View Full Version : Why i'm so god damn tired today...

2005-01-30, 09:14 PM
All week my friends from New Smyrna were planning on coming to my Uncle's place in Heathrow(Orlando, FL) and getting royally smashed. The party was going to be one of the biggest i've held since i've been in college so it was going to be quite amazing. Of course, with every big party comes the chance that a big asshole will want to fuck up the big party. Here's the story:

The plan was we were going to christen a new ping-pong table that we'd specifically designed for beer pong. It was beautiful. We painted it so that it was susceptible to black light and we built a fish tank under it which is fully stocked. It's a beautiful sight, and it can also be used for ping pong. I know it sounds silly and collegiate but, that's what we are, college students, soooo, yeah. :D

Anyways, the party started off amazingly. Everyone that showed up were pretty good friends of mine and they brought only girlfriends, boyfriends, or close friends. There was no *stranger diffusion.* The party was just about 60 or 70 of my closest friends, hahaha. Well. It started out swimingly. In fact, it was amazing. The pool was open to anyone who wanted to swim or whatever. There was a ridiculous amount of beer and alcohol. It was just generally great. It couldn't have been more perfect.

Then, my friend Gary and his girlfriend were coming in and some big asshole that i guess heard about the party somehow (i didn't know this kid, he was just some dick that i guess had a problem with Gary for some moronic, neanderthal-ass reason.. that's neither here nor there at the moment) He's got his head out the window of his car screaming ignorant, childish shit as he drives by the house and just saying how gay everyone in the party is and what not. He's a football player that's red-shirted or something, because those guys are all fucking ridiculous and they think they're hot shit because they're all on the football team. Now, bear this in mind. I walked in with Gary and he never said a WORD to these guys. Not a word. These guys finally parked up the street at the end of the line of cars. Hopped out and made their way up like they were coming to the party.

I wasn't having this. There was no way these guys were coming in because they were only going to try to start problems, of course. So, I was planning on strolling out to their little group and explaining that it was a private gettogether that did not require their pressence. And that would have been that. Right? Of course not. So i decided to go back into the house and just explain to my friend Jay(who also made the trip down with Bliss, his fiance, woohoo) who was the "greeter" that these guys were not to come in. He gave me a wink and a nod and we left it at that.

The guys eventually got to the door and were yelling INTO the party at Gary, saying that he needed to come outside and settle his shit like a man because only bitches talk shit without backing it up. Right, because that's what grown-ups do. They fight. Right? No? Okay.

So the guy's yelling in the door at Gary and finally Gary just tells him that he doesn't have a problem with him and he doesn't understand why the guy is pissed because he never said a word. He said that if he'd had a problem with him he'd have said it to his face, but there wasn't a problem so nothing had to be said. The guy persisted. Yelling into the fucking house through the front door, over my friend Jay, with Bliss trying to get him to back off. Meanwhile I'm upstairs, making my way down to fix the problem. The guy pushes past Jay and knocks Bliss over. The big dude gets right in Gary's face and starts saying how he needs to quit talking shit... you know, the traditional childish shit that these overgrown assholes love to throw around. Gary's girl is now pushing Gary back, trying to get him away from the big guy but they're right in each other's faces. Now the big guy is saying how Gary needs to talk behind his bitch because he's scared. Gary says: "She's not my bitch, don't say that shit, i never said shit about you -and what not-"
The guys follows it up by saying, "then you have to say shit behind your whore"

Now, look. I think fighting is just as fucking ignorant as the next guy, but that was the furthest thing from cool. You don't say shit like that about a girl, especially one you don't know and is one third your weight. So Gary says "Fuck you" and the football douche-bag flies off the hook and throws a punch that misses Gary wide and when Gary tried to get his girl out of the way the big fucker hit her in the shoulder, with a punch that I'm sure was meant for Gary but still. He hit her. Gary flipped on him and charged him, and the big dude was already charging Gary and they connected and just started one of those really coordinated scuffle-fights that look really ridiculous but everyone tries to get in on or break up. Well, punches were thrown, swear words were uttered. Bear in mind, Gary weighs all of 160 lbs. He's half this guy's weight. This big piece of shit just wanted a fight. And he found it.

