2005-02-18, 04:28 PM
http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/space/02/13/pluto.anniv.ap/index.html If i got the date wrong I'm so gonna kick my ass.
Anyways yeah kinda would make you think about whether its really a planet or a big piece of space junk. The person who wrote this also has very bad topic organization for in one paragraph he's talking about comets, then suddenly he says Pluto as atmospheric seasons, then goes into planets orbit. :rolleyes:
Anyways yeah kinda would make you think about whether its really a planet or a big piece of space junk. The person who wrote this also has very bad topic organization for in one paragraph he's talking about comets, then suddenly he says Pluto as atmospheric seasons, then goes into planets orbit. :rolleyes: