View Full Version : Anyone find WoW boring? (barbarant in french)
2005-02-07, 01:17 PM
I started off the game, and the first thing I have to do is do quests. Which just involve killing things, like every other cliched MMORPG out there....
I do the quests for a bit, and I realized I hated this, DESPISED IT.
I was in a n00by town, and since there were 15 hundred bajillion servers, there is no one here. Anyway, I decided to explore the world, the thing this game was invented for, I could just imagine it (then) Me, running across continents and wild plains, Hunting with packs of other tuaren and venturing into old blue glowing temples.....
So I just start walking along the road, and I die about 15 times, because of the MILLIONS OF MONSTERS just wandering every square inch of the place. Thats a real great system fuckheads, just place monsters fucking EVERYWHERE and slowly raise their level so you have to hunt loot hunt loot for another week.
And I couldnt head west, because theres fucking mountains EVERYWHERE. Thats a real great system fuckheads, just put fucking mountains EVERYWHERE.
Then after dieing fifteen hundred times just so I could walk down a path, I encountered a boat and got on. It took me too a new world, full of the same fucking thing. Then Since I couldnt walk down a path without 20 black panthers running out from their designated "wandering" spots to team up and slaughter me haplessly.
Sigh, time to swim the oceans! I wanted to head up north (will continue bell rang)
2005-02-07, 01:21 PM
ook play another game
2005-02-07, 01:44 PM
O... k...
Here goes nothing:
Don't ever, ever use french. You don't sound intelligent using it... Fact is, you're a moron and most of the people on here will agree with me.
As for the rest of your post I won't even bother awnsering, I'll just add this: I thought you couldnt get any dumber... I was wrong.
2005-02-07, 02:07 PM
wow... that just broke me....
I guess no one ever said outright that they despise me
Well im gone from here then.
wow.. I'm sorry this just really hurt me
I didnt know anyone here hated me...... :huh:
2005-02-07, 03:09 PM
O... k...
Here goes nothing:
Don't ever, ever use french. You don't sound intelligent using it... Fact is, you're a moron and most of the people on here will agree with me.
As for the rest of your post I won't even bother awnsering, I'll just add this: I thought you couldnt get any dumber... I was wrong.
Stop being a grumpy sod and flaming everyone, it's getting beyond rediculous. if you want to flame.
2005-02-07, 03:46 PM
WoW for me isn't boring, yes I could complain to that there is too many monsters but then if they lowered it I could complain there is TOO LITTLE monsters to kill, so I walk on the road to avoid them. No where does it tell you that you HAVE to do any quests, but for me it would be boring with out them and they get way better once you progress. Most of the time I when I talk to a person who doesn't like a game he just is a noob at it, not applying anything here though.
2005-02-07, 03:58 PM
I like making alts.
Red October
2005-02-07, 04:00 PM
I'm going to give WoW a shot this weekend and check it out. But I know what you mean when you want to explore, you get that bug and want to see new places. When I dinged at lvl 20 in EQ2, I explored Thundering Steppes as much as I could (since I'm a Ranger, I could explore quite a bit). Later I took the boat ride to Nektulos Forest (kick ass forest IMHO) and explored a bit there. Then I went exploring in the Commonlands and long story short, I snuck into the enemy city of Freeport and explored quite a bit. Heh, now I'm trying to level a few more and hit a few more places in addition to finish exploring Nektulos Forest and Thundering Steppes. I don't know the mechanics of WoW (yet) but to explore you would want a class that can either sneak or make you invisible.
2005-02-07, 04:10 PM
I started off the game, and the first thing I have to do is do quests. Which just involve killing things, like every other cliched MMORPG out there....
just killing things, what a great way to put it. Pretty much EVERY MMO involves killing.
I was in a n00by town, and since there were 15 hundred bajillion servers, there is no one here.
Might have been on at non-peek hours.
Anyway, I decided to explore the world, the thing this game was invented for, I could just imagine it (then) Me, running across continents and wild plains, Hunting with packs of other tuaren and venturing into old blue glowing temples.....
So I just start walking along the road, and I die about 15 times, because of the MILLIONS OF MONSTERS just wandering every square inch of the place. Thats a real great system fuckheads,
Yeah fuckhead, like you said you were a noob/low lvl so don't expect to be superman against everything, and this isn't the 21st century creatures tend to go where they want, not just designated areas off the road.
And I couldnt head west, because theres fucking mountains EVERYWHERE. Thats a real great system fuckheads, just put fucking mountains EVERYWHERE.
LOL , oh no not mountains. You mean like natural formations? lol
Sigh, time to swim the oceans! I wanted to head up north oceans would prolly be worse then the superduper safe road.
Edit: Best tip for exploring, stay in 3rd person, and watch where enemies are, and know your agro range.
2005-02-07, 06:36 PM
You cant expect to be able to explore everything in one sitting. The game was designed to limit your progress geographically so you start exploring more exotic locales the higher you go up in level.
2005-02-07, 07:33 PM
O... k...
Here goes nothing:
Don't ever, ever use french. You don't sound intelligent using it... Fact is, you're a moron and most of the people on here will agree with me.
As for the rest of your post I won't even bother awnsering, I'll just add this: I thought you couldnt get any dumber... I was wrong.
To: Pot
From: Kettle
Re: You're black.
2005-02-08, 09:29 AM
2005-02-08, 10:01 AM
newb :p
You arent supposed to be able to go out and run around the entire world at lvl 1, I would have ganked you.
I like WoW because it isnt "hard core" there is plenty to do for someone who has an actual life. Unlike most RPGs where those who have no lives are the ubercharacters.
2005-02-08, 10:13 AM
I played WoW for about 3 days. I found the game entertaining for the first 2. After that it sorta just teetered and then dropped. The game just isnt for me. Hamma is right though. You dont have to play nonstop in the game. Thats why my MMORPG of choise right now is the exact same. Dont have to be on every day. Hell I can set up a few market deals and come back 3 days later a little richer and have some new skill done.
2005-02-08, 10:27 PM
The resting system is great too. If I have a few days where I can't be on, I can come back and really not have lost any time.
2005-02-08, 11:25 PM
i'm not an RPG person myself...i did play a little Dark Age Of Camelot when it first came out, but I stopped when i got to around level 13...FPS is more exciting to me..
RPGs aren't my favorite type of game but I find one reason I like RPGs is cause they are social, get a group of friends to go on adventures with, and help each other out type of games. I like that.
I do like fragging a friend in a FPS too though. :D
2005-02-09, 06:13 PM
i like omelets.
... anyways. Um. WoW. Someone list for me the differences between it and EQII. I'm not a MMORPG guy so I don't pay much attention to the genre. But, WoW sounds interesting. Sooooo, just out of curiosity, what's so great about it and what're the differences between it and other MMORPG's??
2005-02-09, 06:17 PM
... anyways. Um. WoW. Someone list for me the differences between it and EQII. I'm not a MMORPG guy so I don't pay much attention to the genre. But, WoW sounds interesting. Sooooo, just out of curiosity, what's so great about it and what're the differences between it and other MMORPG's??
I don't know but from personal experience the graphics are pleasing to the eye, the PVP is great and classes are almost balanced. The game is simple enough without being too simplistic, unlike EQII for wich you need to be a rocket scientist (exageration here) to operate correctly.
I could go on and on but I'm too lazy and I have kung-fu in about 10 minutes.
... The game is simple enough without being too simplistic, unlike EQII for wich you need to be a rocket scientist surgeon (exageration here) to operate correctly.
I could go on and on but I'm too lazy and I have kung-fu in about 10 minutes.
Fixed and saw this and thought of you...
:love: ;)
2005-02-14, 04:35 PM
Fixed and saw this and thought of you...
:love: ;)
Red October
2005-02-14, 06:11 PM
I finally tried WoW yesterday, Proudmoore sever, Rougue, Night Elf, charchter name Xolodno...same as my EQ2 name. I played for a little more than four hours, not enough to get a real in depth perception or learn enough about the game to make a good critique. But, my first impressions...
Graphics: I like them both. EQ2 has the realism and WoW has that "mythical" feel to it. One of my complaints on EQ2 graphics is that it does not have enough "mythical apppeal". One of my complaints on WoW is some things are just a little too cartoonish (the charchters themselves).