Me and my friends worked our asses off to break it up, and i threw in an elbow here and there, but it was such a big shitty mess. When it finally got broken up was when the Heathrow Security got there and chased after 'em. It was ridiculous. They didn't catch them, of course. The guys got away and we're not sure who they were, so yeah, they got away. Security hasn't got a clue who they were. Some people may know but they're not sure because it happened so fast and this and that. Whatever.

Security came in and talked to a bunch of people, especially me since it was "MY HOUSE." *sigh* what a mess. My Uncle got called, who didn't care, he was just glad that it didn't get so out of hand that someone got seirously hurt. Mostly he just wanted to make sure Gary got off without any kind of fine or anything (My Uncle's a lawyer/real estate agent). It was really fucked up. Gary got off without a fine or anything, but this guy was in deep shit for all the numerous disordly conduct laws and what not that he broke.

Now, you have to understand something: Gary is one of those guys that everyone loves. He came to the party and everyone was like "Garraaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" you know? One of those kinds of people. So it was really fucked up seeing someone trying to start problems with him.

So, it was about 6 in the morning when everything got cleared up. Half the party had gone by then, the other half were my closest friends who stayed to try to salvage what was left of a really fucked up night. Gary stayed because he decided to crash.

Around seven they buzzed the house again yelling shit out the window of their car. The cops shot 'em dead.

Kidding. :D

But no, actualy, it was pretty quiet after that. The party still went on. The cops didn't break it up because it was a private residence and it appeared that everyone was "of age." So, yeah, they didn't care about the party and what not. They just didn't appreciate the asshole factor. But they knew it wasn't our fault that it happened so they decided that we were okay (plus my Uncle fixed some things. He's great.)

So, yeah. didn't sleep until 10 in the morning, which was actually a 2 hour nap because we ended up getting breakfast this morning and then going to play basketball this afternoon. Turns out the guys shouldn't even have been in Heathrow, it's a gated community with security gates all around the enormous perimeter. Nice place, really. Somehow these guys got in over the wall or something and borrowed the big fucker's grandmother's car. Yeah. They used his grandmother's car to do this childish shit. Sad.

Fucked up night. Great party up until the fucker patrol showed up. *sigh* Some people are just pathetic.

Oh well. Everyone, so far, has said they had a great time up until then. It's becoming known as the most exciting party of the year. :rolleyes: :p

all i can say is: too much :drama:

Neon Apocalypse
2005-01-30, 09:32 PM
im sure those dude have no friends and wanted to make themselves feel better by beating the shit from someone half their size

you guys should have gotten every dude at the party and chased those fuckers out, it would have been really funny

I Hate Pants
2005-01-30, 09:33 PM
Wait a sec!? You guys lets these dudes tromp around on your property? Did you guys out number them? Didn't you have like a bat or something?

Sorry if im missing something here. I kinda skimed through the story. Sucks you guys didn't get to beat the shit outta them.

2005-01-30, 09:45 PM
fact is we didnt' want to fight anyone. it was a great party and the last thing we wanted to was to ruin it by having some brawl. some people just can't stand seeing other people enjoying themselves.

and the situation's being "fixed" as we speak.

2005-01-31, 12:29 AM
fighting isn't the answer but i do have anger management problems...i guess it comes from watching my brother beat the shit out of people for years...i probably would have taken a bat to his face, consequences would have been a bitch though...glad to see everyone is ok, for the most part....

2005-01-31, 05:15 PM
fact is we didnt' want to fight anyone. it was a great party and the last thing we wanted to was to ruin it by having some brawl. some people just can't stand seeing other people enjoying themselves.

and the situation's being "fixed" as we speak.So .. I'm guess someone fessed up as to who these neanderthals were? and they're being neutered? :p

I agree with ya about the fighting stuff, never helps anything but egos.