View Full Version : Which empire do you think is best, and why
2002-11-06, 01:35 PM
Which empire do you think is best and why?
I think the Vanu are the best! why? well a while back it was cause i thought they would have the only heavy tank (vanguard) but thats changed, so my new reason is energy weapons. We know there will be limited ammo so the ability to shoot without fear of running dry will be kick arse, more so in extended fire fights or going solo (if your |337) deep in NME lands away from resupply. Also noted is that sevral Vanu weapons have diffeant firing modes, allowing for Ap or normal rounds. This means that they will not have to worry about bringing extra ammo to kill that reaver, (which wont kill them because they are Vanu and Vanu are leet), they just switch firing modes and pfft pfft pfft dead Reaver, then switch again and pffft pffft pffft dead troops, and so on. Also their uniforms look pretty bad ass, but of course i would not bias my opinion on something like that....
on a note i will be useing a bolt driver and a suppresser as my weapons....proably as a sniper flying around in a galaxy or skeeter.
2002-11-06, 01:39 PM
Energy weapons don't use "rounds."
2002-11-06, 01:42 PM
Terran Republic is the best. Why? Because my gun is bigger than yours :D
Seriously though, I like them because of their armor's look, and because of the way the function. If anyone is familiar with the Rifts RPG, I think the Coalition States and the Terran Republic will have a lot in common -- and I love the Coalition, so I'm sure I'll love the Terrans. If not, then it's Venu for me... could never fight for the New Conglomerate. I detest "freedom" factions.
2002-11-06, 01:46 PM
Oh, another thing:
Tobias, weapons in games are generally balanced out fairly well. If the Vanu don't need ammunition for their weapons, which is a BIG thing, it's very likely that their weapons will suffer in another area to compensate. Maybe they'll have a slower rate of fire, or do less damage than they should, or be very inaccurate -- something to compensate for the fact that you never run dry.
2002-11-06, 01:55 PM
The beamer uses clips, I know that much :X
2002-11-06, 01:55 PM
most people seem to say Vanu will do lesss damage or the range will shorter or the power of the blast gets less over a distance, and yes Mr. Fodder, i know they dont use rounds, we Vanu have no need for such things, cept for our bolt drives and suppressers, but we shall not talk of such things, they are not importand, and you have a bag on your head, which makes Vanu more |33 7 then you. And we wear purple.
2002-11-06, 02:30 PM
2002-11-06, 02:58 PM
The Republic. I'm a big fan of staying with those that stay with leaders. Meaning, they were the only one to my understanding that basicly did not break away from the origonal human force, and accepted the values and rules of the origonal human government/military.
I also like the Republic's guns a lot more. Their rifle has a zoom function, they have a rocket launcher that can lock onto its targets, then a pistol and knife (normal), but also have a mini gun. A fricken mini gun, now thats cool! lol.
Energy based weapons are a bit to alien like to my liking. I want to stay as human as possible. :P
2002-11-06, 04:06 PM
Just because it is an energy weapon does not necessarily mean it has unlimited shots.
Insead of ammunition Vanu might need to cary batteries.
2002-11-06, 04:19 PM
well oks you might be right but the vanu have purple uniforms which makes them cool.
2002-11-06, 04:22 PM
No, it makes them gay. :p
2002-11-06, 05:08 PM
I highly doubt the energy weapons will be unlimited lol, you will probably have to recharge/reload. I suspect there may be balance issues at first regarding energy weapons
2002-11-06, 06:27 PM
i dont mind charging i just hope you dont have to truck around ammo, that would be .... not vanu
Vanu is like a normal coffee cup, but it tells the time.
Purple is not a gay color, hater, also by saying gay people wear purple, you serotype them, and i for one have never known a gay person who wears more purple then most poeple, not that i know alot of gay people.
2002-11-06, 06:38 PM
I think Lexington_Steele has the right idea. the weapons the Vanu use are energy based and more than likely need some kind of energy cells to use. While the other guns have clips that hold bullets, the Vanu would need batteries of sorts. When i saw the Lancer it reminded me of the laser gun Kaneda used in Akira, a huge battery to supply it and long recharge time before the next shot could be fired. I would think this idea would go for the rest of the Vanu weaponry.
2002-11-06, 08:47 PM
I like NC! WHY?! Because simply, I don't want to look queer in that gay ass Vanu suit. Secondly, I hate the TR suits. I want to be a sniper/pilot! AND SINCE THERE ARE NO EXCLUSIVE AIRCRAFTS OR SNIPER RIFLES, I DON'T WANT TO BE RUNNING AROUND IN GAY COSTUMES!!! BLUE AND YELLOW!!!!
2002-11-06, 08:58 PM
"Number A, you don't have to shout. Do you know how many internet etiquette laws you're breaking by typing in all caps like that? Well, you're breaking one: Don't type in all caps." -StrongBad :D
i think i lost a few int. points reading this thing. but aside from that, if you're choosing what faction you're going to be in solely by the color of the uniforms then i'm glad you won't be anywhere near me:p
2002-11-06, 10:09 PM
2002-11-07, 07:11 AM
Wow lotsa haters, no one really talking bout which empire they want to join, just bashing the Vanu uniforms (saying there gay cause they are purple) well a great many of us think they are pretty cool looking and we know that there is more to an empire then its uniform, and the fact that we have the best one welll......
and all this gay bashing Nohimn....are you....insecure?
