View Full Version : Flight BFRs Getting Nerfed (Update Tomorrow)
2005-01-12, 11:07 PM
God damnit, if anything they need a buff.
2005-01-13, 10:12 AM
God damnit, if anything they need a buff.
2005-01-13, 11:38 AM
looks good, but they've still left out the main bit, AA weapons locking onto flight bfrs!!!!
2005-01-13, 01:03 PM
God damnit, if anything they need a buff.
No. In fact, I wonder if this nerf will be effective enough. "Slightly" and "moderately" are fairly uncertain terms.
Fight varients are like paper, especially when their shields go down.
2005-01-13, 02:32 PM
Not much of a nerf....
2005-01-13, 03:46 PM
Fight varients are like paper, especially when their shields go down.
That's the idea.
Not much of a nerf....
It's what is needed. The Vanu lasers are getting damage degredation fixed (so they won't be instant death fro 100m anymore) and the FV's will theoretically not be able to fly all over the goddamn place so easily anymore.
2005-01-13, 04:31 PM
We will see how this comes.... I wonder how that nerf bat is lookin by now o_O
That's the idea.
It's what is needed. The Vanu lasers are getting damage degredation fixed (so they won't be instant death fro 100m anymore) and the FV's will theoretically not be able to fly all over the goddamn place so easily anymore.
If you look in my BFR thread I agree that the vanu AI is a instagib weapon, however, the NC and TR BFR's need not me nerfed anymore. The TR AI is worthless at long ranges, and requires somewhat good aim to kill with. The NC AI are absolutely worthless beyond like 80 yards, but they pwn at close range. (And they should.) People need to stop complaining, one man in agile with three decis can kill a FV, which is absolutely rediculous. Once there shields are down they are paper, and it takes forever for them to recharge. They already had their movement rate slowed and now they are suppose to be even slower. I don't see any of you complaining when a tank kills you, and BFRs are basically tanks with legs. Then ofcourse everytime they are nerfed we lose more subs because the pilots are tired of getting killed by some newb with a deci, like it or not BFR pilots are a large percentage of the subs, and they need to be satisfied too. But whatever, I just hate it when things are unbalanced, and after this patch the BFRs will be worthless.
2005-01-13, 07:57 PM
BFR pilots do need to be satisified, but that doesn't mean they need to be pandered to. Flight BFRs are very retarded to fight, and this is coming from someone who up until a few days ago would use them. If the enemy doesn't have a few tanks among them, it's really easy to fly around, staying out of jammer range, mowing down all the infantry running around. That video someone made about flight BFRs before illustrates just how ridiculous those BFRs are, and although the VS AI weapons were bugged, the TR ones certainly don't suck, and the NC AV guns are good for anti-infantry work too (which is probably why nobody ever uses the super-jackhammer guns).
2005-01-13, 09:39 PM
Fight varients are like paper, especially when their shields go down.
Good. So they're paper. Want cardboard? Get a GV. Tile? Get a tank.
The Vanu lasers are getting damage degredation fixed (so they won't be instant death fro 100m anymore)
Even though I'm a VS, I will appreciate this. I'm sick of getting my kills stolen because some BFR pilot decides he wants to instagib a few infantry 2 miles away.
I'm happy that they're getting nerfed again. 3 decis owns a FV. 6 decis owns a GV. All under the shield. And, literally the only way to get under the shield is to drop, jam, deci... FVs could easily fly away if it weren't for jammers. Think of it this way. A battle between 2 lightnings. It's almost an even duel. A VS FV with dual AV against 2 prowlers. Who would win? Likely the prowlers. a VS FV with dual AV against 1 prowler, it's almost even. The BFR would probably win, but so what? The game's almost balanced again. If you don't like it that way, drop BFR and get something more useful. I'm happier getting 3 kills every 5 minutes in a reaver rather than 20 kills in 50 minutes in a BFR.
2005-01-13, 09:49 PM
Good. So they're paper. Want cardboard? Get a GV. Tile? Get a tank.
