View Full Version : Google Execs Earn Just $1/year

2005-04-08, 07:18 PM
http://us.rd.yahoo.com/finance/external/reuters/SIG=11vg30000/*http://yahoo.reuters.com/financeQuoteCompanyNewsArticle.jhtml?duid=mtfh1382 9_2005-04-08_20-57-44_n48540197_newsml

Pretty interesting stuff. They both have more money than they know what to do with, so I doubt 1 year of earning only $1 will effect them much.

2005-04-08, 08:28 PM
They know they won't need money when they take over the world and enslave the rest of us.

2005-04-08, 08:53 PM
They know they won't need money when they take over the world and enslave the rest of us.

Ivan! We've gone thru this a thousand times! Google isn't the conqueror of planet earth! The monkeys are! They're using google as a tool for their domination.

2005-04-08, 09:33 PM
Wow, google is like the virgin mary of the internet.

2005-04-12, 06:28 AM
Jesus. I love Google, and I keep expecting them to turn into an evil Microsoft clone that I can hate and despise but they keep throwing me off with this saintly bullshit.

What gives?

2005-04-12, 08:06 AM
Aren't 1 dollar salaries by CEO's of companies usually instated to dodge taxes?

2005-04-12, 09:32 AM
Aren't 1 dollar salaries by CEO's of companies usually instated to dodge taxes?

I thought so too, Since they made an ass load on thier stock, they firgure they'll make an assload more if they have to pay out less I'm sure.

2005-04-12, 11:28 AM
Dont you still pay taxes on assets? So a $1 salary wouldnt really save you that much right?

2005-04-12, 12:58 PM
One day Google and Walmart will combine, and take over Microsoft.