Purple is only counted as an esclusivly gay color by young teenage males wrestling with their insecuritys......
Vanu have many many cool things to them, such as the fastest Max suit, we are an empire, not some rebels or old decrepet rebuplic(Big brother is watching.....). And...oh i cant think on anything else....
2002-11-07, 07:52 AM
I think Vanu is definatly cool.
The thought if purple being a gay color didnt even cross my mind :eek:
2002-11-07, 08:10 AM
Tobias don't forget new technologies(which is what attracted me to them in the first place). the Vanu are paving the way in weaponry, and not stuck using the same old feeble stock:D
2002-11-08, 05:55 AM
You little one-planet freakazoids will all pay when we get our wormhole back open.
Oh yes. They'll all pay.
2002-11-08, 06:24 AM
if the dev team does the job the right way there won't be a "best empire". The EMpires are specialized in different ways but all empires should be well balanced.
But my favorite is the Terran Republic. I love a high rate of fire =)
2002-11-08, 07:58 AM
Aye, we are doing new and innovative things while the others are sitting on centuries old technology and hoping to stand against the might of the Vanu?
2002-11-08, 08:23 AM
"Our base of stability is then continuing expansion and acquisition of new worlds. So we will do here. We found the wormhole, we build up the orbital platforms and we will survive to continue our expansion. This politic is aproved a millennia years and we will do so in future too! Long live the republic!!" *salute* :D ;)
Join the Mobile Infantry! Sign Up Now! :D
2002-11-08, 08:34 AM
For me, it's all backstory. I couldn't care less what the equipment types are, if I get to crush puny upstarts under the weight of a superpower (even the cut-off outpost of a superpower) I'm set... :D
2002-11-08, 11:51 AM
Pay will we? WE are waiting to it to open so we can show all you old fools what new tecnology an inovation do to your old empire. The world will fall to the might of the Vanu and then when your wormhole is open we shall take the rest of your Rebublic and make it part of our Empire.
The Vanu shall conqure.
2002-11-08, 12:55 PM
Two words, Tobias:
Orbital. Bombardment.
Nobody has time to talk tough when spears of nuclear fire are raining from the sky. :D
2002-11-08, 03:44 PM
We should take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
2002-11-08, 03:58 PM
Look, this is a multimillion dollar operation. He can't make that kind of decision. He's just a grunt!
2002-11-08, 04:14 PM
Shotguns. Missles. SHOTGUNS.
What more can I say? :D
2002-11-08, 04:20 PM
I'm really starting to enjoy the inter-empire fueding that's starting to develop.
2002-11-08, 04:50 PM
I added popcorn :D
2002-11-08, 06:44 PM
I have no clue yet. But Im thinkg NC. NC has the best shielding in the game. MAX has shield, + shield implant + big weapon will rule...Course, Vanu MAX + shield implant will be good too.
Whoever said the TR has zoom function on wep, you realize theres an implant with 4X 8X and 12X zoom (I think those are the zooms)
Weps will be stealable, and the majority I like are common pool anyway.
Only question I have is: on the AX can you use any wep, or are you limited to whats built in?
(I gotta work with my sig still)
2002-11-08, 06:46 PM
The vanu purple kind of reminds me of old-timey Decepticons. Let's just hope their leadership is more capable.
2002-11-08, 06:47 PM
If only the Devs would answer the e-mail interview questions we'd have the answer to that, but as it stands now we don't know if the MAX can use anything more then what's built in.
2002-11-08, 06:59 PM
It's extremely unlikely a MAX will be able to use infantry weapons, and you'd know why if you've ever seen what they look like. Not only are their hands far too large, but their overall arm length and the breadth of their torso would make holding a rifle impossible. In fact, the hand on one of the MAX's I saw reminded me a lot of the Powerfits that Warhammer 40k Terminator suits had built into them -- a fist that served as a powerful melee weapon for bashing heavily armored targets.
2002-11-08, 07:31 PM
I'm with Warborn on this one.
I seem to recall that MAXes have quite a bit of inventory space, but cannot make use of it themselves (storage for the rest of your squad). I'd like to know if you can use any of the standard equipment, such as the medic or eng tools, or the hacking device.
I wouldn't be suprised to find that they're trading their massive armor and firepower for mobility and versitility (no standard weapons or vehicles).
Out in the open, they can easily be outclassed by various vehicles (I would think a 1-man tank should do the trick), but just about anything a MAX runs into inside a building is gonna get mulched (save another MAX). That's quite a plus... so you've got to balance things out with a minus somewhere.
So I figure the MAXes won't be good at much besides killing people.
Speaking of MAXes, I'm really not looking forward to finding out what kind of LAG a group of TR MAXes will cause when they plant themselves and open fire. That's a LOT of bullets flying around.
