View Full Version : can we get an official bfr vote?
2005-02-14, 04:33 PM
I dont like digging up old topics, but bfr's are still a large pain to a lot of people in planetside. I still hear a lot of people complaining about them making the game a pain to play. I recently got my girl to start playing and she has a great time in a lot of fights but the bfr's have made her not want to play anywhere that BFR's are so she probably wont keep her membership.
I know that the devs won't decide to get rid of them unless there is a solid peice of evidence that a majority does or does not want them in game. A forum vote is out of the question cause only a small portion of the player base goes to them. Just to end the debate they should have a simple one time vote box per player that pops up when a player logs in and poll everyone that logs in over, say a month, just to see if they are wanted in game. I am sure 99% of people that still play will get their vote in over a month of poll time so that would be a fair amount of time to be accurate.
I think if a majority of players say they dont want them that they will be removed to please the majority. no flames or explainations, just solid numbers. If the majority wants them then it will be proven and over. No debate. such polls should be taken on occasion anyway to get our feelings on such additions in the future. they should be making PS a game that we want cause we're the ones that pay them to play it. No more adding things that make so many people cancel their memberships.
Sorry for such a long post, i just want our opinions to be heard.
2005-02-14, 05:58 PM
i complain about vanguards more bitterly than BFRs (which is to say not really at all). having operated all nine vehicles in question, i prefer all classes of MBTs over any BFR.
the differences are easy.
a bfr has a pretty mean shield than you can see very clearly... and it's huge.
huge profile means a big target (right, prowlers?) for everyone in the area.
once that shield starts to fail, every weapon in range will turn upon that bfr and all hell descends upon it for those last few seconds, and boom. no more walker.
besides being a fire-magnet on the feild, the wide array of things you can do to ruin a bfr's day must be factored in.
disabling sensors, movement gyros, flight modules, shields, weapons, and destroying ammunition... not to mention the viewshakes the gunners are fighting.
all these things combined make life very difficult for a bfr crew.
i had no idea what kind of mess these things were in recently until i tried gunning one yesterday, and i've come away with a new appreciation for their place in combat as a big bullseye.
2005-02-14, 06:34 PM
I believe they had a vote like that asking if anyone would attend a ps convention, correct me if that was not a launchpad vote but a vote on the OF
O and I've been Pro BFR since day 1, variety FTW!
2005-02-14, 07:24 PM
Gunner BFR isn't leaving
Gameplay problems
Seriously faulty Coding issues
They are still up for grabs
I'd like to see a 'Remove FVs' Vote.
2005-02-14, 08:13 PM
i agree they are always the main target on the feild and they should be cause they are powerful. thats where they should only be. not in a cy spamming the doorways, or on the catwalks
It ruins the infantrys chance of winning outdoor fights which are the most fun. On emerald as a tr, the vs always have nearly double the bfrs as us(tr) so they pretty much go each near base in groups and there is no chance of killing one cause they just take it till their sheilds get down a bit then let a fresh one up front. I took a screenshot of 13 vs bfrs approaching our base the other day. I hate fighting the vs anymore cause of that. I hate knowing if i go outside there is almost always one nearby so i die trying to jammer it so our tanks have a chance yet they die, i die, run out and do it again. yay. soo much fun. how about we just wait inside so the nme's can start coming in the doors. we'll hold them till we go neutral. soo much fun. hey lets go recall and fight the nc instead, they dont spam the bfrs so much.
Thats my opinion and that of many others. thats why i would like the vote from all the players. to get the majorities opinion. and as i said, the forums are a very small portion of the playerbase. its almost to the point of the person who wins the fights are the ones that have the most bfr's. lately its been the vs everytime we fight them.
2005-02-14, 09:49 PM
I don't really have much of a problem with it.
If people want to go spend 7 (i think) certs on getting something like that,np. They won't be able to get too much else.
FV are quite annoying, but concentrated firepower can easily take them out.
Not be able to do much else? In addition to that I have spec assault, assault buggy, and the stuff that comes with the BFR cert.
2005-02-14, 10:56 PM
But it sure is rewarding to take one down with a thresher (which by the way, freaking own BFRs. Over the weekend, myself and a few other FC folks took down well over 15 BFRs with the thresher) There are ways too fight them. I'm a fan turned bitter. I loved to use them, but they got boring and they can really ruin fights. But then again, that is why I certed CE :twisted: :twisted:
2005-02-15, 12:01 AM
I generally don't like them. While they're just now approaching balance, they caused a great deal more problems then they solved, not to mention alienated a very large portion of the veteran population.
Don't get me wrong, they're a great concept, and look absolutely awesome, but they were too much of a "That's cool looking, put it in" kneejerk reaction. There was (as far as I can tell) no analysis of how they'd affect our game.
"BFRs killed the Infantry Star"
[Edit: Yeah, rereading the thread, a final point- the regular and gunner BFRs were solid, at least in theory, since you can actually hit the shield generator. Whoever okayed flight varients needs to be shot in the face.]
2005-02-15, 03:39 AM
The normal BFRs are fine, but the flight variants are kind of lame. And this is coming from someone who uses them all the time solo. When I play with a few rl friends, we use a Marauder Prowler for ground stuff, and I really do hate flight variants a lot. The normal BFRs are fine, as they're vulnerable but suitably powerful, but it's just a pain in the ass fighting FV's, not only because they can fly up and snipe stuff from mid-air, but because they can fly away really, really easily. They're too easy to survive with compared to their power.
Personally, I wouldn't mind at all if FV's had their COF drastically increased when flying. That'll reduce the ability for them to hide behind the walls of a base, fly up, snipe some guys, fly down, regen, rinse and repeat. That's the part of FV's I want to see go.
At the same time, FV's are kind of buggy. Sometimes when you hit jump, you launch forward with great speed and it's all good. That's what you expect. Othertimes, you'll be running, in Transit, hit jump, maybe even holding forward, and what happens? You jump straight up. I mean, fucking vertical. You just lose all momentum and jump up in a straight line. So stupid, and although it's yet to happen, I can absolutely see that costing me my BFR in the future, when instead of flying forward at a decent speed, I just make myself a huge, nigh-immobile target. That, and the way you take damage sometimes when you land (but sometimes you don't) are the two things I'd like fixed about the FV's. That's in addition to the COF-while-flying nerf of course.
2005-02-15, 05:24 AM
Heh I'd have to think a little bit on what nerfs would be neccisary to keep FV's around instead of removing them.
One of em, ontop of your flying CoF
Would 7 second deconstruct timer for Trees and Bases.
That and the inability to regenerate shields while underwater, and no jumpjetting while underwater
Have the same speed underwater, as overland.
So there's really no reason to be camping down there.
Dev's already don't allow shield regen inside warpgates for similar reasons.
2005-02-15, 07:37 AM
I ran into a half dead Colossus on the field last night while I was in my Quasar. He killed me, but I just managed to take him with me :D
Man is it satisfying to kill a BFR with an AI max, half dead and shieldless when I found him or not :groovy:
2005-02-15, 11:55 AM
Ha funny you mention the damage they sometimes take when they land. I jumped into a freindly cy last week when i had it certed and from full health, no sheild damage, blew up from the landing, that really blew my mind, only had it for about 3 minutes. has anyone tried to kill them with the fury? man they are awesome at a small distance. they aren't too bad fighting outdoors like that if there are few numbers cause you have a chance to get a bit of armor to them, or turrets that make them run everytime. once they get near the cy though, its over.
The only way we can effectively take the cy back when the biffers took over was to matrix to a nearby tower, and have a few friends go with you to os them bastards. thank god we have enough cr5's and cr4's now to bring that kind of saving grace. i think 75% of os'es i see anymore are used on bfr's even if its for 2 kills.
Oh and kinda off topic, has anyone else gotten that bug where you os like 10-15 people and dont get xp for over half of them?
2005-02-15, 11:55 AM
OK Bfrs can be owned easily enough, and it is hilarious and gratifying to see them go down. All you need is teamwork and concentrated firepower. However the ability of BFR's i have beef with is that they are able to REFIL NTU SILOS!!!!
Last night the VS were trying to get a foothold on esamir and had captured andvari (the dropship center). As a result of the battle for Andvari the NTU level was down to 20%. KAAOS was guarding the WG so that ant runs werent possible (shooting down 3 ants, 2 galaxies, and 2 lodestars in the process :P), when all of a sudden the NTU level starts to rise. We quickly fly over the base in attempt to stop the refill and we see a BFR FILLING THE SILO FROM ITS NTU PACK. Come on, so much for teamwork...
2005-02-15, 04:46 PM
drsomewhere, you call that teamwork? Camping poor ppl in their vehicles, what were you guys in Reavers? BFRs? I hate nothing more than people camping spawns,WGs,etc. Camping is cheap.
But then again, I think its retarded that BFRs can fill Silos. Hmmm....what are ANTs for!? :S
From the 3 empire specific BFRs I dispise the VS Eclipse, I mean it can jump up to 300 metres in the air, and with invisible lasers sniping everything it can see. Another bug (or whatever) that I dont like is when I go around enemies, then I see them facing the other direction, but they are shooting me at the same time.
I'm alright with gunner BFRs...
2005-02-15, 04:54 PM
The best weapon against BFRs is the boomer from unseen and protected places. I am not saying that I have or ever will use this method. But I have seen it done by people against mainly BFRs and sometimes AMSes. (These people will remain anonymous to prevent any exploiter flames. If it is considered an exploit by the DEV team they would somehow stop it. Plus, the best way to get an exploit fixed is to abuse the hell out of it.) This seems to work really well against those BFRs that are camping the front door.
Note: I am in no way promoting this tactic nor telling anyone to try it nor how to use it to its full potential.
2005-02-15, 04:57 PM
Yea, that tactic is cheap and I've seen it done. But when I see it, I always ask myself this. Which is cheaper: A big friggin' gun that can fly and insta-gib like nobody's business that's camping, or using a method which the Dev's haven't tried to stop to kill the camping morons?
2005-02-15, 06:53 PM
They fixed the invisible lasers bug and the eclipse cant fly any higher than the others
2005-02-15, 08:18 PM
BFRs are easy to kill under one of 2 conditions. 1: You zerg the bfr, or 2: you have the proper certs to kill it alone. IMO, the proper certs to do it are ATV, rexo, and AV. My new anti bfr tactic is having decis in each rifle holster and a jammer in the first holster. Get an ATV, use it to get as close as you can, bail out, jam the BFR, and shoot off decis. Works GREAT against tower campers, and BFRs heading to a base. FVs do have the ability to run away from this though even with the jammer effect. There's an "exploit" for the rate of fire on the decimator, it requires 2 in a rexosuit though (1 in each holster). If I shoot my guns right, I can pinch a FV in about 6 seconds after firing the first deci. Gunner variants have it easy, the gunner can bail out and shoot me because I have no other weapons (short of my knife :D ).
I do agree with you that unless you're MADE to kill a BFR, it can't be done alone. The most you can do is piss them off if you don't have a tactical advantage and proper weaponry.
The sad thing is that BFRs are here to stay. They're never leaving PS anytime soon. The GOOD thing is that battle islands will be BFR free when the lattice changes are released.
2005-02-16, 11:29 PM
Let's try to stay on topic folks. This thread isn't about taking down a BFR, it's about the impact of BFRs on Planetside.
In the limited time I have spent with BFRs, I feel the effects of it are already pretty negative. The BFRs indeed have weaknesses, and absolutely have strengths. Yes, there are tactics to take them down, and so on, and so forth. All of the above is ideal and all, but that in itself is the problem. In an ideal environment, BFRs would play out great because they have a rock<scissor<paper thing going on with infantry and vehicles.
In your typical battle, you have 20-30+ people on opposing sides. Lets say it's equal right now at 40. Let's assume that approximately 4 people on each side will grab a medium tank (Van, Mag, Prowl). So that's 8 people (TR are exception, they lose more infantry) who will not be fighting on the battlefield. No biggy, only 8, you still have 32 able body soldiers. Now lets say that 5 people on each side go out to grab something else (Deliv variant, lightning, blah). I'm not going to go calculate the possible permutations for that that number + number of gunners, I don't have that much free time. So lets say, hypothetically, 7 people go into vehicles as drivers or gunners. 32 becomes 25. Not bad, still good. Lets also assume we have 2 BFR gunner variants, now that's 4 people plus something uber destructive. 25 becomes 21. 21 people against 2 BFRs, 4 medium tanks, and 5 other vehicles capable of mass destruction.
Seems a bit wrong now doesn't it?
Well, my point is, is that BFRs with all of the above, plus other infantry trying to kill you lowers everyone's survival time. And lets be honest, we don't like going to the spawn tube every 2 minutes, especially not when you're trying the game out. Bad first impression, no?
For the record, I don't give a rats ass about what hapens to my empire. All I care about is my gaming experience, and in reality, that's the only real reason to complain about anything.
Please don't flame me about the example I used, it was only hypothetcal, indeed you can have billions of different scenarios, the one I described is only one of the possible ones.
2005-02-19, 03:45 PM
drsomewhere, you call that teamwork? Camping poor ppl in their vehicles, what were you guys in Reavers? BFRs? I hate nothing more than people camping spawns,WGs,etc. Camping is cheap.
But then again, I think its retarded that BFRs can fill Silos. Hmmm....what are ANTs for!? :S
From the 3 empire specific BFRs I dispise the VS Eclipse, I mean it can jump up to 300 metres in the air, and with invisible lasers sniping everything it can see. Another bug (or whatever) that I dont like is when I go around enemies, then I see them facing the other direction, but they are shooting me at the same time.
I'm alright with gunner BFRs...
Making that base go neutral was vital to that continent's survival (VS w/ tech=bad day.) All i was trying to point out is why on earth can BFR's supply NTU's to bases? Isnt it bad enough that they can kill anything THEY SEE COMING ?
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