View Full Version : Olympics Womens hockey

2006-02-16, 10:25 AM
For those of you who missed the total onslaught of the women's canadian hockey team, so far, here are the results:
Day 1: Canada 16 - Italy 0
Day 2: Canada 12 - Russia 0
Day 3: Didn't Play
Day 4: Canada 7 - Sweden 1

Women don't play another game until tomorrow.
Lineup is:
USA vs. Sweden
Canada vs. Finland

the finals will definately be USA vs. Canada.

2006-02-16, 10:50 AM
Holy Crap 16-0 :lol:

I'm not a fan of hockey but that is sad.. thats a football score :lol:

2006-02-16, 01:23 PM
Well considering the rest of the world plays Ice Hockey as a hobby rather than a profession ;)