See you're forgetting what BFR Pilots did for that "paper" they hacked 10 bases in core combat, killed 100 unique kills then 15 in one life, and payed 6(soon to be 7) certs for it... BFRs wer supposed to be the heavy tank... now they're becoming the flying light tank... Because some noob can pay 5 cert points and then make you wait 50 minutes for another is just wrong
What do you mean soon to be seven, I have used all 20 br certs. So am I just going to get all my hard work denied? I had to sacrifice too dam much for something that is becomming useless. I don't think many non BFR pilots know how freaking long it takes to get 10 caves hacks, considering there are so few people in the caves ever. Lol I'll probably have to find a fourth outfit after this patch, as my last three left because of the nerfs.
2005-01-13, 11:39 PM
See you're forgetting what BFR Pilots did for that "paper" they hacked 10 bases in core combat, killed 100 unique kills then 15 in one life, and payed 6(soon to be 7) certs for it... BFRs wer supposed to be the heavy tank... now they're becoming the flying light tank... Because some noob can pay 5 cert points and then make you wait 50 minutes for another is just wrong
Gunner variants are the heavy tanks. I don't know what flight variants are but they sure as hell aren't suppose to be heavy tanks. They like the lightnings of the BFR world, and that's the way it should be.
Also, the prerequisites for BFRs are not a substitute for BFRs being well-balanced additions to the game.
The point was that we worked hard to get certed, and the fact that they offer us no incentives to use them and just weaken them over and over is rediculous. Lower the dam pre-reqs for BFRs or make them stronger. All SOE is doing is losing more subs.
2005-01-14, 02:03 AM
The point was that we worked hard to get certed, and the fact that they offer us no incentives to use them and just weaken them over and over is rediculous. Lower the dam pre-reqs for BFRs or make them stronger. All SOE is doing is losing more subs.
Actually by reducing the effectiveness of the flight BFRs they'll probably gain more resubscriptions, as the flight variants are what has always been the most unbalanced part of this whole BFR feature.
2005-01-14, 05:35 AM
hacked 10 bases in core combat, killed 100 unique kills then 15 in one life, and payed 6(soon to be 7)
yer, but if your an original bfr pilot, it was 20 kills, not 15
Heres a smiple solution to the flight bfr problem. make them destruct when they walk on the walls/walkways, like when vchs HD on facil roofs, they deconstruct before you have a chance to move. But make the warning times larger (i.e. 30 - 60 sec) so they can do some damage, but not just sit there and be a kill hoar.
I'm a good bfr pilot (on of the best out there, not braging) and i rally use the walkways, facils roofs to kill. Yes i use it, but to wait for the hack to go, I only go up there to get away from OS's + i have the freedom to, so I'm out the way up there. I only defend my self from the cloakers that think they can take me.
2005-01-14, 05:35 AM
See you're forgetting what BFR Pilots did for that "paper" they hacked 10 bases in core combat, killed 100 unique kills then 15 in one life, and payed 6(soon to be 7) certs for it... BFRs wer supposed to be the heavy tank... now they're becoming the flying light tank... Because some noob can pay 5 cert points and then make you wait 50 minutes for another is just wrong
Now you are complaining about a mechanic that has been in planetside since day one. BFR users don't seem to get it that time and certs spent is no excuse for shoddy gameplay.
Also you don't have to spend all your time in the bfr, there is such a thing as an infantry aspect to the game, you don't have to sit at the bfr term for 50 minutes...
Ya too bad with all the certs I spent all I was able to cert was spec assault. The best armor I have is agile.
2005-01-14, 02:05 PM
Now you are complaining about a mechanic that has been in planetside since day one. BFR users don't seem to get it that time and certs spent is no excuse for shoddy gameplay.
Also you don't have to spend all your time in the bfr, there is such a thing as an infantry aspect to the game, you don't have to sit at the bfr term for 50 minutes...
I don't see or die from that many BFR's anymore, I'm not a BFR pilot and I'm still having alot of fun playing PS, just because you can't live with the BFRs doesn't make it shoddy gameplay.
And how would you like it if your reaver was slapped with a 30 minute timer and everyone in the game recerted in AA? Would that mean you would walk around to every base after you get wtfpwned by the noobs with AA? That's somewhat how BFR pilots feel.
2005-01-14, 04:20 PM
I don't see or die from that many BFR's anymore, I'm not a BFR pilot and I'm still having alot of fun playing PS, just because you can't live with the BFRs doesn't make it shoddy gameplay.
