View Full Version : Greifers come here

2003-02-14, 09:32 AM
I was just wondering if there are any greifers here. And if so, I wanted to talk to a few of them.

2003-02-14, 09:43 AM
/griefs Tommy

OMG HAHAA F4G I pwnz0r Jo0 I HAEF L33t skillz. Ph33r the cute ones!

/runs like hell

2003-02-14, 10:02 AM
I am a griefer of griefers. Does that count?

2003-02-14, 10:32 AM

People who TK/Grief usally dont advertise themselves.

2003-02-14, 10:51 AM
It's the new generation of griefers, charismatic griefers. :rolleyes:

2003-02-14, 10:54 AM
"Excuse me, but would you be a sporting chap and hold this grenade? Jolly good sport, lad! Pip pip! Cheerio!"

*pulls the pin and runs*

"Ohoahahhohohahahohoahahoh... oeh oeh TEATIEM. Beauregard, please to bring t3h SCOENS, my good man!"

2003-02-14, 11:21 AM
Actually, Hamma, I usually find that greifers are more than happy to let you know who they are(not IRL, of course). I just wanted to know why people grief. It just seems like a childish call for attention. I thought maybe its something else. Some kind of 4 year old power trip kinda thing. I don't know. Probably this is a stupid thread that should be closed Hamma.

2003-02-14, 12:03 PM
You know what..... grief points don't count if that person is in your group:twisted:

2003-02-14, 12:53 PM
/me slaps HotDogTommy with a trout

... does that count??