View Full Version : Squad XP Tune-up

2005-05-16, 05:23 PM

2005-05-18, 08:48 AM
so this means that the closer I get to my target, the more xp I get when i kill him? also I was seeing that it says things about reavers and flails, that mean that there are more points given for kills in them while in squad? im not the brightest guy in the world if you can believe that and just need it explained a little better.

2005-05-18, 09:00 AM
The closer you are to the squad center, the more experience you will get for squad kills. Think that's pretty simple :)

2005-05-18, 09:04 AM
yeah that will pretty much do it for simplicity, thanks!

2005-05-18, 09:47 PM
I like it, it gives pick up squad leaders a little more control over their scrubs...

you want bxp? Go here!

2005-05-19, 04:48 AM
You notice there is a bug with the recent upgrade, or maybe people haven't.

If you need to Alt-Tab out of the game now - when you go back in - the Squad Diamond they added crashes the graphics engine of the game. So, even if your firewall kicks you from the game for a moment, you have to close it down and restart it before you can cohesively play it again!

"...This ploy of commercial playability was brought to you by Sony Online Entertainment."

2005-05-19, 05:09 AM
So don't alt-tab out :P~

2005-05-26, 12:04 AM
I alt-tab just fine, no crashing, so I guess this bug isn't biting me.