View Full Version : Customize Google Home page

2005-05-20, 12:17 PM
unf http://www.google.com/ig

2005-05-20, 11:48 PM
Bah, you beat me to it gryphon!

It looks good. Once they add the ability to add any RSS feed we want, plus who knows what other features they'll put on there, I'll probably start using it.

2005-05-21, 12:13 AM
An RSS would be cool. I'm useing it now though, I never knew google gave movie listings. All you had to search for was, movie:ZipHere

I've been using fandango for movie listings, but now google is much faster.

2005-05-21, 09:53 AM
yeah, google says they'll add the ability to put any RSS feed on there soon.

2005-06-04, 05:42 PM
i really like that, really nice hompage and all, but i noticed a few problems

-weather for my area is N/A
-Half the time email is N/A
-Doesnt let me slsect canada only

but other than that, its pretty good, thanks for the linkage boys