View Full Version : Tradeing a WoW account for Planetside keys or a Planetside account

2006-04-13, 10:35 PM
Ok heres the deal if i get at least 3-4 keys/or a planetside account that has some time left in the subscription i will give you a WoW account!!!

Info on the Characters are as follow.

Characters on realm Draenor: :rock:
Name LVL/class Side
:vsrocks: :bananasex
Noobhate-lvl 47 paladin-alliance :ncsucks:
Comegetsome-lvl 25 hunter-alliance
ShadowSwift- lvl 17 rogue-alliance :trsucks:
LickPussyCat-lvl 10 priest-alliance
PyroMachian-lvl 4 mage-horde
PenicularRod-lvl 6 druid-alliance :thumbsup: :jawdrop:

Characters on realm Eldre'thalas:

Aldaran-lvl 20 warrior-alliance
PyroFlame-lvl 14 mage-alliance :eek:

Characters on realm Wildhammer

Omarus-lvl 8 warlock-horde

If you are interested email me or post a reply in this thread.
Email me at [email protected]

2006-04-14, 12:29 AM
See, the reserves ARE getting adicted, rock on

2006-04-14, 03:30 AM
Too bad you didn't have the one server I needed.

A lot of the old AC people play on a WoW pvp server, but I'm not ready to go to 60 again from the beginning... :(

2006-04-14, 06:04 PM
interesting concept..

2006-04-15, 03:44 PM
I would really like to trade. I have a PS account but, it is not currently active. It does however have a BR23 CR3 NC Markov.

2006-04-15, 06:08 PM
321, you lose.

2006-04-28, 08:39 AM
Interesting idea, i might be tempted on that kind of trade aswell,
got lots of chars in WoW, but the only ones you'd propably care are
lvl 60 mc gear warrior on horde / ravencrest (pvp) and
lvl 60 crappy gear paladin on alliance / skullcrusher (pvp)(i think thats the servers name , leveled up and then left wow so dont remember :P)

..incase someone has a decent br/cr char pref. on werner