I have to live with bfrs every time I get into PS, they do not bug me in concept. What I was pointing out was the divergance in the way bfrs were originally implimented, what bfr pilots want, and the spirit of the game and gameplay prior.
Having higher br, more time invested, and more certs was supposed to allow flexability, cosmetic upgrades, and a greater degree of self-reliance. Vehicles were balanced for this, requiring teamplay and smart mauvering to survive. (not to mention that even the heaviest tank was available to someone who just got the game) Solo vehicles had the disadvantage that they were fragile and had very specific counters, however were still appealing because they were solo and fast.
Now, can you see how the "I sat through 10 cave hacks and 7 certs on my doombot, I demand it to be extremely powerful" does not fit into this equation?
A HA/rexoshield/SA med/engy grunt who is cr5 with 10000 kills can be wasted by a br 6 with a HA/sweeper/AI max who just got the game 3 days prior. The better player, be it better at straight-out shooting, manuvering, or tactics should win, certs should not make you invulnerable to your own mistakes.
If a bfr is stupidly farming infantry it should expect to face serious retribution.
The problem with FV's is that they have enough armor and are fast enough such that they can get out of just about any shit they get themselves into.
And how would you like it if your reaver was slapped with a 30 minute timer and everyone in the game recerted in AA? Would that mean you would walk around to every base after you get wtfpwned by the noobs with AA? That's somewhat how BFR pilots feel.
Considering that that is what fighting in a zerg (esp vs) is like anyways, I have long since become accustomed to having to fight on foot.
I only ever really pull a reaver/skeedo in situations where I can make use of it, there is no point in pulling it in an environment with heavy AA. Now here your reaver/bfr analogy can only go so far. There are many certs designed to counter aircraft, quickly and efficently, not to mention that just about all vehicles have a secondary AA-like weapon. BFRs get off fairly lightly having only to really worry about groups of infantry and need to step lightly around tanks.
Pardon me if I don't feel sorry for the poor bfr pilots.
Ya too bad with all the certs I spent all I was able to cert was spec assault. The best armor I have is agile.
You are BR10 and bfr-certed? well... no comment on that.
Also agile sweeper/rocklet is what I used for a very, very long time as a br 20. Practice makes perfect, and its very hard ot get practice if you insist on being in a bfr 90%+ of the time.
2005-01-14, 07:09 PM
I don't think many non BFR pilots know how freaking long it takes to get 10 caves hacks, considering there are so few people in the caves ever. Lol I'll probably have to find a fourth outfit after this patch, as my last three left because of the nerfs.
I'm a former BFR pilot. Had the disease for a week. Got obsessed with the dual lasers, got adv in 2 days. As far as the cave hacks go, so what. I went down in the caves because there was some low profile combat down there, not because I was obsessed with BFRs. Sure I used them, got stripes, got 2 BRs, I DON'T CARE. I dropped my BFR because I missed my old certs. If you don't like the nerfs, you can drop your BFR too.
The point was that we worked hard to get certed, and the fact that they offer us no incentives to use them and just weaken them over and over is rediculous. Lower the dam pre-reqs for BFRs or make them stronger. All SOE is doing is losing more subs.
Actually by reducing the effectiveness of the flight BFRs they'll probably gain more resubscriptions
The game is getting better now. I'm seeing much more poplocks, which is good. Poplocks = more combat >>>>>>> BFRs. If you want a walking death machine you can get quickly without pain, get a MAX. 5 minute timer, 5 kills per life. Better than BFR, 50 minute timer, 20 kills per life.
I'm BR 20 CR 3 fool.
Adv Hacker
Spec Assault
Assault Buggy
I never said that I wanted a walking death machine, I just want them to stop nefing it before it becomes like the early lightning.
2005-01-14, 07:45 PM
I never said that I wanted a walking death machine, I just want them to stop nefing it before it becomes like the early lightning.
See, this is the thing. What do you want the flight variants to be? Whatever your answer, you need to realize that the developers might have something else in mind. Something that might exclude the flight variants from being effective front-line combat vehicles. You may simply be wanting something out of the vehicle that it is not being rebalanced for.
