View Full Version : [Part 0] SecondRaven's Traning
2005-04-13, 05:59 PM
[Part 0]
For those who know me this is somewhat old news but to the rest of the PSU community then it will be new news for you all. I have been thinking about military service for sometime now dispite mixed feelings about it coming from my mom and father.
To get to the point I am signing up for the North Carolina National Guard for 1-2 years until I finish college then going into the Active Army. My current MOS (job) is 11b (infantry) but this will change coming may first when I score 5 points higher on my GT score. After I get a 107 on my GT I will be a 18x which is a (Special Forces [Green Beret] Canadate).
On the 23rd on April I go for my MEPS which stands for something that I don�t recall, though I do know a doctor will be umm *cough* *cough* you get the point. After that I am up to Spring Lake, NC to my first drill (drill aka work) and in late may I am off to OSUT which stand for One station Unit Training. OSUT is Bootcamp and AIT all in one, this program is usually just for combat MOS�s.
After 14 weeks of that sunshine and happy thoughts abundant place I will off the airborne training for another 3 weeks of fun. This is where ill cut off my to be life for now, I just wanted to give you people a outline of where ill be for the next few months. I will post [Part 1] After I complete my first Drill day and [Part 2] After OSUT and so on and so fourth.
2005-04-13, 07:15 PM
My best friend joined the army last year. They gave him a contract when he started that stated as long as he completed the correct schools and training he would be 18 xray. Well... hes in SF school right now. Should he complete it he will be the youngest SF member in the history of the US army (He turned 18 during the fall).
2005-04-13, 09:56 PM
Go SR! :D
2005-04-13, 11:26 PM
Ill also defently get some pics up of me in my BDU and my class a when i get it. Also ill try and smuggle some pics from OSUT to the web. I can see it now ill get a pic of me and my m16 looking all buff :)
2005-04-14, 12:26 AM
MEPS = Military Entrance and Processing Station
Last I knew, "Green Berets" kicked the ass of anyone that called them a Green Beret. They prefer the term "SF" or "special forces", and that's still a stretch.
Also last I knew, SF required soldiers to have a minimum time in service before being considered as a candidate for SFAS. So, an 18 year old operator is uh... yeah well, anyway good luck with that. I'm sure girls at the mall will be impressed. I mean, I don't wanna burst anyone's bubble or sound like a prick (as usual), and hey maybe things have changed in the year that I've been out. There was a critical shortage of personnel when I left.
Yeah, they've apparently nixed the rank and time-in-service requirements.
2005-04-14, 02:17 AM
Good for you man.
2005-04-15, 12:23 AM
MEPS = Military Entrance and Processing Station
Last I knew, "Green Berets" kicked the ass of anyone that called them a Green Beret. They prefer the term "SF" or "special forces", and that's still a stretch.
Also last I knew, SF required soldiers to have a minimum time in service before being considered as a candidate for SFAS. So, an 18 year old operator is uh... yeah well, anyway good luck with that. I'm sure girls at the mall will be impressed. I mean, I don't wanna burst anyone's bubble or sound like a prick (as usual), and hey maybe things have changed in the year that I've been out. There was a critical shortage of personnel when I left.
Yeah, they've apparently nixed the rank and time-in-service requirements.
seening that 3 of my freinds are sf and they dont mind being called green berets. The only difference between a 11b and a 18x is that you have airborne in your contract. Though if you are 11b you are like 90% going to get into airborne anyways..its just a title thing thats all. Now if you have 18 and anything other then x then ya go you you are a full sf guy and be dam proud of it.
Edit: thanks for all the support :)
2005-04-16, 04:37 PM
The only difference between a 11b and a 18x is that you have airborne in your contract.
"In your contract". Nuff said. The only thing about a contract is you're guaranteed to go, provided you don't fuck something up. They offer recruits the airborne option in a contract, as a means of not having to pay out maximum dollar on the GI Bill. When you're in infantry basic, they ask all trainees who wants to go to Airborne school. You volunteer and they cut your orders post-haste.
By the way - when you're in Airborne school, the black hats will ask if you want to go to RIP - Ranger Indoctrination Program. That's a program that determines if you're "cut out" to be sent to a Ranger bat, not license to be a Ranger.
Now if you have 18 and anything other then x then ya go you you are a full sf guy and be dam proud of it.
