View Full Version : Who would you?

2006-03-28, 10:00 PM
After watching Fight club for the 12390'th time, it sparked a question in me. Out of all the celebrities, politicions, reality tv stars, child stars, and porn-stars, if you could get in a fight with any of them, who would you?

I would fight Tom from myspace. No weapon fight, he would die by shanked-in-the-eye with my switchblade.

2006-03-28, 10:09 PM
I'd fight Papa Bear O'Reilly. He won't be able to move after I hit him with my logical reasoning.

2006-03-28, 10:12 PM
Ann Coulter

Or that guy from godhatesfags.com

I'd shoot them with a fully atuomatic rifle of some kind.

2006-03-28, 10:27 PM
I would have to say that Politician guy from Florida who is trying to outlaw video games.

My roommate says Vern Troyer. He thinks he is extremely annoying.

I don't have anything against Vern Troyer :-/

2006-03-28, 10:43 PM
Tom Cruise

2006-03-28, 10:46 PM
Tom Cruise


2006-03-28, 10:54 PM
Bush and his SS contingent. Of course, I'd be in a tank.

2006-03-28, 11:04 PM
3, and they were all previously stated:

Tom Cruise
Ann Coulter (down with canada hate :()
And Tom from myspace sounds like a worthy target too...
Oh, and this guy named dave from my school, he burnt my arm today, I Next time he does that, im ripping his eyes out.

2006-03-28, 11:33 PM
Oh yeah Jack Thompson(videogame guy) can take a couple in the face too.

2006-03-28, 11:37 PM
The devs of WoW.
Of course I wouldn't get in a fight,I'd just send them into space.

2006-03-29, 12:33 AM
Well, if it were (mud)wrestling it would have to be Pamela Anderson... I'd have to invent a few new holds.

2006-03-29, 12:38 AM
Tom Cruise

Fuck, I knew someone had beaten me :lol:

Ya, i'd beat the fuck out of that dolt. :doh:

2006-03-29, 01:51 AM
O'Reilly and most of the news cast at Fox News. Arrogant, biased bastards.

I'd give Cheney a shotgun, and put the Fox staff in a room full of quail with him.

2006-03-29, 04:12 AM
Probably Bill O'Reilly.

2006-03-29, 05:22 AM
The thing is I'm torn between benny hinn and the pepole who believe in him.....

2006-03-29, 05:42 AM
The President of the United States of America, with a crowbar too.

2006-03-29, 09:19 AM
Next time he does that, im ripping his eyes out.
Be sure to post a link to the news article.

2006-03-29, 05:55 PM
Did I mention I want Tom cruise launched into space too.He deserves it.

2006-03-29, 05:56 PM
Did I mention I want Tom cruise launched into space too.He deserves it.
Why space? Why not the great abbis of 321's anus?

2006-03-29, 06:07 PM
Well, if it were (mud)wrestling it would have to be Pamela Anderson... I'd have to invent a few new holds.
Why space? Why not the great abbis of 321's anus?

I'd fight... bah, I'm a lover not a fighter.:groovy:

2006-03-29, 06:08 PM
Because the abbis of 321's anus was bigger,but he had surgery and launched it into space.I'm justy gonna send him there.

2006-03-29, 06:11 PM
Because the abbis of 321's anus was bigger,but he had surgery and launched it into space.I'm justy gonna send him there.
Ever wonder how it got so big? :brow:

He can't live without my penetration, I'm the only one safe from castration.

2006-03-29, 06:14 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: