View Full Version : Religion/Belief
2006-03-29, 05:46 AM
Just wondering, put in most paths I could think of.
2006-03-29, 08:31 AM
As an EVE mod would say.... FLAME BAIT
2006-03-29, 08:47 AM
You realise no good can come of this right? :D
We are having a similar debate on my team forums thats up to like 25 pages :lol:
2006-03-29, 10:07 AM
I'm very religious.Have you ever noticed I don't say very many bad words and don't drink.Ya,I'm a mormon.
2006-03-29, 12:29 PM
Why bother with any of them? Don't fucking matter how we got here.
2006-03-29, 12:35 PM
Aye that's how I feel, who gives a shit how we started or where we came from. All I care about is I am here now :p
2006-03-29, 12:40 PM
Amen, and where we are going matters too, but that has nothing to do with how we got here.
2006-03-29, 03:09 PM
Organized religion is the worst thing ever.
Where is the option, "A crow crapped us out on a rock and the sun hatched us."
That's what my grandfather told me about me. :(
2006-03-29, 03:52 PM
Whats an "Intelligent Design"?
2006-03-29, 03:53 PM
I'd say the beer can that stays cold. now that was an intelligent design.
2006-03-29, 07:31 PM
I am Jewish. I believe in my religion. and I am proud of it.
Just gotta go with what you like the most.
Also, here is the Wikipedia answer to what Intelligent Design is:
2006-03-29, 07:33 PM
100% Jewish heritage, although I consider myself agnostic.
2006-03-29, 07:50 PM
Supposedly I'm Roman Catholic.
Actually I'm agnostic.
2006-03-29, 07:54 PM
Roman Catholic by name.
More Taoist by practice.
2006-03-29, 08:22 PM
Supposedly I'm Roman Catholic.
Pope Dickinbutt XXII
2006-03-29, 08:29 PM
I like the sounds of intelligent design, I have never heard of it befire, but it seems to fit the way I feel about life/religion/etc.,
2006-03-29, 09:03 PM
I'd say the beer can that stays cold. now that was an intelligent design.
2006-03-29, 09:33 PM
Just wondering, put in most paths I could think of.
Fuck you, you can belive in evolution and still believe in god.
I'm a man of science, but that isn't to say I don't believe in god. There's room for him beyond the physical world.
2006-03-29, 09:38 PM
2006-03-29, 09:55 PM
Fuck you, you can belive in evolution and still believe in god.
I'm a man of science, but that isn't to say I don't believe in god. There's room for him beyond the physical world.
Lol damn, sorry Hamma I was just curious, was hoping there wouldn't be flames, I'm a dumbass, oh well.
2006-03-29, 09:58 PM
Fuck you, you can belive in evolution and still believe in god.
I'm a man of science, but that isn't to say I don't believe in god. There's room for him beyond the physical world.
Easy there :lol:
Lol damn, sorry Hamma I was just curious, was hoping there wouldn't be flames, I'm a dumbass, oh well.
Religion and Politics are 2 things that are like.. oil and water.
2006-03-29, 10:02 PM
Lol damn, sorry Hamma I was just curious, was hoping there wouldn't be flames, I'm a dumbass, oh well.If you make a religion thread,usually someone flames something.
2006-03-29, 10:17 PM
Fuck you
The sign says 'No' Soliciting.
2006-03-29, 10:45 PM
2006-03-29, 10:46 PM
I'm sorry I wasn't meaning to be mean about it, dumb intarwebs.
I just think dividing it up into 4 choices does not give a big subject any sort of justice.
2006-03-29, 10:47 PM
Supprised Intelligent Design has so few votes... I think it sounds really neat, and practical.
2006-03-29, 10:53 PM
Fuck you, you can belive in evolution and still believe in god.
I'm a man of science, but that isn't to say I don't believe in god. There's room for him beyond the physical world.
Agreed. I belive in Evolution yet I'm a Roman Catholic.
2006-03-29, 10:55 PM
I actually belong to the church of england (woo)
Queen Elizabeth II > Pope Benedict XVI
2006-03-29, 10:58 PM
On review, I'm more of a classical Deist than anything else.
He put us here and left us to kill each other and fuck the same sex as we so choose.