Yes, I know. :D I did time with 5th Group.
Like I said, good luck with all that. A few years ago, you had to have a minimum time in the Army, and you had to be at least an E-4 Promotable for Medic training, and an E-5 for everything else.
2005-04-16, 06:56 PM
Well now what my bro is sayng is that i should go 91w (medic) correct me if im wrong then go to the sf program as a medic vers a 18e. Not sure what MOS for sf medic is and yes firefly i know it is 2 years and its hard as hell.
Edit: God i just want it to be saterday so i can go to MEPS and find out really what im going to do so i dont have to keep this up
2005-04-16, 07:04 PM
Well now what my bro is sayng is that i should go 91w (medic) correct me if im wrong then go to the sf program as a medic vers a 18e. Not sure what MOS for sf medic is and yes firefly i know it is 2 years and its hard as hell.
Edit: God i just want it to be saterday so i can go to MEPS and find out really what im going to do so i dont have to keep this up
It's sunday in 12 minutes :huh:
2005-04-16, 08:15 PM
It's sunday in 12 minutes :huh:
i mean saterday the 23rd
2005-04-17, 03:44 AM
Good for you man.
Good goin!
2005-04-17, 10:41 PM
Well now what my bro is sayng is that i should go 91w (medic) correct me if im wrong then go to the sf program as a medic
Combat medic is 91-Bravo. Or it was. I suppose under all the realignments and consolidations, it's now 91-Whiskey. That's one way to do it, and you'd certainly get a leg up on the job should you choose to go SF medic.
One of my most-fondest field-time memories was going to the field and driving by a broken-down M113 APC that the combat medics were using. The entire team was sitting on top of the vehicle waiting for a wrecker. They were all very attractive females. I won't lie when I say I considered several possible means of injuring myself.
vers a 18e. Not sure what MOS for sf medic is and yes firefly i know it is 2 years and its hard as hell.
18E is SF commo sergeant, and medic is 18D.
2005-04-19, 05:14 PM
Update: They are trying to screw me over already am im not even fricken in the service yet!!!!!!!!!
/me calms down
I talked to my North Carolina National Guard recruiter (what i was going to enlist in) and until today i was set for going 11b with Airborne in contract. But today i just called to check my medical papers got faxed and we where all set for Saturdays MEPS. I come to find out that there are no more 11b spots open!!!!!!!!!! Can we say WTF?!?! The most needed spot 11b (infantry) has no spots open. I am considering saying screw you to the NC guard and going active army.
/me clams down again
2005-04-21, 11:54 PM
Edit:Excuse the 2x post
Well I�m not longer going National Guard; i am now going Active army. I will only be an E2, which is ok; I get this upgrade to e2 by passing a PT test before I even go in the army. It goes something like 40 push ups...wait 10min....60 or 70 sit ups...wait a 2-mile in under 15min 54sec. I can do all of that somewhat easily except that situps..for some odd reason sit-ups give me some trouble. Furthermore i will still be going 11b with a Airborne contract which will lead me to be stationed at Fort Brag in the 82nd Airborne. Yet it could put me in Italy somewhere but i think my recruiter was just talking shit about the whole me in Italy thing. Also with the active army I get a 20k bonus vs. a 10k so that is nice.
2005-04-25, 05:58 PM
Well I�m not longer going National Guard; i am now going Active army.
Welcome to the real world. Glad you made that decision. Life as Nasty-Guard is too pathetic.
I will only be an E2, which is ok; I get this upgrade to e2 by passing a PT test before I even go in the army.
A year of college, some JROTC, Eagle Scout, or getting a buddy to enlist with you can also do that. The easiest thing is to get a friend to sign up, since the others require some things that you probably won't have time for between now and then.
It goes something like 40 push ups...wait 10min....60 or 70 sit ups...wait a 2-mile in under 15min 54sec. I can do all of that somewhat easily except that situps..for some odd reason sit-ups give me some trouble.
In order to make a 180 on the 300-scale PT test, I think for your age bracket, it's 42 CORRECT push-ups (not the push-up position and bob your head porn-star move), 53 correct sit-ups, and run two miles in 15min 54sec.
However. And this may have changed, since so much has obviously changed since I went through not even 12 years ago.
