View Full Version : Bond's New Phone

2006-04-19, 08:27 AM

Only a grand or so USD. :lol: Cool phone though.

2006-04-19, 12:40 PM
I'm willing to bet it doesn't work half the time.

2006-04-19, 07:19 PM
I'm willing to bet it doesn't work half the time.

That's to be expected with nokias.

Saying that, my phone runs windows, so who am I to talk?

2006-04-21, 04:47 AM
That's to be expected with nokias.

Saying that, my phone runs windows, so who am I to talk?
Lemme guess, Treo 700w? So you're one of THEM. That explains a lot. :p

2006-04-21, 04:52 AM
Lemme guess, Treo 700w? So you're one of THEM. That explains a lot. :p


Also, why the hell don't they use palmOS? :(

Here's my phone -

http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/6195/spvc55026oh.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

2006-04-21, 05:04 AM
Alright, so you aren't totally beyond saving.

2006-04-21, 05:21 AM
Alright, so you aren't totally beyond saving.

I can play DooM on it and IRC from it, that's all that matters.

2006-04-21, 08:08 AM
Pretty cool phone.

2006-04-21, 07:31 PM
I think Sony has a linux-based phone. Dunno much about it though. :p

2006-04-21, 07:32 PM
nothing wrong with a treo.

2006-04-22, 02:00 AM
I'm just fine with my LG VX8100 with a gig of memory for my MP3s. For games, apps, and that kinda stuff, I use my PSP loaded down with homebrews and hacks, also with 1 gig of memory for video files, movies, and numerous games and emulators. I use the wi-fi to connect to the net, use a USB power adapter to recharge the battery at computers and everything. God I love my PSP.

Idea... I wonder if there is any way to bluetooth enable a PSP to interact with my phone...

To the Googlemobile!

2006-04-22, 03:23 AM
I just have this thing called a notebook from Toshiba...Im such a loser. :(