View Full Version : Coffee Fucking Wins

2006-03-21, 04:40 PM
I made that thread about a week ago describing my inability to get up in the moring. Well I have found a solution. Coffee is fucking awesome. I got a timed coffee maker and put it on top of a mini fridge with cream in it next to my bed. It makes the coffee for me 5 min before my alarm goes off so I wake up to the smell of it. It fucking owns.

This is what my mornings are like before and after I got this coffee machine.

BC (Before Coffee)
*Out of bed around 6:35am
*Take a rushed shower and get ready as fast as possible
*Get to school (starts at 7:00am) around 5-10 min late most days

AC (After Coffee)
*Alarm goes off at 6:00am
*Sip coffee and eat yogurt breakfast right in bed for around 10-15 min
*Take a nice relaxed shower and get ready at my own pace
*Get to school 5-10 min early most days.

Coffee owns... hard.

Pics of my setup may come.

2006-03-21, 04:54 PM
BC (Before Coffee)
AC (After Coffee)

2006-03-21, 05:15 PM
When I'm at work and running on low (no sleep etc), I take my coffee mug, put 2 Swiss Miss packets in it and fill it up with coffee. Its rather tasty (also keeps me from getting real hungry) and does the job of keeping me running.

2006-03-21, 06:34 PM
I think it would've been more clever if you had said BC (Before Coffee) and AD (After Drinking).

2006-03-21, 07:36 PM
:lol: Sounds like a good idea.. may need to try it.

I find I have a shitting problem though if i drink to much coffee in the morning I am dropping duces by 10:00am :rofl:

I know to much information but hey. :D