View Full Version : Star Wars Episode III Pictures

2005-02-25, 08:06 AM
This link contains many pictures and SPOILERS for the new Star Wars movie.

DO NOT click on it if you are going to tell me that I ruined the film by passing this link along to you. :p

Episode III Pictures (http://www.tpu.fi/~t4jlaaks/ep3/)

EDIT : And of course I just noticed the other thread about this film after I posted, so don't hurt me too bad about that :groovy:

2005-02-25, 10:47 AM
Thoes are some MAJOR Spoliers BEWARE!!!!!

I Hate Pants
2005-02-25, 11:58 AM
Damn, I feel as if someone has told me the entire film now.

Where did this guy get all those pictures and how did he know the story line?

Red October
2005-02-25, 01:27 PM
Those are indeed huge spoilers. I thought it would be minimal....but dang...

2005-02-25, 03:51 PM
If you don't read the captions it's alright for most of them.

2005-02-25, 08:45 PM
Yeah folks, do not read. I made that mistake, and I am not a happy Chrono :father: