View Full Version : TR Where and Why?
2005-04-04, 01:43 PM
Hello all,
i just started playing again after a year away from the game. i had played one VS char. for most of that time. i started a NC shortly after although neither char is very high in BR yet.
anyhow, i am thinking of starting a TR char on one of the servers. i am consistantly impressed by the teamwork and skill of the NME when i go up against them. i am sick of getting MCG'ed to death, i want to chew someone else up with that thing. i want to start this char. on the best server for TR.
any opinions about them? thanks in advance fr reading this and your response.
2005-04-04, 02:38 PM
definetly not Emerald
2005-04-04, 02:42 PM
Definately not Markov
2005-04-04, 03:31 PM
From my experiences on every empire on Just Emerald, TR IS the worst Empire, but some of the best outfits.
2005-04-04, 03:32 PM
Markov and Werner have the best TR... Emerald TR can't win for anything...
2005-04-04, 03:58 PM
I can... safely say that TR is the weakest of the three sides. And before people start saying the only reason I say that is because I'm TR, shut up. I have a Werner TR BR20 CR2, an Emerald VS BR21 CR1, and a Markov NC BR16 CR1.
Let's look at the Empire Specific Weaponry, shall we? (Discounting BFR's, I have VERY little experience with BFR's)
Medium Tanks (THE most important when it comes to ASSAULTING a base):
I honestly have no idea why everyone is in love with the Prowler. It's inferior to the Vanguard, it has a larger profile, moves slower, and has less armor than the Vanguard. Also, it takes an extra man to operate at full capacity (Does it even have a higher Damage per Second than the Vanguard without the 15mm?) Anyways, the Vanguard overall has an easier time destroying Prowlers than Prowlers have destroying Vanguards, so the Vanguard is more effective here. True - Prowlers are better at Anti-Infantry, since both cannons are One Hit Kills and the Prowler has a higher Rate of Fire, but overall, the Anti-Infantry benefits that a tank gets are less important than it's Anti-Tank abilities.
The best Medium Tank, hands down. Like I said before, the Anti-Infantry roles of a tank are much less important, since tanks, once they destroy all of the enemy's tanks on the battlefield, are meant to intimidate infantry, and how good they are at doing that become moot points, since all infantry are going to be afraid, regardless of whether it is a Vanguard, Prowler, or Magrider. So, like I said, the Vanguard... faster than the Prowler, the most armor of the three, and the best Damage Per Shot. This clearly makes it the best Medium Tank.
A rather wildcard choice, it's main pro's are high mobility and high accuracy. It's high accuracy makes it much easier to target enemy tanks from longer range, (the Prowler being easier than the Vanguard), and it's high mobility allows it to dodge shots. The best Anti-Air tank, but that's not important, as that's not it's intended role. It's low armor doesn't afford it many shots to take, though.
If I had to rank the three Medium Tanks based on how well they do their intended job (Destroying enemy tanks):
1. Vanguard
2. Prowler/Magrider
Next up, Deliverer Variants:
UNDOUBTEDLY THE worst Deliverer Variant in the game. The mere fact that it takes FOUR gunners to operate at maximum efficiency puts it on a lower tier. The actual role of the Deliverer variants is a bit fuzzy, so I'm going to grade these on an "overall" level. The Deliverer is the best Anti-Air Variant, I'll give it that, but it's Anti-Infantry and Anti-Vehicular roles are more important. At maximum effectiveness, AND with a coordinated gunner squad, the Deliverer CAN tear through quite a bit, but, like I said, it needs a VERY well coordinated squad and four people.
Easily the best Variant. Insta Gib infantry, absolutely MAULS vehicles, and, the best part, only two gunners. The gunners don't even have to be coordinated, which makes it better than the Raider, BY FAR.
Another toss up vehicle, a good all around vehicle except for Anti-Air, this vehicle is ranked about the Raider just because it only needs two gunners.
1. Thunderer
2. Aurora
3. Raider
Assault Buggies:
Once again, two gunners. However, this can be quite good at maximum efficiency, and is an all around good buggy. WITH TWO GUNNERS.
I would, once again, have to say this is the best. Insta Gib Infantry (At least, I though it was... now I'm not so sure. I wasn't killed by one the other day...), and is awesome against Vehicles. Also, only one gunner! Yay!
One gunner. Mobility. The gun is a little bit weak though.
1. Enforcer.
2. Thresher/Marauder
Now, to the Infantry weapons.
Heavy Assault (THE Most important for TAKING a base)
Mini Chain Gun:
I can safely say, as all my characters have Heavy Assault, this is the weakest of the Heavy Assault guns. Heavy Assault is meant to be close, in your face combat, and one of the MCG's "advantages" is that it's better at close-medium range. However, this just takes away from it's close range power, which makes it very weak in what it's meant to do. At the range that Heavy Assault is MEANT to be used in, the Mini Chain Gun fails.
It's a shotgun. It does a lot of damage. The best at RIGHT IN YOUR FACE range (basically, if you hit forward, you'd run into the enemy).