See that's the thing, I don't want a front line uber veh. I want something that can be sneeky on hit and run missions behind the lines, and at the moment it fails to be that do to the effect of the jammer and some nub with a deci. Maybe I'm over simplifying things here, but take this into consideration. After the next patch makes them tissue paper, they should make them faster, and the effect of the jammer less on them. Then, they would truly be the lightning of the BFRs: light, fast, decent armor, and powerful. Am I the only one that sees this as the future of the flight BFRs?
2005-01-16, 08:20 AM
See that's the thing, I don't want a front line uber veh. I want something that can be sneeky on hit and run missions behind the lines, and at the moment it fails to be that do to the effect of the jammer and some nub with a deci. Maybe I'm over simplifying things here, but take this into consideration. After the next patch makes them tissue paper, they should make them faster, and the effect of the jammer less on them. Then, they would truly be the lightning of the BFRs: light, fast, decent armor, and powerful. Am I the only one that sees this as the future of the flight BFRs?
They will be able to move faster because their lateral thrust is increased, it's just their lift and overall recharge rate that's reduced. So you'll be able to use it to go forward/etc more effectively, you just won't be able to jump as high or jump as often.
Also, you're exaggerating a hilarious amount again. You act as if there is some guy with a decimator and jammer in every tree or hill or tower/base top just waiting for you, which I know for a fact there isn't. I get jammed way less in a flight BFR than I do in a regular BFR. As it stands right now, you can do exactly the thing you're asking for, it seems to be you're just getting into the enemy too deep, as I really don't see how jammers and decis would be an issue unless you were flying right into the middle of the enemy.
2005-01-16, 12:00 PM
When I had my BFR cert I was nervous around everycorner lol I stayed away from bases, doors, bunkers, and trees.
Just the other day I tricked a BFR to following me into the woods with my lightning, I hopped out and hid untill he got there and shot it. Then I hopped out from behind a tree and wtfpwned his ass.
If i can come up with that plan what about the other 100 enemies that are potentially scheming the same thing??
Warborn, yes there are people who do that ALL day. I am currently hunted by seven people that I know of. If it wasn't for the /who command I would be screwed. You obviously don't know how to use jammers against BFRs, all you have to do is position yourself where they are going to land and throw a jammer strait up. This has forced me to become extremely agile while in flight. BFR pilots have to be extremely paranoid, or they die in less than 50 mins.
2005-01-16, 05:40 PM
i am making presumptions and know how to design games better than people who do it professionally also my opinion isn't tainted by my personal bias honest guys
Remind me to avoid getting sucked into the black hole that is discussing things with you again in the future.
2005-01-16, 06:06 PM
Oh, BOO HOO, you die in under 50 friggin minutes in a BFR. Cry me a river, Sally.
You have one of the most awesome weapons in Planetside (second only to the Jackhammer, the king of base combat) and you have the audacity to cry that you get WTFPWNT.
DUDE. Get a life. Your BFR isn't an insta-gib weapon of uber-doom.
Thats my pooint, it isn't a uber weapon. lol, you just agreed with me. So why then do they keep nerfing it. And warborn, don't be stupid and make crap up, that's the reason PSU is closing.
2005-01-17, 12:25 AM
don't be stupid and make crap up, that's the reason PSU is closing.
The irony.
Nuff said.
What irony? Explain further or be quiet.
2005-01-18, 11:18 PM
The fact that you cannot grasp the irony of your statement needs no explaining, and the statement itself is simplistic enough so that those who understand irony don't need an explanation. But for the mental midgets out there, allow me to demonstrate.
You said PSU was closing because of people making crap up.
That isn't the reason.
You're making crap up. And paradoxically enough, you're part of your own perceived problem.
Have I gotten through to you, have I reached you yet? Or are you hopelessly drowning in the shallow end of the brain pool?
Regardless, PSU isn't even closing.
Yes, so please stop argueing. I believe this thread has run its course.
2005-01-19, 10:53 PM
I'm not arguing. An argument is where two sides try to convince each other that their stance is correct. I don't need to do that - you did it for me. The thread ran its course when you stuck your foot in your mouth.
Have a nice day.
See that's the thing, I don't want a front line uber veh. I want something that can be sneeky on hit and run missions behind the lines
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