View Full Version : GN'R

2006-03-30, 03:12 AM
Well, with Chinese Democracy apparently "Completed" and leaks around, whos stoked for the album? I personally don't like Guns N' Roses, but I do have an appretiation of Slash's guitaring (not exactly my kind, but damn talented none the less). Regardless it will be "Axl inc." with none of the Illusion era band besides Axl. Cover band with orginal vocalist.

Axl is a cunt bubble.

2006-03-30, 08:08 AM
One of the songs was leaked a few weeks back and I wasn't all that impressed.

2006-03-30, 10:05 AM
They are nubs.

2006-03-30, 10:59 AM
Never say nub again, the appropriate term is "Noob"

2006-03-30, 11:20 AM
Axl Rose is an idiot with the voice of a ten-year-old girl choking to death on a brillo pad.

2006-03-30, 12:18 PM
Axl Rose is an idiot with the voice of a ten-year-old girl choking to death on a brillo pad.

2006-03-30, 04:02 PM
I love Guns n Roses, but as much as I appreciate Axl's talent, his antics are pretty ridiculous. That album has been a complete joke among rock everywhere. It was first expected in what? 96? 10 years in the making and it may finally be coming out. It's a shame he had to go ruin what was an amazing band, but I'm intrigued to see what they will sound like now. They're already booked for lots of big gigs like the Download Festival and Rock in Rio, so someone has faith in them.