Doubles as Special Assault, but that doesn't take away from it's close range power. At a slightly farther away range than the JackHammer, it's better than the JackHammer (which is STILL Heavy Assault Range)
1. JackHammer/Lasher
2. Mini Chain Gun
This is the one point I'll give to the TR. They probably have the best Anti-Vehicular. Anti-Vehicular is meant to be a Vehicle Deterrant and Anti-MAX, and the Striker shines in these two abilities. It is the one AV that can deter both Aircraft and Tanks with reasonable power. Also, it's not as good as the other two, but it does alright in Anti-MAX.
ABSOLUTELY AWESOME for Anti-MAX. A TWO shot kill for MAX's, in outdoors, THIS IS the MAX Killer. However, it's role in Vehicular AV is a bit overshadowed by the Striker.
Eh... interesting, to say the least. It's a good vehicle deterrant, and pretty good for Anti-MAX, being hte only one able to kill in one clip. I don't know what to say...
1. Striker
2. Pheonix/Lancer
Okay. My friggin fingers HURT now, so I'm just going to do rankings.
Medium Assault:
Basically equal... very little difference.
Anti-Air MAX:
1. ... I don't remember the freaking name for the VS MAX.
2. Sparrow
3. Burster
Anti-Vehicular MAX:
1. Comet
2. ... what the heck is the NC MAX called again? Blargh...
3. Pounder
Anti-Infantry MAX:
1. ScatCannon
2. Quasar/Dual Cycler
Yeah... I'm done.
2005-04-04, 04:14 PM
I'de have to disagree on the Deliv variants, if you have the gunners to swing it, the raider is an absolute monster, the best IMO... But lets not have that conversation right now.
But for another point...
I've never seen the VS sanced in my 3 months of playing (stfu), Amerish goes days, sometimes weeks without being broken into.
The NC I remember we sanced once at like 7am EST before my midterms.
Meanwhile it seems like Cery gets locked blue or purple every other day, and we frequently have Forseral defense / resecure our primary. The other day there was a TR and NC double team going on Amerish, I was so lost, like the 2nd time I've fought there!
2005-04-04, 05:04 PM
I too disagree with the deliverer variants, the raider is beast... the aurora needs some projectile speed buffs IMO
2005-04-04, 08:09 PM
I disagree with the MBT assessment. While the Prowler is easily the shittiest MBT in the game, I prefer the Magrider to the Vanguard in many cases. The Vanguard has a nice low profile, great armor, and a powerful gun, but the Magrider can just hang back at extreme range and snipe vehicles and aircraft from a distance. In a lot of cases you can't get a Vanguard close enough to make its gun quite as useful as a Magrider's gun can be in those situations, and that's where I find a lot of battles take place these days.
But, anyway, yeah, TR suck when it comes to equipment. All the pro's our vehicles and equipment have are either superficial or outweighed by some other negative aspect of that particular item.
I too disagree with the deliverer variants, the raider is beast... the aurora needs some projectile speed buffs IMO
It's the manpower difference that counts. For what it takes to man a Raider you could man one Thunderer and give a second one gunner, and 1.5 Thunderers would beat the crap out of a fully manned Raider, all else aside. Yes, a fully manned Raider is powerful, but it's not a very practical vehicle. You're taking far too many guys off the battlefield to bring one vehicle up to optimum performance when the other sides can do the same with their vehicles, make them nearly as good if not better than the Raider in some situations, and do it all for almost half of the required people. The Raider is a flop when you factor in all of its facets. The developers need to learn that "more bullets in the air" should not mean "give a vehicle 4 shitty guns as opposed to 2 good guns". That's not balance, that's a manpower sink, and the TR is full of them already.
2005-04-04, 09:31 PM
I agree on everything but the raider if all 4 gunners shoot the same thing,omg its gonna die. And in assualt buggy the enforcer pwns if the nc would use it more.
1. peregrine
2. vs one i dunno i hate them
peregrine has awesome av wep. its freaking semi automatic
vs one i guess is ok(fatalLight will know how good it is)
colossus well dual 75mm aint gonna do anything
dont know bout all the other varients and gunners
2005-04-04, 11:00 PM
I don't know about Colossus being that bad - it's way easy to dodge Peregrine AV weps from a distance, the Colossus dual 75mm move pretty fast.
2005-04-05, 06:27 PM
I agree on everything but the raider if all 4 gunners shoot the same thing,omg its gonna die. And in assualt buggy the enforcer pwns if the nc would use it more.
1. peregrine
2. vs one i dunno i hate them
peregrine has awesome av wep. its freaking semi automatic
vs one i guess is ok(fatalLight will know how good it is)
colossus well dual 75mm aint gonna do anything
dont know bout all the other varients and gunners
The aphelion is pretty good, the pilot AV weapon does what it's supposed to and can take out infantry pretty well. The AI weapon, I hear it's good but my aim sux too much to keep it on someone long enough to kill em but the gunner AI weapon is awesome. The main problem with it is the bad gunner AV weapon and the horrible AA, takes way too much to kill air with it.
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