2002-11-08, 07:36 PM
I agree could be some lag issues.
Either way, it will indeed be a sight to behold :)
2002-11-08, 07:59 PM
Actually, I wouldn't be suprised to find that they cheat a bit in that case... They KNOW the bullet source isn't moving, and they KNOW how many rounds per second they're spewing.
They could just send out the burst start and burst end times, along with a random number seed. Everyone who gets that info can then determine their own bullet spreads, and an algorithm could allow them to all come up with the same bullet trajectories.
That little description doesn't take facing changes into account, but I'm sure it could be done. You could even allow for movement I suppose.
I'd rather they expected to get packet data on the individual rounds, rather than start and end times. One lost packet and you either never stop firing until you're empty, or (even worse) never started firing in the first place. That way a lost packet is only going to get a couple rounds, rather than the entire burst. But that would mean that your traffic will go up with your ROF, rather than staying pretty much level on a per-person basis.
There are even ways around that if you work at it. Every update could include when the current burst started, so if you loose a packet, you can reconstruct the attack after the fact. Ditto on when you let up on the trigger. You might get an extra 50ms of firing (for a single lost packet), but that shouldn't make a noticable difference... maybe a couple bullets one way or the other.
2002-11-08, 08:27 PM
Well I think the basic question is will a MAX have any other weapons then then just a base weapon.
2002-11-08, 09:21 PM
Fuck, i just lost my post for the second time, so i'm making this short.
I think the TR will pwn. The basic infantry weapon has the longest effective range, allowing TR infantry to mow down the enemy before they can even respond. The MAX suits will use leapfrog tactics outdoors and indoors they will camp key corridors, making them effectively impassible, although they will most likely suffer in manuver warfare. Prowlers will lay waste in groups, but will be vulnerable to Reavers and will most likely need a large infantry escort.
All in all i think the TR will excel at seige tactics and defense and battling on the flat contenents, but will suffer once they are forced into corridors and on hilly contenents, as they won't be able to bring there firepower to bear before the enemy is well within there effective range.
Edit: this didn't really deserve a new post
Who is best? They that fight with honor, whatever banner they may bear.
So not Vanu?
2002-11-08, 09:29 PM
I thought about an answer to the original question posed here... I submit my humble thoughts on the subject:
Which empire do you think is best, and why?
The concept of the "" is always a slippery animal to grasp. Depending on who you ask; the allegiances felt, owed or forced; or upon the heart of the warrior and his comrades... you may come up with a different answer every time.
The best?
They are the best that fight when winning isn't possible;
They are the best that follow when following appears to be certain death;
They are the best that fight when honor is not the apparent goal but the true outcome;
They are the best that fight when all others would not;
They are the best that fight with integrity, fidelity and unflinching bravery even when nobody else will ever know if you did not.
The medal pinned upon a warrior's chest by another, is not nearly as beautiful as the mettle formed from within the warrior's chest on his own.
Who is best? They that fight with honor, whatever banner they may bear.
2002-11-09, 01:44 AM
looking through the screenshots and does look pretty fixed weps. Course, there may be dif options, can choose the MAX with hands to get normal infantry weps. I wish there was a Heavy Exosuit that used standard weps, not mechanized.
Stealth->vest->light exo->midium exo->heavy exo->Mech Exo
stealth has only a pistol, vest-heavy exo used infantry weps, MAX uses it's fixed would be cool.
2002-11-09, 05:02 AM
The light, medium and heavy armours aren't really exo skeletons.
2002-11-09, 11:07 AM
If u think about it, the best fighters could be the defenders being they are fighting for their lives.
2002-11-09, 03:04 PM
No they are considered exo-suites, at least by name.
"What are the different armor types?
A standard issue vest is given to all players and is the default armor. Players can also purchase and certify in the Infiltration Suit, Agile Exo-Suit, Reinforced Exo-Suit, or an extremely heavy Mechanized Armor."
direct from the official FAQ :)
2002-11-09, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
on a note i will be useing a bolt driver and a suppresser as my weapons....proably as a sniper flying around in a galaxy or skeeter.
You're saying that Vanu are the best because they don't use clips or rounds yet you aren't using any Vanu weapons... strange.
2002-11-10, 11:17 AM
I might switch the suppresser for the Vanu pistal, i will have to see how each works, but im going to be a sniper and the snipers weapon is the bolt driver, there for thats what i will use. The suppresser/pistal would be if i see like 5 guys comming at me i would retreat to my skeeter firing controled shots at them as i went, hop in, and fly off, hopefully plugging one as i get there. Oh about
They are the best that fight when winning isn't possible;
They are the best that follow when following appears to be certain death;
If winning isnt possiable, or certain death is coming, i retreat, there is a fine line between bravery and foolishness. Of course i say to all those of the Rebublic, live and die by your old codes of Honor.
2002-11-10, 12:09 PM
I really like all the empires. They all have a cool look, a nice theme, cool weapons, etc. The dev team has done there job very well. The only reason im going VA over the others is becuse im an SO member. Also, if i didnt join an empire, i might have blown up from the inabbbilty to choose.
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