2006-03-29, 11:05 PM
Supprised Intelligent Design has so few votes... I think it sounds really neat, and practical.
Practical? So we should remove the science of evolution(with evidence to support it, and with acctual practical applications in understanding many other biological processes) from the classroom and replace it with ID(atleast that's what they're tryign to do here, What's the fuckign matter with Kansas?), that essentialy teaches us that God decided to make things the way they are, and we shouldn't second guess it.
Now If ID was acctualy testable, and provided a scientific opposition to evolution, it would be an entirely different story.
2006-03-29, 11:38 PM
Practical? So we should remove the science of evolution(with evidence to support it, and with acctual practical applications in understanding many other biological processes) from the classroom and replace it with ID(atleast that's what they're tryign to do here, What's the fuckign matter with Kansas?), that essentialy teaches us that God decided to make things the way they are, and we shouldn't second guess it.
Now If ID was acctualy testable, and provided a scientific opposition to evolution, it would be an entirely different story.
The only real proof of ID is alleged holes in evolution. Its crutch is the belief that evolution is logically flawed and ID is the only other answer. Personally I see no conflict between the Bible and science, especially when you begin to study the Bible's roots (not just reading it, but identifying where certain passages came from, etc.) For example:
The Bible contains the story of the Great Flood. Noah was called by God to build an ark, a huge boat, and to store two of every living animal inside it. God punished the earth so because He found the world increasingly sinful and evil. Noah built it, put his family and the animals inside, and escaped the flood, and the rest of the earth was drowned.
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is very similar. Gilgamesh also had to seek a boat to escape a massive flood that wiped out nearly all life. It's virtually equivalent to the Noah story.
Archaeologically it has been theorized that some sort of natural dam could have collapsed in those times, flooding a large portion of Mesopotamia.
Am I suggesting that the Bible is -gasp- copied over from other religions, and is false? No. I'm saying that not all parts are to be taken literally however you can still find divine truth in even in such parts of the Bible. God inspired somebody to write this down.
Example: The Biblical story of Adam and Eve again may not be 100% accurate. However, we can draw some conclusions from it. At one point, mankind commited some first sin and turned us away from God. Etc...furthermore if you look right before the beginning of the Noah tale (Genesis 6: 1-4) there is a part that doesn't fit in context at all, and refers to giant "Nephilim" roaming the earth. Again, this is syncretism between Hebrew scripture and Palestinian mythology. For these reasons I do not believe that Genesis is a history book.
2006-03-29, 11:53 PM
Practical? So we should remove the science of evolution(with evidence to support it, and with acctual practical applications in understanding many other biological processes)
There's no real evidence,just hypothesis and looking at other species that evolved.
2006-03-30, 12:15 AM
Bacterial strains developing resistances to antibiotics.
The breeding of animals to bring out desireable traits.
The ever poppular white/black peppered moth.
Isolated species on islands that differ from mainland species because of an identified and missing or additional selection agent.
That's real evidence.
2006-03-30, 02:20 AM
My father is buddhist/atheist. I myself am technically an atheist. However, I've had an experience which lends me to believe that there is a force between people that science has not yet discovered. Call it a connection of souls, ESP, I dunno what the fuck what. But what I experienced was unexplainable. I don't think God is the answer but I acknowledge that there may be supernatural forces science cannot explain or measure.
This is the way I like to put it. Pretend you have an alien life form that grew and involved in the depths of space, where there is no gravity (bear with me, it's for illustrative purposes). For eons, this creature never feels the pull of gravity, has no idea what it is, has no way to even comprehend it. For millenia it floats through space, until it begins to get pulled in by the gravitational force of a star. It can not understand what this mystical force that is pulling at it is, but the creature has no way to explain it but to think that it is magic, or the work of it's god.
Thats what I think it is... some kind of mental "gravity" if you will, that we have no way of understanding or measuring, so we call it supernatural. Perhaps its just a part of science that we've never discovered.
I would go into what my whole experience actually was, but that's a whole story in and of itself.
2006-03-30, 08:04 AM
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Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
Tom cruise is the root of all evil on this earth!!!1 he must be destroyed.
2006-03-30, 09:49 AM
I knew it.
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