If it goes the way it went for the last ten years, it'll happen like this. You won't actually take a PT test until you get in. You'll go to MEPS, spend the day at the hotel, then go to the nearest military post and that's where they will finish your processing. From there, you'll go to your Basic Training post. You'll sit in a "TAC" platoon for anywhere from four days to two weeks depending on the training cycle at the time. If they're ready for you to go in it'll be four days. If you have to sit around and wait for the rest of your class to show up, it could be a week or more. You won't actually know until you get there. That's about when you MIGHT take a PT test. What you'll do between arriving on-post and being sent in a cattle-truck to your actual Training platoon, is do a bunch of calesthenics, some stretching, and they'll have you do a select number of push-ups to ensure that you can do a set minimum. I think we had to do 13 correct pushups and maybe some pullups. I forget, because I was a little out of it at that point.
Furthermore i will still be going 11b with a Airborne contract which will lead me to be stationed at Fort Brag in the 82nd Airborne.
If that's what happens, I'm going to just say this - have fun. That unit is hands-down the biggest primadonna bunch of pussies I've ever had the misgfortune to come across in the field. If at all possible, see if you can get sent to the 101st Airborne. And go Air Assault at your earliest option. Number one, 101 gets some nice rotational assignments. Number two, Air Assault is much more of a challenge than pussy-ass Airborne school. Seriously - you DON'T want to end up going to the 82nd. It's like a pageantry division. Pomp and circumstance.
If you can't swing 101st, I urge you to immediately volunteer for RIP and a Ranger bat when you're in Airborne training.
Yet it could put me in Italy somewhere but i think my recruiter was just talking shit about the whole me in Italy thing.
Italy is a nice assignment. I did a few weeks at Vicenza, and when I was "overseas on assignment" I took my week-long R&R in Rome. Now that, my friend, was a nice little break.
Most overseas assignments are nice. Except Korea. If they tell you you're going to Korea, let me know. I'll make sure you don't get married to a Korean juicy-girl.
2005-04-25, 06:02 PM
2005-04-26, 11:01 PM
So what you can rape me in some little tin can boat?
Pshh i know im sexy inf but i will not allow you on the same ship as me if i ever had the dumb idea of gonig navy :P
2005-04-27, 10:52 PM
SecondRaven let me know when you go to Training. I'll send you my home address so you can shoot me a line, that way I'll be able to send you some goodies while you're in Basic. I'd even come see you graduate Training.
2005-04-28, 12:05 AM
SecondRaven let me know when you go to Training. I'll send you my home address so you can shoot me a line, that way I'll be able to send you some goodies while you're in Basic. I'd even come see you graduate Training.
I�m truly flattered that you would do all that for me, but I hardly think you want to come to my bootcamp graduation. I mean you think the battle is intense during bootcamp? Just wait until my parents come to it, they have been divorced for about 11 years and haven�t seen each other in around that time either. My dad a Army Major and my mom is a Shrink (cant spell proper name), so the fur is going to fly. But I welcome you to it just know that I warned ya :)
2005-04-28, 11:12 AM
ARMY is the only way to go....I'm still contemplating going into the ARMY after college but I really don't know yet...the only drawback would be my parents hating me just a wee bit...still thinking on it though.
2005-04-28, 11:32 AM
We already do Army PFT like you described for our PFT tests in JROTC. I can do all of those except I do my two mile in 18 minutes.
2005-04-28, 07:12 PM
18 minutes... well, that's not as bad as I've seen. I'm sure you hear about improvement from your instructors so far be it from me to add to it.
2005-04-28, 07:33 PM
Give or take i should do my run in around 11-12min so im not even going to really train hard for running untel i get there. What i have to work on is my situps...cant do more then 40 right now without thinking my abs are going to rip
Edit: Oh come on plattsburg join with me so we both go in as E3's and we get paid $1340 each month starting off (w/o taxes). Along with that 20k bonus which you only get 7k when you finish bootcamp and the rest down the line like 3 years. But that 20k and 500 dollars per month along with my 20k in stocks is all going to be used to get this (
General Information
Price: $36,100
Miles Per Gallon: 20/26 mpg
Curb Weight: 3229 lbs
Layout: Front-Engine/RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
Type: V6
Displacement: 3498 cc
Horsepower: 300 bhp @ 6400 rpm
Torque: 260 lb-ft @ 4800 rpm
Redline: 6600 rpm
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