View Full Version : parts prices

2005-07-20, 08:51 PM
whats up with the really high proces on stuff like processors and video cards, and even ram?

prices in CDN

Processor - $203 - Athlon 64 3000+
Video Card - $307 - nVidia GeForce 6800
RAM - $132 - 1GB 3200 Kingston Value

why is it so expensive? i mean how much does it cost to stamp out a video card or a processor? i know there is R&D and stuff, but come on, im a poor kid with no osurce of income

2005-07-20, 10:39 PM
Canada sucks (I assume those prices are Canadian $). Try NewEgg. I think they ship to Cananda, and are relatively cheap.

2005-07-20, 10:45 PM
Are you insane? like three months ago that RAM would have cost much more, the Athlon 3000+ is one of the best deals you can get, adn non-gts/Ultras suck, and thats the price they have been at for a while.

If you are going to complain about expensive, at least look at expensive parts.

And Canadian prices have always been a bit higher.

2005-07-21, 12:37 AM
new egg does not ship to canada, but i want to know the production costs of those parts... i mean, surely it cant cost $100+ to make a processor... i means its just circuits and transistors...