! Mwahahahaha!
Ok so maybe not... I can dream right?
2005-01-06, 08:19 PM
Meh, I'm on the page. Cool enough.
2005-01-06, 08:30 PM
#4 baby.
thats only because of Pol. Debate!!! ;)
thats only because of Pol. Debate!!! ;)
Yeah! All they do is spam down there! ;) :p
2005-01-06, 09:12 PM
:boohoo: wow, cant believe its over, kthxbye
2005-01-06, 10:45 PM
41st hehe...
2005-01-06, 11:01 PM
Me and Hezzy are Ubar Whores.
2005-01-07, 06:43 AM
I WILLL catch up in the last few weeks I WILL! Mwahahahaha!
Ok so maybe not... I can dream right?
Go for it :) Will call you "Ivan the Terrible Spammer!"
I Hate Pants
2005-01-07, 07:05 PM
It's actually kinda good for me that it's closing. Because i've started college and once the site is down I have no excuse to procrastinate and not get my work done.
Otherwise this site and community must of been doing something right. I usually dont hang around on a forum for over a year.
2005-01-07, 09:51 PM
This was the best website-and community-that I have ever come across. :tear:
I'm really going to miss everyone :love: :hug:
Man alive. I haven't felt this bad since PlanetJumpgate closed it's doors two and a half years ago - and PSU has matched or eclipsed the awesomeness that PJG achieved.
I'm going to miss this place. Whenever I wanted to check up on Planetside, did I go to the main site? Fuck no, I went to PSU. PSU was the place to go for PS news, especially since they hooked up with the devs all the time.
And I've got some fond memories of PSU and PS as well. I mean, PSU was the site that convinced me that my mojo came from playing a female ( character (, for crying out loud. How could anyone who was involved in that ever forget that, even if they wanted to? ( :love: Dio)
This site has been nothing but good times, and I'm sad to see it go. Thanks for all the fish, Hamma, and if it persists in some fashion I'll definitely be there.
2005-01-09, 06:21 PM
Neon Apocalypse
2005-01-09, 07:09 PM
I remember we would all used to meet up ingame. It was fun to kill Hamma and Mars.
2005-01-12, 12:41 PM
#30 oh boy.
We should have another ingame meet sometime....
2005-01-12, 10:24 PM
You make baby jesus cry.
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