UI: EQ2's interface can be a challenge at first, but once you get into the swing of things, its actually very easy. Pretty soon you have a couple of routine's set up depending on the mob, if your grouped or not, or what role your fufilling. WoW's UI is very easy, took me a few minutes to get it, but I eventually figured everything out. Still kind of early though to compare.
Tutorial: EQ2's tutorial pwns. You get the basic's fast and Refugee Island is a great set up for some one new (like me, I played the first EQ for 2 hours and left hating it...never thought in a million years I would play EQ2). WoW's tutorial....wasn't much of a tutorial.
Group: Only played in one group in WoW thus far, so this isn't a good indicator yet, it wasn't a fun social interaction. In EQ2, you can get a bad group, I haven't personaly experianced it. But word travels fast if your a bad person to group with. But overall, I've had pretty good groups and really helpfull people.
Help: Sooner or later your going to ask for help in chat. I asked a few times in WoW...and all I heard was crickets. In EQ2, I have to spend about a minute or two thanking everyone who responded to me in both ooc and tell's. But this is still too early to make any assumptions.
Crafting: Haven't crafted anything yet in WoW, so no comparison. But, EQ2's crafting at the begining, blew, sucked and swallowed all at the same time. After the last few patches (and reading the tutorial), crafting has come a long way. I actually look foward to doing it. Your success or failure in crafting an item is very interactive. My one complaint, it has a little too much interdependency. Next patch is supposed to take of that to some degree however. so thats what WoW is competing against.
PvP: Haven't tried it yet in WoW and EQ2 doesn't have it...yet. The Dev's have stated over and over that there are no PvP plans for EQ2 at this time. But in the mean time we have these closed colloseums in both Freeport and Qeynos...and this "Cold War" between the two cities. Plus if you sneak into the enemy city, the gaurds Aggro against you and have a Con color. But when they hit you, you just get booted out of the city. Yes, no plans at this time. So if PvP is essential to your game, WoW wins.
Combat: EQ2 is very interactive in your choice of manuevers. Wrong choice or not paying attention can leave you dead. Almost wish there was a "pause" button. WoW is very simplified and hitting the wrong button didn't seem to matter too much. Just the quickness I was able to kill the mob.
Custimization: EQ2, your charchter become's more unique as you progress. And I really like that, I discovered a number of choice's I had planned on making didn't fit the way I thought I would progress. WoW has some good customization, but not as advanced as EQ2....thus far. Still need to play more.
Quests: This may be the underlying factor for me. Solo quests are definately more abundant in WoW (although EQ2 did add more recently). Good plus there, don't always have the time to group or Guild maybe off somewhere too far to reach. However, in WoW....I was yawning an awful lot....I was actually planning to play the whole day. I stopped because well....the quests were boring and the Lore itself really didn't interest me for some reason. Started EQ2 after that and got into the game fast....and wasn't yawning. I was wide awake again. I was also a bit dissappointed that WoW doesn't have a betrayel quest. I'm doing that with one alt right now. Created him for the sole purpose to betray Qeynos for Freeport...and I plan to do the same for Freeport for another charchter.
Well, thats my first impression thus far. Not going to make a final judgement untill the 30 day's is up. But right now, I'm liking EQ2 more, which is kind of funny. Had I started WoW a couple of months ago, I would have probally went to WoW given the "incompleteness" of EQ2 at the time.
2005-02-14, 06:34 PM
I love EQ2 for 3 months... after that it got old fast, very, very, very fast... Once I got my Swashbuckler to level 21, the exp was coming in so slow that in 2 weeks I only got half of my exp bar filled up...
I've played WoW only twice, it was fin for a little while, then the graphics started to get on my nerves... I didn't touch it again...
Now I play EVE and PS... EVE pwns but it take patience and a good corp (PSDU!! Roxxers my Boxxers :love: )
But, the KING, of all MMO's is..(drum roll).. Of course PlanetSide... I'm still in love after a year and a half... Through all the nerfing, the buffing and so on and so forth......... PlanetSide rocks!
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